The Civil Air Patrol

The Newport News Composite Squadron (NNCS)
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Newport News, Virginia 23608 - Tel. 757.988.1180

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2004 Cadet Weekly Roundup:

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2004.01.13: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • Twenty two NNCS cadets attended a 45 minute presentation by Lt. Pat Parker concerning the inner workings of the Wankel rotary engine. The dissassembled engine was presented on a table in parts so that all the major assemblies could be easily seen and understood. An excellent progressive web page describing the methodology of the Wrankel engine is shown at How Stuff Works "How Rotary Engines Work", more specifically the Rotary Engine Combustion Cycle. The engine displayed by Lt. Parker will be incorporated into his RV-7 homebuilt aircraft project.
  • Twenty two NNCS cadets attended a 1 hour presention by Bill Conkling about building and flying remote control model aircraft. Mr. Conkling showed three aircraft, one electrically powered, one glider, and one hybrid (powered glider). Mr. Conkling is a member of the Tidewater Model Soaring Society. He has a good knowledge of local resources for this sport. Mr. Conkling is employed by Lockheed Martin at NASA Langley Research Center.
  • Eleven NNCS cadets are prepared to attend the MER Color Guard and DDR weekend on 6-8 February 2004.
  • One cadet is signed up to go to Chesapeake for training on Saturday 17 Jan.
  • Seventeen cadets are signed up to go to the LAFB Maintenance Hangar on Tuesday, 20 Jan.
  • One cadet took an application for VA Wing Encampment.

    Statistics: 22 cadets attended.

2004.01.17: (Saturday, SARCAP including UDF teams)

  • An excellent SARCAP training session in UDF techniques occurred at/around the vicinity of Chesapeake Airport. One NNCS cadet attended with the NNCS seniors.

    Statistics: 1 cadet, 3 seniors participated in Chesapeake SARCAP. Van 45004, 155 miles.

2004.01.20: (Tuesday, Field Trip to LAFB Maintenance Hangar)

  • Fifteen NNCS cadets participated in a 1.5 hour visit to a LAFB F-15 maintenance hangar. A1C Daniel Lopez (USAF) toured NNCS cadets through three aircraft that were in various states of inspection. This opportunity allowed the cadets and their sponsors to see the complex inner workings of the F-15 that are not normally visible to the outside view and the kinds of jobs the maintenance crews perform.

    Statistics: 15 cadets participate in a field trip. Van 45004, 17 miles.

2004.01.24: (Saturday, Cadet Orientation flights)

  • Six NNCS cadets participated in orientation flights at Chesapeake Airport. Five cadets received flights in the Wing Blanik L-23 glider, four received power orientation flights, and six cadets received back seat experience in the powered aircraft.

    Statistics: 5 cadets receive one glider orientation flight. 4 cadets receive powered orientation flight, 6 cadets receive back seat powered flight. Van 45004, 110 miles.

2004.01.27: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • The regular Tuesday night meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather. The unit commander and deputy commander of cadets worked on paperwork issues.

    Statistics: 2 seniors worked paperwork issues.

2004.02.03: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • Preparations for the Color Guard and DDR weekend are in progress. Ten cadets are planning to attend.
  • Six cadets tested in Leadership and AE.
  • A Moral Leadership session concerning methods of confrontation avoidance and personal safety occurred.
  • One cadet received promotion with the Arnold ribbon and A1C rank.
  • Two cadets received the recruiter ribbon. Two cadets are now signed for VA Summer Encampment.
  • One cadet resigned for personal reasons and is planning to return to the squadron as a senior member this summer.

    Statistics: 17 cadets attended, 3 visitors, 1 prospective cadet given an application.

2004.02.06-08: (Friday-Sunday, Color Guard and DDR training at Ft. Pickett VA)

  • Despite the heavy rain Friday evening, nine NNCS cadets and one senior attended the first Middle East Region Color Guard and DDR Training session conducted at Ft. Pickett VA. Basic Color Guard and Drill manouvers were taught and much practice was conducted in the indoor gym. Cadets have returned with new knowledge about how to conduct color guard activities, and much more about each other. In all it was a very good trip. Certificates of training were given to cadets.

    Statistics: About 120 cadets and 10 seniors from SC, NC, VA, and MD attended. 9 NNCS cadets & 1 senior member attended. Van 45004, 315 miles, 22 gallons of fuel, 14.3 miles/gallon, $33.50 total fuel. The 15 passenger van can just carry 9 cadets in addition to camping and personal items that filled the rest of the van.

2004.02.10: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • A recap of the Color Guard and DDR weekend at Ft. Pickett occurred. Certificates were handed out to the individual cadets. The unit commander mentioned that financial support will occur for additional Color Guard Equipment.
  • Two cadets are signed up for National Cadet Special Activities.
  • One cadet is signed up for VA Wing Encampment.
  • A new version of the NNCS Cadet Guide was discussed.
  • Cadets worked upon drill and formation.
  • Cadets had a 30 session upon leadership training.
  • Grades from last week's exams were posted.
  • Cadet evaluation interviews were done for attending cadets.

2004.02.11: (Wednesday, SARCAP Mission 04M-0251)

  • SARCAP mission 04M-0251 was responded to by three senior members and two cadets. Two seniors became the mission aircrew and the remaining senior and two cadets became the UDF team. The signal was traced to the USS Trenton (LPD-14) at Norfolk Naval Base. The UDF team was invited aboard to the radio room and the signal from the GRC-211 tranceiver was promptly extinguished. One cadet will receive a "Find" ribbon for this effort.

