
district of california

Rep. Ed Royce – Ranking Member, Terrorism, Nonproliferation & Trade – issued the following statement on the Senate Immigration Deal.

Washington, May 17, 2007 - The Senate bill will provide amnesty to those here illegally, no matter how the Senators "spin" the issue. Amnesty failed in 1986, as it prompted a massive increase in illegal immigration with the anticipation of future clemency. Amnesty says that individuals need not respect our laws, it awards people who break the law and flout our sovereignty

The1986 amnesty provided legal status for undocumented aliens already present in the country. It was passed with the promise of tougher enforcement, which was never realized. The law required illegal immigrants to wait, pay a monetary fine, and learn English. Does that sound familiar to today’s backslapping by the Senators and Administration?

Black’s Law Dictionary classifies the 1986 law as an amnesty. Because of that law we saw an immediate spike in illegal immigration. The ‘86 law was touted as the solution to our illegal immigration problem. They were wrong then and they are wrong now. The consequences for this country are potentially catastrophic.

The Senate bill will include:

1) Mass Amnesty

The Senate deal will apparently grant amnesty to almost all the 12-20 million illegal immigrants in the United States – plus the millions who will most likely surge over the border following this announcement. This makes a mockery of the rule of law. The deal will claim to end chain migration – but with an eight year window. The amnesty will vastly increase extended family chain migration for most of the next decade.

2) Massive Immigration Increase

The Senate deal will apparently increase immigration by at least an additional half million low skilled people a year for most of the next decade. Imagine adding a city the size of Washington, D.C., to the U.S. population each year – filled with low skilled workers. We face more overcrowding schools, sprawl, crime and strains on all our resources and communities.

3) Mass Foreign Worker Program

The Senate deal will apparently allow employers to import hundreds of thousands of low-skilled foreign workers each year to compete with the most vulnerable Americans. Because these foreign workers will be allowed to bring their families with them and give birth while here to U.S.-citizen children, they will be unlikely to ever leave.

4) Enforcement

They are promising us more enforcement. But the Administration refuses to enforce our laws now. I do not believe that we will enforce our immigration laws in the future. This is the same promise that Congress gave when they passed the 1986 amnesty. It did not happen..

5) From Chain Migration to Points System

They are telling us they are going to end chain migration. But in order to do that they must triple chain migration. Then in the distant future, after everybody is here, they promise to stop chain migration and move to an ill defined "points system". History shows this will not happen.

6) Costs

Perhaps the most staggering issues is the cost. Amnesty will cost the American Taxpayer two and half trillion dollars. The true costs of this amnesty will slam taxpayers and endanger this country’s economy at a time when social security will face insolvency. When all the Senators who played politics and passed this bill are gone, our Social Security system will be bankrupt. The Heritage Foundation recently released a report that analyzes what low-skilled households cost the U.S. taxpayer. For every dollar they pay in taxes they get three dollars in benefits. The drain on the U.S. economy will be unsustainable.

This is no grand bargain.

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