Original OxyR model (Model 1)

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This is the original OxyR model, referred to as Model 1. It contains binding sites in the promoters of the following genes:

Salmonella orf
mu mom
mu mom 2

Below is the aligned listing and instruction file.

alist 6.25, aligned listing of book:
* 2000/08/15 11:31:46, 1999/05/04 14:41:13,
  OxyR version = 2.22 of inst.oxyr.orf 2000 July 27
piece names from:
* 2000/08/15 11:31:46, 1999/05/04 14:41:13,
  OxyR version = 2.22 of inst.oxyr.orf 2000 July 27
The alignment is by delila instructions
The book is from:       -200 to 200
This alignment is from: -25 to 25

                              ----------------                   ++++++++++++++++
                              2222221111111111--------- +++++++++1111111111222222
                              ................................................... bits
ahpC     U00096   638089 +  1 aaggttgtaaggtaaaacttatcgatttgataatggaaacgcattagccga 19.5
         U00096   638089 -  2 tcggctaatgcgtttccattatcaaatcgataagttttaccttacaacctt 19.5
dps      U00096   848228 +  3 ccgctattctggctgttcctatcacactaatagtggtaacaagcgtgaaaa 12.3
         U00096   848228 -  4 ttttcacgcttgttaccactattagtgtgataggaacagccagaatagcgg 12.3
grxA     U00096   890054 +  5 gctgaaagtaggtttaacctgttgcattaattgctaaaagctataactgtt 26.0
         U00096   890054 -  6 aacagttatagcttttagcaattaatgcaacaggttaaacctactttcagc 26.0
gorA     U00096  3643862 +  7 agctggatcgtgccggagtaattgcagccattgctggcacctattacgtct 11.2
         U00096  3643862 -  8 agacgtaataggtgccagcaatggctgcaattactccggcacgatccagct 11.2
katG     U00096  4131337 +  9 caatatgtaagatctcaactatcgcatccgtggattaattcaattataact 19.1
         U00096  4131337 - 10 agttataattgaattaatccacggatgcgatagttgagatcttacatattg 19.1
oxyR     U00096  4156029 + 11 agggataatcgttcattgctattctacctatcgccatgaactatcgtggcg 13.9
         U00096  4156029 - 12 cgccacgatagttcatggcgataggtagaatagcaatgaacgattatccct 13.9
orf      sal.orf      29 + 13 tggcacgccagctcttacctatgtctgtgataggcatcatcattaatactc 17.6
         sal.orf      29 - 14 gagtattaatgatgatgcctatcacagacataggtaagagctggcgtgcca 17.6
mu mom   V01463       68 + 15 agaaaacgacgatcgaatcaattaaatcgatcggtaatacagatcgattat 19.4
         V01463       68 - 16 ataatcgatctgtattaccgatcgatttaattgattcgatcgtcgttttct 19.4
mu mom 2 V01463       59 + 17 agcgcatatagaaaacgacgatcgaatcaattaaatcgatcggtaatacag 18.5
         V01463       59 - 18 ctgtattaccgatcgatttaattgattcgatcgtcgttttctatatgcgct 18.5

title "OxyR version = 2.22 of inst.oxyr.orf 2000 July 27";

(* begin module numbering *)
(* number only the pieces, starting at 1 *)
      default numbering piece;
      default numbering 1;
      default out-of-range reduce-range;
(* end module numbering *)

(* DDD marks sites that overlap a nearby proven site. *)

(* 2000 July 26:  KAL altered inst to rebuild the OxyR model that originally
found fhuF and dsbG sites *)

organism E.coli;
chromosome E.coli;
piece U00096; { the target sequence is 4639221 bases }

{name "dsbG";
(* 2000 July 26:  KAL removed from model to rebuild "old" OxyR model *)
(* 2000 July 27:  KAL added to model again because dsbG is E. coli equivalent
of Salmonella orf *)
(* 2000 July 27:  KAL removed from model to rebuild "very old" OxyR model *)
get from 637851 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 637851 +200 to same -200 direction -;}

{ original source probe: }
{ name "ahpC"; piece D13187; get from 1 to 316 direction +; }
name "ahpC";
get from 638089 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 638089 +200 to same -200 direction -;

