The Civil Air Patrol

The Newport News Composite Squadron (NNCS)
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The Squadron building is located at 904 Bland Blvd.
on the grounds of the
Newport News-Williamsburg Intl. Airport
Newport News, Virginia 23608 - Tel. 757.988.1180

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2005 Cadet Weekly Roundup:

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2005.01.04: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 19 cadets attended the meeting. Plans for the new year were established. Signup sheets for the two set of CD's of pictures were circulated. Signup sheets for the visit to VMI were circulated. NCSA's were still emphasized, and those planning to attend VA Wing encampment are encouraged to signup immediately. At 1945 hours a packet radio signal was received from the ISS for demonstration of how this communication is accomplished. An inspection occurred and then an informal AE session was conducted with emphasis on recent satellite launches from Cape Canaveral. Some extra images were shown of non-traditional aircraft (gyroplanes).

2005.01.09: (Sunday, response to mission 05M-0053)

  • Lt(s) Bennett, Kausch, Byrd, and C/SSgt Tom Byrd responded to an AFRCC assigned mission to locate and silence an ELT on 121.5 MHz in the viciniy of Jamestown Airport (Williamsburg). The mission resulted in a non-distress find where the ELT signal was traced to an Aerocoupe located inside a hangar. The mounting of the ELT activation/de-activiation switch was such that the pilot who had visited airplane earlier in the day had inadvertently activated the ELT beacon before leaving without his knowledge. Fortunately there were no injuries to persons or property. Summary: 41 miles total in 4443EV.

2005.01.11: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. The first segment of the meeting was devoted to a Wing required Safety Brief led by Lt Drummond. This was followed on by a business meeting of all the squadron members. The cadets then proceeded with drill training. Cadets then proceeded with leadership and aerospace testing. The last segment of the meeting was devoted to encouraging five cadet who will all be 18 years of age to begin scanner aircrew training ASAP. Former cadet Morrone was kind to return the uniform items issued to him. He was a NNCS cadet for two years. CD's of 2005 activities are still available. Cadets signed up for the trip to VMI Open on 19-20 February and UDF training on 29 January. Cadet Sturdy will be cordinating NNCS participation in the winter FTX with the Coastal composite Squadron. Cadets Bullis and Arnott met with Col Schaller to begin supervised instruction on care and maintenance work with the airplane N9507L. AE topics were presented on: (1) X-43 Scramjet Flight is Risky Business, (2) NASA Successfully Launches Swift Satellite, (3) Blinding Flashes, Effects of Space Radiation on Astronaut's Vision Relating to Cataracts in Vision Suffered by the Elderly.

2005.01.18: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 22 cadets attended the meeting. Lt Byrd briefed the cadets concering current activities and the decisions announced at the comander's call the previous Saturday. Cadets signed up for: Saturday, 22-Jan: Color Guard training at 0900. Saturday, 22-Jan: PT at Menchville High School track. Saturday, 29-Jan: UDF Training at NNCS. Friday-Saturday 18-19 Feb: Trip to VMI Open House. CD's of 2005 activities are still available. Cadet Study let an impromptu Speakoff Competition within the squadron. In the last hour Lt Byrd showed still pictures and videos from the web site mentioned earlier in the day by the MER AE director called Aviation Videos.

2005.01.22: (Saturday, PT Training)

  • Satuday PT trainin was canceled due to freezing rain and snow.

2005.01.25: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. Lt Byrd briefed the cadets concering current activities that included Saturday, 29-Jan: Color Guard training at 0900 and the Saturday, 29-Jan: UDF Training at NNCS. Aerospace and Leadership testing was conducted. Two cadets who are promoting to C/TSgt were given the opportunity to drill the entire cadet squadron to evidence their understanding of drill command.

