14s APRII. 1959 A NOTE ON VISIBlLITY AT SACRAMENTO, CALIF. GEORGE C. HOLZWORTH Weather Bureau Research Statlon, Berkeley, Calli. [Manuscript received January 13. 19591 ABSTRACT Daylight visibility obserrations at the Sacranlento Municipal dirport Jvere ns,ed to investigate the possibility that risibility in tlle area has been declining clue to rising levels of xir pollution. Those risibility observations made with naturally occurring fog (defined as relatire humidity greater than !10 percent) and/or precipitation were eliminated from the data. Obserratioms for .July, :I war111, dry month with relatively slight climatic differences from year to year, and So\-enlber. a cool month that often exhibits it considerable annual variation of elinlate, were tabulated for the three 4-year Iberiods, 1935-38, 1!14.7-48, nnd 19L-.Xi. The res,ults show that for July the percent frequency of poor risibilities steadily increased, and of good risibilities steadily decreased over the last 20-odd years. Such a trend is consistent with the Sac.rmnento 1)opul:ttion increase. For Xuveniber the trend was irregu- lar. This is believed to be due to ruriations in the occurrence of nleteorological factors, important to atmospheric dispersion. It is likely that such irregularit,ies are chnr:rc.teristic of other months and areas where there are large annual climatic variations. Fro~n concurrent surface \rind observations, the 1)referred wind c.onditions for various risibility ranges were deterluined. These data indicate that poor risibilities at the nirl,ort, on the southern edge of the city, occurred most frequently u-ith light lvinds from over the nearby Sacranlento urbun area. Good risibilities were favored by Inoderate \rinds fronl rural directions. Visibilities \vere rrdncwl when the wind sl)eed 1)ecnnIe strong enough for loose materials to be 1)iclcecl up from the ground. 1. INTRODUCTION Residents of Sacramento and other cities in (’alifornia‘s Central Valley, as well as aircraft pilots in the ricinity, have stated that, oyer the years tljey have observed a gen- eral decrease in visibility. These individuals have at- tributed such a trend to increasing levels of air pollution. Because air pollution measurements have not) been made in the Central Valley until recently, studies of trends in the concentrations of specific pollutants are not possible. However? the solid ~n t l liquid 1mrticulate mltter sus- pended in tlle :Ltmosphere, which represents air polltition, reduces visibility [ 11, and therefore :I measure of visibility may be interpreted as a measure of air pollution. Hencse, changes in risibility not attributable to naturally occurring aerosols may be indicative of mannlade trends in air pol- lut,ion. This study was undertaken in order to assess t l ~e possibility that there has been a general deterioration of 1-isibility in the Sacramento area due to hun~nn activity. 2. DATAANDTREATMENT From tlle hourly weather observations made by the ITS. Weather Bureau at Sacramento Municipal L4irport, the J u l y and Kovember data for the three 4-year periotls l!)X-%? 19X-48, and 19Z-56 were selected and punched on t*:uds for machine tabnlation. Only d:Lyt.ime observa- tio~ls, 0730-1730 IW,~ were considered since visibility at nigllt- depends upon different factors and the observations are gener:llly less reliable [I ]. All observations, 1935-56, were made from the same location. Prior to 1943 visil)ility to be reported by Weather T3tIrenn observers \\-:IS defined as “the greatest, distance to\\-artl the llorizorl that, kno\m objects can be identified.” I his \\-as later revised to “tlle lowest. visibility over the half of the horizon with the greatest visibility.” Sum- nlaries for this study do not suggest that this change in definition had any noticeable effect, on Sacramento observatiolls. .J~tly and November visibility trend analyses were con- sitleretl wit11 respect to the three 4-year periods. The data n“e1.c: lmnped into 4-year groups in an attempt, to smooth out, year-to-year variations i n meteorological conditions swh :IS factors affecting the dispersion of pollutants. The natural aerosols which limit visibility are fog and precipitation. Precipitation nlay occur at various relative r 7 6 6 anti about 41 minutes past the hour for 1935-38. A t Sacramento in 8 ActuaI obserration times are about 28 nlinutrs past the hour for 1945- Xorrmber the latest wnrise is about 0700 PRT and the earliest sunset is I I P ~I Y 1700 TST. APRIL 19.59 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 149 PERCENT 60 R 0 1935-38 48 ., " 3-6 MILES 7-10 ~~~~~ ~ MILES 11-15 MILES 20-30 MILES >30 MILES F ~c ;r .l c k : 1.