On presentation and payment of $25.00 to the General Passenger Agent of either the 0. & C. R. R. or 0. R. & Nav. Co. at Portland, return tickets will be issued by the Shasta route or the ocean to San Francisco, thence via any of the southern trans-continental lines to Omaha, Kansas City, Mineola or Houston, and on payment of $3I.00 to New Orleans or St. Louis. CONDITIONS.-Above tickets limited to six months from date of sale; good going trip sixty days to any one of North Pacific coast termini named, returning any time within final limit, which limit will be extended on payment of $1.0oo for each additional thirty days' time given. Usual stopover privileges granted. ALASKA EXCURSIONS.-An excursion ticket will be sold from eastern termini named to Sitka, Alaska, at $175.00, which rate includes meals and berths on Alaska steamer. Tickets on sale, May Ist to November 1st. Limit, six months. Going to Tacoma, sixty days, returning within final limit, holder to leave Sitka on or before November 30th. Usual stopover privileges granted. Steamer accommodations can be secured in advance by application to any of the agents named below. Diagrams of steamers at office General Passenger Agent at St. Paul. CALIFORNIA EXCURSION RATES.-The Northern Pacific Railroad will sell round trip excursion tickets from St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth or Ashland, via Cascade Division or Columbia River and Portland, and either the Shasta route or the ocean to San Francisco, returning same route, or by southern lines to Omaha, Kansas City, Mineola or Houston at $95.00 ; to New Orleansor St. Louisat$Iol.oo; to St. Paul or Minneapolis via Missouri River $Io5.oo. Tickets via ocean include meals and berths on steamer. At the eastern termini of the southern trans-continental lines, excursion tickets will be sold, or orders exchanged, for tickets to San Francisco, returning via either the Shasta route, the all-rail line to Portland, or the ocean and the Northern Pacific to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth or Ashland, at rate $15,oo higher than the current excursion rate in effect between Missouri River points, Mineola or Houston and San Francisco The steamship coupon includes first-class cabin passage and meals between San Francisco and Portland. If, however, holders of excursion tickets, the return portion of which read by one of the southern lines to a Missouri River point or Houston or Mineola, desire to return east via the Shasta route, Portland and Northern Pacific R. R. to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth or Ashland, they can do so on payment of $25.oo to Mr. T. H. Goodman, General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, San Francisco; if return via ocean, by payment of $15.00 to Mr. D. B. Jackson, General Passenger Agent Pacific Coast S. S. Co., San Francisco, and $o0.00 (for exchange of tickets) to A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, N. P. R. R., No. 2 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. The expense of $io.oo for exchange of ticket at San Francisco or Portland, can be avoided by the purchaser's designating the return route, via Portland and the Northern Pacific, either when purchasing the original tickets or exchanging their orders for tickets at eastern terminals of trans-continental lines. Return coupons reading from Missouri River points to Chicago or St. Louis will be honored from St. Paul or Minneapolis, either free, or with a small additional charge, according to the route. These excursion tickets allow six months' time for the round trip ; sixty days allowed for westbound trip up to first Pacific coast common point; return any time within final limit, which limit will be extended on payment of $io.oo for each additional thirty days' time given. Stopovers granted in either direction. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Gen'l Passenger Agent, 2 Washington St., Portland, Ore. JAMES C. POND, Assistant General Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn. General and c. B. KINNAN, General Agent Passenger Dept., 319 Broadway, New York City. J. L. HARRIS, New England Agent, 306 Washington Street, Boston. Mass. . Special -.'.\ E. . WADSWORTH, General Agent, 52 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. A. L . STOKES, General Agent, Helena, Mont. .'. ' Agents. JAMES McCAIG, Ticket Agent, Butte, Mont. A. W. HARTMAN, General Agent, Duluth, Minn. A. BODELHEIMER, General Agent, corner High and Chestnut Sts., Columbus, Ohio. ,---___ THOMAS HENRY, Agent, 154 St. James Street, Montreal, Canada. a. G. CHANDLEB, Passenger Agent, 901i Pacific Avenue, Tacoma. A<' . J. QUIN, 306 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. ?--~ ~ J.~ Pi. H. ROGERS, Jr., 111 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. -- L--. L .. BILLINGSILEA, 111 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. / GEO. D. TELLER, 44 Exchange Street, Buffalo, N. Y. D. W. JANOWITZ, 48 South Illinois Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Traveling Passenger F. H. LOBD, 52 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. T. L. SHORTELL, 112 North Fourth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Agents. S. H. MILLS, 152 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. T. S. PATTY, 24 West Ninth Street, Chattanooga, Tenn, di, c. 4i ELVIN H. SMITH, 392 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. * * AT: A. A. JACK, 200 Fourth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. W. F. CABSON, 2 Washington Street, Portland, Ore. T. K. STATELEBR, 618 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. J. M. HANNAFORD, CHAS. S. FEE, 'Traffic Manager, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, ST. PAUL, MINN.