2005.01.29: (Saturday, Color Guard, UDF Training [MELR-05-045] and Encampment Staff Officer Selection)

  • 5 cadets attended the training sessions. Cadets Beale, Bullis, Byrd, Reed, and Thibodeau received training in UDF fundamentals from 0900 to 1100. Cadets Beale, Bullis, Byrd, and Thibodeau trained in Color Guard from 1100 to 1230 while cadet Reed videotaped the training. Afterward the cadets critiqued their own performance. At 1400 hours cadets Beale, Bullis and Reed participated in the second sortie of training mission MELR-05-045. These cadets completed the training regimen requried in the UDF-101T in order to submit the Form CAPF-100 to apply for the UDF 101 card. That brings the list of UDF qualified cadets to 4, Beale, Bullis, Reed, and Sturdy. Cadet Sturdy traveled to Wing HQ to participate in the Encampment Staff Officer Selection Process. Cadet Sturdy was selected to be the Encampment Comm Officer.

2005.01.29: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 22 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed concerning the upcoming Color Guard Competition. Additionally the cadets were briefed on how the SOLO Selection process occurs. Col Hastings of the Langley Chapter of the Air Force Association called earlier in the day and mentioned three cadets at NNCS would receive funding this year. Cadets proceeded with leadership training. Cadet Byrd was promoted to the grade of C/TSgt.

2005.02.05: (Saturday, Color Guard Training)

  • 5 cadets attended the Color Guard training session from 0900 to 1300. Cadet Swartz instructed cadets Beale, Byrd, Farmer, and Thibodeau concerning the flag raising/lowering ceremonies. Hardware was fitted to the wooden light pole in front of the squadron building in order to have a structure to practive the procedure.

2005.02.06: (Sunday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 5 cadets flew orientation flights with Lt Rutishauser as PIC in N9508L. They were: Morning session at 0800, Byrd (6)+(99x2), Herman (7)+(99x2), and Taylor (6)+(99x2). Afternoon session at 1330, Goodman (6)+(99x1), Wingfield (6)+(99x1).

    Summary: 5 hours front seat, 8 hours rear seat.

2005.02.08: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 21 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed concerning the upcoming Color Guard Competition. Three cadets have been accepted for the SOLO program. They were (in order of ratings) (1) C/SSgt Beale, (2) C/A1C Thibodeau, and (3) C/SSgt Bowermaster. Each will receive an orientation letter and instructions on how to prepare for training. Cadets cleaned the building and proceeded to drill training. The halyard was raised another 10' on the light pole in front fo the squadron and the Color Guard unit trained in the flag raising/lowering procedure.

2005.02.12: (Saturday, Color Guard Training)

  • 4 cadets attended the training session from 1500 to 1715 hours. Cadets Bullis, Byrd, Herman and Thibodeau concentrated on Parade Ceremonies.

2005.02.15: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 25 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in PT training. The latter part of the meeting featured Gordon Marty 2Lt USAF who recently graduated from the Air Force Academy. Gordon shared his experiences about growing up in Montana and how he applied to the Academy. He will remain with us until July.

2005.02.19: (Saturday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 2 cadets flew orientation flights with Lt Catasus-Servia as PIC in N9508L. They were: Arnott (6,7)+(99x1), and Sturdy (6)+(99x2).

    Summary: 3 hours front seat, 3 hours rear seat. The route was Newport News to Wakefield (Arnott), Wakefield to Chesapeake (Sturdy), and Chesapeake to Newport News (Arnott).

2005.02.22: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 24 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in Blues Inspection. The Color Guard Unit trained separately in preparation for the 5-March Group 2 Competition at Wing HQ. Additionally Leadership and Aerospace testing occurred. The cadets participated in a 1 hour Moral Leadership session led by C/2Lt Petkofsky and was recorded by C/CMSgt Wingfield. At the end of the meeting the following cadets were promoted to: C/SrA Banegas and C/A1C Farmer.

2005.03.01: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 21 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in BDU Inspection. The Color Guard Unit trained separately in preparation for the 5-March Group 2 Competition at Wing HQ. Lt Byrd discussed geo-political issues with respect to the late Yasser Arafat. Aerospace education was conducted with emphasis on airport operations noise and the impact of the evolution of jet engines from turbojet to Low-Bypass-Turbo-Fans to High-Bypass-Turbo-Fans. An mpeg movie of gyrocopter flight was shown. The meeting adjourned at 2045 hours. The Color Guard unit plans to meet at 1630 hours on Thursday for practice.