-July yisibilities at S.rcranlento Mnilicipal Airl)ort, O'i:(o- 17:10 PS'I'. Percent freqnrncirs when relaltire hun1idity less than 91 1,rrcent and no prec.il)itation occurring. humidities. but. ~l a t ~u x l f o g is unlikely below about 91 percent. Tllose visibility observations vitll precipitntioll and/or relative humidity greater tl1nn 90 percent) were tnbulated separately, and I.emaining risibility observatio~ls were originally broken down according to various other relative humidity ranges. Although the visibilities tendetl tobe lower with higher humidities, tlle trends betweell 4-year periods for various llunlitlity ranges were all similar. For this reason. and because i t is c1esiml)le t o deal with large sunlples, all visibilities rerorcied wit11 humidities below 91 percent (and no precipitatioll) were considered together. 111 96.7 pel*cent of the ,July visibility cases, humidities were less than 71 percent. I n Koven11)er, humidit,ies were below 71 percent in 60.2 percent of tllr cases and below 91 percent in 83.9 percent of the c;~ses. 3. RESULTS I n the following discussions visibility observxtiolls v-itll precipitation and/or relative hnrnidity greater tl1an 00 percent, are excluded. This provision is intended to elinli- nate visibility restrictions that might, be attributed to nat,urally occurring fog and precipitation particles. JULY July was chosen as typical of the warm, :wid sunlnlers when there are seldonl marked variations in Central Val- ley weather. The percent frequencies of risibilities in given ranges for each of the three 4-year periods are shown in figure 1. This bar diagram indicates that, the frequency of visibility reports in the ranges 3-6 and 7-10 miles steadily increased over the years studied. The percentage frequency of the combined :3-10-mile range increased by a factor of almost 6 from 1935-38 to 1953-56, apparently at the expense of the 20-80-mile range whose frequency PERCENT 1935 -38 1945-48 1953-56 steadily declined f1-onl 62.8 percent in 1935-38 to 44.5 per- cent, ~I I 195kWj. The frequency of visibilities of11-15 miles c1l:mged only slightly and inco~lsistently with time. I n the range exceeding 30 miles, there was no regular trend. There were no July visibilities of 0-2x miles. ('onsidering a11 visibilities, a deteriorating trend is clearly indicated for J d y . The most striking risibility trends were in the 3-10- and 20-3O-mile ranges. By the chi-square test [2 ], dif- ferences between tlle three &-year periods for both these visibility ranges are significant) :It the 1-percent level. It sllould be mentioned that, such tests of significance assume independence of samples, and hourly weather observations (lo not fully satisfy this :wumption. However, each of tlle 4-year groups was considered to more clearly approach tl~e. property of independence. NCVEMBER ('lin~ntologic:llly, Sovember is a relatively cool month and was chosen to represent early winter conditions as o1)posed to summer. The weatller is often quite variable within this nlontll and considerable differences may occur frolu year to year. Some Novembers are rainy and foggy while others are relatively dry and fog free. 1 he percentage frequencies of visibilities in give11 ranges for each of tlle three 4-year periods, as shown in figure 2, indicate that. Kovernber visibilities followed an irregular trend. As n whole, poor visibilities (0-10 miles) m-ere least frequent, and good visibilities (20 miles or greater) were 'most frequent in the middle period, 1945-48. I n the later period, 1953-56, the picture was reversed with 0-10- mile risibilities most frequent and visibilities of 20 miles or grea.ter least frequent. In the early period, 1935-38, 1)oor and good visibilities occurred with frequencies inter- lnediate between those of the other two periods. The fre- quency of visibilities of 11-15 miles differed between peri- ods by only 0.2 percent. Considering all visibilities for Sovember, they may be described as having been inter- lnediate in 1933-38, good in 1925-48, and poor in 1953-56. 7 , 150 MONTHLY APRIL 1959 This irregular va.riation stands in sharp cont.rast to the steady trend shown for July. As mentioned above, data, for 4-year periods were lumped together in t,he hope that important weather variations would be smoothed out. This result, is more probable for July than for November when conditions may be quite variable. November aver- age 4-year precipitation amounts were 1.09, 1.41, and 1.59 inches for the earliest to latest periods, respectively; for any one November in these 12 years, precipitation ranged from 0.03 to 3.35 inches. These are cited to indicate to some extent the degree of wetktller variability in these 12 Novembers. It is thought that such variations in impor- tant meteorological factors, affecting both dispersion and emission of visibility-reducing pollutants, have resulted in t)he irregular November trend shown in figure 2. VGth respect to pollutant sources, the burning of crop residues after harvesting should be mentioned. It is thought that this practice, which has been common in tlle rich agricultural area of Sacramento and o’tller parts of the Central Valley, is partly responsibmle for the irregular trend of November visibmilities. Smoke from what agri- cultural burning occurs in July is likely to be more rapidly dispersed by the usual summer conditions of windiness and instability. However, because the desired facts on agricultural burning are nonexistent, such remarks must be regarded as speculation. 