CHANGE LOG FOR UNIFIED 3DVAR CODE --------------------------------- Author(s) : John Derber, Dezso Devenyi, Jing Guo, Daryl Kleist, Jaccques Middlecoff, Dave Parrish, Meta Sienkiewicz, Ricardo Todling, Russ Treadon, Wan-Shu Wu Reviewer(s) : Ricardo Todling and Russ Treadon Date : 01 August 2005 GMAO CVS tag: gmao-gsi-2005_08 (21 Jul 2005) NCEP CVS tag: ncep-gsi-2005_08 (15 Aug 2005) REASON FOR CHANGES ------------------ Changes are made to the gsi code for the following reasons: (listing below not given in any particular order) a) Added modules to interface with GMAO horizontal grid. In all platforms this adds dependency on other GMAO libraries (hermes, mpeu, transf, gfio, hdf, etc), except on AIX. This is a zero diff addition in the sense of when NCEP grid is used the code reproduces original result. b) Bug fix that now allows GSI to read two or more prepbufr files correctly. Tested by splitting a prepbufr file into two and making sure results are as for when the single file is used (zero diff change). c) Modify to use NOAA-18 and EARS data. Remove satellite dependent thinning criterion from read_bufrtovs, read_airs, and read_goesndr. Changes made to thinning of AMSU-B observations. d) Modify to allow monitoring of observations (qc and compute innovations but do not assimilate). Observations with quality marks of 9 and 15 will be monitored. Changes printout to reflect stats for rejected observations. e) In order to apply background error covariances calculated from central NMM forecasts to the whole NA domain, sin(lat) is separated from the balance projection f) Include both qoption=1 and =2 background error statistics in single regional background error statistics file. g) Add OMI total ozone data as a data type that may be assimilated h) Update PINT: 3d non-hydrostatic pressure field, in regional NMM output i) Bug fix; allow regional background error statistics from a smaller domain to be used in a larger domain. j) Add preliminary code for dynamic constraint term k) Modify to allow specification of conventional data use through convinfo file. This file will control the use of observations and specify gross and variational quality control quantities for each observation type. See file global_convinfo.txt file for more information. l) Added capability to process level2 radar bufr files. SPECIAL NOTES ------------- The following points should be noted with regards to the above code changes. ****PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING**** ================================= With this update the name of the GSI executable is changed from global_anl to gsi_anl. The same GSI executable may be used for both regional and global applications. The name "global_anl" is not consistent with this generality. The rungsi*sh scripts included with the ncep-gsi-2005_08 CVS tag use the gsi_anl executable name The lettering below corresponds to the "REASON FOR CHANGES" for lettering above: a) Source code files m_utest.F90 and ut_fvAnaGrid.F90 are NOT REQUIRED to compile the GSI code. These codes provide unit testing for the GMAO gsi interface routines (m_fvAnaGrid and m_gsiGuess. f) With this update, regional gsi developers must use a new regional background error statistics file --> one that includes statistics for both qoption = 1 and = 2. g) To use OMI data, - namelist SETUP variable ndat must be increased by 1 - namelist SETUP variable jpch_oz must be increased from 52 to 53 - namelist OBS_INPUT need an addtional line, "dfile()='omto3',... - rungsi script must copy OMI data to working directory ***WARNING TO GMAO USERS*** gmao_global_ozinfo.txt assumes jpch_oz=52, not 53 (the new default) If gmao_global_ozinfo.txt is used at the input file, namelist SETUP variable jpch_oz MUST be explicitly set to 53. j) With the addition of a dynamical constraint term, the number of penalty terms printed from stpcalc.f90 via the line write(iout_iter,100) (pbc1(i,1),i=1,ipen) is increased by one. More significantly, the order of elements in the pbc1 array has changed from the previous gsi release. Values related to surface pressure have moved to the 20th position in the pen_bc and pbc1 arrays. The 4th position of these arrays now contains values related to the dynamic constraint. The table below compares the previous and new ordering. term previous ordering new ordering ==== ================= ============ pen_bc(1,*) background same as before pen_bc(2,*) Tb biascor background same as before pen_bc(3,*) Pcp biascor background same as before PEN_BC(4,*) SURFACE PRESSURE OBS DYNAMIC CONSTRAINT pen_bc(5,*) wind obs same as before pen_bc(6,*) Tb (radiance) obs same as before pen_bc(7,*) temperature obs same as before pen_bc(8,*) precipitable water obs same as before pen_bc(9,*) specific humidity obs same as before pen_bc(10,*) ozone obs same as before pen_bc(11,*) doppler lidar wind same as before pen_bc(12,*) doppler radar wind same as before pen_bc(13,*) radar superob wind same as before pen_bc(14,*) GPS local refractivity same as before pen_bc(15,*) conventional sst same as before pen_bc(16,*) wind speed obs. term same as before pen_bc(17,*) precipitation term same as before pen_bc(18,*) neg moisture constraint same as before pen_bc(19,*) excess moisture term same as before PEN_BC(20,*) NOTHING HERE SURFACE PRESSURE OBS k) Fix file global_convinfo.txt is a required input. Please see SCRIPT CHANGES and FIX FILE CHANGES below l) Currently, at NCEP, the level 2 radar bufr files are very large (5-10Gb). It is much too expensive to read and process these files using existing bufrlib routines. Some new routines have been created which use mpi-io to read the files. At the