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UGID:1954954     UniGene Hs.586165     Homo sapiens (human)   MAML3
(xs155) mRNA, 350bp (MAML3)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
NP_061187.2 mastermind-like 3 H. sapiens 100.0 1132
XP_526693.2 PREDICTED: mastermind-like 3 isoform 2 P. troglodytes 99.7 1133
NP_001004176.2 mastermind-like 3 M. musculus 89.8 1134
XP_001332541.2 PREDICTED: similar to mastermind-like 3 D. rerio 54.0 966

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
EST Profile: Approximate expression patterns inferred from EST sources.
[Show more entries with profiles like this]
GEO profiles: Experimental gene expression data (Gene Expression Omnibus).
cDNA Sources: embryonic tissue; placenta; brain; mixed; lymph node; pancreas; uterus; intestine; stomach; liver; lung; thymus; testis; uncharacterized tissue; vascular; larynx; mouth; kidney; bone marrow; trachea; blood; heart; spleen; eye; ascites; pharynx; prostate; mammary gland; parathyroid
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 4
Map position: 4q28
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 SHGC-67964
UniSTS entry: Chr 4 SHGC-59304
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (7)

NM_018717.4 Homo sapiens mastermind-like 3 (Drosophila) (MAML3), mRNA PA
AK123604.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ41610 fis, clone CTONG3001746, highly similar to Mastermind-like protein 3 (Mam-3) P
AL359614.1 Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp762E1511 (from clone DKFZp762E1511) P
BC137131.1 Homo sapiens mastermind-like 3 (Drosophila), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:168751 IMAGE:9021128), complete cds P
BC137130.1 Homo sapiens mastermind-like 3 (Drosophila), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:168750 IMAGE:9021127), complete cds P
AK296891.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ52323 complete cds, highly similar to Mastermind-like protein 3 (Mam-3) P
Z36807.1 H.sapiens (xs155) mRNA, 350bp

EST sequences (126)

