624 MONTHLY WEAT€ lER REVIEW. 8nBfaaaBn, 1902 TELEGRAPH LINES. No change has taken place since the last annual report! in the total mileage (367 miles) of telegraph ancl telephone lines owned and operated by the Weather Bureau, no new lines having been built nor any old one8 abandoned during the year. No extensive line repairs have been needtd except on the Tatoosh Island section, where general repairs are iiow under- way, preparatory to the reestablishment of telegrnpliic coin- munication with the new station about to be erec.tei1 on that island. A wire span, supported on steel towers, is in course of erection between the island and the ruainlancl, in lieu of a submarine cable which, as costly erperience during past years has clemonstrated, can not be economically maintaiiieil in tlitit locality. Nineteen nautical miles of two-conductor cable. laic1 by the Signal Service of the Army in 1898, between Block 1sliu.d and Narragansett, R. I., were recently transferred to this Burean. This cable has been out of working order since January. It was our purpose to recover it, rep1ac.e the defec- tive parts, and relay it so as to parallel oiir old Block Islr~ad cable for use in case of an acciilent to the latter. On taliiiig i t up it was found to be too badly worn to justify the espeiisr of again putting it down, and an appropriation of $40.000 is reco~u- mended for the purchase and the laying of it new reble i ~~i i l the purchase of ground and erection of necessary buildings a t each of hhe two termini: The total 6 6 this line " receipts from coinmercinl telegrainrc transmitted over Weather Bureau lines clurinK the year were $23'28.17, an increase of $597.68 over la& year's receiptH. The total number of whole days and fractional parts of R day, respectively, on wliich telegraphic comiuunic.ation over Weather Bureau lines was interrupted is as follows: Fmu- Port Crewent to Neah Bav Wash.. .................................. 10 San Francisco to Point R6 'ex Val ................................... Edgartown to Nantucket. ....................................... 0 Norfolk Va. to Hatterns N.'C'. Alpna io M;ddle 1slaod.hIich.. ................................... .I 1 Block Island to Narragansett R. I . ................................... ...................................... I S Alpna to Thunder Bay Island, BILL. ................................. 1 0 55 1 .-# 0 4 4 i i; U Under acts passed by the last Congress, specifications and plans are being prepared for purchasing and lsyiug about 50 statute miles (more or less) of submarine telegraph cahles. t u connect Sand Key, Fla., with Hey West, Fla.; South Manitou Island, Mich., with Glenhaven, Micli., and the Farellone Islands, Cal., with San Francisco. Gal., via Point Reyes. C h l . A teredo-proof, one-conductor cable, with ruhlwr insulaticin and twelve No. 8 guard wires, will be used for the Sand Key connection, and gutta-percha cables, with twelve No. 5 guard wires, for the others. A short telephone line, to connect the new stntion at North Head, Wash., with the lines terminating at Fort C'anby. Wash., is now under construction. PUBLICATIONS. The puldications during the fiscal year may be summarized as follows: TOTAL nUTPVT. Ftirecast y Table VIII. The mean annual temperature was below the norinnl in southeastern Washington, Nevada, eastern and noutlierii Cnli- fornia, western Arizona, West Virginia. soutlierii Ohio. Ken- tucky, Indiana, centrd Illinois, wiitral Missouri, the Florida Peninsula. and parts of the South Atlantic States, but., as a rule, with slight departures. Elsewhere it was above i i i m d , and generally with departures greater tliaii where they were below. The areas of plus and minus departures as cletermined by a consideration of reports from Climate anrl Crop centers differ slightly in location from those based on reports froin regular Weather Bureau stations only. but the difference in position is not marked. In Arkansas the departures during the fall months averaged nearly 5 O per day above the nonnal. In Georgia July was the warmest in eleven years; in Missis- sippi June, August, and November were the warnlest of record, as also was November in Kentucky and West Virginia. June mas the coolest of record in