[GENERAL] description = C. elegans (current release) db_adaptor = Bio::DB::GFF db_args = -dsn dbi:mysql:database=elegans_X;host=localhost aggregators = clone alignment waba_alignment pseudo{exon:Pseudogene/Pseudogene} full_transcript{coding_exon,five_prime_UTR,three_prime_UTR/Transcript} RNA{exon/Transcript} processed_transcript{coding_exon,five_prime_UTR,three_prime_UTR/CDS} coding{coding_exon} user = nobody passwd = # Installed plugins plugins = Aligner FastaDumper OligoFinder RestrictionAnnotator GFFDumper BatchDumper # Web site configuration info stylesheet = /gbrowse/gbrowse.css buttons = /gbrowse/images/buttons tmpimages = /gbrowse/tmp keystyle = between empty_tracks = key landmark features = Sequence:Chromosome region:Link # landmark_padding = 1000 # Default glyph settings glyph = generic height = 8 bgcolor = cyan fgcolor = black label density = 25 bump density = 100 # where to link to when user clicks in detailed view link = http://www.wormbase.org/db/get?name=$name;class=$class link_target = _new # what image widths to offer image widths = 450 640 800 960 1024 1280 # default width of detailed view (pixels) default width = 800 default features = CG OP GB LOCI:overview # max and default segment sizes for detailed view max segment = 1000000 default segment = 50000 # low-res boundary low res = 200000 # standard zoom levels to be offered to user zoom levels = 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 40000 100000 200000 500000 1000000 # fine zoom to be offered -- please provide a percentage fine zoom = 20% # canonical features to show in overview overview bgcolor = #93CBF4 # routines to compile in advance init_code = sub ostp_color { my $feature = shift; my ($amp) = eval{$feature->attributes('Amplified')}; return 'grey' unless defined $amp; return 'green' if $amp; return 'red' if !$amp; } sub ostp_amplifies { my $feature = shift; my ($amp) = eval{$feature->attributes('Amplified')}; return '' unless defined $amp; return "amplifies" if $amp; return 'does not amplify' if !$amp; } header = footer =
Data mirrored from WormBase
For the source code for this browser, see the Generic Model Organism Database Project. For other questions, send mail to lstein@cshl.org.
# examples to show in the introduction examples = IV rhodopsin IV:120,000..130,000 unc-9 him-* B0019 PCR_product:sjj_B0019.1 ttattaaacaatttaa # "automatic" classes to try when an unqualified identifier is given automatic classes = Transcript Locus Gene GMap PCR_product Operon Genbank Allele # List of remote annotation sources: format is URL/name pairs separated by # white space. Please use quotation marks to prevent internal spaces from # being interpreted. remote sources = "Gene Knockout Consortium Alleles" http://aceserver.biotech.ubc.ca/knockout_alleles [TRACK DEFAULTS] font2color = blue # what to show in the overview section [LOCI:overview] feature = gene:landmark label = 1 glyph = generic bgcolor = lavender key = Landmarks height = 5 ################################################################################## # the remainder of the sections configure particular tracks to show ################################################################################## [CG] feature = full_transcript:Coding_transcript pseudo:Pseudogene miRNA_primary_transcript:miRNA rRNA_primary_transcript:rRNA scRNA_primary_transcript:scRNA snRNA_primary_transcript:snRNA snoRNA_primary_transcript:snoRNA tRNA_primary_transcript:tRNAscan-SE-1.23 nc_primary_transcript:Non_coding_transcript RNA:RNA category = Genes category:fr = Gènes glyph = processed_transcript bgcolor = sub { my $f = shift; return $f->strand > 0 ? 'violet':'turquoise'} fgcolor = black forwardcolor = violet reversecolor = turquoise utr_color = gray font2color = blue label = sub { my $feature = shift; my $desc = join ' ',$feature->notes; my $name = $feature->display_name; return $desc =~ /(\w{3,4}-\d+)$/ ? "$1 ($name)" : $name; } height = sub { my $feature = shift; return $feature->method =~ /transcript|UTR|coding_exon/i ? 10 : 6; } description = sub { my $feature = shift; my $notes = join ' ',$feature->notes; my $source = $feature->source; $source =~ s/scan-SE.