R16076.1 Clone IMAGE:66415 mixed 3' read
R15711.1 Clone IMAGE:66415 mixed 5' read
AI003861.1 Clone IMAGE:1621751 testis 3' read A
AI039272.1 Clone IMAGE:1658115 embryonic tissue 3' read
AI139957.1 Clone IMAGE:1691915 heart 3' read
BX100914.1 Clone IMAGp998E0818_;_IMAGE:66415 mixed
BX094561.1 Clone IMAGp998J244113_;_IMAGE:1621751 testis
AI222125.1 Clone IMAGE:1843540 mixed 3' read
AI241840.1 Clone IMAGE:1977645 brain 3' read
AI281258.1 Clone IMAGE:1874483 intestine 3' read
AI343457.1 Clone IMAGE:2062205 intestine 3' read
AI381460.1 Clone IMAGE:2087364 mixed 3' read
AI418583.1 Clone IMAGE:2110954 mixed 3' read
AI419748.1 Clone IMAGE:2112329 mixed 3' read
AI422870.1 Clone IMAGE:2097711 brain 3' read
AI423405.1 Clone IMAGE:2104807 brain 3' read
AI569476.1 Clone IMAGE:2176544 uterus 3' read A
AI627489.1 Clone IMAGE:2285375 kidney 3' read A
AI690905.1 Clone IMAGE:2207767 uterus 3' read
AI760433.1 Clone IMAGE:2393775 intestine 3' read
AI828006.1 Clone IMAGE:2350400 mixed 3' read
AI917670.1 Clone IMAGE:2239855 uncharacterized tissue 3' read
AI989389.1 Clone IMAGE:2513789 thymus 3' read
AW007615.1 Clone IMAGE:2512606 thymus 3' read
AW016653.1 Clone IMAGE:2711340 uncharacterized tissue 3' read
BX506733.1 Clone DKFZp779A131 liver 5' read P
AW136739.1 Clone IMAGE:2717188 mixed 3' read
CF131890.1 Clone IMAGE:30553732 lung 5' read
CF138214.1 Clone IMAGE:3094159 lymph node 5' read P
CF138857.1 Clone IMAGE:3095057 lymph node 5' read P
AW173298.1 Clone IMAGE:2664048 mixed 3' read A
AW469482.1 Clone IMAGE:2909835 mixed 3' read
AW503223.1 Clone IMAGE:3078406 lymph node 5' read P
AW503805.1 Clone IMAGE:3079082 lymph node 5' read A
AW504179.1 Clone IMAGE:3079431 lymph node 5' read P
R69846.1 Clone IMAGE:142244 placenta 5' read
AW821864.1 stomach
AW821888.1 stomach
CK818822.1 Clone IMAGE:5675157 pancreas 3' read A
CK818823.1 Clone IMAGE:5675157 pancreas 5' read
CK902172.1 Clone IMAGE:6030916 pancreas 3' read P
CK902173.1 Clone IMAGE:6030916 pancreas 5' read
AW860150.1 intestine
AW860151.1 intestine
AW860196.1 intestine
AW862381.1 intestine
CN365627.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN365628.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN365629.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
AW978022.1 uncharacterized tissue
AW991384.1 mammary gland
BE042877.1 Clone IMAGE:3038865 lung 3' read
AJ706620.1 Clone BLPD01897 bone marrow
BE263879.1 Clone IMAGE:3534045 lung 5' read P
BE266907.1 Clone IMAGE:3534115 lung 5' read P
CX166581.1 Clone IMAGE:7470280 embryonic tissue 5' read P
BE843450.1 testis P
DN999776.1 Clone TC107503 vascular 5' read P
BF000615.1 Clone IMAGE:3317791 intestine 3' read
BF002090.1 Clone IMAGE:3314547 intestine 3' read
AV760964.2 Clone MDSAUG06 bone marrow 5' read
DR763337.1 Clone IMAGE:7973147 embryonic tissue 5' read P
BF223466.1 Clone IMAGE:3704271 lung 3' read A
BF355149.1 larynx
DA242645.1 Clone BRAWH3040680 brain 5' read P
DA089158.1 Clone BRACE2044504 brain 5' read
DA220449.1 Clone BRAWH3012214 brain 5' read P
DA185901.1 Clone BRAMY3005447 brain 5' read P
DA194069.1 Clone BRAMY3018262 brain 5' read P
DA227313.1 Clone BRAWH3021373 brain 5' read P
DA312075.1 Clone BRHIP3000956 brain 5' read
BF849942.1 lung P
DA440785.1 Clone CTONG2009500 mouth 5' read P
AU140848.1 Clone PLACE4000355 placenta 5' read P
DA408716.1 Clone BRTHA3014821 brain 5' read
DA456510.1 Clone CTONG3001746 mouth 5' read P
AU158710.1 Clone PLACE4000355 placenta 3' read A
DA800196.1 Clone OCBBF3004098 brain 5' read P
DB230619.1 Clone TRACH3024017 trachea 5' read P
DB303152.1 Clone BRAMY3005447 brain 3' read
DB225628.1 Clone TRACH3017578 trachea 5' read P
DB219720.1 Clone TRACH3009839 trachea 5' read P
DB339420.1 Clone TESTI4003033 testis 3' read
DB314389.1 Clone CTONG3001746 mouth 3' read P
DB092989.1 Clone TESTI4042800 testis 5' read P
DB283105.1 Clone UTERU3010605 uterus 5' read P
DB062776.1 Clone TESTI4003033 testis 5' read P
BF868805.1 lung P
BF869668.1 lung P
BG339430.1 Clone IMAGE:4555475 uterus 5' read
BI020739.1 blood P
BI012194.1 lung P
DC347198.1 Clone CTONG2025368 mouth 5' read P
BI771115.1 Clone IMAGE:5209055 mixed 5' read
BI910274.1 Clone IMAGE:5217290 blood 5' read P
BM007324.1 Clone IMAGE:5440448 spleen 5' read
BM126786.1 Clone IMAGE:5675157 pancreas 3' read A
BM127097.1 Clone IMAGE:5675157 pancreas 5' read
BM451117.1 Clone IMAGE:5495073 eye 5' read P
BM802615.1 Clone IMAGE:5581015 eye 5' read P
BM838766.1 Clone S9SNU601-93-B11 ascites 5' read
BM917648.1 Clone IMAGE:5484966 blood 5' read
AL692041.1 Clone DKFZp313L1836 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
BQ023432.1 Clone UI-1-BB1p-avd-d-03-0-UI placenta 3' read A
BQ318578.1 intestine P
BQ351220.1 pharynx P
BQ631898.1 Clone IMAGE:6030916 pancreas 5' read P
BQ632192.1 Clone IMAGE:6030916 pancreas 3' read
AA236381.1 Clone IMAGE:667271 mixed 5' read
AA236382.1 Clone IMAGE:667271 mixed 3' read
AA280934.1 Clone IMAGE:711688 lymph node 3' read
AA332362.1 embryonic tissue 5' read
CA840993.1 Clone IMAGE:6219057 pancreas 3' read
CA841254.1 Clone IMAGE:6219057 pancreas 5' read
T81745.1 Clone IMAGE:115909 mixed 5' read
AA287051.1 Clone IMAGE:701659 lymph node 3' read
AA287173.1 Clone IMAGE:701657 lymph node 5' read P
AA579586.1 Clone IMAGE:1073707 intestine 3' read
AA648767.1 Clone IMAGE:1184564 lymph node 3' read
AA662087.1 Clone IMAGE:1187822 prostate 3' read
AA662122.1 Clone IMAGE:1187822 prostate 5' read
AA693419.1 Clone 1239710 parathyroid 3' read
AA744812.1 Clone IMAGE:1283358 lymph node 3' read A
AA810190.1 Clone IMAGE:1338444 lymph node 3' read
AA814526.1 Clone IMAGE:1339246 lymph node 3' read
AA885160.1 Clone IMAGE:1471119 mixed 3' read

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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