West Virginia. PRECIPITATION. The distribution of amnia1 precipitation is slio\vn on Chart I V and the district departures by Table IS. The precipitation \van deficient generally in the Atlantic and Gulf States, eastern lower Lake region, northwestern upper Lake region, upper Missouri Valley, the Plateau regions. and portions of California. In eastern Massachusetts tlie defi- ciency amounted to about 11 iwlies: in southeastern Virginiit, the eastern portions of tlie Carolinas. east-central Floridit. and the Gulf coast, escept at C~orpus Christi, from 13 to 26.3 inches; at Escanaba, Mich.. 10.2 inches, :rnd Erie, Pa., 11.5 inches. Tacoma, Wash., reports an excess of 10 inches; Seattle, Wash., 9.9 inches; Eureka, Ual., 12.5 inches, and Lin- cc hi, Nellr.. 14.4 inches; elnem-here the excess departures mere, as a rule, not very large. Over southeastern New York, Dela- ware, New Jersey, soiltheastern Pennsylvania, eastern Mary- land, the District of C!olumbia, and northern Virginia the precipitation was in escess from 2.3 to 9.9 inches, and in the itren surrounding this locality the departures were markedly deficient. Siinilar conditions ol>tainerl between northeastern and east-central Florida, about Lake Erie, northwestern and west-central California, and portions of the Missouri Valley aiid nortlierii slope. Kansas and Oklahoma report the heavi- est, niiiinxl l~recipitation of record. The aiiioiiiit of snow on the ground at the end of the year was defioieiit orer the ensterii slope of the Big Horn Moun- tains. in W'yomiiig. In all other mountain districts the niuount of snow on tlie ground indicates a good flow of water for irrigation purposes during the coming crop season. THUNDERSTORMS. The frequency of thuarlerstorni clays in the different months and in the several States and Territories is shown approsi- mstely by tlie figures of Tables I11 and IV. The first-iiamecl table has been prepared from reports of both regular and voliintary observers, with a view to showing the nmnber of thunderstorm days recorded each month in the immediate iieighl~orlioocl of tlie respective stations. The second tahle slioms the numbel: of days 011 which thun- derstoriiis mere recorded in the State or Territory as a whole. In preparing the last-named table reports from all stations whatsoever were used The number of thunderstorm days for a given State, as shown in Table depend8 largely upon the size of the State and the number and distribution of the observing stations. In the District of Coluinhia, for example, with but one observing station, the number of thunderstorm days mas 4% while for the acljacent State of I\laryland, with an average of 48 stations, tliunclerstorius were observed on 113 hys. I n Virginia, with about 52 stations, the number of thunderstorm days was 147. 626 - Y ; 2; 2 ' Z %T 75 g4 I P . a :: u - 31; :I a Z ' - -- d E g g -- -2 5 ;c r: - 23.94 29. 9.; 29. 9!l 29. $15 29. !IS 29. 99 I t . 35 m.00 29. I :w. on :io. n:3 RI. U' XI. u1 :%I. iri :iu. 0.4 :w. u1 w. Ir: :UI. ir2 3 1 . 113 41. u:i 30. 0.7 :w. 0:i 81). 04 SJ. 11.5 %. lJ.5 :40. u4 :W. W5 :iu .I13 .30.02 :31. WI 3lJ. U:: 30.05 :In.O.i 30.04 30. 04 :io. u3 :?a u4 1. U2 :30.04 29.99 3. ox 29. !Is 29. 9s 28.98 29.96 29.9!1 30.08 .W. 03 30. 0.7 111. us 30.0; 1. ai m. 04 30.03 m. 0-L 30.01 30.01 3n. 0; 30. I 29.99 29.94 .w. 00 ?!I. 9!1 :ut 01 30. (nJ :io. u1 %J. 00 :ut w 29.99 29.90 81.01 29.96 .w. UI .W. 01 ?!I. !I4 :io. 00 ?*. 01 30.01 1 .9 8 ...... :io. n4 y. uo BU. n i %I. 9s .w. im ..... - - - - a - .- e .- I 6 -- .- 15 14 -l!l -- 1 .I ... 5 -S -11 -9 w I 12 12 14 1:l 11 IS 1 .-, lli 24 17 I9 23 18 19 24 24 :is w "$1 1 .i 1; 24 23 li 11; 28 28 10 11; 2s 13 8" IS 26 18 18 1u 1 .i 3 I .,.I -- in ! -5 II -4 2 ! -- 3 :3 -12 2 -2 ' 4 .- 4 -4 -s -18 0 -l U -14 -4 -10 -x -10 -I S -?2 -2lj -29 -811 -20 --I b r c -. S i P Y 5 : $2 a - a.11 - - 3.7; + S.4! + 4. i: -1l.X -- 4. i( f 1.44 - 4. !I4 - 4. I? 1- 1.8i - 11. :3r - U. .j? .). 2, 2; - 4. "'! -t 9. S! + i .X i :. b.lL I- 3. I? -t A. w --I:{. IN IO. 01 -- li.lill - 26.2s - ti. 9:; -19. ili -1!I. 32 - 1. :i5 6, i.. - 4. .% + 1.a - 6.09 -1.2 N I I 0.15 - 4. .*si - 6.$2 -15.55 -13. 9.i - 4.10 - 4. w - %:E --1x.91 - 6.61 t 1.26 - 9. IX + u.36 - 8.61 -11.01 - G.75 - 4.91 - 6.66 -20.00 - 5.41 - 2. 