2005.03.05: (Saturday, Group 2 Color Guard Competition Mission Activity Number 05-VA-5090)

  • 8 NNCS cadets (Bowermaster, Bullis, Byrd, Farmer, Herman, Swartz, Thibodeau) attended the competition that was held at VA Wing HQ. One additional cadet (Sturdy) was transoprted to the 2005 VA Encampment Staff Officer Training session. In an abbreviated session (due to rain/snow mix outside), Newport News cadets competed against the West Richmond Squadron. The In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill, Practical Indoor Drill, and an abbreviated version of the Practical Outdoor Drill (with a sumulated flag pole) were all conducted in the perimeter of the Wing Hangar. The Written Examination and the Mile Run were not conducted by order of the Group 2 Commander. The event judges determined that after scoring, the West Richmond Squadron cadets won the competition and will represent Group 2 at the Wing Color Guard Competition to be held on 19-March. Afterward, all the cadets gathered at Brock's Barbecue in Chesterfield and had a riot of a good time. Though the results were disappointing, we had a great day of fellowship with the West Richmond cadets and introduced many of our cadets to the Wing Headquarters facility for the first time. A job well done, especially to C/2Lt Swartz for leading the training effort for the seven sessions of training that he conducted.

    Statistics: Van 4443EV, 9 perons, 195 miles, 10 utilization hours, $22.75 for 13.15 gallons of fuel ($1.73/gal at Sam's Club), mileage 14.67 miles per gallon.

2005.03.08: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets and Seniors combined to have a Safety Brief and General Business meeting conducted by Lt Drummond and Lt Bennett respectively. Afterward cadet program announcements continued. The 5-April visit to LaRC Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Lab has been tentatively approved and information concerning the participants is being collected. Planning for the 9-April VA Wing SARCAP exercise is in progress. Cadets watched a 110 picture presentation of the Group 2 Color Guard Competition that was held the previous Saturday at VA Wing Headquarters. WE were proud of our team and they performed well. Afterward the cadets split into two groups. Those who were properly dressed for sub-freezing weather went out to perform drill manouvers for about 30 minutes. The others were assigned building cleaning and straightening duty in advance of an anticipated visit from the VA Wing Commander Col Mosley next week. The latter part of the meeting was devoted to de-briefing of the Color Guard Competition by observing the videotape that was collected during the event. Participating cadets each received a CD of the 110 pictures from from the event for their own keeping. Aerospace and Leadership testing was conducted with 3 out of the 4 participants successfully completing the exams. Promotions for the 4th Tuesday were announced. One prospective cadet completed an application and one prospective cadet and his father were interviewed. C/2Lt Petkofsky dismissed the meeting at 2105 hours.

2005.03.15: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 21 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in CPT. Cadets not participating in CPT proceeded to organize the building in preparation for the 9-April VAWG SARCAP. During the last segment Lt Byrd showed video from a test involving a rocket sled mounted F-4 Phantom and a concrete wall. The testing was conducted to study the construction techniques needed to withstand high-energy impacts at thermonuclear equipment sites.

2005.03.19: (Saturday, VAWG Color Guard Competition VA [OPERATIONS ORDER 05-VA-6053])

  • NNCS cadets C/TSgt Bullis and C/TSgt Byrd attended the 19-March VA Color Guard Competition and assisted the adult staff for the entire day. These cadets measured and prepared the competition areas with markers to conform to the standards in the Rules of Engagement. Additionally these cadets prepared the flag pole pedestal by removing leaves and limbs from overgrown shrubbery. During the competitions C/TSgt Bullis served as a ROE resource at the request of the Air Force Reservists who judged and marshalled the competition. C/TSgt Byrd assisted with marshalling the teams for competition and races. Lt Byrd took video and still pictures that will be distributed to each team on CDs when the media is digitized and properly documented.

    Statistics: Van 4443EV, 3 persons, 186 miles, 13 utilization hours, $24.50 for 12.05 gallons of fuel ($1.96/gal at Sam's Club), mileage 15.43 miles per gallon.

2005.03.22: (Tuesday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 2 cadets flew orientation flights with Lt Col Richard Schultz as PIC in N9508L. They were: Johnson (6)+(99x1), and Terrill (6)+(99x1).