    Statistics: 1 non-distress find occurred. Departed 1900L, returned 2200, 59 miles on vehicle 45004. 1 Find ribbon to be awarded.

2004.02.17: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • The meeting was cancelled due to freezing weather.

    Statistics: No attendance, meeting cancelled.

2004.02.24: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • Cadet PT training was conducted. The latter half of AE module 3 (weather) was taught.

    Statistics: 18 cadets attended, 2 visitors.

2004.03.02: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • One cadet was promoted to A1C. A second cadet received the "Find" ribbon for participating in Mission 04M-0251 on 2004.02.11. The first half of AE Module 3 was taught.

    Statistics: 19 cadets attended, 2 visitors, One cadet promoted to A1C grade, one cadet received the "Find" ribbon.

2004.03.09: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • All NNCS Cadets attended the safety briefing with the senior members then participated in drill manouvers. Cadet evaluations for the past 6 months (1-June-2003 to 31-Dec-2003) were completed.

    Statistics: 14 cadets attended, 1 visitor.

2004.03.13: (Saturday, NNCS building clean up day)

  • Two cadets attended the NNCS workday to clean a prepare the building in advance of the 20 March SARCAP.

    Statistics: 2 cadets attended and worked with 8 seniors. These cadets will be in the first schedule to fly orientation flights.

2004.03.16: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • Cadets broke up into groups to conduct group studies in preparation for AE and Leadership testing. Other cadets in need of passing PT participated in PT. One cadet recevied the Community Service ribbon for 60+ hours of documented community service.

    Statistics: 18 cadets attended, 3 visitors, 1 prospective cadet given an application. 1 cadet received the Community Service ribbon.

2004.03.20: (Saturday, NNCS hosted VA Wing SARCAP)

  • Three cadets attended the NNCS hosted VA Wing SARCAP. One performed flight line marshalling, one worked with the UDF team, and another was involved with radio communications.

    Statistics: 3 NNCS cadets participated actively in the NNCS hosted SARCAP.

2004.03.21: (Sunday, cadet orientation flights)

  • Two cadets received powered fight 2 orientation flights.

    Statistics: 2 cadets were taken up on power flight 2 in N9841L. SM Rutishauser was the orientation pilot.

2004.03.23: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • Three cadets were promoted to the grade of C/Amn. 12 cadets participated in AE and Leadership testing. One cadet took the Mitchell exam. An informal teaching period was conducted concerning fuel, range, and edurance of the Cessna 172-P (N9841L).

    Statistics:18 Cadets attended, 2 new visitors received orientation, 4 visitors total, 12 cadets tested.

2004.03.24: (Sunday, cadet orientation flights)

  • Two cadets were treated to powered fight 2 orientation flights.

    Statistics: Two cadets were taken on power flight 2 in N9841L. SM Rutishauser was the orientation pilot.

2004.03.27: (Saturday, visit to VA Wing Color Guard Competition)

  • Five NNCS cadets attended the VA Wing Color Guard Competition. Our purpose there was to learn how to compete next year. Afterward we visited the Virginia Aviation Museum at Richmond International Airport.

    Statistics: 5 cadets attended, VAN 45004 was used, 231 miles round trip $24.50 in fuel, $1.57/gal, 15.62 gallons to refuel, 14.82 miles per gallon, $2.00 in tolls (895 bypass). 1 battery, 1 fused outlet, and 1 communications cache was brought to NNCS from VA Wing HQ.

2004.03.30: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • A summary of the recent REDCAP mission into eastern Kentucky was discussed. Cadets played football in the adjacent open field and came in for refreshments. Afterward, Lt Jim Sturdy showed videotapes of a UAV flight program that he was involved in several years ago.

    Statistics: 20 Cadets attended, 1 new visitor and parent received orientation, 3 visitors received new cadet applications.

2004.04.06: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • Wing Encampments of several states were discussed as alternatives for dates to attend. The SOLO program criteria were discussed. A decision was made to work the concessions of the Air Power Over Hampton Roads (APOHR) event in lieu of the Group 5 FTX that was planned for the same day. The APOHR event will allow us to raise squadron funds. The Group 5 FTX will be planned for the fall. Cadets will be participating in cadet orientation flights this coming week.

    Statistics:16 Cadets attended, 2 visitors received new cadet applications.

2004.04.08: (Thursday, cadet orientation flights.)

  • 1 cadet flew a syllabus 8 cadet orientation flight. A second hour of non-reimburseable cadet orientation flight was conducted.

    Statistics: 1 cadet received an orientation flight. 1Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia was the PIC in N9841L.

2004.04.09: (Friday, cadet orientation flights.)

  • Two cadets flew a syllabus 8 cadet orientation flights.

    Statistics: 2 cadets received orientation flights. 2 type 99 flights were recorded. 1Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia was the PIC in N818CP.

2004.04.10: (Saturday, cadet orientation flights.)

  • Several Cadet orientation flights occurred. They were:

    • 0900 - One syllabus 8 flight.
    • 1100 - One syllabus 7 flight.
    • 1300 - One syllabus 6 flight, one type 99 in the back seat.
    • 1500 - One syllabus 6 flight, one syllabus 9 flight, two type 99 flights.

    Statistics: 5 cadets received orientation flights. 3 type 99 flights were recorded. 1Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia was the PIC in N818CP.

2004.04.13: (Tuesday, no meeting due to spring break.)

    Statistics: Two cadets attended. Special topics and paperwork were discussed.

