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Zoology Archive

Removing Rotted Meat Smell

Monday, June 17, 2002

name         Linda V.
status       other
age          30s

Question -   My freezer was left open in my garage by accident for
 four days while we were out of town and the meat all rotted and we had
swarms of flies.  I pulled all the meat out and bagged it into plastic
bags.  Then I cleaned out the freezer and the surrounding area of the
freezer with a bleach and water solution.  I also boiled some vinegar and
put it in the freezer and then wiped down the freezer with the
vinegar.  However, I cannot get that horrible smell out of my garage.  So
my question would you know how I can get rid of the smell?  I
also fogged the garage with a bug killer over night to get rid of the
flies.  In the morning their weren't a lot of flies but some were still
present.  I can't stand the smell and I am worried that my neighbors will
be sick or something or myself.  Even using bacterial soap on my hands
and body didn't take the smell off of me.  Can you help me please?  And
the sooner the better.

The smell in your garage is probably due to the fact that some of the liquid
the decomposing meat dripped to the bottom of your refridgerator, and leaked
down into
the coils below.  You will need to clean this area, and if it is like most
refridgerators, this area is very difficult to clean.  I would take it
outside and lay it on its side and
spray with a hose.  Yes, go ahead and use bleach.

What you are smelling is commonly known as "putrizine and cadaverine" which
are decomposed or
fragmented protein.  Bleach is well known as a protein destroyer.  Your
clothes need to be washed
(obviously), but using bleach may not be an option.  Destroys colors!  There
are additives for special
problems like skunk odors, and other special problems.  You may wish to seek
these special aids.
I have forgotten the name of these special cleaners but many grocery stores
stock them.
They are often not easily found in the isles, so ask!

The smell will leave you after washings, however, you may be smelling the
odor from the garage if you have an
attached garage.  Air the garage frequently.  The odor should subside soon.

Steve Sample
There are several issues here: 1. The flies. As long as the odor of
rotting meat is present, you will have a chronic "fly problem". The chemical
compounds that give rise to these odors are among the ones that have the
lowest odor threshold for the human nose. And flies have a lot better noses
than we humans -- of the order of magnitude of a few molecules per cubic

2. The health problem. The problem is one of putrid smell. There is
not much danger of toxicity from the chemicals themselves, their
concentration is so low. The constant presence of flies is another issue.

3. There are some commercial products that "claim" to work, see for example: However, I have no idea what these are or how
well they work or even if they do.

4. You might try a professional de-odorizing service. People who have to 
get rid of the odor of smoke after a fire use these services. I don't know 
what they cost or how well they
work, either, but they may have access to chemicals and methods not
available to the consumer directly. A reputable de-odorizing service should
be able to give you a quote, and the chances of success. Personally, I do not
think the chances are very good.

Vince Calder

It is not likely that anyone will get sick from the smell. Your approach with
the vinegar was a good idea since many of the smelly compounds will react
with acid to form a water soluble material that can be washed away. However,
that which soaked into the garage interior will be harder to remove because
you cannot get at it by washing.

First, close all doors and vents to the garage so that the interior really
heats up in the sun. Be sure there is nothing inside that will be harmed by
the elevated temperature. Next, ventilate the garage as much as possible.
Last, spread quite a lot of dry, used coffee grounds around on the floor.
You can usually get lots of grounds free from restaurants. Allow the grounds
dry in the sun and then sprinkle them everywhere you can easily reach with a
vacuum cleaner for later pick-up.

The grounds will tend to absorb odors -- in addition, they will make the place
smell like coffee ... that is a lot better than decayed meat. Good luck.

ProfHoff 447
Possibly wiping down the freezer with baking soda  and leaving an amount in
the freezer may work.

M. Baldwin

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