4. FURTHER CONSIDERATION It is generally recognized that as urban areas expand, pollutant emissions from such sources also increase (in the absence of emission controls). It is logical then that, other things being the same, visib’ility should show a gen- eral decline with increasing urb’anizntion. The Sacra- mento Municipal Airport is on the southern edge of the city, about 4y2 miles from the downtown area. Because Sacramento is the only large city in the county and because much of the total metropolitan population lies beyond the official city limits, Sacramento County population figures have been used. From decennial population data [3] and others [4], the following populat.ion estimates were made for Sacramento County for 1 year within each of the three periods studied : 1937-------------------------------------- 160,000 1947------------------_”------------------ 230,000 1955-------------------------------------- 380,000 Thus the trend of deteriorating July visibilit.ies was associated with a, rapidly increasing population. I n No- vember this same trend held true for 1945-48 to 1953-56, but improving visibilities from 1935-38 t o 1945-48 were also associated with a population increase. As pointed out, this latter irregularity is believed to have been due to variations of important me,teorological factors. That the Sacramento metropolitan area was indeed a Source of visibility-reducing pollutants may be shown from a consideration of surface winds. For each visibility ob- servation the concurrent wind observation was tabulated in wind rose form for each visibility range. Wind direc- tions were divided into two groups, northwest clockwise through east-soutlleast (NW-ESE) and so’utlleast through west-northwest ( SE-M7N1V). As slmwn in figure 3, most of the Sacramento n1etropolit:m population lies in the sector NM-ESE from the airport. The other sector, SE- WNW, may be described as relatively rural. The rela- t,ionsllip of poor visibilities (0-10 miles) to’ winds was considered first. This was done by summarizing the per- cent frequency of occurrence of wind in each of the two direction sectors, NIT-ESE and SE-WNW, by 5-n1.p.h. speed intervals for 0-10-mile visibilities and for all visi- bilities. The ratio of the former to the latter was then determined and these values for July and November are given in table 1. Each numb’er in this table is the ratio of percent frequency of given wind conditions for low visibilit,y to tlle percent frequency of such wind conditions for all visibilities. Thus, the higher the ratio, the greater the “preference” of low visibilities for such wind condi- tions.z For example, table 1 shows that in July the most preferred wind condition for 0-10-mile visibilit,ies was from NW-ESE at 1-5 m.p.11. It should be made clear that these wind condit.ions are not ne.cessarily those with which t.he visibility was most often 0-10 miles. The pref- erence is relat.ive to what is expected from a consideration of all visibmilities. possible to com8pute the ratios of “percent of time t h e w i n d is from 2Using tables K and F of Local Climatological Data Supplement, it is given directions for visibilities less than 7 miles with smoke or haze” to “percent of t i m e t h e w i n d is from corresponding directions for all visibilities.” APRIL 1959 MONTHLY WEATHER 151 TABLE I.-Ratio of "percent of winds for visibility 0-10 miles" to "percent of winds f o r all visibilities." Data for Sacramento no precipitation; 0730-1 730 PST, 1935-38, 1945-48, 1953-56 Municipal Airport when relative humidity less than 91 percent and Wind speed m.p.h. Wind direction I- NW-ESE SE-WNW Calm A 11 I I I- JULY (No visihility reported in 0-242 miles renae) 1.36 .2 7 .4 7 .1 R I . 