ferry termini in San Francisco. To these rooms people come from all parts of the world. From them all the Pacific coast is made easy of access by the numerous railway lines. The enormous ferry travel to the towns and cities about the bay passes easily through these commodious apartments. This building will be found worthy of another visit after the traveler has settled himself a bit, for in it are displayed much that is typical and instructive of California, its wealth and industries. Here, for instance, are stored the treasures of the State Mining Bureau, and these will be found well worth the attention of any one interested in milling, or the romance which always goes with the effort to dig fortunes from the earth. There hasn't been much exhibit spectacular. The tendency make it useful. Those intending to to put his fortune to the test in the districts of the State, can here get and gather a deal of useful yond this, however, are beauti-please the eye, or to carry the effort to make this has rather been to invest in mines, or mineral-bearing his ideas into shape, information. Be-ful specimens to FERRY DEPOT.