Astronomical Data Center

ADCADC/CDS Standard Document for Catalog:

The following is the "ReadMe" document that describes this ADC catalog. You can access the files described here in three ways:

1. Use the ADC Data Viewer Suite to visualize the data. [preview
2. Get the data files via anonymous FTP. (See Note.) [ftp

II/2B       Two-Micron Sky Survey (TMSS)           (Neugebauer+ 1969)
The Two-Micron Sky Survey
    Neugebauer G., Leighton R.B.
   <NASA SP-3047 (1969)>
ADC_Keywords: Photometry, infrared; Surveys

    The catalog, giving sources of emission in the 2.2-micrometer region
    for more than 5000 stars, represents a systematic survey of the
    Northern Hemisphere for stars brighter than third magnitude. The
    survey was carried out with a telescope at Mount Wilson, California,
    having a 62-inch diameter and an f/l aluminized epoxy mirror mounted
    equatorially. Radiation at an effective wavelength of 2.2 micrometers
    was detected by a lead sulfide photoconductive cell cooled by liquid
    nitrogen. In addition to the 2.2-micrometer detector array, radiation
    at an effective wavelength of 0.84 micrometers was detected by a
    simple silicon photovoltaic cell. The catalog includes right ascension
    and declination (B1950.0), K and I magnitudes, number of measurements,
    V magnitude, spectral types, cross identifications to the numbering
    systems of the General Catalogue, the Durchmusterung catalogs, the
    Bright Star Catalogue, and star names.

File Summary:
 FileName       Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe             80        .   This file
catalog.dat       164     5612   Catalog Data
chisq.dat          36     2574   Chi-square Excess
remarks.dat        78      140   Remarks