9lj - 6:3 - 8.2s - 4.11 - 5.21; - 2.5; - 4.46 - $.26 - 0.9; - 5. 13 t. 2.85 - 5. IJY -I 1.49 t 3.60 I- 1.92 I- 1. $5 t 3 .1 - 3.07 - 6.06 -10.25 + 0.04 - 5.6U : 4.17 - 2. n:i t 2.31 - 3.43 - :1. !Ii - &.Si t 1.69 t. L.15 - 2.43 I- 4.84 ....... t !. 0'2 ....... - .I., -io. a7 ...... ...... ...... ...... - 4. rh ...... ..... L ::g Districts and rtntionr. - - 8 2 c .- - c .- - Q. '4. W. Q. nw. ne. .... UC. W. sw. 11 w. W. 11. 11 w. 5. w. I1 w. 11 U'. n w. e. n. W. SW. JH.. W. n H'. YW. nc. w. Y. sw. Ut.. n. 0 . R. sw. LW. I.. e. w. IIC. #IV. w. +w. nw. b. IIP. @W. W. e. JK. W. 3w. 9. W. IIW. tR'. *W. 11. a'. 3W. W. w. IW. U 1 . tW. 3. K. 11w. I W . 5%. W. 1. W. W. IW. OW. IW. JW. ow. UW. mw. le. 0. OW. mw. x r: k I al I: _- 6.7 6.2 2.6 d .0 5. R r,. 2 1.9 4.1: 5.6 1;. 2 6. 1; s. !I 5. 4 1:. Ij 4.9 .i. u .i. 6 4. S 4.9 4.4 .... -- il. I a 0 n +o. ! t 1 .: 4 1 . : n. I I l.I -I-u.. i 0. : +n. I +u. ; -4.. tn.: +o. ! f-11. 4 : (1. i t 11. I 4. I ' u. L t t l . 2 - +O. I ..... -a I -t 0. I +11.:i tu.'! +u. r 0. n -0. d tu. 2 1 0. 1; 0. a t u . 8 u. i IJ. 1 +0.3 : 0. 3 ..... n. I -n. 1 --n. I +n. -1 t n .5 i n. 4 -n. I i 0.8 ..... +u. 4 t u . ti -I (1. 4 t 1 .l to. 2 +1.4 --u. 1 t.0. 8 +1.4 I). 4 I-1.11 to. 4 0. n -u. 1 -11. 2 ..... ..... j-0.1 .... -0. 3 - 0.4 u. u tu. a -0. 5 1-0.3 t l .s -u. .i tu. 8 -1). 2 iu. 1 0.0 n. n i-n. i ! 1.6 I I.!# !-2. u I (1. 4 t 1 .i $1.3 4. 4 c2. 2 t1.s t 1 .8 tl. 2 13. 1 t 0. !k -0. n k0.7 to. 6 .... .... L2. IJ Y - 15.5 142 1W I 4 i 1x2 99 1 I l i 1O!I 1 .-- Ilio 140 1.10 IX:! .)I 12: I., 81 1:v2 S!l !I1 X I I:* l0li 1u:i 1 I4 i 8 64 1111 y .I, M : fi 16 1 Ill R f i 1 12 I 8 5 ' 0 5 3 6 0 16 ' 3 9 ; 2 Alabama .... .... .. .I 5 163 9h 161 80 146 RL 40 4s 823 165 i f 1 i 4 161 103 1 i.5 1 3 133 1 98 65 113 i o Y 9 8 0 0 0 0 6 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 4 14 0 1 n 0 n I Arizona . . _. .. .. . . . 1 Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . 6 California .......... 2 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Connecticut .. .... . 0 Florida ............ I (J Wpniiug . .. .. . . . . .I -- Total .... .... .I 34 I 23 26 26 21 10 10 49 8 21 22 17 28 27 28 3 9 17 17 I9 27 20 2R 9 4 23 TABLE VI.-Aicnd clinmtologiutl summary, Camdim stations, 1302. 28 31 9 20 14 30 29 31 25 14 29 11 7 22 24 28 28 21 27 8 5 21 1.13 142 5 185 0 97 4 . 172 2 I 184 0 1 104 t i lg :I g 2 , 118 2 ! 141 2 I 14fi 2 ~ 97 3 9 6 0 1 182 7 1s 1 14 2 6 5 8 16 R 7 13 I3 5 10 3 5 0 6 0 0 1 1 2 8 0 3 X !I 1 i 1 01 1 1 1 3 7 4 6 3 15 0 7 2 ' 11 1 ' 9 2 ; 10 n 1R Ins. 0 1 0 0 -.03 4.4 j+l.2 51.2 --.a5 41.7 +1.2 48.3 --.01 U .2 +2.9 51.6 -.02 i 45.6 I ' t2.R 63.6 -I-- - .M 44.6 +I .# 51.3 -.02 I 43.9 i t 2 .9 51.3 O Ins. Inr. Ina 35.1 1 47.61 - 7.02 18.9 36.8 (51.31 + 1.03 77.0 37.6 .52.53 - 4.50 73.6 37 9 :.Xi 83 t 6.5R 88.2 37:i 152.16 + 2.33 50.1 36.5 15.81 ,-lL 81 , 62.2 S-Y, 1902. MONTHLY WEATHER RZVIETV. 631 %.:I 27.8 25. X 24. 2 TABLE VII.-Heighte of river8 referred to zpm of gagea, 1902-Chntinued. ... - ... - .... - - -__- I Highest water. Lowest water. d M Stations. i I I I stage. j Date. S t a g . 1 Ilate. 13.liY .- 0. 12 215.8 17.G4 I 2.17 36.4 34. S i I 19. i n R'2.O 30. 59 1- $. 6s !Id. Y ' ,31iU'. I I , I let.. I 2'2. Mar. 15, 16. . Nnr. 17 ..... f, \ 1.7 .+pt. 24 ......... 1.4 I Srpt.li,lR,2:i-2li 7.3 . Helit. 21: ......... 5.3 Scpt. IWA. ..... 2. o I Apr. :Wkhlay 23. . 13.9 14.3 92. n 7.:) :I. II lkt.25 ......... .';ept. 2: fkt.. 2 4 4 i 2.4 3.3 alar. L"J ..... Mar. 10 ..... i\pr. 2 ,s .. .. - n.a -- 1.5 0.4 I Aug. :IO . , ....... Sept.l-8. ....... 4.x &pt.?A ........ 9.11 wpt. 3-5 ........ 4.4 Sept.44 ........ 5.11 :i. 1; 4.0 AUg. 81, S4?1lt. 1 . . ..... .Tan.2!1. ......... x. i Jan.:M.. ........ Jxn.3U.::I.. ..... In. I , Sel't.27 ......... I*. 2 Sept. 2S,2!1 ...... 14. 6 . &pt.w ......... ~1 .n I OCt. 1 ........... nrt. 1 ........... 19.4 0at.a ........... 21.1; Nnv. 1.i ......... :{. I 11er. 1-4 ......... 4.4 I Mar. 19, NUV.:MJ, { K. Iwr.4 ........... x.4 h e . I l i ... ....... :i. 4 Der. 15. I I I .!~ IW. I!) 10.1 Jan. 29. 9.7 (Fch. 15, l k t . 15, 1 16. 1 l W C .2 -4 . ......... ! .......... ......... Msr. :UJ ..... Mar. 31 ..... Apr.5 ....... Apr. 5.. ..... 