2004.04.20: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 16 cadets participated in CPT and had an inspection.

    Statistics: 18 cadets attended.

2004.04.27: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • Cadet officers instructed the cadets on uniform wear and care.

    Statistics: 22 cadets attended. 4 new cadets on the roster. 14 cadets tested in AE and Leadership topics. 3 cadets were promoted to: C/CMSgt, C/TSgt + recruiter ribbon, and C/Amn. 4 cadets completed applications to VA Wing encampment. These applications were mailed in triplicate to the VA Wing.

2004.05.04: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • NNCS cadets attended a tour of the NASA Langley 16-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel.

    Statistics: 21 cadets attended the meeting. 1 new cadet on the roster. 20 Cadets went on the tour of the NASA Langley 16-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel.

2004.05.11: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

    Statistics: 20 cadets attended the meeting. 0 new cadet(s) on the roster. 6 Cadets took examinations in AE and Leadership topics. 1 perspective cadet interviewed.

2004.05.14: (Friday, AFA Gala, Virginia Air & Space Center.)

  • Statistics: 4 NNCS cadets (Arnold, Goodman, Morrone, Wingfield) performed escort duties in addition to a complement of 4 LCS cadets who performed the flag ceremnony at the AFA Gala.

2004.05.18: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 18 cadets attended the meeting. 3 prospective cadets (Tegge, Tegge & Brown) were given applications. Cdt Sturdy performed mentoring duties and PT training occurred. Later ES training was conducted as the cadets were instructed in the fundamentals of ELT signals and how to use the LPER to track the same. Two more cadets plan to attend VA Encampment (Goodman & Schroeder).

2004.05.20: (Thursday, response to Mission 04M1020.)

  • 2 cadets (Goodman & Byrd) and 2 seniors (Towyer & Woods) responded to the squadron location in 25 minutes at 2130L to form a UDF team. The UDF team was stood down just before departing for LAFB intending to find an ELT on the flight line. Unfortunately the ELT was not silenced as new LAFB shift personnel reported but a second sortie of 3 seniors (Woods, Bennett, Byrd) departed from NNCS later in the evening to the same suspected location and silenced an active ELT on N738AN at 0050 hours 21 May.

2004.05.25: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 18 cadets attended the meeting. 4 visitors recevied orientation (James, Morton, Rivera, Young), 3 perspective cadets are still working applications (Tegge, Tegge, & Brown). 5 cadets recevied promotions: C/Amn Calhoun, C/A1C Herman, C/A1C Beale, C/A1C Arnott, C/A1C Bowermaster. C/CMSgt Petkofsky will be promoted to C/2Lt next Tuesday when Maj Bateman will be present. 9 cadets plan to attend VA Encampment (Sturdy, Thibodeau, Wingfield, Frey, Bullis, Goodman, Schroeder, Herman, & Arnott).

2004.06.01: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. 3 perspective cadets are still working applications (Tegge, Tegge, & Brown). 3 cadets recevied promotions with the Group 5 commander Maj Joesph Bateman present: C/1Lt Sturdy, C/2Lt Petkofsky (including the Mitchell Award), and C/A1C Arnold. C/AB Becraft received the recruiter ribbon. 8 cadets plan to attend VA Encampment (Sturdy, Thibodeau, Wingfield, Bullis, Goodman, Schroeder, Herman, & Arnott). Inspection, AE, and a small celebration of C/2Lt Petkofsky's milestone award occurred.

2004.06.08: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. 3 perspective cadets are still working applications (C. Tegge, M. Tegge, & D. Brown). 8 cadets plan to attend VA Encampment (Sturdy, Thibodeau, Wingfield, Bullis, Goodman, Herman, Arnott, & Jeter). Cadet Schroeder plans to attend the Tennessee Encampment. Inspection, Color Guard, drill, exams, and a session on the effects of social behavior and the spread of blood borne pathogens was conducted. Reception for nominations for cadet commander are completed.

2004.06.15: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 18 cadets attended the meeting. 4 perspective cadets completed applications (Tegge, Tegge, Brown, & Rivera). 8 cadets plan to attend VA Encampment (Sturdy, Thibodeau, Wingfield, Bullis, Goodman, Herman, Arnott, & Jeter). Physical training and games were conducted. Capt Charlene Schidisky arrived with 4 flight suits for the AFA Solo cadets (Petkofsky, Wingfield, Goodman, Morrone). Cadet Jeter has transferred to NNCS from the Byrd Field Cadet Squadron (VA-064).

2004.06.22: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 15 cadets attended the meeting. VA-088 has 4 new cadets (Tegge, Tegge, Brown, & Rivera). 1 prospective cadet (Allen) is completing an application. 8 cadets are making final preparations to attend VA Encampment (Sturdy, Thibodeau, Wingfield, Bullis, Goodman, Herman, Arnott, & Jeter). Several cadets have advanced in grade: C/SrAmn Byrd, C/A1C Morrone, C/Amn Schroeder, C/Amn Newborg C/Amn Thibodeau. C/A1C Goodman received the Find ribbon for participation in Mission 04M1020 on 25-May-04. This is the second find for C/SrAmn Byrd. C/2Lt Petkofsky, C/TSgt Wingfield, C/A1C Goodman, and C/A1C Morrone received the pre-solo wings. Their training begins 5 July.

2004.06.25: (Friday, trip to VA Wing Encampment.)

