Table of contents for Critical social theories : an introduction / Ben Agger.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

	Preface to the Second Edition	ix
	Acknowledgments	000
1	The Disciplinary Positioning of Theory					1
 Critical Social Theory and the Critique of Positivism, 1
 Interdisciplinarity: From the Sociological to the Social, 9
 Positive, Interpretive, and Critical Theories, 24
2	The Politics of Grand Narratives I: Theorizing Postmodernity		34
	Lyotard¿s Critique, 34
	Modernity ¿or¿ Postmodernity? 41
	Rationality and Science, 46
	The End of the Social? 51
3	The Politics of Grand Narratives II: From Derrida to Difference Theory	56
Derridean Difference, 56
	From Post-Marxism to Commodity Postmodernism, 65
	Multiculturalism: Difference, Narrativity, and
New Social Movements, 69
	Postmodernism as Critical Social Theory, 73
4	The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School					78
	Periodizing Capitalism After Marx, 78
	Domination I: The Dialectic of Enlightenment Argument, 84
	Domination II: The Culture Industry Argument, 89
	Habermas¿s Communication Theory, 93
5	Feminist Theory								99
	Patriarchy: Engendering Theory, 99
 Varieties of Feminist Theory, 106
	Africana Feminism, 113
	Postmodern Feminism and Queer Theory:
Separation Versus Historicity, 115
	Beyond Gender: Feminism or Postfeminism? 119
6	Cultural Studies								122
	Marxist Cultural Theory and the Concept of Ideology, 122
	The Birmingham School, 128
	Feminist Cultural Studies, 134
	Baudrillard and Foucault, 139
7	Critiques of Critical Social Theory						144
	Midwestern Empiricism and the Real-Sociology Critique, 144
	¿Marx Was Wrong,¿ 150
	Rational Choice Theory and the Economization of Sociology, 154
	¿Friendly¿ Critiques, 157
	Responding to Its Critics, 163
8	Critical Social Theory: Applications and Implications			167
	Critical Social Research, 167
	The State and Social Policy, 169
	Social Control, 172
	Popular Culture, Discourse Analysis, and Mass Media, 173
	Gender Studies, 173
	Social Psychology, 175
	Sociology of Education, 175
	Social Movements, 176
	Research Methods, 176
	Race and Ethnicity, 178
	Politics and Micropolitics, 179
	Pedagogical Applications: Immanent Critique, Historicity,
		and the Politics of Curriculum, 183
	The End of Theory or the Renewal of Sociology? 187
9	The 1960s at Forty: Renewing Public Sociology in the Twenty-
first Century									191
	The Hegemony of Positivism, Viewed as Discourse and
Not Doctrine, 000
	After Chicago, Kent State, and the Weather Underground,
Sociologists Retreat from the Public Sphere, 000
	Eroding Sociological Consensus in the Post-9/11 World, 000
	Beyond Positivism and Postmodernism
(and Back to Mills and Hayden for a Paradigm), 000
Bibliography										000
Index											000
About the Author									000

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Sociology -- Philosophy.
Sociology -- Methodology.