0.6 -(I. 4 1.0 0. I Galland, Iowa (8 ). ........... Keokuk,Towa 13) ........... Hannibal, Mal (8 ). ........... C;raftm,IIl ................ Bt. Louis Mu (z).. ........... ('heater 111.. ............... New d d r i d Mu ............ Meniphis, Tehn ............. Heleiia Ark ................ Arkandas Citr A r t ......... (ireenrille, MGII ............ Virkabiirg, Mia# ............ Ncw Orleans. La ........... .U~.wrrri RirPr. Bisiiisrrk,N. Ilali ........... Pierre,% Dak (1). ........... Sioux City,Iowi (1). ........ Omaha Nebr (1 ) ............ St. Josdph Mn.. ............. liansaa ci't MU pj.. ....... Boooevillek (2 ) .......... Henuanu,Mo (2). ........... Illinois River. Peoria.111 .................. Ibrcghiog/~eiay Rlw~r. Confluence, Pa. ............. West Newton, Pa (2) ........ A Ilrgheay Rirar. Warren Pa ................. .l/onoirgaheln Riser. Westou, W. \'a ............. Fairmont. W. Vs ............ Greenstdo, Pa ............. Lock No. 4, Pa .............. Cbn~mnirglb River. Johnwtnwn. P i . ............. Ked Bflirlc C'rerk. Bmkville, Pa ............ .I oil Cit; Pa ................. Parker Pa. ................. .1uiir.3. ..... M r y 2s. ..... 3lav 25. ..... aInjr26 ..... IWt.. 1!l ...... Dei.. 19,S ... Apr. 21,?2.. 0.8 1.5 0.2 0.3 1.5 0.2 .. 4. 1 duly 2'2 ..... Mur. 2 . ..... Mar. 2 . ..... Mar. 2 .. .... 2.7 0.6 4.9 0.8 Mar. 1 ...... dlar. 1 ...... Mar. 1 ...... 6.0 *pt. 19-21 ...... R.G 0.4 Sept. 21-54. ..... ?. 4 5.9 Wpt..W,IJrt. ZHJ.. 9.1; * E - 0 SI. 3 44.4 4i. i .5n. 4 51.0 SI. 1; 52.2 54. s 46. xi. , 61. 1 5% 4 4s. w 4R. 1; 47.2 45.9 %I. 0 49. I1 4s. 1 4s. 4 47.5 44.4 4.5.4 56. Y 55. !I 4s. 4 74. G Bpurrr Rirrr. E l l w t ~~~I .Tunctim,Pii (a i .... IirwI h-air,rirbn Rirw. ('harlrrtun, \V. Va Pittshilry.Pa ................ Ilavib Idand Ilaiii. PS. \Vhreliiig, \V. V s .. .......... t 'i nrinnnt i, I I I i i i , ........... M;slirnn, Ilia1 ............. La~uixvill**, 6 y ............. I ~rrr. I Ins. 29.2 1s. s 16. 0 10.4 9 .1 2i. 3 40.9 3s. I si. 3 46.2 4!1. 6 4 i . 8 4 i . 1) :m. 3 22. 1 3s. 3 3s. 3 34. Y 11.9 i. I1 6.6 16.0 2s. 1 23. R 44.2 30.1 9.3 35. II Pi. a 3!l. 6 5. .; "2. x 34. i xi. 2 .w. 3 :In. R 4.5. I .w. 5 5. 1 16.6 19. 4 17.5 I?. i 24.2 28.7 24.8 29.3 35. 1 34.5 32.2 33.11 23.7 9.3 3 .9 26. 7 23.1 .... 21.5 16.1 11.5 25.2 IS. 3 21.5 36.5 Chathain, N. B.. ....... .I!. i 7 is. iil Father Pniirt., Qup ...... 29. Rx 2!l.!IO Quebec. Que.. .......... 29.61 29.94 Montreal. caue ......... .,29.;5 I 29. Dd .... - ,115 41.2 ,2.5 -.03 '31i.7 +].!I -. 04 39. 7 +I . S -.I13 '43.0 +I .> ..... -2. 6 Nov. 10-12.. ..... 1.0 2. i ~i. 0 I Jlar. I .. .... 1.n . wept. 1-5 ........ 111.0 liar. I ...... - n.4 . *pt. 2.i ......... 3.1 Biawtt h i . ............ zY. 3 i :%I. 91 Cbttawa'. (mi.. ........... 29.19 m.02 ..... 21.65 29.97 ..... 8. Ru 1. YS ..... 51.35 :uJ.un Saugeen. Ont. ........... 29.27 29. Y'J Parrv Soiind l-liit.., ..... 29.47 29.97 Port'Arthiir 'IJnt ....... 29.26 2!1.:18 Wiiiniuerr. Man.. ...... -3 .1 2 129. IIR .... .M I w.6 -r n .~ 1. ? 1. 7 1.1 I . 9 1.0 3 3 i s I seibt. 2:c5. __ __ . I 13. ri ........ ......... I aan. 1.3.. *]It. %I .L*pt. sy srpt. 24-21;, ..... srpt. 2.;. 2G ...... seiB1. "?-26 ...... ......... 1;. !I 1;. 5 x. 1; 9. i 111. 9 14. .i 15.11 2. 7 ssrpt. 7,s.. i. x 1B.R 3.5 *pt. P i 15. I -. (13 85. i I t2. 4 --.I18 41 4 +].I -. lJ1 4R: 4 ' t.11. 9 -.01 :n u -n.2 Calgary Alberta. ...... .%,; /2'J.8!1 Banff, A'lherta .......... 25. 2iI ?!I. 92 Edmniilon. Allwrta ..... 27. 58 .?!I. LJll 40. 11 :{!I. i 42.2 t i . 2 9. u 6. 7 15.0 28.2 2% A 2::. 6 32.5 10.6 36. 1 9s. 3 40.8 27.7 2 .5 :a. 2 ::5.6 58. I 50. 4 46. 1 50. 6 5. !I 18. 1 17. 8 19.2 24.4 26.6 27. :I 3% 2 4. I 32.4 36.2 3s. 1 32. I 12. 0 24.5 31.6 23.9 ISI. n Evansville. Ind ............ Pmliirah. Kv .............. i'airn.111. ................... Miiskiiitiiini Rirr~. %~i i r w i ~k , chi,) ........... St-iolo Rirvr. ~' i i l i i n i I ~i ~~,l i l i i ~~ (a). ........ .lfi~rrrr i RirPr. Il'rrbuah Rir-vr. Lirtin!l Riwr, Falliliiuth, liy ............. liralirrky Riiwr. h'riiiitfiwt, l i y .............. f'lirwh Rirw. Slirrr's Fcrry,Va .......... l:Iiiitim, Tenn.. ............ tfidrfen Rir+,r. Kogersvillr. Trnn I!). ...... Turrnuawv 1tirr.r. liiioxrille,Teiin .......... 1 lay tllll, I 111 io .............. >~t .f .' H ~l l l r l ,I ~~ (c ).. ........ . --.Olj 33.2 +-2.7 -. 01 34.3 ! i 1.6 - .I X I 4i.Y i U 1 - .. I J I 50.4 I f 1: B -. 111 35.5 --u. 7 II1.I.. li ...... I1t.c. I;. ..... llr~. 17 ...... 11W. 25.. .... IlW. 16. ..... .laii. 41. ..... h r . 1 ...... alar. 2 ...... Mar. 30 ..... Alar. 1 ...... Mar. '1 ...... Jail. 2 .. ..... Jan. 3 ...... ./ Haiiiilton, h r i n u d a ... --.I 1 B!I.RI u.1 - ! ... i .......... -. . -. . *Reduced tu standard gravity sild t c Ilir SIIIJW y t w hr iiiran nf t wpiit v-fuo r July 1, I!*], tai J u k 30, TABLE \'II.-Heighh of rirer8 ,rc:firretl lo zerm of gage*, I*/?. .... ...... ..... I ' Highest wntrr. , I,urrst watrr. I h e - a c 4 .. 2.4 1.3 0.3 1. u 1.2 0.2 Statiuos. i stayr. Riugstuii, TL*uI~. ........... ........... Fvel. 1.1 -0.6 1.4 u. 9 1.6 u. 8 1.8 2.3 1.0 1.0 1.9 0.8 -1.3 -1. I 6. !l 3.0 li. 3 6.8 6. 0 4. A 3.6 0. 4 4 .2 4. i 4.4 -2. I 3.5 4. R 1.7 R P f . 6.4 1;. I1 fi. 3 !I. !I I . 2 s. li !I. 7 ti. A 14. .5 14.7 l!l. 1; 2s. 1 24.2 '11;. a 5. W xi. a 34. li :MI. I1 :ui. 4 11.8 !I. 2 !I. 4 i . 7 z. u ll..5 I!). i 1::. s I I;. :; I!." ('liattaiiwga. Ttmn. ........ May 26, 27.. May 23. ...... .I 5.1 ........... 7.7 10. W Prairie du C'hrin. \Vis. I 1 ) . . Hrirlgeprt, Alii ............ Fltmence, Ala .............. Jiihirrtonville, Tcnn ........ Buruside l i y .............. C'artha e: Teiin.. .......... Clxrksville, Tenii .......... .4 rknnms Rirw. Wichita. Kaiiw. (4 ) ......... Welibcrrr Falls. Ind. T.. .... Fort Smith, Ark ........... Ilnriliiuellr Ark ........... 1.itt.le Rock' 4rk ........... Il&e Riiur. Nwpurt, Ark.. ............ 1 bzm Riw r. Yazw City. Miss .......... Red Riwr. Arthur Cit Trx ......... Shrevepurt, La. ............ Alexandria, La.. .......... (.'snidrn, Ark .............. Jliiuiw, La ................ .4 frlrqAlkr!ie h'iiw. Mel\,ille. La ............... Suyri~hnirsn Riiur. Biiighamtun. N. Y. 15) ..... Tnsnnds, Pa. (6 ). .......... Wiltesbxrre. Pa.. ......... Harrisburg, Pa. ............ I.wkhasen Pa. (9) ......... \\'illiamspdrt, Pa .......... Jriiiiafa Riiwr. Huntin dou, Pa (*) ....... $o$1oiiiac River. Cu in berland, 3rd. .......... Jnriier Riwr. 1.yiicliburg. Va. (e). ........ Rirlininnrl. Va ............. 1:ldlltot* a i l ? 1'. Weldou, N. G .............. Kivrrtiiii, Ala.. ............ Ciisihprlaiivl RirPr. Nashvih, Tenn ........... FultQn, A r t . .............. Ounrhilrb Riiw. Il'sac Br. 8118q~slsnnrin. Harpers Ferry, Jld ........ Mai 24. ..... May 26,27.. May 26-28., . July 21,22 . . July41 ..... Jiily B..... July26 ..... July26 ..... Jiily 27 ..... Mar. 17.18.. Mar. %I, 21 . . Mar. *23.24. . Mu. 28, ~9 . . Mar. LZI ..... Apr. 17. IS.. . Apr. 19. ..... Mar. 19, TJ . . June 10 ..... Julie 12 ..... Juiie 14 ..... July 13 ..... duly 15 ..... July 15,16 . . July 3 ...... Mu) 24. ..... nray'xt, s... . I Dubuque,luwa (8 ). ......... 12. d Imlaire, Iowa (8 ) ........... h v e n w r t , Iowa (8 ). ........ Muocatine. Iowa ............ I 8.0 IO. 4 19.0 I . 5 15.5 Ifi. 6 20.4 26.9 22.8 3% 2 3n. R 39.6 !I. 4 ,415. n 41.2 14. Y :I. 6 8.2 12. 4 12.4 9.4 23.2 18.6 18. 0 21. 0 10. 1 22.0 13.5 15.3 11.2 IS. 8 49. 7 FJ. 5 ia o in. 8 AUK. 4,5 ....... .I 5.8 NOV. I6 ......... i .3 17, IW,YL',23.! 10. 1 wept. 15,Iti.. ..... 12. !I Jan. 2'5.23.. ...... . ..... Ian. 9-25. ....... .lulle 1 ...... 4.5 IWC. 1.. ..... 2.9 Tlec.15. l i i ... -1.0 llee. 2G-FJ ...I -2.1 Mar. 3-11 ....... ! 7.5 Jau. 24.26.. ..... ~ 12.5 .Ian. 2S, 26.. ...... 10.7 Jan. 21-28.. ...... 9.9 I IlPV.1 ....... I 4.u Apr. 5 .2 8 .. .I 1.3 Apr. 19-2 . ./ 9.2 July 22-29.. .... .I 14.2 Sept.. 11,l2. .....I 14.4 Oct. 1.. ........ .I 21.5 &IJt. 21-24 4. 1 3.2 Apr. 29, Qn.. 6.2 ... ...................... Sept. 3-24.. ... .I. 3.4 Sept. 14-25 ...... 1 3.6 *pt. 18-25. ..... 2.9 .%pt. 17-21.. .... 2. 5 July ?'L ..... I 6.8 I Jun.2.3-2i ...... .I 11.9 . 14. 2 !I. e 'ZL?. II 14. s 1.5. 1 1s. 2 If. 4 IS. 1 11;. 7 23. 6 111. I i. 2 ..... ..... Fel,. 28. Feb. 24. ............................ 21.7 I Mnr. 1 ...... 0.2 I i O ! h r .1 ...... I 2.9 IS.? 20. 5 Mar. I ...... -0.1 Jau.1. ...... -1.0 6.7 ~ Mar. 1 ......I -.0.5 1 Sept.20-Nov.25 .I 0.8 44.51Jau .2 ....... 1 8 .0 'Illg. 31 ........ .j 12.3 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Frh S ....... Jan. 7. ..... Mar. 2 . ..... Jau. 1 ....... lrar.13 ..... ...... 