*$//; # get rid of SE-1.11 part $source =~ s/Coding_transcript/curated coding gene/; $notes =~ s/\w{3,4}-\d+$//; # name is already in label if ($source eq 'tRNA') { 'tRNA' } elsif ($feature->method eq 'pseudo') { $notes ? " (pseudogene)" : "(pseudogene)"; } else { $notes ? "$notes ($source)" : "($source)"; } } title = WormBase gene $name key = Gene Models citation = These are gene predictions that have been reviewed by WormBase curators. The purple and blue colors indicate CDS regions on the forward and reverse strands respectively. The grey areas represent 5' and 3' ESTs assigned automatically using the extents of overlapping ESTs and full-length cDNAs. The UTR predictions have not been reviewed by WormBase curators, and are known to contain artifacts. If sufficient room is available between features, gene models end with a triangle; if not a small arrow is used. The tRNAs are predicted by Sean Eddy's tRNAscan program, and miRNA transcripts taken from a variety of literature sources. Please select the RNA for more details. [CG:75000] feature = Transcript:Coding_transcript Sequence:RNA glyph = generic strand_arrow = 1 bgcolor = sub {shift->strand>0?'violet':'turquoise'} [CDS] feature = coding:Coding_transcript glyph = cds frame0f = cadetblue frame1f = blue frame2f = darkblue frame0r = darkred frame1r = red frame2r = crimson category = Genes description = 0 require_subparts = 1 height = 13 label = sub { my $feature = shift; return "Frame usage for ".$feature->name } key = Coding Segments citation = This track shows the reading frames of coding segments (also known as "CDS" features). At low magnifications, each transcript [HISTORICAL] feature = processed_transcript:history glyph = transcript bgcolor = white description = sub { my $f = shift; my $name = $f->display_name; my ($wp) = $name =~ /wp(\d+)$/; return $wp ? "(changed; WormPep WP$wp)" : "(obsolete)"; } citation = This track shows historical gene models that have been superseded. The suffix indicates which WormPep release the gene model was last present in. category = Genes key = Obsolete gene models [HISTORICAL:75000] feature = CDS:history bgcolor = white glyph = generic strand_arrow = 1 [GENEFINDER] feature = processed_transcript:genefinder glyph = transcript category = Genes bgcolor = palevioletred fgcolor = palevioletred key = GeneFinder Predictions [GENEFINDER:75000] feature = CDS:genefinder key = GeneFinder Predictions [OP] feature = operon:operon glyph = generic category = Genes strand_arrow = 1 bgcolor = green height = 10 description = 1 key = Operons citation = These are operons published by Blumenthal et al, Nature 417: 851-854 (2002). [TS] feature = SL1_acceptor_site SL2_acceptor_site category = Genes glyph = sub { my $feature = shift; return $feature->source eq 'SL1' ? 'diamond' : 'triangle'; } point = 1 bgcolor = sub { my $feature = shift; return $feature->source eq 'SL1' ? 'red' : 'green'; } font2color = 'red'; height = 8 label = 0 label density = 100 description = sub { shift->source; } key = Trans-splice acceptor citation = These are SL1 and SL2 trans-splice acceptors published by Blumenthal et al, Nature 417: 851-854 (2002). # This track shows the approximate physical span of genetic intervals [GENETIC] feature = gmap_span:interpolated_pmap_position gmap_span:absolute_pmap_position key = Genetic limits (experimental) category = Genes glyph = sub { my $f = shift; return ($f->source eq 'interpolated_pmap_position') ? 'span' : 'box'; } fgcolor = black bgcolor = sub { my $feature = shift; return ($feature->source eq 'interpolated_pmap_position') ? 'red' : 'turquoise'; } link = sub { my $f = shift; my $name = $f->name; return "http://www.wormbase.org/db/get?name=$name;class=Gene"; } height = 3 label = sub { return shift->name; } description = sub { my $feature = shift; my $notes = join(' ',$feature->notes); $notes =~ /^\s*(\-?\d{1,2}\.\d*)\s(.*)/; # Reduce sig figs to three my $pos = $1; my $rest = $2; $rest =~ s/uncloned|cloned//; # Remove the status descriptor $pos = sprintf("%2.3f",$pos); my $formatted = "$pos $rest"; return $formatted; } citation = This experimental track shows the maximal extents for genetic loci. Loci that have been interpolated onto the physical map (and whose precise location is unknown) are shown as a thin black span. The physical extent of such loci are determined by interpolating their genetic position onto the physical map using 95% confidence limits. Please note that the actual location of such loci may lay outside of the span depicted. Loci with known sequence connections are shown in turquoise and depicted using the physical span of the gene. [WABA] feature = waba_alignment bgcolor = blue glyph = heterogeneous_segments draw_target = 1 show_mismatch = 1 realign = 0 category = Sequence Similarity Tracks waba_weak_color = #A0A0A0 waba_strong_color = cornflowerblue waba_coding_color = blue fgcolor = black height = 6 connector = dashed box_subparts = 0 key = Briggsae alignments label = sub { my $feature = shift; my $ref = $feature->target; my $start = $feature->target->start; my $stop = $feature->target->end; my $first = ($feature->segments)[0]; my $strand = defined $first && $first->start>$first->end ? -1 : +1; ($start,$stop) = ($stop,$start) if $strand < 0; "$ref:$start..