  • 8 NNCS cadets traveled to the VA Wing Encampment (Sturdy, Thibodeau, Wingfield, Bullis, Goodman, Herman, Arnott, & Jeter). Lt James E. Byrd drove van 45004 and departed the NNCS building at 0715 and arrived at 1050 hours. Cadets were collected for processing just as a torrent of rain began to fall. Lt Byrd departed the site at 1150 hours and arrived at the NNCS at 1600. The drive was 285 miles round trip, $33.00 in fuel.

2004.06.29: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting.)

  • 20 cadets attended the meeting. We played games, worked on the supply room organization, had refreshments, and performed a lot of paperwork.

2004.07.01: (Saturday, trip to Ft. Pickett for VA Wing Encampment Inspection)

  • Capt Portanova, 2Lt Cindy Byrd and 2Lt James E. Byrd flew out to KBKT (Blackstone Army Airfield) in N9508L to visit the VA Wing Encampment site. We saw several of our own NNCS cadets during the visit. The cadets were tired, but busy with interesting activities. The flight was 1 hour in duration, 70 nm each way.

2004.07.03: (Saturday, trip to Ft. Pickett for graduation day)

  • 2Lt Cindy Byrd and 2Lt James E. Byrd drove van 45004 back to Ft. Pickett to observe the 0900 VA Wing Encampment graduation. Out of 170 basic cadets and 30 staff officers NNCS cadets C/1Lt Sturdy received the award for Best Encampment Cadet Staff Officer and C/A1C Arnott received the award for Best Encampment Basic Cadet at the graduation ceremony. The cadets processed out by 1430 hours and so we made a short trip to the nearest fast food resturant in Blackstone for some serious fat food. We arrived back at the NNCS building at 1750 hours. Van 45004, 285 miles, $33.00 in fuel.

2004.07.05: (Monday, AFA SOLO Training)

  • C/2Lt Petkofsky, C/TSgt Wingfield, C/A1C Goodman, and C/A1C Morrone arrived at 0745 hours to begin the first day of SOLO training at Rick Aviation. The first day was occupied with 5 hours of ground instruction.

2004.07.06: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 20 cadets attended the meeting. Emergency contact information was updated. Cadets were de-briefed before the group concerning VA Wing Encampment. Drill instruction occurred and later 2Lt Rutishauser conducted a 1 hour AE session on AE module #5 that was well attended.

    Certificates of appreciation from the Peninsula Chapter of the American Red Cross were presented to C/A1C Arnott, C/SrA Byrd, C/A1C Goodman, C/SrA Herman, C/2Lt Petkofsky, and C/2Lt Taylor. These were awarded as a result of disaster relief efforts that occured on 24 September 2003 in the aftermath of hurricane Isabel. Each cadet mentioned has received 8 hours credit for public service.

    Several cadets advanced in grade: C/Amn Banegas, C/A1C Bullis, C/A1C Calhoun, C/Amn Farmer, C/SrA Herman, C/Amn Reed, C/Amn Schroeder, C/Amn Newborg, C/MSgt Wingfield.

    Several cadets received the Encampment ribbon: C/A1C Arnott, C/A1C Bullis, C/A1C Goodman, C/SrA Herman, C/Amn Jeter, C/1Lt Sturdy (bronze clasp 2x), C/Amn Thibodeau, and C/MSgt Wingfield.

    The decision was made by the Capt Portanova and 2Lt Byrd to select C/1st Lt Sturdy as the next cadet commander and C/2Lt Petkofsky as the deputy commander. The change of command cermony will occur 27 July.

2004.07.13: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 21 cadets attended the meeting. NNCS has two new cadets, C/AB Nathan Troyer and C/AB David Troyer. NNCS now has 42 cadets on the roll, 31 are considered active. An announcement was made concerning the passing of VA Wing Commander Col Timothy Cramer. Cadets were encouraged to attend the funeral to be held on Friday, later this week. Discussed a topic on financing and the implications of the removal of 1.5 tons of uranium from Iraq. Discussed the upcoming radio spot concerning DDR and Red Cross training sessions to occur soon. Cadets later concentrated on drill and formation training.

2004.07.16: (Friday, Wing Commander's Funeral)

  • Lt George Bennett, Lt(s) Jim and Cindy Byrd attended the funeral of the late VA Wing Commander Col Timothy Cramer. Elements of the Middle East Region Honor Guard and the Hanover Color Guard made impressive display of precision and honor of the US flag for our late VA Wing Commander and his family. More information concerning our late VA Wing commander can be found at Wings Over Virginia.

2004.07.20: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 19 cadets attended the meeting. A description of the events that honored the late VA Wing Commander Col Timothy Cramer on the previous Friday were discussed. A discussion occurred of the translation of a speech made by Osama Bin-Laden. This highlighted the differences in a voting democracy vs a theocracy, and how much of the muslum world views the west because of monothestic vs polythestic views. A discussion occurred of the theme of DDR T-Shirts and a sign up for the Red Cross training sessions to occur 12 and 13-August. Cadets participated in PT activity.

2004.07.27: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 25 cadets attended the meeting. A change of command occurred were C/1Lt Sturdy received command from C/2Lt Taylor. Inspection, AE and Leadership Testing & a Moral Leadership session was conducted. The following cadets were promoted to: C/Amn Newborg, C/Amn Reed, C/SrA Arnott, C/SSgt Byrd, C/A1C Herman. 14 NNCS personnel are planning to attend the Red Cross training session on 12-13 August. Four hours of cadet orientation flight time have been approved. Cadets waiting to fly the longest (since Nov 2003) are at the top of the list. A DDR T-shirt design was displayed and comments were received for changes before final group approval.