    Summary: 2 hours front seat, 2 hours rear seat. The route was Newport News to West Point (Johnson), West Point to Newport News (Terrill).

2005.03.22: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 28 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in either an advanced ROA-A course, AE and Leadership testing, or an inspection outdoors. Drill procedures were reviewed. Cadets then returned inside for a lively 1.2 hour moral leadership session. At the end of the meeting several cadets promoted to: C/A1C Becraft, C/SSgt Arnold including the Wright Brothers certificate, C/SSgt Bowermaster including the Wright Brothers certificate, C/TSgt Arnott, C/TSgt Reed, C/TSgt Schroeder, C/MSgt Herman. Additionally C/SrA Johnson received the Feik certificate (signed personally by Mary Feik). Also, C/CMSgt Wingfield received the certificate for Cadet NCO of the Year (from the Air Force Sergeants Association). The award was presented to cadet Wingfield by AF MSgt Scott Bowermaster back on 14-Dec-04. The certificate was completed and framed for presentation at this date.

2005.03.29: (Tuesday, optional meeting, spring break week)

  • 18 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and a slideshow of the 19-March Color Guard competition was shown. Cadets who would be available on Saturday signed up for helicopter orientation flights at Ft. Eustis. Cadets played football outside and two prospective cadets were given orientation about the cadet program. The evening concluded with cookies and drinks and some videos of airdrup bloopers for entertainment. This meeting was Lt Byrd's last as NNCS DCC which will be transferred to Lt Sturdy beginning 1-April. This was a 5th Tuesday program, generally a relaxed meeting with no working tasks.

2005.04.02: (Saturday, CH-47D Helicopter Flghts at Ft. Eustis)

  • Approximately 40 cadets and 10 seniors from several Group 2 squadrons assembled at Felker Airfield at the National Guard Hangar in preparation for orientation flights aboard several US Army CH-47D helicopters. Everyone was given a flight safety and flight procedure briefing. Additionally two flight engineers were available to answer questions about the helicopters. Unfortunately, heavy rain in the area caused this event to be postphoned until another time.

2005.04.05: (Tuesday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 2 cadets flew orientation flights with Lt Col Richard Schultz as PIC in N9508L. They were: Schroeder (6)+(99x1), and Lahr (6)+(99x1).

    Summary: 2 hours front seat, 2 hours rear seat. The route was Newport News to West Point and back (Schroeder), Newport News to Newport News (Lahr).

2005.04.05: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting (with tour to NASA Langley))

  • Approximately 18 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets who had signed up several weeks ago were treated to a visit to NASA Langley Research Center where Jeff Hill gave a 1.5 hour tour of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Lab. Both propeller and miniature jet engine powered aircraft were on display for the cadets to observer and touch. Jeff Hill's message was "accept the challenge of college and beyond, the eventual results in your career cannot always be seen." Two cadets promoted to: C/Amn DeMoss and C/A1C Newborg.

2005.04.09: (Saturday, NNCS hosted Wing-wide SARCAP MELR 05-??)

  • 2 NNCS cadets attended the SARCAP. Cadet Bullis particpated in flight line marshalling and cadet Sturdy particpated in Ground Team training. Lt Byrd was too ill to attend.

2005.04.12: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 22 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in drill. Several cadets participated in AE and Leadership testing. The building was cleaned post-SARCAP from the previous Saturday. Cadets Beale, Reed, and Swartz participated in Aircrew 1 training taught by Lt Drummond. Cadet Wingfield presented an essay on the subject of autorotation in rotary-wing vehicles. Cadet Strudy presented a 30 minute talk on the design of airfoils to achieve a specific purpose.

2005.04.17: (Sunday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 2 cadets flew orientation flights with Lt Col Richard Schultz as PIC in N9508L. They were: Beale (6)+(99x1), and Lowitz (6)+(99x1).

    Summary: 2 hours front seat, 2 hours rear seat. The route was Newport News to West Point (Beale), West Point back to Newport News (Lowitz).

2005.04.19: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 25 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events and then participated in CPT.

