
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:18 AM
Compensation for gay's loved ones

To whom it may concern, please wake up! Equal rights, is the higher choice. It means giving up judging others, who have a natural attraction to same sex. It means loving, and excepting everyone. It means celebrating diversity, and admitting that we are all different, and that is a positive thing, with many positive results. How we love, is not important, but that we love is. All the feelings of separation, come from hate, not love. Fear of what is, we are all different. The solution is to focus on commonalities, then the boggy man will go away. The fact that gay hero survivors, are not being compensated, is a great injustice. (911) I will not support such glaring injustice,that can only be justified by bigotry, hatred, and fear. Again, I say wake up! Re- membering our oneness, is the only thing that will save the human race, from self destruction. God help us all! With Peace And Love,

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