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Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility <
. . Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
. . Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
. . . . Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
. . . . . . Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility

Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
Peter T. Kleeman, Techniquest (Transportation and Environmental Consulting),
02/11/2008 11:25 AM
23CFR771(f) states:

In order to ensure meaningful evaluation of alternatives and to avoid commitments to transportation improvements before they are fully evaluated, the action evaluated in each EIS or finding of no significant impact (FONSI) shall:

1. Connect logical termini and be of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope;

2. Have independent utility or independent significance, i.e., be usable and be a reasonable expenditure even if no additional transportation improvements in the area are made; and

3. Not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements.

Although staff at the Virginia Division of FHWA state that an interchange project in Charlottesville Virginia ( Route 250 Bypass Interchange at McIntire Road [website at]) complies with these three requirements, there appears to be no written determination as to this project being in compliance with items 1 and 2 above. Use of the term 'shall' in 23CFR771(f) suggests that some determination of compliance is required.

Logical Termini Issue: I have reviewed FHWA guidance on logical termini and questions and responses on Re: NEPA. But, on this particular project the termini appear to differ among various alternatives and correspond to where each particular alternative design would join a yet unconstructed roadway that is a state funded project. Shouldn't there be specific termini identified for the project as a whole that apply to all alternatives under consideration? And shouldn't these project termini correspond to the next intersection in each of the legs of the interchange to ensure adequate environmental consideration?

Independent Utility Issue: To determine that this interchange has independent utility it appears that there ought to be at least one alternative that shows that the interchange could provide utility without the state funded project being built (else the state funded road project and the interchange should be considered one project – not two). But, the only independent interchange designs were identified as part of the Section 4(f) review (the interchange and state funded roadway are in Charlottesville's McIntire Park – a section 4(f) property). Three alternatives were studied and all were determined not to be reasonable or practicable alternatives and dropped from consideration. Wouldn't this fact that all of the interchange only alternatives are unsuitable mean that this interchange does not have independent utility? The draft environmental assessment clearly states that the independent interchange is not even consistent with the stated project purpose and need.

Please let me know what the FHWA minimum documentation standard is that addresses the specification of logical termini, and the level of demonstration that a project has independent utility (and is a reasonable expenditure even if other projects are not constructed). And, please let me know if there is any relevant case law on these issues.

Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
Dave Gamble, FHWA Resource Center
02/12/2008 10:39 AM
Here is a link to some guidance on this topic. It is also available by clicking on the "reference" tab in the NEPA Process and Documentation page in Re:NEPA. As far as project-level issues go, our FHWA Division Office in Richmond is the proper contact for those.

Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
Lamar Smith
02/12/2008 11:31 AM
Seems like a good time to remind everyone of our long standing policy of not using Re:NEPA to debate project specific issues and situations. This policy is for everyone's benefit. If you need assistance, that's why we are here.

As we all know and must keep in mind in addressing every post, it is likely that many of the important details are actually in the information that has been excluded. There is more to every story.

I sent this post to the Division and discussed the situation with them. We are confident that our decision is sound and our files are properly documented.

I hope we can help this gentlemen in his understanding of logical termini and independent utility - not always easy.

Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
State DOT
04/01/2008 04:54 PM
Thanks for the info, but I too need to know how much documentation is required to document the selected logical termini.

Re: Uniqueness of Logical Termini and Demonstration of Indepent Utility
Lamar Smith
04/01/2008 09:07 PM
Do you mean, how much documentation is necessary to provide evidence that an alternative has logical termini?

How much documentation is needed or required may not be as important as the quality of the evidence and the reasoning. If challenged, could you defend and provide evidence of your position that an alternative under consideration or a proposal has logical termini, independent utility and does not foreclose the consideration of the reasonably foreseeable future alternatives?

That's what's really important and what the record must show. I think it is sufficient to document the reasoning regarding the choice of logical termini. If you cannot provide a reasonable explanation and rationale as why a proposal or alternative has logical termini, independent utility, etc., no amount of documentation will help you.

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