JSC Technical Report Server

  1. John goodman, United Space Alliance, Lessons Learned From Seven Space Shuttle Missions, CR-2007-213697, 1/1/2007, pp. 52, Location unavailable.

  2. Mark Mulrooney, GB Tech, Inc., An assessment of the role of Solid Rocket Motors in the Generation of orbital Debris, TP-2007-213738, 2/1/2007, pp. 105, Location unavailable.

  3. Joel M. Stoltzfus; Keisa R. Rosales*; Michael S. Shoffstall*, Guide for Oxygen Compatibility Assessments on Oxygen Components and Systems This document replaces version TM-1996-104823, TM-2007-213740, 3/1/2007, pp. 26, Location unavailable.

  4. Jeremy B. Jacobs, William L. Castner, JSC Material Laboratory Reproductin and Failure Analysis of Cracked Orbiter Reaction Control System, TP-2007-213733, 3/1/2007, pp. 50, Location unavailable.

  5. C. Hudy, Lockheed Martin; B. Woolford, Habitability and Human Factors Branch, Space Human Factors Engineering Gap Analysis Project Final Report, TP-2007-213739, 3/1/2007, pp. 68, Location unavailable.

  6. J.L. Foster (Barrios Technology), J.H. Frisbee (United Space Alliance), Comparison of the Exclusion Volume and Probability Threshold Methods of Debris Avoidance for the STS Orbiter, TP-2007-214751, 5/1/2007, pp. 32, Location unavailable.

  7. M. B. Wortham (United Space Alliance), J.L. Foster (Barrios Technology), ISS Debris Avoidance Maneuver Threshold Analysis, TP-2007-214752, 5/1/2007, pp. 48, Location unavailable.

  8. M.F. Reschke, J.M. Krnavek, J.T. Somers, G. Ford, A Brief Historical Review of Vestibular and Sensorimotor Research Associated with Space Flight, SP-2007-560, 5/1/2007, pp. 124, Location unavailable.

  9. Sylvia L. Hyson,* Laura Galarza,* Albert W. Holland**, A Review of Training Methods and Instructional Techniques: Implications for Behavioral Skills Training in U.S. Astronauts, TP-2007-213726, 5/1/2007, pp. 40, Location unavailable.

  10. L.H. Kuznetz, Ph.D., Senior Scientist National Space Biomedical Research Institute ; Professor Vincent Pisacane United States Naval Academy, MarsSuit Project, TP-2007-213736, 7/1/2007, pp. 98, Location unavailable.

  11. Bret G. Drake, Reducing the Risk of Human Missions to Mars Through Testing, TM-2007-214761, 7/1/2007, pp. 60, Location unavailable.

  12. Bret G. Drake, Decadal Planning Team Mars Mission Analysis Summary, TM-2007-214761, 7/1/2007, pp. 106, Location unavailable.

  13. A. M. Cassady, G. Bourland, R. King, M. Kegerise, J. Marichalar, B. S. Kirk, L. Trevino, MH-13 Space Shuttle Orbiter AerothermodynamicTest Report, TP-2007-214758, 7/1/2007, pp. 446, Location unavailable.

  14. Bret G. Drake, Exploration Blueprint Data Book, TM-2007-214763, 7/1/2007, pp. 608, Location unavailable.

  15. John DeWitt (Bergaila Engineering Services), Donald Hagan (NASA Johnson Space Center), The Effect of Increasing Mass on Locomotion, TP-2007-214757, 8/1/2007, pp. 50, Location unavailable.

  16. Jason Norcross, Jason R. Bentley, Alan D. Moore, Wyle Laboratories, Inc.; R. Donald Hagan, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Comparison of the U.S. and Russian Cycle Ergometers, TP-2007-214760, 8/1/2007, pp. 26, Location unavailable.

  17. R. A. Scheuring, J. A. Jones, . D. Polk, D. B. Gillis, J. Schmid, J. M. Duncan, J. R. Davis and J. D. Novak,, The Apollo Medical Operations Project: Recommendations to Improve Crew Health and Performance for Future Exploration Missions and Lunar Surface Operations, TM-2007-214755, 9/1/2007, pp. 450, Location unavailable.

  18. Prepared by. R. A. Scheuring, M. Walton, J. Davis-Street, T. J. Smaka, D. Griffin, NASA’s Operational and Research Musculoskeletal Summit, August 23-25, 2005, TM-2007-214766, 9/1/2007, pp. 38, Location unavailable.

  19. Prepared by: Space and Life Sciences Directorate, C-9 and Other Microgravity Simulations, TM-2007-214765, 9/1/2007, pp. 160, Location unavailable.

  20. Frank A. McCleary, M.S., Alan D. Moore, Jr., Ph.D., Wyle Life Sciences,, Validation of the Pulmonary Function System for Use on the International Space Station, TP-2007-214756, 9/1/2007, pp. 22, Location unavailable.

  21. Jennifer L. Rhatigan, Jeffrey M. Hanley, Mark S. Geyer, Formulation of NASA's Constellation Program, SP-2007-563, 10/1/2007, pp. 26, Location unavailable.

  22. L.H. Kuznetz, Ph.D., National Space Biomedical Research Institute; Dr. M. Gernhardt, Life Sciences Division; Mr. Grant Bue, Crew and Thermal Systems Division, Airlock Retreat Metabolic Data Analysis, TP-2007-213737, 10/1/2007, pp. 54, Location unavailable.

  23. John De Witt, Ph.D. and Jeffrey Jones, MD, Evaluation of the Hard Upper Torso Shoulder Harness, TP-2007-214753, 11/1/2007, pp. 62, Location unavailable.

  24. A. Ponomarev, M. Kim, Universities Space Research Assc; W. Atwell, Boeing, Space Exploration; H. Nounu, U. of Houston; H. Hussein, Lockheed Martin, F. Cucinotta, NASA, NASA-developed ProE-based tool for the ray-tracing of spacecraft geometry to determine radiation doses and particle fluxes in habitable areas of spacecraft and in the human body, TP-2007-214770, 11/1/2007, pp. 40, Location unavailable.

  25. International Space Station Payloads Office Johnson Space Center, Overview of Attached Payload Accommodations and Environments on the International Space Station, TP-2007-214768, 9/1/2007, pp. 40, Location unavailable.

  26. Helen W. Lane; Kamlesh P. Lulla, Biennial Research and Technology Development Report, TM-2007-214769, 12/1/2007, pp. 166, Location unavailable.

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