October 1st Archive of Robonaut

This chat was from the students who are registered for credit.

- It has been edited and some answers to some questions about the class have been inserted -

[13:35:06] fevaristo: Good afternoon

[13:46:22] PernosDetunaCTJIII: Buenos Tardes clase ::smiles and waves at everyone::

[13:47:30] fevaristo: Buenas tardes, Pernos

[13:49:36] PernosDetunaCTJIII: Como esta fevaristo?

[13:50:42] fevaristo: Bien y usted?

[13:51:07] PernosDetunaCTJIII: Bien ::smiles::

[13:52:09] fevaristo: cool

[13:52:10] MatthewJohnston: yo

[13:52:19] PernosDetunaCTJIII: how so?

[13:52:32] PernosDetunaCTJIII: Hola Matthew

[13:53:14] DanielPoynter: Dr. Cummings sent out an email to everyone in the class, saying how there wont be a quiz for the 2nd broadcast

[13:54:25] NASAModerator: Si quieren que yo encuentre sus preguntas para la presentacion, es preferible limitar conversaciones en este chatroom.

[13:54:34] DanielPoynter: Moderator: just a tip you might want to share with the users, if you get here early,you can preload all of the slides, so when the time comes for a slide change in the presentation, it will load quicker...

[13:56:00] NASATech: The quiz for the second lecture was posted but it is not required

[13:56:18] MariaBibbs: Hi how are you all today

[13:57:29] NASAModerator: Thanks Danie, Excellent idea for all to note!

[13:58:49] PernosDetunaCTJIII: I'm good

[13:59:52] johnputrino: NASAtech, this is kind of important, why wasn't the quiz posted in time and why would it not be required?

[13:59:53] NASAModerator: We will be starting shortly

[14:00:20] PernosDetunaCTJIII: good

[14:00:23] VitorVianna: ok thankyou

[14:00:28] NASAModerator: The video has begun!

[14:01:12] NASATech: The instructor for last week never made one up, and since it wasn't posted sooner it is not be required by the course professor.

[14:02:06] johnputrino: thank you

[14:05:33] MatthewJohnston: cool helmet

[14:07:02] MariaBibbs: Robonaut is very helpful

[14:14:01] NASAModerator: Ask your technical questions at: http://robotics.nasa.gov/courses/fall2002/event/chat/chatmain.html

[14:19:30] NASAModerator: RealVideo and windows media are both working now

[14:28:21] MariaBibbs: How far do you think ya'll well get by 2005 with anatomy

[14:32:16] JennyGimian: When will Robonaut be ready for use in space?

[14:34:58] DanPoynter2: Question:I have only heard bits and pieces, video/audio is screwy on my side, so please excuse me if you have answered this already: Referring to the humanoid robot ASIMO, have you worked in conjunction with Honda to share tips & tricks, or even to improve inficiency? Also, anything \you can learn from the ASIMO project or vice versa? share resources...

[14:35:16] JennyGimian: How is Robonaut powered?

[14:36:02] DanPoynter2: Question:I have only heard bits and pieces, video/audio is screwy on my side, so please excuse me if you have answered this already: Referring to the humanoid robot ASIMO, have you worked in conjunction with Honda to share tips & tricks, or even to improve inficiency? Also, anything \you can learn from the ASIMO project or vice versa? share resources...

[14:36:24] DrCummings3: Win Media is definitely coming in clearer than Real Player.

[14:36:26] Gabis: What method would be used to sense pressure in the robot hand ?

[14:38:10] DanPoynter2: Question:I have only heard bits and pieces, video/audio is screwy on my side, so please excuse me if you have answered this already: Referring to the humanoid robot ASIMO, have you worked in conjunction with Honda to share tips & tricks, or even to improve inficiency? Also, anything \you can learn from the ASIMO project or vice versa? share resources...

[14:39:12] PernosDetunaCTJIII: How many people did it take to build robonaut?

[14:39:19] JacquelineMehlberg: How long can Robonaut run before it needs to be recharged/refeuled?

[14:39:49] matthewjohnston: question: how much did robotnount cost?