{name "fur";
(* This is the site footprinted by Ming for the Jbact paper -
my original discovery! *)
(* 2000 July 26:  KAL removed from model to rebuild "old" OxyR model *)
get from 710103 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 710103 +200 to same -200 direction -;}

{ original source probe: }
{ name "dps"; piece X69337; get from 401 to 1 direction -; }
name "dps";
get from 848228 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 848228 +200 to same -200 direction -;

{ original source probe: }
{ name "grxA"; piece M13449; get from 401 to 1 direction -; }
name "grxA";
get from 890054 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 890054 +200 to same -200 direction -;

{name "flu"; (* from Ming Zheng *)
(* 2000 July 26:  KAL removed from model to rebuild "old" OxyR model *)
get from 2069355 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 2069355 +200 to same -200 direction -;}

{name "O16"; (* from Ming Zheng *)
(* 2000 July 26:  KAL removed from model to rebuild "old" OxyR model *)
get from 2467337 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 2467337 +200 to same -200 direction -;}

{name "trxC";
get from 2716640 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 2716640 +200 to same -200 direction -;}

{ original source probe: }
{ name "gorA"; piece U00039; get from 120581 to 120981 direction +; }
name "gorA";
get from 3643862 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 3643862 +200 to same -200 direction -;

{ original source probe: }
{ name "katG"; piece M21516; get from 1 to 268 direction +; }
name "katG";
get from 4131337 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 4131337 +200 to same -200 direction -;

{ original source probe: }
{ name "oxyR"; piece J04553; get from 1 to 363 direction +; }
name "oxyR";
get from 4156029 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 4156029 +200 to same -200 direction -;


(* 1998 July 2 These are the new sites footprinted by Ming.  yjjS = fhuF
Footprint data: 1999 Jan printout from Bernard Doan. *)
(* 2000 June 19 predicted site, confirmed by footprinting according to Ming
Zhang *)
(* 2000 July 26 :  KAL removed from model to rebuild "old" OxyR model *)
name "fhuF.1"; (* high affinity, formerly yjjS.2 *)
get from 4603273 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 4603273 +200 to same -200 direction -;}
name "fhuF.2"; (* formerly yjjS.1 *)
get from 4603357 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 4603357 +200 to same -200 direction -;}
OVERLAPS fhuF.2 (formerly named fhuF.3) HOLD UNTIL PROVEN. DDD
Low affinity?  1999 June 1, Gigi: "The low affinity yjjS
site is 2-4 fold lower in affinity than the high affinity site.
2000 June 19: site is blocked by fhuF.1, which is stronger! *)
name "fhuF.3"; (* formerly fhuF.2 *)
get from 4603251 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 4603251 +200 to same -200 direction -;



(* Salmonella orf *)

This is the equivalent of dsbG in E. coli and so can be removed now.
(* 2000 July 27:  KAL removed from rebuilding of old model because of
equivalence to dsbG in E. coli. *)
(* 2000 July 27:  KAL added back into model to try to rebuild "very old"
model *)}
organism extra.fragments;
chromosome extra.fragments;
piece sal.orf;
name "orf";
get from 29 -200 to 29 +200 direction +;
 name "";
get from 29 +200 to 29 -200 direction -;

{2000 June 21 Bernard was never able to get an OxyR footprint at ybaL
name "ybaL"; (* from Ming Zheng *)
get from 502543 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 502543 +200 to same -200 direction -;

name "R16 "; (* reduced, apparently *)
get from 645756 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 645756 +200 to same -200 direction -;


organism B.Mu;
chromosome B.Mu;

name "mu mom";
piece V01463; (* XXMU01 *);
get from 68 -200 to 68 +200 direction +;
get from 68 +200 to 68 -200 direction -;

(* this is not a proven site, but it overlaps the one at position 68
and is quite strong. DDD
2000 July 26:  KAL added back into model to rebuild "old" OxyR model *) 
name "mu mom 2";
get from 59 -200 to same +200 direction +;
get from 59 +200 to same -200 direction -;


This page is at www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~lewiska/projects/fur/oxyr/1.html.

Page origin: 2000 August 11
Last updated: 2001 May 24
Karen A. Lewis