$stop"; } citation = These are segments of the C. briggsae rough draft sequence that have been aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's WABA program [Kent & Zahler, Genome Res 10:1115-25 (2000)]. WABA distinguishes between low similarity regions (light blue), high-similarity regions (medium blue), and regions of high similarity that have the characteristic wobble-base mismatch of coding regions (dark blue). Also see "Briggsae Alignments (BLAST)". IMPORTANT NOTE: Briggsae sequence is available from the GSC BLAST server at
http://genome.wustl.edu/gsc/Blast/client.pl and the Sanger BLAST server at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/C_briggsae/blast_server.shtml. link = sub { my $feature = shift; my $ref = $feature->target; my $start = $feature->target->start; my $stop = $feature->target->end; my $first = ($feature->segments)[0]; my $strand = defined $first && $first->start>$first->end ? -1 : +1; ($start,$stop) = ($stop,$start) if $strand < 0; return "http://www.wormbase.org/db/seq/ebsyn?name=$ref:$start..$stop"; } [WABA:100000] feature = nucleotide_match:waba_weak nucleotide_match:waba_strong nucleotide_match:waba_coding glyph = generic bgcolor = #E0E0E0 [ESTB:50000] feature = EST_match:BLAT_EST_BEST [ESTB:101] fontcolor = black height = 5 [ESTB] feature = alignment:BLAT_EST_BEST glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks draw_target = 1 show_mismatch = 1 ragged_start = 1 bgcolor = limegreen fgcolor = black connector = solid group_pattern = /\.[35]$/ key = ESTs aligned by BLAT (best) citation = These are C. elegans expressed sequence tags (ESTs), that have been aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's BLAT program [ http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat]. This track shows the best unique location for each EST. Other EST matches, some of which may represent repetitive elements, are shown in the track labeled "ESTs aligned by BLAT (other)". The paired 5' and 3' ESTs from the same cDNA clone are connected by a dashed line. [ESTO] feature = alignment:BLAT_EST_OTHER glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks draw_target = 1 show_mismach = 1 ragged_start = 1 bgcolor = lightgray fgcolor = black height = 6 connector = solid group_pattern = /\.[35]$/ key = ESTs aligned by BLAT (other) citation = These are C. elegans expressed sequence tags (ESTs), that have been aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's BLAT program [http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat]. This track shows ESTs that align multiple times, some of which represent repetitive regions. For the "best" match, see the track labeled "ESTs aligned with BLAT (best)". The paired 5' and 3' ESTs from the same cDNA clone are connected by a dashed line. [ESTO:50000] feature = EST_match:BLAT_EST_OTHER [mRNAB] feature = alignment:BLAT_mRNA_BEST alignment:BLAT_ncRNA_BEST glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks label = sub { my $f = shift; my $label = ($f->source =~ /BLAT_mRNA_BEST/) ? 'mRNA' : 'ncRNA'; my $name = $f->name; return "$label: $name"; } draw_target = 0 show_mismach = 1 ragged_start = 1 bgcolor = sub { my $f = shift; return 'yellow' if ($f->source =~ /BLAT_mRNA_BEST/); return 'grey'; } fgcolor = black height = 6 connector = solid key = RNAs aligned by BLAT (best) citation = These are C. elegans full length cDNAs and ncRNAs that have been aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's BLAT program [http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat]. This track shows the best unique location for each cDNA. Other cDNA matches, some of which may represent repetitive elements, are shown in the track labeled "RNAs aligned by BLAT (other)". [mRNAO] feature = alignment:BLAT_mRNA_OTHER alignment:BLAT_ncRNA_OTHER glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks label = sub { my $f = shift; my $label = ($f->source =~ /BLAT_mRNA_OTHER/) ? 