2004.08.03: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting, + Mission 04M-1360 after the meeting)

  • 22 cadets attended the meeting. Inspection occurred. C/A1C Calhoun mentioned that this was his last meeting with NNCS before transferring to a squadron in NJ. He was honored before the group formation and then dismissed with salute. Later discussion occurred concerning signups for Red Cross Training, the AFA SOLO awards luncheon, and the upcoming Fall FTX. The CAP Cadet Protection Policy was discussed before the entire group. Final discussion occured concerning the DDR T-Shirt design, with C/Amn Becraft arranging the final revisions to the graphic images. Lt Rutishauser presented AE education from module 5. Two cadets were promoted to: C/Amn Becraft & C/Amn Rivera. C/A1C Goodman received cloth SOLO wings. C/Amn Reed, C/A1C Beale, and C/A1C Goodman received the GES "Pluto" patch. During the latter part of the meeting mission 04M-1360 was initiated. C/A1C Beale and C/Amn Reed joined Capt Portanova to form ground team A while C/1Lt Sturdy & C/A1C Morrone joined 1Lt Byrd to form ground team Bravo. The ELT was eventually located on a HH-60 Blackhawk helicopter (#204) at the Norfolk Naval Base at 0005 hours 04-Aug. Cadets Morrone, Beale, and Reed have earned opportunity to wear the "Find" ribbon.

2004.08.07: (Saturday, Cadet orientation flights)

  • Five NNCS cadets recevied powered orientation flights. They were: 0830 hours: C/SrA Arnott, C/Amn Newborg, C/AB Becraft. At 1330 hours: C/AB Stonebreaker, C/Amn Padilla. 1700 hours: C/Amn Reed and C/Amn Schroeder. 1Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia flew the 0830 and 1330 hour group, Capt Portanova flew the 1700 hour group. All were done in N9508L. A total of 5.8 hours were flown out of 7 allocated.

2004.08.10: (Tuesday, AFA SOLO Awards Luncheon)

  • 6 cadets attended the AFA SOLO Awards Luncheon. Cadets Wingfield and Goodman represented NNCS. Cadets Petkofsky and Morrone were unable to attend.

2004.08.10: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 19 cadets attended the meeting. A composite safety briefing was presented. The new projector purchased with DDR monies was described. Photos from the VA Wing Encampment were displayed and discussed. PT Challenge point submissions were encouraged. Permission slips to attend the Red Cross training session were distributed. The Fall FTX for 24-26 September was mentioned. Cadets participated in drill movements. 14 Cadets tested in Aerospace and Leadership Skills. C/1Lt Sturdy was appointed the new CAC representative and C/MSgt Wingfield was appointed CAC Assistant. C/2Lt Taylor received the CAC ribbon. Cadet C/Amn Rivera has passed the GES exam and received the Pluto Patch and a card folder. C/A1C Bullis and C/A1C Beale passed the Glider Wing Runner Exam (GWR). C/Amn Reed, C/A1C Beale, and C/A1C Morrone received the Find Ribbon for their participation in Mission mission 04M-1360 on the evening of 3-4 August 2004. C/2Lt Petkofsky was presented the AFA SOLO Wings. One perspective cadet was interviewed.

2004.08.12-13: (Thursday-Friday, 0800-1730 hours each day)

  • 14 cadets attended two days of Red Cross training sessions. Introduction to Emergency Services, Mass Care, CPR/AED, and First Aid were taught. The training occurred at the Peninsula Chapter of the Red Cross. Van 45004 was used, 40 miles total on mission activity number 04-VA-5069.

2004.08.19: (Thursday)

  • Lt Byrd received surgery to remove a benign brain tumor.

2004.08.24: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting + Participation in Mission Number 04M1881)

  • 18 cadets attended the meeting. C/1Lt Sturdy was in charge of the meeting. Cadets particpated in drill and ceremony practice. Two cadets were promoted. They were C/A1C Schroeder and C/A1C Bullis. Lt Byrd was not well enough to be present. C/A1C Herman particpated in the UDF team that located and silenced a buried EPIRB at the Northhampton County landfill on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. He will earn the Find ribbon.

2004.08.31: (5th Tuesday, designated as game night)

  • 23 cadets attended the meeting. This 5th Tuesday was designated as a game night. The projector purchased with DDR monies was used as a gaming projector which turned into a mini-tourmanent. Refreshments were served. Lt Byrd was present for the first time after surgery and stayed approximately 1 hour.

2004.09.01: (Wednesday, Cadet orientation flights)

  • Three NNCS cadets recevied powered orientation flights. They were: C/Amn Farmer, C/AB Rivera, C/AB Brown. Capt Mike Portanova was the orientation pilot. All flights were conducted in N9508L.
2004.09.07: (1st Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 13 cadets attended the meeting. Lt David Rutishauser presented an AE topic. Three prospective cadets were interviewed.

2004.09.12: (Saturday, Cadet Orientation Flights)

  • C/Amn Banegas, C/2Lt Taylor, & C/Amn Padilla participated in one cadet orientation flight each with Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia.

2004.09.14: (2nd Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 14 cadets attended the meeting. Cadets participated in drill and ceremonies training. AE and Leadership testing was conducted.

2004.09.21: (3rd Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 18 cadets attended the meeting. CPT was conducted and cadets assembled equipment in anticipation of the Group 5 Fall FTX to occur later in the week.

