The U.S. Census Bureau
Kentucky State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government and State:  1991-92
(Thousand dollars.  Detail may not add to total because of rounding)
Geographic area and item State and local State Local
  governments¹ government governments¹
  1 2 3
Population (July 1, 1992, in thousands)                    3,755 3,755 3,755
Personal Income (Calendar year 1991, in millions)                     65,060 65,060 65,060
               Revenue¹     14,268,936 10,921,012 5,903,696
          General revenue¹          12,233,068 9,221,972 5,285,606
Intergovernmental revenue¹                    2,776,526 2,609,286 2,441,750
     From Federal Government               2,776,526 2,593,515 183,011
     From State government               0 0 2,258,739
     From local governments¹               0 15,771 0
General revenue from own sources                    9,456,542 6,612,686 2,843,856
     Taxes               6,599,607 5,080,971 1,518,636
          Property          1,113,390 338,548 774,842
          Sales and gross receipts          2,350,629 2,227,986 122,643
               General     1,366,872 1,366,872 0
               Selective     983,757 861,114 122,643
                    Motor fuel 360,058 360,058 0
                    Alcoholic beverage 56,413 54,163 2,250
                    Tobacco products 14,045 14,045 0
                    Public utilities 100,773 0 100,773
                    Other 452,468 432,848 19,620
          Individual income          2,049,033 1,678,526 370,507
          Corporate income          271,027 271,027 0
          Motor vehicle license          164,983 148,517 16,466
          Other taxes          650,545 416,367 234,178
     Charges and miscellaneous general revenue 2,856,935 1,531,715 1,325,220
          Current charges               1,574,756 846,268 728,488
               Education          562,664 512,445 50,219
                    Institutions of higher education     498,522 498,522 0
                    School lunch sales (gross)     45,452 0 45,452
                    Hospitals          425,217 196,021 229,196
                    Highways          23,701 23,188 513
                    Airports          61,599 0 61,599
                    Parking facilities          10,571 0 10,571
                    Natural resources          24,235 22,898 1,337
                    Parks and recreation          57,126 36,526 20,600
                    Housing and community development           18,948 645 18,303
                    Sewerage          160,424 0 160,424
                    Solid waste management          54,401 292 54,109
                    Other charges          175,870 54,253 121,617
               Miscellaneous general revenue               1,282,179 685,447 596,732
                    Interest earnings          938,054 433,417 504,637
                    Special assessments          4,186 0 4,186
                    Sale of property          5,619 2,073 3,546
                    Other general revenue          334,320 249,957 84,363
                    Other than general revenue          2,035,868 1,699,040 618,090
Utility revenue                    593,361 0 593,361
     Water supply               252,429 0 252,429
     Electric power               277,605 0 277,605
     Gas supply               53,587 0 53,587
     Transit               9,740 0 9,740
Liquor store revenue                    0 0 0
Insurance trust revenue                    1,442,507 1,699,040 24,729
     Unemployment compensation               293,073 293,073 0
     Employee retirement               1,036,593 1,293,126 24,729
     Other insurance trust revenue               1,149,434 1,405,967 24,729
               Expenditure¹     13,522,783 10,154,199 5,762,941
By character and object:                       
     Intergovernmental expenditure¹               0 2,392,289 2,068
     Direct expenditure               13,522,783 7,761,910 5,760,873
          Current operation          9,666,151 5,118,942 4,547,209
          Capital outlay          1,551,993 996,454 555,539
               Construction     1,137,593 822,516 315,077
               Other     414,400 173,938 240,462
          Assistance and subsidies          297,600 297,357 243
          Interest on debt          1,080,580 434,180 646,400
          Insurance benefits and repayments          926,459 914,977 11,482
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages          4,764,054 2,009,040 2,755,014
Direct expenditure by function                    13,522,783 7,761,910 5,760,873
     Direct general expenditure               11,943,557 6,842,929 5,100,628
          Capital outlay          1,462,631 995,433 467,198
          Other direct general expenditure          10,480,926 5,847,496 4,633,430
