function ismtau,w,NH=NH,fH2=fH2,He1=He1,HeII=HeII,Fano=Fano,ikev=ikev,$ wam=wam,bam=bam,mam=mam, _extra=e ;+ ;function ismtau ; returns the optical depth for a given photon energy at specified ; column density. i.e., the $\tau$ of $e^{-\tau}$. ; ; ingredients: ; * in the EUV regime, cannibalizes ISMEUV.PRO for ; -- HI photoionization (Spitzer 19??, "Physical Processes in the ; Interstellar Medium", p105), between 0.03 keV (413.3A) and 911.75A ; -- HeII photoionization (ibid), between 0.03 keV (413.3A) and 911.75A ; -- HeI with auto-ionization resonances (Marr & West 1976; ; Oza 1986, Phys.Rev.A 33 824; Fernley et al. 1987, J.Phys.B 20, ; 6457; Rumph, Bowyer, & Vennes 1994, AJ 107, 2108) below 503.97A ; -- NOTE: these are extended down to 43.657 AA when the X-ray ; calculations are not being done. ; * in the X-ray regime (0.03 - 10 keV), either ; -- Morrison & McCammon (1983, ApJ 270, 119) polynomial fit between ; 0.03 keV and 10 keV, or ; -- Balucinska-Church & McCammon (1992, ApJ 400, 699) cross-sections, ; which allows abundance variations, or ; -- Wilms, Allen, & McCray (2000, ApJ, in press) calculations ; that use cross-sections from Verner & Yakovlev (1995, A&AS, ; 109, 125), which also allows abundance variations ; * in the hard X-ray regime and beyond (>10 keV), ; -- Tanaka & Bleeker (1977, ???) power-law extended past 10 keV ; * Molecular H (Cruddace et al. 1977, ApJ 187, 497; Kashyap et ; al. 1992, ApJ 391, 684) between 12.3985A (1 keV) to 911.75A ; ; to extract only the cross-sections, set NH=1 ; to obtain transmission factors, then use exp(-ismtau(...)) ; ;syntax ; tau=ismtau(w,NH=NH,fH2=fH2,He1=He1,HeII=HeII,Fano=Fano,/ikev,$ ; /wam,/bam,/mam, abund=abund,noHeH=noHeH,verbose=verbose) ; ;parameters ; w [INPUT; required] photon energy values at which to compute ; the optical depth. ; * default units are [Ang], unless IKEV is set, when they are ; assumed to be [keV] ; ;keywords ; NH [INPUT; default=1] atomic H column density [cm^-2] ; fH2 [INPUT; default=0.26] N(H2)/N(HI) ; * the default value comes from the asymptotic value of ; N(H2)/N(HI) computed with the 3 component model (cold ; HI, warm HI, H2) of Bloemen, J.B.G.M. (1987, ApJ 322, 694) ; * explicitly set fH2 to 0 to avoid including this factor. ; He1 [INPUT; default=0.1*NH] neutral He column density [cm^-2] ; HeII [INPUT; default=0.1*He1] ionized He column density [cm^-2] ; Fano [INPUT] if set, the 4 strongest auto-ionizing resonances ; of He I are included; the shape of these resonances are ; given by a Fano profile (cf. Rumph, Bowyer, & Vennes 1994, ; AJ 107, 2108). ; * input wavelength grid between 190 A and 210 A should be ; ~0.01 A for this to be useful ; ikev [INPUT] if set, assumes that W are in units of keV ; wam [INPUT] if set, uses Wilms, Allen, & McCray cross-sections ; * NOT IMPLEMENTED YET -- if set, defaults to Balucinska-Church ; & McCammon. ; bam [INPUT] if set, uses Balucinska-Church and McCammon updates ; to Morrison & McCammon cross-sections in 30 eV - 10 keV range ; mam [INPUT] if set, uses Morrison and McCammon photoionization ; cross-sections in the 30 eV - 10 keV range ; * This is the default ; * WAM takes precedence over BAM takes precedence over MAM. ; * if MAM is explicitly set to 0 and neither BAM nor WAM are ; set, then the original ISMEUV code is used from 43 AA longwards ; _extra [INPUT ONLY] pass defined variables to subroutines ; BAMABS: ABUND, VERBOSE, NOHEH ; ;history ; written by Vinay Kashyap (Feb97), based on ; ISMEUV.PRO (W.Landsman [Oct94], via ; (Pat Jelinsky, Todd Rumph, et al.)) and ISMABS.PRO (VK; Dec91) ; changed default on HeII from 0 to 0.1*He1 (VK; Jan MM) ; changed default on NH from 1e20 to 1.0 (VK; MarMM) ; changed keyword KEV to IKEV; also for some reason H and He ; photoionization from ISMEUV had been cut off at the C edge, ; now corrected; added keywords WAM, BAM, and MAM, and call to BAMABS ; (VK; OctMM) ; bug correction: BAM was not filtering on energy; allowed setting ; MAM=0 to recover original ISMEUV calc (VK; Jun03) ; follow-up bug correction (VK; Jul03) ;- ; usage nw=n_elements(w) if nw eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: tau=ismtau(W,NH=NH,fH2=fH2,He1=He1,HeII=HeII,/Fano,/ikev,$' print,' /wam,/bam,/mam, abund=abund,verbose=verbose)' print,' returns optical depth at given photon energy for given column' return,0. endif nrg=[float(abs(w))] ;avoid touching the input, convert scalar to vector, ;avoid -ve values in wvl/keV, ensure R*4 ; check keywords if n_elements(NH) eq 0 then NH=1. ;N(HI) if n_elements(fH2) eq 0 then fH2=0.26 ;N(H2)/N(HI) if n_elements(He1) eq 0 then He1=0.1*NH ;N(HeI) if n_elements(HeII) eq 0 then HeII=0.1*He1 ;N(HeII) ; if input photon "energy" is in [Ang], convert to [keV] if not keyword_set(ikeV) then begin wvl=nrg & oo=where(nrg gt 0,moo) if moo gt 0 then nrg(oo)=12.3985/nrg(oo) else return,0*w endif else begin wvl=0*nrg & oo=where(nrg gt 0,moo) if moo gt 0 then wvl(oo)=12.3985/nrg(oo) else return,0*w endelse ; iMAM=1 & iBAM=0 & iWAM=0 if n_elements(MAM) gt 0 then begin if MAM(0) eq 0 then begin iMAM=0 & iBAM=0 & iWAM=0 endif endif if keyword_set(BAM) then begin iMAM=0 & iBAM=1 & iWAM=0 endif if keyword_set(WAM) then begin message,'Wilms, Allen, McCray cross-sections not implemented yet',/info message,'using Balucinska-Church & McCammon data',/info iMAM=0 & iBAM=1 & iWAM=0 endif ; initialize tauH=0*wvl & tauH2=tauH & tauHeII=tauH & tauHeI=tauH & tauX=tauH & tauTB=tauH ; HI photoionization (from ISMEUV) ev30 = 12.3985/(30.e-3) ;Ang corresponding to 30 eV, boundary of ISMEUV applicability ;when WAM, BAM, or MAM is set if iMAM eq 0 and iBAM eq 0 and iWAM eq 0 then ev30=43.657 r=wvl/911.75 ;DO NOT USE THIS: oo=where(r ge 43.657/911.75 and r lt 1,moo) oo=where(r ge ev30/911.75 and r lt 1,moo) if moo gt 0 then begin z=0*r & z(oo)=sqrt(r(oo)/(1.-r(oo))) tauH(oo) = NH(0) * 3.44e-16 * (r(oo)^4) *$ exp(-4.0*z(oo)*atan(1./z(oo)))/(1.0-exp(-2*!pi*z(oo))) endif ; HeII photoionization (from ISMEUV); just like above, but charge=2 r=4*wvl/911.75 ;WRONG-> oo=where(r gt 43.657/911.75 and r lt 1,moo) oo=where(r ge ev30/911.75 and r lt 1,moo) if moo gt 0 then begin z=0*r & z(oo)=sqrt(r(oo)/(1.