See also:
  II/94 : The Revised AFGL Sky Survey Catalog and Supplement (Price+ 1983)
 II/216 : Catalog of Infrared Observations, Edition 4 (CIO) (Gezari+ 1997)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
  Bytes Format  Units    Label   Explanations
   1-  6  I6    ---      IRC    *Two-Micron Sky Survey number (TMSS)
       7  I1    ---    f_IRC     [0,1] '1' if a remark exists in remarks.dat
   8-  9  I2    h        RAh     Right ascension 1950 (hours)
  11- 12  I2    min      RAm     Right ascension 1950 (minutes)
  14- 15  I2    s        RAs     Right ascension 1950 (seconds)
      17  A1    ---      DE-     Sign of declination
  18- 19  I2    deg      DEd     Declination 1950 (degrees)
  21- 24  F4.1  arcmin   DEm     Declination 1950 (arc minutes)
  25- 27  I3    s      e_RAs     Right ascension 1950 uncertainty
  28- 32  F5.2  ---    2_RAs     Right ascension chi-square
  33- 35  F3.1  arcmin e_DEm     Declination 1950 uncertainty
  36- 39  F4.1  ---    2_DEm     Declination chi-square
  41- 45  F5.2  mag      Kmag    K magnitude  (ignore if Scale = 3 or 4)
  47- 50  F4.2  mag    e_Kmag    K error      (ignore if Scale = 3 or 4)
  51- 55  F5.2  ---    2_Kmag    K chi-square (ignore if Scale = 3 or 4)
  57- 61  F5.2  mag      Imag   *I magnitude
  63- 66  F4.2  mag    e_Imag   *I error
  67- 71  F5.2  ---    2_Imag   *I chi-square
      73  I1    ---    n_Imag   *[0,1] I magnitude questionable
      75  I1    ---      Excess *[1-4] I and K chi-square excess flags
      76  I1    ---      Scale  *[1-4] I and K scale flags
  77- 78  I2    ct     o_Kmag    Number of K measurements
  79- 80  I2    ct     o_Imag    Number of I measurements
      81  I1    ---      KIflag *[0,1] Remark on K and I counts
  82- 91  I10   ---      tTable *Observational timetable
  94- 98  F5.2  mag      Vmag    ? V magnitude
 100-102  A3    ---      SpType  Spectral (temperature) class
     105  I1    ---      Lum    *[2-8]? Luminosity class
 107-110  I4    ---      HR     *? HR/BS (see Cat. <V/50>) number
 112-116  I5    ---      GC     *? GC (Cat. <I/113>) number
 118-127  A10   ---      DM     *DM (BD, CD, CPD) number
 129-136  A8    ---      GCVS   *Variable Star name
 139-141  I3    s        dRA    *[]? RA difference with counterpart
 143-146  F4.1  arcmin   dDE    *[]? Declination difference with counterpart
 147-155  F9.5  rad      RAdit   Right ascension 1950 (radians)
 156-164  F9.5  rad      DEdit   Declination 1950 (radians)
Note on IRC:
  This number is made from the declination strip (of 10 {deg} wide)
  followed by a sequential number in the strip. The repartition in
  declination of the catalogue is as follows:
      Declination Zones (degrees)   Sequential Record Number
       -30:    -33 to -25                 1-472
       -20:    -25 to -15              473-1116
       -10:    -15 to - 5             1117-1725
       +00:    - 5 to + 5             1726-2262
       +10:    + 5 to +15             2263-2807
       +20:    +15 to +25             2808-3365
       +30:    +25 to +35             3366-3887
       +40:    +35 to +45             3888-4435
       +50:    +45 to +55             4436-4919
       +60:    +55 to +65             4920-5353
       +70:    +65 to +75             5354-5555
       +80:    +75 to +81             5556-5612
Note on Imag:
   Ignore if I magnitude > 14.0 and/or ignore if Scale (byte 76) = 2 or 4.
Note on e_Imag, 2_Imag:
   Ignore if I magnitude > 14.0 and/or ignore if n_Imag (byte 73) = 1
   and/or ignore if Scale (byte 76) = 2 or 4.
Note on n_Imag:
   = 1, if I magnitude is questionable; = 0, otherwise
Note on Excess:
   = 1, if chi-square is not excessive
   = 2, if I chi-square is excessive
   = 3, if K chi-square is excessive
   = 4, if I and K chi-square are excessive
   Individual observations are in file chisq.dat when Excess differs from 1.
Note on Scale:
   = 1, if I and K both on scale
   = 2, if I off scale
   = 3, if K off scale
   = 4, if both I and K off scale
Note on KIflag:
   = 1, if there is a remark; = 0, otherwise
Note on tTable:
   Range of days on which observations were made starting with
   January 30, 1965, and running through April 7, 1968.
Note on Lum:
   = 2, luminosity class I and II
   = 3, luminosity class III
   = 4, luminosity class IV
   = 5, luminosity class V
   = 6, luminosity class c
   = 7, luminosity class g
   = 8, luminosity class d
Note on HR:
   The HR/BS number is provided if identified in the Yale Catalog
   of Bright Stars, Third edition (1964).
Note on GC:
   The GC number is provided if identified in the Boss General
   Catalog of 33342 Stars for the Epoch 1950 (1937; Cat. <I/113>).
Note on DM:
   The DM number is provided if identified in the Smithsonian
   Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) Star Catalog (1966; Cat. <I/131>).
Note on GCVS:
   The star name is provided if identified in the General Catalog
   of Variable Stars, Volumes 1 and 2 (1958).
Note on dRA, dDE:
   These are the position differences, infrared catalog-SAO Star Catalog or,
   if no SAO identification is available, the position difference, infrared
   catalog-variable star catalog.