'mRNA' : 'ncRNA'; my $name = $f->name; return "$label: $name"; } draw_target = 1 show_mismach = 1 ragged_start = 1 bgcolor = sub { my $f = shift; return 'green' if ($f->source =~ /BLAT_mRNA_OTHER/); return 'grey'; } fgcolor = black height = 5 connector = solid key = RNAs aligned by BLAT (other) citation = These are C. elegans full length cDNAs, that have been aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's BLAT program [http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat]. This track shows non-unique matches, which may represent repetitive sequences. For the best single alignment, see the track labeled "RNAs aligned by BLAT (best)". [NEMATODE] feature = alignment:BLAT_NEMATODE glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks bgcolor = lightblue fgcolor = black height = 4 connector = solid key = Non-elegans ESTs citation = These are non-C. elegans nematode ESTs that have been aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's BLATX program [http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat]. [NEMATODE:50000] feature = translated_nucleotide_match:BLAT_NEMATODE [RNAi] feature = RNAi_reagent:RNAi experimental:RNAi_injection RNAi category = Phenotype/Expression Tracks bgcolor = goldenrod fgcolor = black height = 4 key = RNAi experiments citation = This track indicates the location of RNA interference (RNAi) experiments that have been performed by a number of groups. Click on the RNAi element to get more information about the experiment. [SAGE] feature = transcript:SAGE_transcript bgcolor = silver category = Phenotype/Expression Tracks height = 5 key = SAGE probes link = sub { my $feature = shift; my $name = $feature->name; $name =~ s/^\w+:/SAGE:/; "http://www.wormbase.org/db/get?name=$name;class=SAGE_tag" } citation = This track indicates the location of Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) probes. Clicking on this link will take you to a page that summarizes the expression patterns associated with these probes. [EXPR] feature = experimental_result_region:Expr_profile category = Phenotype/Expression Tracks bgcolor = orange fgcolor = black height = 4 key = Expression chip profiles citation = This track indicates the location of PCR products that have been placed on expression chips produced by the C. elegans Microarray Consortium [ http://cmgm.stanford.edu/~kimlab/wmdirectorybig.html]. The genes corresponding to these products have been clustered by their expression patterns. Click on the profile to get more information about the expression profile of its corresponding gene. [Allele] feature = sequence_variant:Allele Allele:Allele deletion:Allele substitution:Allele SNP:Allele insertion:Allele transposable_element_insertion_site:Allele transposable_element_insertion_site:Mos_insertion_allele Complex_change_in_nucleotide_sequence:Allele category = Variation Tracks glyph = sub { my $f = shift; return 'triangle' if $f->method eq 'Mos_insertion_allele'; return 'triangle' if $f->method eq 'transposable_element_insertion_site'; return 'box' if $f->method =~ /complex_change/i; return 'diamond' if $f->length <= 3 or $f->method eq 'SNP'; # some SNPs come out length 3 -- dunno why return 'generic'; } bgcolor = sub { my $f = shift; my $s = $f->method; return 'yellow' if $f->source eq 'Mos_insertion_allele'; return 'red' if $s eq 'deletion'; return 'yellow' if $s eq 'substitution'; return 'blue' if $s eq 'transposable_element_insertion_site'; return 'blue' if $s =~ /complex_change/i; return 'blue' if $f->length <= 3 or $f->method eq 'SNP'; return 'white'; } fgcolor = black font2color = blue height = 8 description = sub { my $f = shift; my $s = $f->method; return 'Mos insertion' if $f->source eq 'Mos_insertion_allele'; return 'deletion' if $s eq 'deletion'; return 'transposon insertion' if $s eq 'transposable_element_insertion_site'; return 'insertion' if $s eq 'insertion'; return 'insertion/deletion' if $s =~ /complex_change/i; return 'allele' if $f->length <= 3 and $f->method ne 'SNP'; if ($f->length <= 3 or $f->method eq 'SNP') { # Fudge factor. Let's call the SNP verified if it has an allele-like designation return 'SNP (verified)' unless ($f->name =~ /^snp_/); return 'SNP (predicted)'; } } key = SNPs, Knockouts & Other Alleles citation = This track shows alleles and SNPs. Red boxes are Knockout Consortium deletion alleles. Triangles are transposon insertions engineered by Laurent Segalat and others [Alvarez et al., Towards a genome-wide collection of transposon insertions,International C. elegans Meeting 1999 #757]. Yellow triangles are Mos derived transposon insertions; blue triangles are Tc* derived transposon insertions. White boxes represent other types of alleles. [PCR] feature = PCR_product bgcolor = violet glyph = primers category = Reagents fgcolor = black connect = 1 connect_color = cyan key = PCR Assays citation = This track indicates the location of primer pairs that have been created by a number of groups. Click on the element to obtain the left and right oligo