-r(oo))) tauHeII(oo)=HeII(0)*3.44e-16*(r(oo)^4)*$ exp(-4.0*z(oo)*atan(1./z(oo)))/((1.0-exp(-2*!pi*z(oo)))*4) endif ; HeI (from ISMEUV) ; for wvl>46A (Marr & West 1976) c1=[ -2.953607d+01, 7.083061d+00, 8.678646d-01, -1.221932d+00,$ 4.052997d-02, 1.317109d-01, -3.265795d-02, 2.500933d-03 ] ; for wvl<46A (Marr & West 1976) c2=[ -2.465188d+01, 4.354679d+00, -3.553024d+00, 5.573040d+00,$ -5.872938d+00, 3.720797d+00, -1.226919d+00, 1.576657d-01 ] ; parameters for auto-ionization resonances ; from Oza (1986, Phys.Rev.A 33, 824) q=[ 2.81d, 2.51d, 2.45d, 2.44d ] ; from Fernley et al. (1987, J.Phys.B 20,6457) nu=[ 1.610d, 2.795d, 3.817d, 4.824d ] fano_gamma=[ 2.64061d-03, 6.20116d-04, 2.56061d-04, 1.320159d-04 ] esubi=3.0d - 1.0d/nu^2 + 1.807317d ; ;INCORRECT-> oo=where(wvl gt 0 and wvl lt 503.97,moo) oo=where(wvl gt ev30 and wvl lt 503.97,moo) & x=0*wvl & y=x & eps=x if moo gt 0 then begin x(oo)=alog10(wvl(oo)) o1=where(wvl ge 46.0 and wvl lt 503.97,mo1) o2=where(wvl gt 0 and wvl lt 46.0,mo2) if mo1 gt 0 then y(o1)=poly(x(o1),c1) if mo2 gt 0 then y(o2)=poly(x(o2),c2) if keyword_set(Fano) then begin eps(oo)=911.2671/wvl(oo) for i=0,3 do begin x(oo)=2.0*((eps(oo)-esubi(i))/fano_gamma(i)) y(oo)=y(oo)+alog10((x(oo)-q(i))^2/(1.+x(oo)*x(oo))) endfor endif tauHeI(oo)=He1(0) * 10.^(y(oo)) endif ; H2 (from ISMABS) if not keyword_set(iwam) then begin ; Wilms, Allen & McCray have their own computation of H2 cross-section oo=where(nrg gt 0 and nrg lt 1,moo) if moo gt 0 then tauH2(oo)=NH(0)*fh2(0)*0.16e-22*nrg(oo)^(-3.54) endif ; X-Ray regime (from ISMABS) if keyword_set(iMAM) then begin ; Morrison & McCammon (1983, ApJ 270, 119) fit coefficients c0 = [ 17.3, 34.6, 78.1, 71.4, 95.5, 308.9, 120.6, 141.3, 202.7,$ 342.7, 352.2, 433.9, 629.0, 701.2 ] c1 = [ 608.1, 267.9, 18.8, 66.8, 145.8, -380.6, 169.3, 146.8, 104.7,$ 18.7, 18.7, -2.4, 30.9, 25.2 ] c2 = [ -2150.0, -476.1, 4.3, -51.4, -61.1, 294.0, -47.7, -31.5, -17.0,$ 0.0, 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0 ] el = [ 0.030, 0.100, 0.284, 0.400, 0.532, 0.707, 0.867, 1.303, 1.840,$ 2.471, 3.210, 4.038, 7.111, 8.331 ] eh = [ 0.100, 0.284, 0.400, 0.532, 0.707, 0.867, 1.303, 1.840, 2.471,$ 3.210, 4.038, 7.111, 8.331, 10.00 ] nbin=n_elements(el) & sig0=1e-24 for i=0,nbin-1 do begin oo=where(nrg gt el(i) and nrg le eh(i),moo) if moo gt 0 then tauX(oo)=NH(0)*sig0*$ (c0(i)+c1(i)*nrg(oo)+c2(i)*nrg(oo)^2)/(nrg(oo))^3 endfor endif if keyword_set(iBAM) then begin ; Balucinska-Church & McCammon, 1992, ApJ 400, 699 oo=where(nrg ge 0.03 and nrg le 10.,moo) if moo gt 0 then tauX(oo)=bamabs(nrg(oo),/ikeV,Fano=Fano, _extra=e)*NH(0) endif ; Hard X-ray regime (from ISMABS) ; Tanaka & Bleeker coefficients c0=2e-22 & c1=-2.5 & oo=where(nrg gt 10,moo) if moo gt 0 then tauTB(oo)=NH(0)*c0*(nrg(oo))^(c1) ; add up ever'thin tau = tauH + tauH2 + tauHeII + tauHeI + tauX + tauTB return,tau end