2004.09.24-26: (Friday-Sunday, Group 5 Fall FTX)

  • 10 NNCS cadets attended the Group 5 Fall FTX. Cadets camped two nights at Newport News Park and traveled to Ft. Eustis each day to participate in FTX exercies.

2004.09.28: (4th Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 20 cadets attended the meeting. Inspection occurred and AE and Leadership testing was conducted. A de-brief of the Fall FTX occurred. Much was discussed, and a plan is being formulated to host a winter FTX.

2004.10.05: (1st Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 25 cadets attended the meeting. The Wing Conference was discussed. Four cadets and three seniors who support cadet programs are indicating they will attend. Lt Col Edgar Hastings (Ret.) of the Langley Chapter of the Air Force Association presented SOLO certificates cadets 2Lt Petkofsky and C/A1C Morrone. C/Amn Thibodeau complted the glider wing runner (GWR) course. Cadets and supporting seniors were treated to a tour of the Newport News / Williamsburg Intl Airport fire fighting station. This tour lasted 1.2 hours and was centered around the hardware and scientific methods used to control fuel/aircraft fires vs traditional structral fire fighting techniques. Two cadets were completely suited out in the aluminized fire fighting suits that allow personnel to enter flames and breathe supplemental oxygen.This tour was conducted in place of a standard AE topic. Upon return, the NNCS facility was throughly cleaned before dismissal. A discussion was conducted before closing of the importance of the kinetic energy equation e=1/2 mv^2 and the effects of the F=MA equation. Cadets were encouraged to understand that a collisions of objects at twice the speed result in four times the destruction of the inelastic colliding objects.

2004.10.12: (2nd Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 22 cadets attended the meeting. Several cadets were promoted. They were: C/SrA Beale, C/SrA Bowermaster, C/A1C Reed, C/AB M. Tegge, and SMSgt Wingfield. C/SrA Herman has completed requirements for the Wright Brothers Award. C/SrA Herman has additionally earned the Find ribbon for his participation on a successful find on mission 04M1881 on the evening of 24 August 2004. A NNCS change of command ceremony was conducted. Maj Portanova relinquished command to Lt George Bennett with Maj Bateman presiding. Maj Portanova was presented a plaque in appreciation for his leadership for the past two years. Maj Portanova has promoted to VA Group 5 Commander. Four cadets have indicated an interest in attending the VA Wing Conference. Four new cadet applications were completed this week.

2004.10.19: (3rd Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 20 cadets attended the meeting. NNCS has four new cadets this week. They are: C/AB Jonathan Ely, C/AB Anthony Onas, C/AB Michael Marcella, and C/AB Chevy Terrill. Another prospective cadet received an application. Cadets particpated in the Safety Briefing conducted by Lt Bart Drummond. Cadets then proceeded with cadet physical training. A heavy rain began during the mile run and so the cadets came back from the run rather wet. Three subjects at the end of the meeting were discussed. The first was gyroscopic effects that relate to propellor aircraft flight. The second was centered around the thermcouples, both as termal sensors and thermal coolers. The third concerned the joining of dissimilar metals that result in corrosion.

2004.10.26: (4th Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 22 cadets attended the meeting. The meeting began with a briefing of recent/future activites and encouragements to attend the VA Wing Conference. An inspection was conducted and then Aerospace and Leadership testing was administered. Cadet Sturdy completed the requirements for the Earhart Award and cadet Swartz completed the requirements for the Mitchell Award. These will be awarded at the Christmas Party. Discussions continued concerning the SARCAP to occur 20 November. Three cadets are signed up for training. The last segment of the meeting concerned the current policical climate and the finished with the last section of Customs and Courtesies.

2004.10.31: (Saturday, cadet orientation flights)

  • 4 NNCS cadets were involved in cadet orientation flights:
  • Cadets Beale (99x2), C. Tegge (6)(99), and M. Tegge (6)(99) Newport News to Chesapeake in N9508L (Jordi Catasus-Servia)
  • Cadets Arnold (1), Beale (1), M. Tegge (1), C. Tegge (1) at Chesapeake in N365BA (Jordi Catasus-Servia)
  • Cadets Arnold (6)(99), Beale (6)(99), M. Tegge (99x2) Chesapeake to Newport News in N9507L (Al Tundidor)

    Statistics: 4 hours powered flight, 8 hours backseat powered flight, 4 hours glider flight. 16 cadet hours total.

2004.11.02: (1st Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 15 cadets attended the meeting. The meeting began with a briefing of recent/future activites and encouragements to attend the VA Wing Conference. An inspection was conducted and then an Aerospace Education class was conducted for the last chapter of module 6. The projection system was used to display pictures from the previous weekend's cadet orientation flights. Two cadets were promoted. They were C/SrA Bowermaster and C/SrA Schroeder. C/Amn Chris Tegge celebrated his 13th birthdaty with the squadron members before the meeting adjourned.

2004.11.05-07: (Friday-Sunday, VA Wing Conference)

  • 6 seniors and 1 NNCS cadet attended the conference. The trip was uneventful for the van travellers but rather bumpy for those who traveled to Roanoke in the airplane (N9508L). On Saturday morning during the awards presentations Maj Mike Portanova assumed command of Group 5. Later in the afternoon C/1Lt Sturdy participated in the Basic, Advanced, and Prepared Speech catagories of the cadet Speakoff Competition where this cadet placed first in the Advanced Category and delivered an outstanding effort in the other two catagories as well. Later that evening Cadet Sturdy gave his speech before the entire banquet audience (about 170 persons) and was well received. Additionally, a presentation by Ken Hyde of The Wright Exerperience was presented that proved to be quite interesting including pictures and video of both successes and failures while trying to re-create the efforts of the Wright Brothers in first powered flight.