2.0 J o l y 10,11,r3-?i.' 5.3 13.0 1.0 *Id. 6 . .......... G. 5 14.2 -0.2 Oct. 2 6 . ......... 2.5 22.2 4.5 .*yt. 5.2s ...... 10.1 26.0 0.8 duly?&?" ....... 3.1 6.9 I Aug. 2o-*pt. 2.. Apr.30. ......... Jan. 19-24 ....... 0. 4 ' 23.0 4.1 33.1 5.9, 36.7 Frh.28 ..... .I 1.4 Mar. 1 ...... 6.7 Veh. 28 ..... 2.1 J1ar.i ....... n.1 June 11-14 ...... 3.4 15.0 Sept. 4 .. ....... .I 10.5 27.9 h ' ~p t . 6-x ....... 3.4 22.4 No\.. 21 ......... 4.9 22.1 p. 9-11 ...... )Nor. 4 ........ .$ STJXMAEY, 1902 TABLE VII.-Heighta of rivers referred to zeroa of gngw. I.W2-C'oritiniicd. TABLE VII.-HerghtR of rivers referred to zero8 of gages, 1909-Continued. -- - Highest water. lnlrest water. I I -- Stations. I Date. I r 2 I Highest water. 1 Lowest water. 8tat.ions. - Stage. I .- Chp R a r Rirrr. , FW. Edisto, S. C. ................ 5.9 35.5 10.0 Fayetteville. N. C .......... 41.7 Cheraw, N. C ............... .! Effinghani, S. I:. ............ 15.0 St. Strphenw, S. C .. ......... 15.2 Columbia S. C.. ............. 22.0 Edislo, Riwr. Rdre River. Blnrk Riwr. Lgtrch Crwk. AYui~lw Rirrr. lhirguree Riiw. Ilirlrrer Rirtr. Ilhccnninrr* Riwr. Kingstree. S. c .. ........... .I Camden. S. I?. ............... 30.5 ....... -. I __ - Orowe Rirrr. : Fprt. I Imhlin. 1 .h ... 25.8 Mar. 5 Rome. Ga.. ................. 28.9 Cuhrl (iadsdeu Ala .............. '3". i .da~uimrr X i r w . Moutgonierv .41n.. ......... 4i. e Ibiiibigbw Rirpr. ~o ~n n i ~w s bliss.. .......... .I I~e~no[mli~, Ala .............. 64. 5 waco. T'ex.. 3% 3 Moorhead. Yinn. (1 1 ........ 10.5 . M a y 23. ..... 6.7 ~ N ~v . l:i,I4. ..... i. 5 3.8 l:mstilla,tOwg.. ............ 21.7 M a y 31. ..... - The IJ~tlles, tirrg. ........... 36. 8 dniie 1. ...... Albany, (keg.. 24.5 Ilec. 6 .. .... .I ~o r t .~a n d w g .. ....... 20.8 .lune 4 .. .i I I %, Yeh, .I Red Bluff, Cal Parranientn, C'nl ......... :! 28.2 Mar. 1 .. ..... ! %'~Nll, .41lr '.: .............. .I 50. d M. 6 Blcrrk llirrrior Rirrr. I Tuscalwss. -4111.. ........... MJ. 6 ............... ................ ................. i Brrrzos Rirtr. Eiiipperl Trx 21.0 Rootll. Tex %. 0 R P ~ Riwr of the Xorlh. Iidaiiihin Riiwr. ........ ... 'tsept. 28-0ct. 11, >OCt.1.5-.'0 { 4.2 .d ~i i w i r /o Kiwr. ... ...... 6.9 Ort.6-8 ......... 14.8 21.3 -- ~a r .3 n ...... I 0.2 Mar. 6.. .... .i -O.Y filar.31 ...... I --0.2 31ar.31 ...... 4 .6 Apr. 3.. ..... 4 .1 J l a r .3 . .... .! 0. o .V I I I ~ 26. '18.. . ~ July27 ...... ' 0.2 Aug. ti. .....! -0 .i .i ]J r . 2 .. ..... -0.4 -2. n ............ Conaay, P. C... ............ .' Snranrrnh Rirrr. I?alhoon Falls, S. 1 ' .......... 7.2 16.4 Augusta Cia. 1.. ............ brand Rim,. Fliid Rirrr. 34. li Carlton, Ga .................. 24.5 .......... Alhany, l i a .. ................ 92.3 Weatpoint. Gs.. ........... ., 20.0 i Phnllahoodw Riwr. Mar. 1 ...... 1.2 .4ug. 26 ......... IS. 8 Jlar.1 ....... I 8.1 I (i l I ::: I 19.i r h i d p r Rirer. I Macnn, Ga. ................. 2 2 ti - 7 On varinur dates. 8Cln varinua dates in July and .4ugust. 9 Data inroniplete. 1 Frureu for 3 montlix. 2 Froreu for 1 month. 8 Fraleeii for 2 mouths. 4 III nirintha onl\~, b 9 months only: 611 ninnthn nnly. TABLE VIII.--dziernge monthly niid atincurl .#epctrlarea of tstnperatzcre from the norainl, drcring l%C'. L 2 - -+a. 2 +6. 3 is. R +3.5 -I 5.4 i 6 .4 i R .0 -i 8.4 t8.0 +5.s tB.3 +5. 2 t 0. 9 -I 3.8 i 3 .6 -0.4 -U. 9 .+o. 2 -1.0 -1.6 0. n ~- L 2 d G .... --3.5 . -2.0 +o. 2 il. 3 -1.7 --1.R - 2.5 . 3.0 -1. 1 -5. 4 -3.4 - 6.5 -3.9 -4.0 - 1.6 - 0.4 +L O -- 0. 3 - -0.3 3 0. 2 t o .l - Districts. x d c c d -. .. 0.0 - 5.4 .- 7.9 -5.8 -8.5 -4.0 --9.n -. 4. i - (1. !I i 4 .4 - s. 5 3.2 74.8 .- n. 2 +o. 8 -+I. 6 +fi. 7 + 6. 1 -I 4.6 .I 2.4 +a fi I 5 4 .- .- . . - 1.6 -1.3 -0. 1 i 3.2 +2.4 0.0 -2.2 -1.7 --I. 1 --I . 8 --0. ti +u.4 +3.0 +4. U . -1.2 --1.5 -1.7 +o. 2 +o. 3 -2.0 +a 6 d a +. r; a - -. 3 z -1.0 -2.0 --2. 7 -2.4 -1.5 -0.2 - 0.4 +1.3 .t R. 5 14.3 +s. !I -:-5. ti +I. 8 i1.2 i 2 .2 +1.6 4-1.8 --I. -.n. 7 I O . 2 +i. 4 +S. 3 -10.9 .: 0.5 .; 0. I; 11.9 .I 2. i i-7.0 -- s. 2 i 7.0 -: 5. 5 f 5. I -1.s +2. 4 i1.5 - -4.0 ---2. 5 +o. !I 1.3 -. 1.9 - 1.9 ~ -0.4 4-0.4 +.2. I j -;. 2. 3 i 4.0 : 2.4 , 3.!1 - 0.2 '. 1.6 7 3 .5 4 .4 -.-5. 