moment these routines are not mature enough to include in the operational bufrlib, but they are adaquate for the requirements of GSI. With this update, level2 radar data, if available, is processed near the beginning of GSI execution, and converted to superobs which are written in a format consistent with the already existing capability for processing radar superobs from a binary input file. If there is no level2 file, the code will attempt to read superobs anyway, which can be generated from older software already in use. EXPECTED DIFFERENCES -------------------- The following differences are expected when comparing GSI output from this release from that from previous releases. The lettering below corresponds to the "REASON FOR CHANGES" for lettering above: c) Differences in thinning of satellite data and thus differences in number of satellite data (usually more) that get through QC. Changes in AMSU-B thinning should allow more AMSU-B obs in system f) No differences in canned cases if the same background statistics are used. ("same" means using berror=regional_glb_berror.f77) j) Even if the dynamical constraint turn is turned off, differences in the order in which terms used in the step size calculation are summed, may lead to roundoff differences. This roundoff error accumulated over the course of the analysis. l) No differenc, unless a level 2 bufr file is provided. Then differences are common to those expected when adding a new data source. FILES REMOVED ------------- NONE FILES ADDED ----------- intjc.f90 - int routine for dynamic constraint jcmod.f90 - module containing variables and subroutines for dynamic constraint m_fvAnaGrid.F90 - GMAO highest level interface between fvgrid and gsi m_gsiCheck.F90 - print out info on GSI background fields m_gsiGuess.F90 - GMAO interface to the GSI guess_grids m_utests.F90 - unit tester for gmao gridded component interface mpi_bufr_mod.f90 - contains new mpi-io routines to process bufr files. mytrace.H - trace back/debug controlling include file pstend.f90 - file contains routines (non-lin, tlm, and adj) for calculating time tendency of ln(ps) read_l2bufr_mod.f90 - remainder of new code to read level 2 bufr file and convert to binary file of superobs setupjc.f90 - setup routine for dynamic constraint stpjc.f90 - stp routine for dynamic constraint ut_fvAnaGrid.F90 - unit tester for m_fvAnaGrid FILES MODIFIED -------------- balmod.f90 - include fstat=.T. sin(lat) separated from balance projection matrix, bug fix berror.f90 - add and initialize logical fstat; initialize mr,nr,nf bkgvar.f90 - add max bound to l2 compact_diffs.f90 - bug fix in loop/array usage dtast.f90 - modify to monitor data and print rejected data stats; fix bug in printout dvast.f90 - modify to monitor data and print rejected data stats emiss.f90 - modify to handle mhs data get_derivatives.f90 - bug fix, clean up glbsoi.f90 - move destroy_sfc_grids; add calls related to dynamic constraint (and those associated with memory reorganization) gsimain.F90 - add fstat to namelist (logical to seperate f from balance projection); add logical variable update_pint; add dynamic constraint term related items; remove gross and variational qc conventional values from namelists; add new namelist "SUPEROB_RADAR" containing superob parameters; add read of new namelist and call to radar_bufr_read_ all which processes a level 2 bufr file and writes out superobs. gsisub.f90 - added new interface for GMAO grided fields; fix bug in gmao read code guess_grids.f90 - add update_pint, arrays ges_pint, ges_pd; add array to hold roughness length array; initialize nfldsig and nfldsfc intall.f90 - add dynamic constraint related call intdw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intoz.f90 - add OMI total ozone intps.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intpw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intq.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intref.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intrp3oz.f90 - change for use of OMI total ozone intrw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intspd.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intsrw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intsst.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intt.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop intw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop jfunc.f90 - remove unused module from create_jfunc mpimod.F90 - added a couple more exports from m_mpif obs_para.f90 - add OMI total ozone obsmod.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; add OMI ozone (ozo); add b_ and pg_ parameters to conventional obs files ozinfo.f90 - increase default number of ozone data types from 52 to 53 prepdw.f90 - modify to monitor data prepp.f90 - modify to monitor data preppw.f90 - modify to monitor data prepq.f90 - modify to monitor data preprw.f90 - modify to monitor data prepsrw.f90 - modify to monitor data prepsst.f90 - modify to monitor data; add qc to ensure obs is surrounded by water on model grid prept.f90 - modify to monitor data prepw.f90 - modify to monitor data prewgt_reg.f90 - add gmao surface interface prewgt_reg.f90 - remove old print out, add max bound to lp qcmod.f90 - remove variational qc and gross check parameters for conventional observations rdgstat_reg.f90 - read in stats for both qoption=1 and 2 and use the chosen set read_airs.f90 - clean up; remove satellite dependent constants read_bufrtovs.f90 - clean up and include ears/NOAA-18 data; remove satellite dependent constants; modify thinning for amsu-a data read_goesndr.f90 - clean up; remove satellite