04 Wind speeds exceeding 15 m.p.11. were infrequent, and so the rat,ios for such speeds had to be conlpult,ed from small percentages. However, the computed ratios appear to exhibit reasonable trends as wind conditions vary. A likely except.ion is the vahe of 2.23 in table 1, July, which probsably would be lower with more cases of such wi-inds. This fault might be c0rrecte.d by conlbining some of the higher wind speeds, but in so doing one of the features of the table would be lost. It is a reasonable hypothesis that,, considering nearby communit,y sources of visibilit,y- reducing aerosols, improving visibility sllould be antici- pated with increasing wind speed (more favorable dilu- tion) up to the point, where dust and other loose maiterials a.re picked up by the wind. This is borne out in tab'le 1 where, considering all wind directions, theare is a. decrease in the ratios with increasing speeds up to the point where loose nmteria.1 is picked up. Here the ratios b'egin to incmase. I n J u l y when precipihtion 'aver:Lged less than a trace and t,he ground was dry, this reversal began a t 16-20 m.p.11. I n November when precipita,tion averaged 1.36 inches, the ratios did not begin to increase until speeds exceeded 20m.p.11. From tab'le 1 it is clear thak wind direct,ions occurring with low visibilities 1wre most likely to be from the urban area. This was especially true f o r J u l y when for every wind speed the ratios were greater for the sector NTV- ESE tha,n for tE1e SE-TYNW sector. For r\'ovembe,r, con- sidering all wind speeds, the most preferred direction with low visibilities was also from the metropolit,arl area. However, the preference WRS not nearly so strong as in July. This may have been due in part to agricult.ura1 TARLE 2.-Ratio of "percent of winds for visibility 20-30 miles" to ipal Airport when relative humidity less than 91 percent and no "percent of winds for all visibilities". Data for Sacramento Munic- precipitation; 0730-1 730 P S T , 1935-38, 1945-48, 1953-56 Wind speed Wind direction m.p.h. IGw-EsE I s E -w N w / Calm I All JULY burning which provides pollutant sources to the south as well as to the nolkh. Table 2 is similar to table 1 except it is for good visi- bilities, 20-30 miles. This table indicates that for all directions there was an increase in the ratios, preference for golod visibilities, with increasing speeds up to the point where loose materials are picked up, and then the trend reversed. Considering all wind speeds, the most preferred direction for goo'd visibility was from the rural sector, SE-TVKTV. Hygroscopic nuclei may be active in the humidity range 71-90 percent. If such relative humidi'ties are re- lated to wind directions, then the concurrent visibilities might be lo'mer and t,ab'les 1 and 2 would be inva,lid. July claytime humidities above 70 percent are very rare. I n Kovelnber, humidit.ies of71-90 occurred 23.7 percent of the time. The Novemb'er ra,tios in ltabmles 1 and 2 were recomputed, using only data for relative humidities be- low 71 percent (and no precipitation). The recomputed ratios are almost identical with the original. It is con- cluded that any relaitionship bsetween humidities of 71-90 percent and wind directions does not alter the ratios of tables 1 and 2. 5. CONCLUSIONS The datu for July indicate that Samamento visibilities lmve been deteriorating over the last 20-odd years. This is most apparent in the 0-10-mile visibilit,y range, which showed a steady increa,se in percent frequency, and in the 20-30-mile range, which showed a steady decrease. I n November, Visibilities went through an irregular trend from intermediate to good to poor, from the ea,rliest to the latest periods, respect,ively. This may have been due 152 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEV APRIL 1959 largely lto variations i n the occurrence, of meteorological factors, especially those important to atmospheric clis- persion of manmade pollutants. It is likely that such irregularities are cllaracteristic, of other seasons and areas where t,here are large variations in the weather. From a conside.ration of wi-ind data it is clear tllxt poor visibilities were associated with wind direc,tions from over the urban area and with light, winds. Wind direction and speed factors were interdependent.. Good visibilities were most likely with winds from rural directions and at moderat.e speeds. The data indicate Itll:tt, visibilities were reduced when winds b’ecarne strong enough to pick 1111 dust, and other loose materials. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was carried out in cooperation with the (“ali- fornilia S a t e Department of Public Health as a part of the program of the Bureau of Air Sanitation. Various peoplo in this Hureau made helpful suggest.ions and the’ir contributions are gratefnlly acknowledged. The raw data, were kindly made availab’le by the U.S. Weather Burelan at Sacramento. The encouragement of the Ofice of Jieteorological Research and the Weather Hnreau Resetlrcll St’ation alt, the R. ,I. Taft Sanitary Engineering (‘enter, (lincinnati. Ohio, is’ also appreciated.