Byte-by-byte Description of file: chisq.dat
   Bytes  Format  Units  Label   Explanations
   1-  6   I6     ---     IRC    Two-Micron Sky Survey number (TMSS)
   7-  8   I2     ---   o_IRC   *Total number of obs. of this star
  10- 14   F5.2   mag     Kmag   K magnitude of star
  15- 18   F4.2   mag   e_Kmag   Standard deviation of K magnitude
  19- 23   F5.2   mag     Imag  *I magnitude of star
  24- 27   F4.2   mag   e_Imag  *Standard deviation of I magnitude
      28   I1     ---   f_Imag  *[0,1] I magnitude questionable
  30- 36   I7     d       JD     Julian date of observation
Note on o_IRC:
   This number is repeated in each record containing data for this star.
Note on Imag:
   Ignore if I magnitude > 14.0.
Note on e_Imag:
   Ignore if I magnitude > 14.0 or if f_Imag (byte 28) = 1.
Note on f_Imag:
   = 1, if I magnitude is questionable; = 0, otherwise
   If f_Imag is 1, then the standard deviation given in bytes 24-27
   should be ignored.

Byte-by-byte Description of file: remarks.dat
   Bytes  Format  Units  Label    Explanations
   1-  6   I6     ---    IRC      Two-Micron Sky Survey number (TMSS)
   9- 78   A70    ---    Text     Text of remark

 * July 1979, by Theresa A. Nagy:
   The Two-Micron Sky Survey Catalogue by G. Neugebauer and R. B. Leighton
      was published in 1969 as a National Aeronautics and Space
      Administration (NASA) special publication (NASA SP-3047).
   A computer program was written to perform the following operations on
      the original version of the catalogue:
        - Convert all "&" to "+"
        - Concatenate left- and right-hand pages into a single data record
            per entry
        - Delete catalogue number from the right-hand page data
        - Add a sequential counter for each record
        - Combine all entries from 12 original files into a single file
            for data in catalogue
        - Combine all measurements of chi-square excess stars from the
            12 original files into a single sequential file
        - Compute and include right ascension and declination in radians at
            the end of each record in data file
        - Combine all remarks from the 12 original files into a single
            sequential file
        - Reblock main catalogue from 84 bytes to 17000
        - Change logical record length from 84 to 170 to accommodate
  * 27-Mar-1999, by Francois Ochsenbein [CDS]:
    the chisq.dat file, originally made of 1068 lines of up to 3 records
    per line, was rearranged as 2574 single-record lines.

   The original ADC documentation (1991) by Theresa A. Nagy was used to
   create this ReadMe file.  She also did the original data reformatting.

   Boss B. 1937, General Catalogue of 33342 Stars for the Epoch 1950,
      Carnegie Inst. of Washington (Cat. <I/113>)
   Hoffleit D. 1964, The Bright Star Catalogue, 3rd Revised Edition (New
      Haven, Yale University Observatory; see Cat. <V/50>)
   Johnson H.L., 1962, Astrophys. Journal, 135, 69.
   Johnson H.L., 1964, Boletin Tonantzintla y Tacubaya, 3, 305.
   Johnson H.L., Mitchell R.I., Iriarte B., Wisniewski W.Z., 1966,
      Comm. Lunar Planet. Lab., vol. 4, No. 63, 99.
      =1966CoLPL...4...99J, Cat. <II/5>
   Kron G.E., White H.S., Gascoigne S.C.B., 1953, Astrophys. Journal,
      118, 502  =1953ApJ...118..502K
   Kukarkin B.V., Parenago P.P., Efremov Y.U.I., Gol'opov P.N., 1958,
      General Catalog of Variable Stars, vols 1 and 2, Academy of
      Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Moscow) (see Cat. <II/139>)
   Neugebauer G., Martz D.E., Leighton R.B., Astrophys. Journal, 1965,
      142, 399  =1965ApJ...142..399N
   Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog, Smithsonian
      Institution, 1966 (see Cat. <I/131>)
   Ulrich B.T., Neugebauer G., McCammon D., Leighton R.B., Hughes E.E.,
      Becklin E., 1966, Astrophys. Journal, 146, 288.

(End) Melissa C. Larkin [SSDOO/ADC], rev. Francois Ochsenbein [CDS]  27-May-1997

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