1999 California Hydrologic Data Report

                                   11403500 BUCKS LAKE NEAR BUCKS LODGE, CA

LOCATION.-Lat 39°53'45", long 121°12'08", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.33, T.24 N., R.7 E., Plumas County,
Hydrologic Unit 18020121, Plumas National Forest, in outlet structure, 100 ft upstream from dam on Bucks Creek,
2.0 mi northwest of Bucks Lodge, and 15 mi west of Quincy. 
DRAINAGE AREA.-28.6 mi2. 
PERIOD OF RECORD.-1927-28 (year-end contents only, published in WSP 1315-A), October 1928 to current year. Prior
to October 1954, published as Bucks Creek Reservoir near Bucks Ranch. 
GAGE.-Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 3.50 ft below sea level (levels by Feather River Power Co.). 
REMARKS.-Reservoir is formed by concrete-faced, rockfill dam, completed in 1927; storage began in May 1927.
Capacity, 101,400 acre-ft between elevations 5,064.75 ft, sill of outlet gate, and 5,154.85 ft, spillway crest.
Storage of 274 acre-ft is not available for release. Released water flows down Bucks Creek to Lower Bucks Lake
(station 11403520), where most of the water is diverted to Bucks Creek Tunnel or Grizzly Powerplant (station
11304240), which discharges into Grizzly Creek. Figures given, including extremes, represent total contents at
2400 hours. See schematic diagram of North Fork Feather River Basin. 
COOPERATION.-Records were collected by Pacific Gas & Electric Co., under general supervision of the U.S.
Geological Survey, in connection with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission project. Contents not rounded to
U.S. Geological Survey standards. 
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-Maximum contents, 107,278 acre-ft, May 17, 1996, elevation, 5,157.9 ft; minimum,
12,330 acre-ft, Feb. 27, 1929, elevation, 5,090.7 ft. 
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.-Maximum contents, 100,833 acre-ft, July 2, 3, elevation, 5,154.4 ft; minimum, 49,814
acre-ft, Jan. 16, elevation, 5,123.1 ft. 
  Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
  (Based on survey by Feather River Power Co. in 1927)
	5,090	11,742	5,130	59,997
	5,095	16,183	5,140	75,894
	5,100	21,180	5,150	92,950
	5,110	32,519	5,160	111,220
	5,120	45,472


                                        DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS
DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
  1     74580    61994    58782    54007    55483    63233    64952    71001    91719   100651    89795    75730
  2     74089    61530    59238    53714    55632    63857    64637    71649    92071   100833    89273    75730
  3     73763    61223    60917    53422    55632    64481    64481    72297    92598   100833    88752    75730
  4     73273    60764    61223    53130    55483    64794    64481    72784    93127   100651    88752    75730
  5     72947    60304    61070    52691    55188    65109    64325    73273    93658   100287    87885    75730
  6     72459    59997    60917    52401    55335    65109    64169    73763    94189    99743    87367    75730
  7     71973    59997    60610    51967    56079    65266    63857    74416    94720    99382    86851    75730
  8     71487    59845    60304    51678    56973    65581    64013    74909    95076    99201    86334    75730
  9     71001    59541    59997    51389    58328    65581    63857    75566    95433    99020    85818    75730
 10     70679    58934    59845    51100    58630    65738    63857    76059    95789    98659    85475    75894
 11     70197    58630    59541    51100    58934    65424    64013    76556    96324    98118    84962    75730
 12     69714    58177    59238    50814    59238    65424    63857    77217    96682    97759    84619    75730
 13     69232    57726    58934    50386    59238    65266    63545    77881    97041    97220    84107    75894
 14     68913    57425    58934    50100    59541    65266    63545    78381    97400    96861    83597    75730
 15     68434    56973    58782    49957    59693    65424    63545    78880    97759    96324    83087    75894
 16     67955    56675    58782    49814    60304    65266    63701    79548    97938    96324    82577    75894
 17     67478    56526    58478    50386    60610    65266    64013    80051    98297    95433    82239    75730
 18     67003    56079    58177    51389    61070    65266    64481    80721    98478    94898    81733    75894
 19     66527    56632    57726    51823    61223    65109    64952    81227    98659    94366    81227    75894
 20     66053    55335    57726    52837    61685    65109    65424    81902    98839    94012    80721    75894
 21     65738    55188    57565    53130    61994    65109    65895    82747    99201    93825    80386    75894
 22     65266    55040    57124    53714    62149    64952    66210    83427    99382    93481    79883    75894
 23     64794    56377    56824    54450    61839    64794    66686    84277    99563    93304    79381    75894
 24     64637    56824    56526    54893    61839    64637    67161    85304    99743    93127    78880    75894
 25     64325    56675    56228    54893    61839    64637    67795    86334    99924    92774    78381    75894
 26     64325    56526    55930    54745    61530    64637    68434    87195   100105    92423    78048    75894
 27     64013    56675    55632    54745    61685    64794    69073    88059   100105    91895    77548    75566
 28     63701    56675    55483    54893    62613    64952    69553    89099   100469    91719    77052    75566
 29     63233    56526    55188    55188      ---    64794    69875    89795   100469    91192    76556    75401
 30     62922    58328    54745    55335      ---    65109    70357    90668   100651    90668    76059    74909
 31     62458      ---    54450    55483      ---    64952      ---    91368      ---    90319    75730      ---
MAX     74580    61994    61223    55483    62613    65738    70357    91368   100651   100833    89795    75894
MIN     62458    55040    54450    49814    55188    63233    63545    71001    91719    90319    75730    74909
 a     5131.6   5128.9   5126.3   5127.0   5131.7   5133.2   5136.6   5149.1   5154.3   5148.5   5139.9   5139.4
 b     -12615    -4130    -3878    +1033    +7130    +2339    +5405   +21011    +9283   -10332   -14589     -821
CAL YR 1998   MAX 104867  MIN 45611  b +8839
WTR YR 1999   MAX 100833  MIN 49814  b  -164

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Last modified: Wed Jun 14 11:27:19 PDT 2000