          Education services:             
               Education     4,012,275 1,554,117 2,458,158
                    Elementary and secondary education 2,458,158 0 2,458,158
                    Other education 1,554,117 1,554,117 0
               Libraries     44,153 7,710 36,443
          Social services and income maintenance:             
               Public welfare     2,405,775 2,375,750 30,025
                    Cash assistance payments 224,825 224,582 243
                    Vendor payments 1,567,370 1,564,056 3,314
                    Other public welfare 613,580 587,112 26,468
               Hospitals     532,925 290,593 242,332
               Health     260,131 110,271 149,860
               Social insurance administration     42,236 42,236 0
               Veterans' services     1,374 1,374 0
               Highways     1,061,615 843,233 218,382
               Air transportation (airports)     146,133 44,784 101,349
               Parking facilities     3,104 0 3,104
               Water transport and terminals     4,179 0 4,179
               Transit subsidies     0 0 0
          Public safety:             
               Police protection     298,827 90,850 207,977
               Fire protection     129,002 0 129,002
               Correction     257,548 181,074 76,474
               Protective inspection and regulation     52,181 45,177 7,004
          Environment and housing:             
               Natural resources     264,571 235,405 29,166
               Parks and recreation     166,189 105,625 60,564
               Housing and community development     116,416 6,055 110,361
               Sewerage     175,967 0 175,967
               Solid waste management     93,044 8,386 84,658
          Governmental administration:             
               Financial administration     188,068 141,026 47,042
               Judicial 155,464 131,610 23,854
                Legislative 23,747 23,747 0
               General public buildings     40,048 408 39,640
               Other government administration     101,568 12,428 89,140
          Interest on general debt          1,021,830 434,180 587,650
          General expenditure, n.e.c             
               Miscellaneous commercial activities     0 0 0
               Other and unallocable     345,187 156,890 188,297
     Utilities               652,647 4,004 648,643
               Capital outlay     89,362 1,021 88,341
          Water supply          260,883 0 260,883
          Electric power          283,438 0 283,438
          Gas supply          47,345 0 47,345
          Transit          60,981 4,004 56,977
     Liquor store expenditure               120 0 120
     Insurance trust               926,459 914,977 11,482
          Unemployment compensation          312,404 312,404 0
          Employee retirement          512,516 501,034 11,482
          Other insurance trust          101,539 101,539 0
               Debt outstanding     15,893,833 6,618,526 9,275,307
Long-term                    15,876,812 6,618,526 9,258,286
     Full faith and credit               1,197,091 44,155 1,152,936
     Nonguaranteed               14,679,721 6,574,371 8,105,350
Short-term                    17,021 0 17,021
Long-term debt by purpose                       
     Education               3,237,468 2,182,901 1,054,567
     Utilities               954,000 0 954,000
     Other               11,702,365 4,435,625 7,266,740
Long-term debt issued                    2,069,324 839,181 1,230,143
Long-term debt retired                    1,081,451 565,738 515,713
Exhibit: Change in total debt during year                    990,810 273,443 717,367
               Cash and security holdings     21,483,563 13,710,190 7,773,373
Insurance trust funds                    8,601,428 8,439,123 162,305
     By purpose:                  
          Unemployment compensation          345,705 345,705 0
          Employee retirement          8,248,422 8,086,117 162,305
          Workers' compensation          7,301 7,301 0
          Miscellaneous          0 0 0
     By type (Employee retirement funds):                  
          Cash and deposits          1,130,679 1,121,877 8,802
          Securities          7,117,743 6,964,240 153,503
               Federal     1,878,934 1,819,114 59,820
               State and local government     0 0 0
               Nongovernment     5,238,809 5,145,126 93,683
Other than insurance trust funds                       
     By purpose               12,882,135 5,271,067 7,611,068
          Offsets to debt          8,807,953 2,772,304 6,035,649
          Bond funds          1,185,867 785,830 400,037
          Other          2,888,315 1,712,933 1,175,382
¹Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