3 i-3. I t4. I -+I.; ---1.5 0. 8 -. n. 7 0.3 .- 1.5 - 1.5 ~ -2. 1 : 0.2 I 1.6 TO. 8 .+1.4 -0.5 -0.9 i-0.4 1 1.4 -0.2 +o. 2 u. 4 - 2.4 --.I. 0 4 .3 --A. 7 --3. 3 0.7 +o. 1 - 1. 1 - n. D - i-0.3 -0.5 --O.B +0. R - 0. 1 -1.2 .. 1.3 - 0. 1 --1.8 - 3. I .- 3.6 .. 4.2 -1.4 --.4.0 .-3.2 to. 5 -0.6 +u.5 .- 0.1 +I . 4 .+ 0. B - -2.3 -1 .!I ; II. 4 +I.0 i 2 .5 i 2. 1 1.3 - 4. 1 - 4.0 --s..l - 3.3 .- 3.6 -.2. 1 -0. 4 -i 1.9 +1.1 +I .f i --0.3 - -0.1 +. ns .! (I. R New En land ..................................... Middle itlandic.. ................................. South At.lantic. ................................... Florida Peninsula.. .............................. East Gulf ......................................... 4.2.4 10.8 -. 1.6 0. 6 1.2 2 n. 6 .- 1.7 i 1.6 : 1 .7 -1.4 - 1.1 0. R -. u. fi in. s +i .n .T-.3 , ., 0. 1 1.3 . -1.1 - 0.4 --1.0 +I . 1 t1.9 -i?. 6 +2. fi t 0. 4 +1.3 -+2. 5 i 0. 9 -1-1.6 -rO. 2 4 .3 .t3.2 i 3.4 +2.9 i3.2 +l. 6 +I. 1 +3.4 i?. 1 -t 0.9 -0.5 +O. 4 +O. 2 +o. 1 +o. 4 +O. 4 +O. 8 +o. 1 +O. 3 t 1 .5 +L O t f i .6 +O. 4 +O. 8 +O. 8 +L O -0.1 +o. 2 +0.4 $0.3 0.0 -0.5 Went Gulf ....................................... Ohiii Vallev and Tennrrsre.. .................... Lnwer I.akbR. ..................................... llpper Lakes .................................... North Dakota.. .................................. p e r h!iliasisaippi Valley.. ...................... isnnnri Vallev ................................. Middle Rlo ..................................... Southern Srpe.. .................................. Southern Plateau.. .............................. Middle Plateau.. ................................. Northern Plateau ................................. North Pncific .................................... Middle Pacific.. .................................. Northern Slop:. .................................. Rontli Pacific .................................... .I +I. G I SUMMARY, 1902. MON!l!HLY WEA!t'HER REVIEW. TABLE IX-iUontitly and anniial departtires of pc@itation froiia the normal, during 19J.9. -1.R .-1.0 -2.7 -0 3 -2 .9 633 4 -. - + a:: -10.2 + 1.6 - 9.3 -5.6 -6.5 -1.0 -2.9 tu.7 +2.3 +2.2 +U. 3 +3. 7 tI.1 -1.0 -2.3 --0.8 +8.8 +1.6 -0.9 $0.5 +l .3 tu.* J l .Y t l .5 --.1.3 0.4 -0. 8 4J.2 .--0.5 - -0.5 --u. x U. 5 -0.6 -1.2 - 2. -3. Y --u. a ' --u. 1 iO.3 j . ?I .B - 1. U , 20.3 -I I .G / u.O . -11.2 ' ? II. G IJ.5 fU.5 u.LJi j .l .2 --I). 4 i IJ. U to.:!, 'U.1 .!U .t i ' u.1; I;. (I -; 1. I1 ! 6. 4 I - 11. :I I New Ellglalll~. .................................... Middle Atlautir .................................. .%uth Atlantic.. ................................ Florida Peninsula. East Gulf. ........................................ West G u l f .. ..................................... Ohio Valley and Teiinm~~ee.. ...................... Lower Lakes.. .................................... Upper Lakes.. .................................... North nakuta .................................... .............................. I J0.4 +1.4 6 -u.4 t u . 5 -0 .1 +0.2 -1-0. 1 l O .3 -u. 1 - 0. Y -I u.3 $1.1 ;1.3 i l .u i 1.0 40.2 i U .5 -u.3 +u. 5 +1.1 +0.4 0.0 +0.5 t O .2 +0.5 tu.7 t u .3 -10.1 +0.4 +u. 1 +0.i 3-0.5 t0.2 L d 5 i2 c ... -- -2.9 -0.5 f l .3 -0.3 +1.9 -U. I -1.6 0.0 -0.4 i 0. 1 -1 0.2 -0. 1 -I 1.0 -1 2.2 J I .1 -to. I t 5. 5 tl.ti $0.5 +I. n .: 0.2 Districts. c. r) - - - -1.1 -- 1.1 --I. ti -- u. I -3.0 .! 1.7 -1. I: +?. 3 +I . 1 . u. I -t 0. 6 -i 1.6 -I u. :i -u. 2 .! u. ti --u. I 4 u. 1 to. I 0. 0 A-V. 2 .tu.? t 1 .0 u. Y -1. J --.I. 2 -0.2 i-1.0 +2.5 +O. 3 --0. 4 I n.5 I +2.3 -- u. 4 --0.8 I 0. i t 1 .i --I . 7 --I. I; -1.6 -0. Y -1.4 -.1.4 .. u. :I u. 2 i u. 5 i 1.4 ! 0.6 12.0 +0. 2 +2.4 -+ 0. Y -0.3 -0. I -u. 7 ! 0. I -0. :3 -0.2 -0.3 10.2 --U.4 -0.5 +2.2 -t 1.6 -to. 2 +0.3 t 0 .i --0.5 -t1.5 -i-0. 2 -0. 1 --0. 1 -to. 7 +I . 1 -tu. 2 -0.2 --u. 2 -0. P --0. 3 :0.2 .! 2.3 --1.5 -1. u --]..I I 10.3 --I .?' 11.0 -2.1 -u.s 4 3 .1 i +1.0 --1.4 i j U.Y --1.13 I : 1.4 -1.1 --Oh2 t 0 .3 ~ - 0.ti New En land ................................... South Atlantic. ................................... Florida Peninsul~t .............................. EUt Gulf ......................................... WMt Gulf ........................................ Ohio Valley and 'I'ennrx*er ....................... Lower Lakes.. ................................... Upper Lakes.. .................................... North Dakota.. .................................. isaouri Valley.. ................................. Northern Slope ................................... Niddle Slo rn ................................... Southern Plateau ................................. Middle Plateau ................................... Northern Plateau ................................. North Pwlfic ................................... Middle Pmifir ................................... South Pscifir.. ................................... Middle i t l a n t i c .................................. $per Mississippi Valley. ....................... Sonthcrn I. d ope . . ................................. -0.1 -0. x -.I. 3 -1. I -1.7 --I. x (1. ti u. 6 - u. !I -1.: -1.1 I -1.7 --n. 2 --1.0 --2.til .u.:i -0.9 -1.5 ! --u. 3 +2 .0 ! -0.A -1 1.1 '0. I ---u. 3 j I 0. 1 ; -u. s -u.2 --0.6 -u.4 fU.2 !0.ti -u.x u. 8 0. 2 -0. ti II. 1 : -- u. 2 . . 0.4 .. o.4 I --o. 4.41 !-L4 j 0.4 TABLE S.-Monthly ard ntinrinl departart% of lrlntLe hr~itiidiiy front tht! woriiral. cluritrg 1902. 5 - 5 & A - 0 0 -6 - -p -? ; n -t 3 +2 +3 t 3 +Y +.I - 14 --s U t- A +IS - t S - P C 4 Districts. - s 511 c c1 -2 U - 3 -5 -1 $2 +4 +1 .t -s -0 :: ii U -!I t 5 i 1 --5 -1 t 6 ... , x z ..... . i 2 0 +9 j +I t 4 ;; 0 - +O. 2 +1.0 -1.5 -1.9 -2.5 +1.8 +l .B f2. 1 +o. 5 f1.9 -I 3.2 11.9 4. B +I.$ -0.1 -3.2 . +0.7 u. 0 -3.2 -1.0 +l .B -t S -t 1 +I j 0 0 , --2 0 --2 -2 .+I 0 -1 -+3 + 3 -3 +2 -9 t" i 5 I- 1 +5 i 3 i 3 -1 8 -f 1 +t i .-'1 t 5 --P +2 +1 -+I il TABLE SI.-Monthly atid anaual &parfuret, of cwerage cloudinem from the iiorninl. cluriiig 19lt?. i L - - - c - . -. .!O.S t0.4 +u. 2 -0.4 1l.i 0.0 1. IJ -I-u. 2 -I -I . - u. 3 11.1 +0:2 +o. 1 +0. 6 ?-u. 4 i 0." 0. u - -0.5 -0. 6 .I u. 4 +O. 4 I g c, .- Districts. I .. L * L. - - it" 1 0. 1 I 0. 1 - 0. 1 fO. 3 t (1. x t 11. 1 U. (J - u. 4 I-U. i u. n i & 4 _. - .- -to. 1 - 0.2 i 0. I t O .8 - 0.3 0. u -5u. 4 - u. I - u. 4 0. u --u. 2 - 0.3 t u. 5 - 0.2 0.0 - 0.2 -. 0.8 +o. 4 -I 1.3 $0.6 to.; s. - - - -, t o . 9 to. li - u. 7 i u. 1 -1-0. 4 ' 0 . Y . - u. 3 -0.7 i-0. Y - 0.7 I- - . . . +o. li tal. i IJ. 3 -- u. 4 u. u - n. 2 .. 0. I + 0. :< --(I. i 4 iJ. Y -0.2 .+O. 5 - I). 6 - 0. 5 - 0. 1 .i u. I .. 0.5 u. 3 - u. 2 - u. !I -0. - 0. !I -0.4 -1 u. 1 .I U.8 L O . 6 -- 0. I --0.1 t 0.3 +O. 6 +U. 2 t 0. 7 tU.1 1 IJ. 2 1 u. 1 I 0. !L . u. 5 : u. 2 --0. 1 u. 0 I 0 .S --a. 1 u. 1 -n. 5 u. 2 :0.4 ! u.3 - 0.3 --u.3 -1 u. 4 -0. 3 0.2 --u. 4 --u. 5 --0.5 1 u. I --I . !I ! u.2 : u. -1 u. 5 ! 1.4 -1- 1. :3 .+::. II +u. 2 - 2.0 0.1 t1. 1 - u. 3 -..u. 3 +U. 8 +O. 6 IJ. IJ -- .................................... N ~W England I Middle Atlantic.. ............................... .I South Atlantic.. .................................. Florida Peninsula ............................... East Gulf. ........................................ I West (;ulf.. .I Ohio Valley and Trnnrssre ........................ Lower Laker.. ..................................... Upper Lakes.. North Dakota U p Mississippi VJley. ......................... ssouri Valley .................................... Northern dope .................................. .I Mlddle Slope. .: .................................. Southern 8 ope .................................... ..................................... ................................... i .................................... .to. 2 0. u .. u. 8 - -0.1 -1.6 -1.4 i 0.2 -io. x tU.8 j-u. 2 LU. n -'U.3 +0.5 --u. 1 -&!I I -u.1 i 0. !I 1 0. 8 .t0.!1 -4.0. 5 11.1 11. i -tu. x - u. -5 4 u. 6 +O. 7 -I 1.5 +I.U +O. 6 t 2 .2 +2. 4 +O. 9 +I .$ 10.6 +l. 6 +1.5 +O. 6 t O .6 I ?U.4 -0.3 : .I 0. !I +1.0 $0 .5 -I-0.7 ' . u.2 .0 .3 I tu.2 I. 1. 2 I -I 11. 2 + 2.2 cu: i 0: u +1.2 t l l .3 '-0.3 +;:: j 0.0 Southern Plateau ................................ Mlddle Plateau ................................... Northern Plateau.. ............................... 4 0.1 i .l .5 -1 1. I +1.3 +3. 1 -to. 3 .to. 5 -to. 3 +1.0 --u. 7 North Fncidc ...................................... Mddl0 Pacific.. .................................. , south Pacific ..................................... +1.3 I -0.5 I