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Lori Wiener, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Wiener L, Ballard E, Brennan T, Martinez P, Pao M.
How I wish to be remembered: The use of an advance care planning document in adolescent and young adult populations.
Journal of Palliative Medicine. 11.10, in press.
In Press. [Journal]
2)  Brown RT, Wiener L, Kupst MJ, Brennan T, Behrman R, Compas BE, David Elkin T, Fairclough DL, Friebert S, Katz E, Kazak AE, Madan-Swain A, Mansfield N, Mullins LL, Noll R, Patenaude AF, Phipps S, Sahler OJ, Sourkes B, Zeltzer L.
Single Parents of Children with Chronic Illness: An Understudied Phenomenon.
J Pediatr Psychol. 2007.
3)  Wiener LS, Zobel M, Battles H, Ryder C.
Transition from a pediatric HIV intramural clinical research program to adolescent and adult community-based care services:assessing transition readiness.
Social work in health care. 46: 1-19, 2007.
4)  Wiener LS, Steffen-Smith E, Battles HB, Wayne A, Love CP, Fry T.
Sibling stem cell donor experiences at a single institution.
Psychooncology. 2007.
5)  Wiener L, Mellins CA, Marhefka S, Battles HB.
Disclosure of an HIV diagnosis to children: history, current research, and future directions.
Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. 28: 155-66, 2007.
6)  Wiener LS, Steffen-Smith E, Fry T, Wayne AS.
Hematopoietic stem cell donation in children: a review of the sibling donor experience.
Journal of psychosocial oncology. 25: 45-66, 2007.
7)  Mansky P, Arai A, Stratton P, Bernstein D, Long L, Reynolds J, Chen D, Steinberg SM, Lavende N, Hoffman K, Nathan PC, Parks R, Augustine E, Chaudhry U, Derdak J, Wiener L, Gerber L, Mackall C.
Treatment late effects in long-term survivors of pediatric sarcoma.
Pediatric blood & cancer. 48: 192-9, 2007.
8)  Wiener LS, Battles HB, Wood LV.
A longitudinal study of adolescents with perinatally or transfusion acquired HIV infection: sexual knowledge, risk reduction self-efficacy and sexual behavior.
AIDS and behavior. 11: 471-8, 2007.
9)  Pao M, Ballard ED, Rosenstein DL, Wiener L, Wayne AS.
Psychotropic medication use in pediatric patients with cancer.
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. 160: 818-22, 2006.
10)  Wiener LS, Battles HB.
Untangling the web: a close look at diagnosis disclosure among HIV-infected adolescents.
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 38: 307-9, 2006.
11)  Wiener L, Battles H, Bernstein D, Long L, Derdak J, Mackall CL, Mansky PJ.
Persistent psychological distress in long-term survivors of pediatric sarcoma: the experience at a single institution.
Psycho-oncology. 15: 898-910, 2006.
12)  Wiener L, Battles H, Ryder C, Pao M.
Psychotropic medication use in human immunodeficiency virus-infected youth receiving treatment at a single institution.
Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology. 16: 747-53, 2006.
13)  Wiener LS, Steffen-Smith E.
Facing adult life with HIV.
Focus (San Francisco, Calif.). 21: 1-5, 2006.
14)  Wiener L, Riekert K, Ryder C, Wood LV.
Assessing medication adherence in adolescents with HIV when electronic monitoring is not feasible.
AIDS patient care and STDs. 18: 527-38, 2004.
15)  Battles HB, Wiener LS.
From adolescence through young adulthood: psychosocial adjustment associated with long-term survival of HIV.
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. 30: 161-8, 2002.
16)  Wiener LS, Vasquez MJ, Battles HB.
Brief report: fathering a child living with HIV/AIDS: psychosocial adjustment and parenting stress.
Journal of pediatric psychology. 26: 353-8, 2001.
17)  Sherman BF, Bonanno GA, Wiener LS, Battles HB.
When children tell their friends they have AIDS: possible consequences for psychological well-being and disease progression.
Psychosomatic medicine. 62: 238-47, , ,.
18)  Wiener LS, Battles HB, Heilman N.
Public disclosure of a child's HIV infection: impact on children and families.
AIDS patient care and STDs. 14: 485-97, 2000.
19)  Wiener LS.
Telephone support groups for HIV-positive mothers whose children have died of AIDS.
Social work. 43: 279-85, 1998.
20)  Wiener LS, Hersh SP, Kazak AE. Pizzo PA, Poplack DG, eds.
Psychiatric and Psychosocial Support for Child and Family. In: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology (5th Edition). Volume N/A.
Philadelphia: Lippincott; 2006. p. 1410-1441 [Book Chapter]
21)  Pao M, Wiener L. Cohen MA, Gorman JM, eds.
Childhood and Adolescence. In: Comprehensive Textbook of AIDS Psychiatry. Volume .
Cary, NC: Oxford University Press; 2007. In Press. [Book Chapter]
22)  Wiener L, Fair C, Pao M, Pizzo P. Armstrong-Daly A, Zarbock S, eds.
Care for the Child with HIV Infection and AIDS. In: Hospice Care for Children. Volume .
Oxford University Press; 2007. In Press. [Book Chapter]

This page was last updated on 9/22/2008.