2004.11.09: (2nd Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 12 seniors and 22 NNCS cadets attended the combined business meeting. A number of topics from the Wing Conference were discussed. C/1Lt Sturdy was recognized for his outstanding participation in the Cadet Speak-Off. Cadets proceeded to drill and were given aerospace and leadership testing afterward. Those who did not test were given time to update their uniforms and to talk about a number of questions concerning the cadet program. Future plans were made for the Christmas Party to have cadet tickets at $8 each, children 12 and under free, and all others $12 each. Cadets plan to conduct Color Guard and Drill training on Saturday. The plan is for cadets to be flying on Saturday beginning at 1330 and Sunday at 0830 hours.

2004.11.13: (Saturday, Color Guard Training)

  • 8 NNCS cadets (Beale, Byrd, Bullis, Herman, Reed, Swartz, Taylor, Thibodeau) attended the Color Guard and Drill training. Lt Byrd brought a video camera and the DDR projector was used to critique the performance of trainees. The session turned out to be productive and it appears there is sufficent interest to field a team for Wing competition in the spring. The weather celing was only 2300 ft at 1330 hours so no cadet flying occurred.

2004.11.14: (Sunday, Cadet orientation flights)

  • 2Lt David Rutishauser and C/Amn Becraft met at the squadron at 0830 hours. Two other cadets scheduled to fly did not show and did not call in advance. Cadet Becraft flew syllabus flights 7 and 8 before completing at 1130 hours in N9508L.

2004.11.16: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 25 cadets attended the meeting. The cadets proceeded with physical training after the briefing. 7 NNCS cadets plan to attend the Saturday SARCAP in Chesapeake. Plans for the Christmas party are in progress.

2004.11.20: (Saturday, Chesapeake SARCAP)

  • 7 NNCS cadets and 4 adult NNCS members attended the Chesapeake SARCAP on mission MELR-05-016. The cadets (Beale, Bowermaster, Bullis, Herman, Reed, Rivera, & Taylor) proceeded with UDF and Ground Team training. 1Lt Bennett and 1Lt Barhydt flew three sorties as an aircrew and Lt Byrd trained as a mission staff assistant. The day turned out well, much training was accomplished. The cadet group will be credited with two finds each.

2004.11.23: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 26 NNCS cadets attended the meeting. Cadets had inpsection after the briefing and then began leadership and aerospace testing. Cadets Arnott & Bullis passed the Wright Brothers comprehensive exam. Lt Byrd showed mpg movies of experiences at the UPWT (NASA Langley, 1991), video of a Space Shuttle reentry (STS-103, 1999) filmed from the ground in east Texas, and a Space Shuttle launch (STS-97) profile filmed from Seaford Virginia in 2000. Speaking and participating assignments in the 14 December Christmas Party were made and invitation letters were given out. The rest of the invitations will be mailed. The evening was rounded out by a lively moral leadership session let by cadet Sturdy and cadet Beale served as the recorder.

2004.11.30: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 26 NNCS cadets attended the meeting. Mr. Curt Overman was the guest speaker for the evening. He is employed as a criminal lawyer in the local court system. A lively discussion of situations that affect young people were discussed and misunderstandings concerning VA law. Cadet Reed passed the Wright Brothers comprehensive exam. The Color Guard team prepared for the Christmas party advance and retreat of the colors. Speaking and participating assignments in the 14 December Christmas Party were reviewed. The building was cleaned and uniforms were issued to new cadets. Some of the awards and monies for the Christmas Party were collected. Cadet Arnold was promoted to C/A1C before adjournment.

2004.12.04: (Saturday, Color Guard Training)

  • 5 NNCS cadets (Beale, Bullis, Byrd, Thibodeau, and Swartz attended Color Guard training in advance of the 14-December Christmas Party. The guard practiced advancing and retreating the colors.

2004.12.07: (Tuesday, regular weekly meeting)

  • 22 NNCS cadets attended the meeting. A general staff meeting occurred concerning the Christmas Party and working assignments. Cadets Arnott, Beale, Bullis, Reed, and Schroeder were given milestone evaluations. Cadets dismissed to an inspection and then had AE training for the rest of the evening. Lt Byrd showed films and still images of a Boeing Delta 2 launch (GPS), the SWIFT satellite launch, the CAP and amateur radio systems at NASA Langley, and a recent crash of a F-16 during Thunderbird show manouvers.

2004.12.14: (Tuesday, the annual Christmas Party)

  • Note: Names in italics were not present at the gathering and will have their awards presented at a subsequent meeting.

    What a grand evening it was! 24 NNCS cadets and 18 seniors attended the Christmas Party. Overall the attendance came to about 75 persons, including family members. Col Rick Mosley, Maj Mike Portanova, Lt George Bennet and his wife Linda were the guests of honor. The color guard detail consisted of C/SSgt Thomas Bullis, C/SSgt Heather Beale, C/SSgt Tom Byrd, and C/A1C Kyle Thibodeau. The colors were placed and C/TSgt David Herman played our national anthem on volin.

    Our guests and families were seated and enjoyed a traditional turkey dinner complete with desserts. Five film clips were shown of cadet and senior actvities were shown. Then three cadet stood up to talk about their CAP experiences this year. C/SSgt Christine Arnott spoke about VA Encampment, C/CMSgt Joshua Wingfield spoke about the SOLO program, and C/A1C Shane Bowermaster spoke about cadet orientation flying. A 140 picture slideshow was shown covering the events of the year.