[14:39:52] PernosDetunaCTJIII: *Question 1: how many people did it take to build robonaut?

[14:40:32] BradGates: How long will it be before robotnaut will be tested in space?

[14:41:09] DanPoynter2: Question:I have only heard bits and pieces, video/audio is screwy on my side, so please excuse me if you have answered this already: Referring to the humanoid robot ASIMO, have you worked in conjunction with Honda to share tips & tricks, or even to improve inficiency? Also, anything \you can learn from the ASIMO project or vice versa? share resources...

[14:41:47] BrianWoodworth: Question 1: What is the fuel source of Robonaut?

[14:42:15] ChrisGabis: How long have you worked with robonaut?

[14:42:26] RHS: What kind of power supply does it have? battery life? (Nik Krumm, #1)

[14:43:27] JacquelineMehlberg: What new robotic projects could the advancements from Robonaut lead to?

[14:43:57] BrianWoodworth: Question 2: Are you considering using Robonaut for rescue missions during emergency situations?

[14:43:57] ChrisGabis: Do you know if fuel cells would have any applications with robots in the future?

[14:44:41] RHS: Why not have the function of tether and no tether? Getting the best of both worlds (Riley Gorder)

[14:44:51] JacquelineMehlberg: What work has been done in the program involving A.I.?

[14:45:52] DanPoynter2: Question 2: what are the specifics things you have learned from this projet that might help budding hobby roboticists?

[14:46:25] BradGates: Question 2: What uses could robonaut have in everyday life?

[14:49:13] RHS: Isnt it generally more cost-efficient to build one-task robots? what if a robonaut breaks? (Nik Krumm, #2)

[14:49:55] matthewjohnston: question: how much did robotnount cost?

[14:50:11] DanPoynter2: RHS: whats your email i have a question for you....

[14:51:19] johnputrino: Which type of mobility will be the most commonly used for robonaut in its first few years of applications?

[14:51:36] MariaBibbs: When do you think robonaut have mobility?

[14:52:19] johnputrino: What type of sensors are used to tell robonaut how much pressure he is applying to an object?

[14:52:50] matthewjohnston: ::Pernos:: Question 2: How many lower halves

[14:53:17] matthewjohnston: *(if any) have been tested with robonaut?

[14:53:47] johnputrino: Is robonaut able to handle objects as fragile as an egg without breaking them, or will it only be able to handle tools and other strong equiptment?

[14:54:00] RHS: Wha about heat dissipation inside robonaut? Temperature control in space environment? (Chris Zweigle)

[14:54:52] ChrisGabis: way to steal a question johnputrino

[14:56:47] DanPoynter2: Question 3: If you need to test and restest motors and things when the acceleration due to gravity is vital in the performance, how do you test it on earth, if it is being built for action on mars, space, etc.?

[14:57:37] johnputrino: how'd i steal your question?

[14:57:56] MariaBibbs: does robonaut work fast of slow compared to humans

[14:58:08] RHS: Why design a hand, when it seems to be easier to make a replaciable tool attacher, such as you place what tool you need when needed

[14:58:24] RHS: Riley Gorder on that last question

[14:59:11] DanPoynter2: Question: Referring to the humanoid robot ASIMO, have you learned anything from the ASIMO project, or have you thought of the helpfulness/effiecency of working in conjunction with some commercial R & D company like Honda?

[14:59:15] matthewjohnston: can anyone talk to robonaut?

[15:00:46] PernosDetunaCTJIII: sounds painful...

[15:01:03] frank: Vitor?

[15:01:47] RHS: How much does it cost to launch this thing into space?(Chris Zweigle #2)

[15:02:28] VitorVianna: what frank

[15:04:31] frank: you got the quiz right?

[15:05:24] VitorVianna: no

[15:05:42] frank: Oh ok

[15:06:07] VitorVianna: How do we get the quiz?

[15:06:32] ChrisGabis: where do you get the quiz

[15:07:07] PernosDetunaCTJIII: out of curiosity... why did you take boba fett's helmet for robonaut's head?