sequences, information about the amplification information, and ordering information (if available). [PolyA] feature = polyA_signal_sequence polyA_site glyph = sub { my $f = shift; return 'diamond' if $f->method =~ /signal/; return 'triangle'; } category = Genes point = 1 orient = N bgcolor = violet description = sub { my $s = shift->source; $s=~tr/_/ /; $s; } key = polyA sites and signal sequences citation = High-confidence polyadenylation signal sequences and sites calculated by an algorithm trained with verified sites from full-length mRNAs. [SeqFeature] feature = misc_feature:binding_site glyph = sub { my $f = shift; return 'diamond' if $f->method =~ /signal/; return 'triangle'; } category = Misc #point = 1 #orient = N bgcolor = green key = Binding sites label = sub { my $f = shift; my $source = $f->source; my $name = $_->name; return "$name (DNA binding site)" if $source eq 'binding_site'; return $name; } citation = This track indicates the position of manually curated binding sites extracted from published data. This dataset contains experimentally confirmed binding sites as well as computationally derived potential bind targets. Data can be verified through the paper evidence attached to each object. [OSTP] feature = PCR_product:Orfeome glyph = primers category = Reagents height = 4 fgcolor = black connect = 1 connect_color = \&ostp_color font2color = \&ostp_color fgcolor = \&ostp_color description = \&ostp_amplifies key = ORFeome Project Primers citation = This track contains Orfeome Project primer pairs. These primers were used to amplify C. elegans cDNAs. A positive amplification, shown in green, is evidence that the region between the two primers is transcribed. Failure to amplify, shown in red, suggests either that the gene model is incorrect, or that the gene is expressed at very low levels. Detailed gene models derived from ORFeome sequencing will be added to this display in the future. See Reboul et al. Nat. Genet. 2003 Apr 7. and WORFdb for further information. [OLIGO] feature = reagent:Oligo_set glyph = primers category = Reagents height = 4 fgcolor = black connect = 1 connect_color = black font2color = black fgcolor = black key = Microarray oligo probes citation = This track contains Affymetrix GeneChip and Washington University GSC microarray probe sets. [OST] feature = expressed_sequence_match:BLAT_OST_BEST glyph = segments category = Genes draw_target = 1 show_mismatch = 1 ragged_start = 1 bgcolor = red fgcolor = black connector = solid group_pattern = /^OST[RF]/ link = http://worfdb.dfci.harvard.edu/search.pl?form=1;search=$name link_target = _blank key = ORFeome sequence tags (best) citation = These are ORFeome project sequence reads. The ORFeome project designs primer assays for spliced mRNAs and then performs sequence reads on rtPCR material, producing "OSTs." This track shows ORFeome project OSTs aligned to the C. elegans genome using Jim Kent's BLAT program [http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat]. This track shows the best unique location for each OST. [GB] feature = region:Genbank glyph = arrow category = Misc tick = +2 base = 1 relative_coords = 1 key = Genbank entry link = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Search&db=Nucleotide&doptcmdl=GenBank&term=$name[accn] # link = ../gbrowse_moby?id=$name;source=$class citation = The C. elegans genome was submitted to the GenBank and EMBL databases in in the form of a set of minimally-overlapping segments. This track shows the position of these accessioned entries. [BLASTX] feature = protein_match:wublastx glyph = segments bgcolor = sub { $_[0]->name =~ /^BP:/ ? 'blue' : 'orange' } fgcolor = black category = Sequence Similarity Tracks height = 4 key = BLASTX Hits link = sub { my $feature = shift; my $name = $feature->name; if ($name =~ s/^TR://) { return sprintf("http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srs6bin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-e+[SWALL-acc:%s]+-vn+2",$name); } elsif ($name =~ s/^SW://) { return sprintf("http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srs6bin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-id+3LIc21HeBHW+-e+[SWALL:'%s']",$name); } elsif ($name =~ s/ENSEMBL://) { return sprintf('http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/protview?peptide=%s',$name); } elsif ($name =~ s/GADFLY://) { return sprintf('http://hedgehog.lbl.gov:8002/cgi-bin/annot/query?namesearch=%s',$name); } elsif ($name =~ s/SGD://) { return sprintf('http://genome-www4.