    Cadet promotions and awards were presented. The NCO promotions were: C/A1C Vincent Johnson, C/SSgt Christine Arnott, C/SSgt Heather Beale, C/SSgt Thomas Bullis, C/SSgt Jeffrey Reed, C/SSgt Edison Schroeder, C/TSgt David Herman, C/CMSgt Joshua Wingfield. The cadet officer promotions were: C/2Lt Jonathan Swartz (earning the Mitchell Award) and C/Capt Ian Sturdy (earning the Earhart Award).

    Other awards were: for highest attendance and participation C/SSgt Thomas Bullis (97%), C/SSgt Heather Beale (93%), C/A1C Kyle Thibodeau (91%). Each of these cadets received a $10 gift certificate.

    The NNCS Unit received the Mishap-Free Certificate of Achievement in recognition for safe conduct of CAP operations at NNCS in 2004 without a reportable injury or loss.

    The Unit Citation Award (ribbon) was mentioned to be awarded to all VA CAP members (cadets and seniors) who served between 18-July-03 and 17-July-04. This was mentioned at the Wing Conference and will be awarded at the next unit meeting.

    The Red Service ribbon was awarded to: 2Lt Rod Bland (2 years), 1Lt Jim Byrd (2 years), C/SSgt Tom Byrd (2 years), 1Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia (5 years, +1 clasp), 2Lt Bart Drummond (2 years), 1Lt Ed Gause (2 years), Capt Robert George (12 years, +2 clasps), C/SrA David Goodman (2 years), Capt Kevin Hedgecock (11 years, +2 clasps), 1Lt Tony Jeter (2 years), C/Amn Mark Jeter (2 years), Capt Jeremy Langrock (5 years, +1 clasp), Capt James Lockhart (5 years, +1 clasp), SM James Maliwauki (5 years, +1 clasp), 1Lt Pat Parker (2 years), C/2Lt David Petkofsky (3 years), Maj Mike Portanova (2 years), 1Lt Robert Scott (3 years), Lt Col Fritz Schaller (15 years, 3rd clasp), Lt Col Richard Schultz (6 years, +1 clasp), C/Capt Ian Sturdy (3 years), 1Lt Jim Sturdy (3 years), C/2Lt Jonathan Swartz (3 years).

    The Find ribbon was awarded to:2Lt Rod Bland (3), C/SrA Shane Bowermaster (1), C/SSgt Thomas Bullis (1), 2Lt Bart Drummond (12), SM Bruce Herman (2), 1Lt Tony Jeter (1), SM Dave Kausch (2), SM Arthur Korff (1), Maj Mike Portanova (27, +1 clasp), C/Amn Ian Rivera (1), Lt Col Fritz Schaller (44), 1Lt Helen Woods (32, +1 clasp).

    An additional brass clasp was awarded to C/Capt Ian Sturdy for a total of 226 hours of documented public service.

    The Membership ribbon was awarded to: SM Paul Blais, SM Richard Hartung, and SM Arthur Korff for completing level 1 training.

    The Cadet Orientation Pilot ribbon was awarded to 1Lt Jordi Catasus-Servia with one bronze clasp (126 Flights to date).

    The Yeager Award (ribbon and certificate) were awarded to 1Lt Jim Byrd and 1Lt Bart Drummond.

    The following seniors were promoted to: 2Lt Dennis Faver, 2Lt Bruce Herman, 2Lt Fred Hoffman, 2Lt Dave Kausch, and 2Lt Arthur Korff.

    The following seniors were promoted to: 1Lt Cindy Byrd, 1Lt Bart Drummond, and 1Lt Dave Rutishauser.

    The Cadet NCO of the Year (from the Air Force Sergeants Association) was presented by AF MSgt Scott Bowermaster to C/CMSgt Joshua Wingfield. Cadet Wingfield received this award in recognition of his efforts of managing the CAP inventory in the supply room for the last two years.

    An Appreciation Plaque recognizing outstanding leadership of the NNCS squadron for the years of 2002-2004 was presented to Maj Mike Portanova. Mike was the unit commander of NNCS during that period.

    An Appreciation Plaque for Outstanding Performance in the NNCS squadron for the year 2004 was awarded to 1Lt Cindy Byrd. Cindy has performed the duties of assistant cadet programs officer.

    The 2004 Cadet of the Year Award was presented to C/Capt Ian Sturdy. Cadet Sturdy has been steadily involved in group 5, VA Wing, and National Activities throughout this year with notable accomplishments.

    The 2004 Senior of the Year Award was presented to 1Lt Dave Kausch. Lt Kausch is the personnel officer of the squadron and has been instrumental in building logistics throughout the year.

    The NNCS nomination for the Frank G. Brewer Memorial Aerospace Education Award was given to 1Lt James E. Byrd. The procedures for nomination will be completed and submitted to National HQ in the next few weeks.

    Col Mosley followed up with his remarks encouraging the squadron to continue to perform the CAP mission with participation from all ages and backgrounds. He mentioned that Wing level cadet programs will receive a boost in activity and that new challenges require new efforts to make the CAP mission successful.

    Lt Bennett made the final remarks.

    The Colors were retired at 2120 hours.

2004.12.22: (Wednesday, cadet orientation flights)

  • Cadets flew orientation flights with Lt Rutishauser as the PIC in N9508L. They were: Bullis (6)+(99x2), Ely (6)+(99x2), and Onas (6)+(99x2).

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