[15:07:14] frank: in the middle, it says quiz... just click on it

[15:07:25] DanPoynter2: what are the specifics things you have learned from this projet that might help budding hobby roboticists?

[15:08:41] frank: if you can't get it, i got the questions for tomorrow

[15:08:46] VitorVianna: where in the middle

[15:09:13] NASATech: quiz is located at http://robotics.nasa.gov/courses/fall2002/quiz1.htm

[15:10:00] frank: yes

[15:12:55] DanPoynter2: mowing th eyard is a good function for a robot

[15:13:22] DanPoynter2: cultivate crops maybe in fields

[15:13:37] DanPoynter2: replace farmers : )

[15:13:51] AlexThompson: HOw long until we see something like Gundam wing in robotics i.e. humans using robots in competitions sch as sparring

[15:14:36] PernosDetunaCTJIII: oooh

[15:14:38] PernosDetunaCTJIII: that'd be cool

[15:15:22] DanPoynter2: prostetics (sp) and robotics = future

[15:15:27] johnputrino: you guys haven't done that yet? man, you're behind

[15:15:32] AlexThompson: what are some of the safety features in place to keep robonaut from damaging itself

[15:16:04] AlexThompson: and where exactly did you do it john

[15:16:21] johnputrino: i have to go now... lol

[15:16:54] AlexThompson: why is robonaut slow and weak...isnt it just a matter of changing out the hardware

[15:16:54] LiYang: question 1: how does Thermal Sensor work?

[15:20:08] AlexThompson: what are some of the problems you having with telepresene in robonaut

[15:20:19] LiYang: Question 2: what temperature degree range can Robonaut stay?

[15:20:26] DanPoynter2: **we still have 10 minutes! yay

[15:20:30] PernosDetunaCTJIII: He's gonna feel this tommorow...

[15:20:41] AlexThompson: Im sorry telepresence

[15:20:46] DanPoynter2: Ok, thank you for answering my question! : D

[15:21:58] DanPoynter2: Asimo's lower body, robonaut's upper body, COG's(MIT) Mind! g qhiz that would be awesome

[15:22:18] PernosDetunaCTJIII: ::hums, and stares blankly at the wall::

[15:22:30] AlexThompson: Have you thought of any commercial uses for robonaught... selling similar robots to construction companies and the like

[15:23:46] DanPoynter2: wrapping up the conversation: booooo : )

[15:23:59] PernosDetunaCTJIII: >.< I asked that through matthew!!!

[15:24:13] DanPoynter2: sooo many questions....

[15:26:02] DrCummings3: Thank you for sharing your expertise with us, Scott!

[15:26:46] DanPoynter2: Thank you! : D

[15:27:42] PernosDetunaCTJIII: Thanks a bunch Scott, I really enjoyed the lecture ^.^

[15:27:44] DrCummings3: Are there only 2 models of Robonaut right now??

[15:28:04] JennyGimian: Thank you

[15:28:04] PernosDetunaCTJIII: Thanks a million moderator for asking my questions

[15:28:06] matthewjohnstonreconnect: Thank you Scott

[15:28:20] AlexThompson1: He didnt leave an email address did he...

[15:28:20] BrianWoodworth: Thanks

[15:28:21] BradGates: Thank You.

[15:28:27] JacquelineMehlberg: Thank you! Be well everyone.

[15:28:40] matthewjohnstonreconnect: and you Moderator

[15:28:46] PernosDetunaCTJIII: ack... I need to stretch out

[15:28:50] Ross_Bowman: thanks

[15:29:04] DanPoynter2: i wrote down Scott's tips for young roboticists:

[15:29:14] PernosDetunaCTJIII: untill next time everyone

[15:29:44] DanPoynter2: take time to do it right first time, time to think through, give yourself time to tinker, dont be afraid to fail, failing is learning, actualling doing something is better than thinking about it

[15:29:53] DanPoynter2: there ya guys go...

[15:30:01] DanPoynter2: im gonna go eat some dinner! :D

[15:30:13] DrCummings3: The second quiz is not required since it was turned in after the webcast. ;-)

[15:31:11] AlexThompson1: well looks like im stuck with archives again... see you guys later