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/SGD/locus.pl?locus=%s',$name); } elsif ($name =~ s/PS://) { return sprintf('http://www.expasy.ch/cgi-bin/prosite-search-de?%s',$name); } else { return "http://www.wormbase.org/db/get?name=$name;class=Protein"; } } citation = These are WUBLASTX (nucleotide to protein, via six-frame translation) similarity hits, run biweekly against reference protein datasets from the genomes of yeast, fly, worm, and human and also against a reduced subset of SwissProt and TREMBL. Blue-colored hits indicate similarity hits against C. briggsae predicted proteins. [EMBL_BEST] feature = alignment:BLAT_EMBL_BEST glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks bgcolor = red fgcolor = black height = 6 key = BLAT EMBL/GenBank Hits (Best) link = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Entrez/query?db=p&form=1&field=Sequence+ID&term=$name citation = These are BLAST (nucleotide to nucleotide) similarity hits, run biweekly on the contents of EMBL and GenBank. This track records the highest-scoring matches. [EMBL_OTHER] feature = alignment:BLAT_EMBL_BEST glyph = segments category = Sequence Similarity Tracks bgcolor = pink fgcolor = black height = 6 key = BLAT EMBL/GenBank Hits (Other) link = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Entrez/query?db=p&form=1&field=Sequence+ID&term=$name citation = These are BLAST (nucleotide to nucleotide) similarity hits, run biweekly on the contents of EMBL and GenBank. This track records the non-highest scoring matches. [HMM] feature = similarity:hmmfs.3 repeat_region:RepeatMasker category = Sequence Similarity Tracks bgcolor = red fgcolor = black height = 4 connector = none key = Complex Repeats citation = This track contains matches to long repetitive elements detected using the HMMFS and RepeatMasker programs. [REP] feature = tandem_repeat inverted_repeat bgcolor = bisque fgcolor = black category = Misc height = 4 key = Simple Repeats connector = none citation = This track indicates the position of short exact tandem and inverted repetitive elements. [CLO] feature = clone fgcolor = sub { my $feature = shift; return 'aqua' if !defined $feature->start || !defined $feature->stop; return 'black'; } category = Reagents glyph = anchored_arrow height = 7 key = YACs & Cosmids font2color = aqua description = sub { my $feature = shift; return 'Warning: Clone end(s) not known/shown.' unless defined $feature->start && defined $feature->end; 1; } citation = This track shows the locations of the cosmids and YACs used for the physical mapping and sequencing of the C. elegans genome. The clone termini do not necessarily correspond to the termini of submitted GenBank/EMBL entries. In some cases the exact termini of the clones is not known. For example, YACs were sequenced using PCR amplification across gaps in the cosmid maps. When a clone end is not known, it is shown as an arrow extending to the end of the display. Such data is to be treated with caution. [LINK] feature = region:Link Sequence:Chromosome fgcolor = black glyph = arrow category = Misc height = 7 tick = 2 relative_coords = 1 key = Links and Superlinks citation = This track shows the location and coordinates of contigs created during the assembly of the C. elegans genome. [CANONICAL] feature = region:Genomic_canonical fgcolor = black glyph = arrow category = Misc height = 7 tick = 2 relative_coords = 1 key = Contig submissions citation = This track shows the location and coordinates of contigs (mostly cosmids) submitted to GenBank/EMBL. [TranslationF] glyph = translation global feature = 1 frame0 = cadetblue frame1 = blue frame2 = darkblue height = 20 fgcolor = purple start_codons = 0 strand = +1 arrow_height = 2 translation = 3frame category = DNA key = 3-frame translation (forward) citation = This track shows the position of stop codons at low magnifications, and the 3-frame translation at high magnifications. Only the forward strand is shown. [DNA/GC Content] glyph = dna global feature = 1 strand = both height = 40 fgcolor = red category = DNA [TranslationR] glyph = translation global feature = 1 frame0 = darkred frame1 = red frame2 = crimson height = 20 fgcolor = blue strand = -1 start_codons = 0 arrow_height = 2 translation = 3frame category = DNA key = 3-frame translation (reverse) citation = This track shows the position of stop codons at low magnifications, and the 3-frame translation at high magnifications. Only the reverse strand is shown. [Aligner:plugin] alignable_tracks = ESTB ESTO mRNAB WABA upcase_tracks = CDS tRNA NG align_default = ESTB upcase_default = CDS ragged_default = 10 [OligoFinder:plugin] search_segments = I II III IV V X