2005.04.26: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets were briefed about upcoming events. The 4=5 June trip to Martinsburg WVA for the C-130 flight to Dayton OH is still in the works. CD's of photos and mpg movies of the Group 2 and VAWG Color Guard Competitions were given to participating cadets. C/SSgt Beale, C/A1C Thibodeau, and C/SSgt Reed are preparing to participate in the AFA SOLO program this year. Cadets Banegas, Byrd, Farmer, and Schroeder and planning to attend the VA Wing Encampment. Four NNCS and four LCS cadets have been requested to serve as a color guard and additional escorts at the Air Force Association's annual Gala Event at the Virginia Air and Space Center on 12-May. Cadets participated in an inspection and conducted drill. C/SSgt Beale, C/SSgt Bullis, and C/2Lt Petkofsky took the advanced ROA (all passed) exam while a large group of cadets took aerospace and leadership exams. A one hour moral leadership session was led by C/SSgt Bowermaster with C/TSgt Schroeder as the recorder. At the end of the meeting several cadets promoted, they were C/MSgt Arnott, C/TSgt Bullis, C/MSgt Byrd, C/SMSgt Herman, C/Amn Lahr, C/Amn Shantz, C/MSgt Schroeder, and C/A1C M. Tegge.

2005.05.01: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • Lt Jim Sturdy became the NNCS Deputy Commander of Cadets.

2005.06.3-4: (Friday-Saturday, WV ANG C-130 Flight, Mission Activity 05-VA-5114)

  • 4 cadets (Bullis, Herman, Thibodeau, and Swartz) and two seniors (Lts Jim and Cindy Byrd) responded to the invitation of the 167th West Virginia Air National Guard Unit to participate in a day of flying from Martinsburg WV to Dayton OH and back. Cadets and seniors traveled to Martinsburg on Friday evening 3-June and stayed overnight in a local hotel. Early the next morning we reported to the Martinsburg ANG base and were briefed about the flight. There were two flights, one of West Virginia cadets and the other of Virginia cadets on the second C-130 transport (45707). We departed about 0830 for the 1.1 hour flight to Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton OH. The weather was good and the flight was interesting. The cadets were able to move about the cargo area in cruise flight and take in the view from the back of the flight deck and side windows. As cadets will do, they broke out into card games on the deck floor and were having a good time. Upon arrival at Dayton we were greeted at the airbase by Air Force busses and transported to the Air Force Museum for a 2.5 hour visit. The Air Force Museum is a premier facility, there is none like it in the world in terms of complete historical content. At 1300 we regrouped and were transported back to Wright-Patterson AFB for reboarding the C-130 transports back to Martinsville WV. Our thanks go to Lt Adam Sowder who coordinated the invitation and rosters of CAP members as well as to Col. Genda (and his sons) for their hosting of this event. Statistics: CAP Van 4443-EV, 6 passengers/12 capacity, 475 miles round trip, $59.75 in fuel, 30.08 gallons, $1.97/gal, 15.79 miles/gallon.

2005.06.25: (Friday, traveling to VA Wing Encampment)

  • (needs updating)

2005.07.02: (Saturday, returning from VA Wing Encampment)

  • (needs updating)

2005.07.04: (Monday, Yorktown VA 4th of July Parade, Mission Activity nn-nn-nnnn)

  • 6 cadets (Beale, Carrigan, Ely, Reed, Thibodeau, and W. Sturdy ) and five seniors (Jillian Smith, Jason Smith, Jim Sturdy, Jim Byrd, Cindy Byrd) participated in the Yorktown VA 4th of July Parade. Four cadets formed the Color Guard Unit and the remaining cadets and seniors marched in formation. The reception of the people was surprising, many stood to their feet and clapped with approval as the Color Guard and squadron formation passed. Statistics: CAP Van 4443-EV, 8 passengers/12 capacity, 15 miles round trip.

2005.09.22: (Thursday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 1 cadet flew an orientation flight with Lt Dennis Faver as PIC in N818CP. They were: Schantz (6), Demoss (99), and Jenkis (99).

    Summary: 1 hours front seat, 2 hours rear seat. The route was Newport News, returning to Newport News (Schantz).

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