dependent constants read_gps_ref.f90 - modify to add use/monitor parameter; modify to read convinfo file and specify qc values from file read_guess.f90 - added new interface for GMAO grided fields read_lidar.f90 - modify to add use/monitor parameter; modify to read convinfo file and specify qc values from file read_obs.f90 - include mhs and hirs4 data; add OMI total ozone; remove computational load parameters from call to read routines for conventional data read_ozone.F90 - correct bug in printout; add OMI ozone read_pcp.f90 - add gmao surface interface read_prepbufr.f90 - modify to allow monitoring data - allow qcmarks of 9 and 15 for monitoring; modify to read convinfo file and specify qc values from file read_radar.f90 - modify to add use/monitor parameter; modify to read convinfo file and specify qc values from file read_superwinds.f90 - modify to add use/monitor parameter; modify to read convinfo file and specify qc values from file read_wrf_nmm_guess.F90 - add changes to read pint if available (update_pint=.true.); add changes to read surface roughness length regional_io.f90 - add variable update_pint satthin.F90 - add gmao surface interface setupdw.f90 - modify to monitor data setupoz.f90 - add use of OMI total ozone data setuppcp.f90 - increase size of character variable containing diagnostic filename; remove mype and add idate to diagnostic file output setupps.f90 - modify to monitor data setuppw.f90 - modify to monitor data setupq.f90 - modify to monitor data setuprad.f90 - modify to handle mhs and hirs4 data; modify tnoise initialization, add varinv_use variable setupref.f90 - modify to monitor data setuprhsall.f90 - include mhs and hirs4 data; modify to monitor data; add OMI ozone setuprw.f90 - modify to monitor data setupspd.f90 - modify to monitor data setupsrw.f90 - modify to monitor data setupsst.f90 - modify to monitor data setupt.f90 - modify to monitor data setupw.f90 - modify to monitor data; add qc code for Modis winds smoothzrf.f90 - add upper bound to l2 sprdw.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sproz.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; add OMI ozone sprp.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop; lower huge error limit sprpw.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sprq.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop; lower huge_error limit sprref.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sprrw.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sprspd.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sprsrw.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sprsst.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop sprt.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop spruv.f90 - multiple prepbufr reader fix; modify to monitor data; modify to move var. qc calculations and gross check inside loop statsconv.f90 - modify to monitor data; modify to change print statsrad.f90 - include mhs and hirs4 data stpcalc.f90 - add dynamic constraint term stpdw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpoz.f90 - add OMI toz stpps.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stppw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpq.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpref.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stprw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpspd.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpsrw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpsst.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpt.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop stpw.f90 - modify to move var. qc calculations inside loop t_init_var.f90 - add OMI toz t_obsmod.f90 - add OMI toz data update_guess.f90 - added new interface for GMAO grided fields wrf_binary_interface.F90 - add read of pint byte address; add code to read roughness length wrf_netcdf_interface.F90 - add read of pint byte address write_all.f90 - added new interface for GMAO grided fields wrwrfmassa.F90 - remove unnecessary loop counter wrwrfnmma.F90 - add update and write of pint if update_pint=.true. MAKEFILE CHANGES ---------------- The following changes are made to Makefiles: a) Makefile - Add files under "FILES ADDED" list - Change executable name from global_anl to gsi_anl - Add variables pointing to GMAO libraries transf, hermes, gfio - Add variables pointing to HDF include and library files b) Makefile.conf.IRIX64, Makefile.conf.Linux, Makefile.conf.Linux.IA64.efc Makefile.conf.Linux.IA64.ifort, Makefile.conf.OSF1 - Add (LIBhermes) $(LIBgfio) $(LIBmpeu) and corresponding includes c) Makefile.conf.AIX - point to operational NCEP versions of SFCIO, CRTM, and IRSSE modules and libraries - directly point to operational NCEP netcdf library - undeclare Libs used in GMAO build d) Makefile.dependency - adjust dependences related to new and modified SCRIPT CHANGES -------------- The folowing changes are made to script files: a) analyzer - modified to accommodate new GMAO interface for gridded fields - add assign for conventional observation info file (gmao_global_convinfo.txt) b) Two new namelists are added for both regional and global gsi runs. JCOPTS - control dynamical constraint term (under development) SUPEROB_RADAR - control superobing of level 2 radar wind data Please see comments in gsimain.F90 for further details c) With this release of the code, an additional "fix" file is needed to control the use of the conventional data within the analysis. The name of the conventional observation information file is global_convinfo.txt. Comments at the head of this file explain the contents of this file. The GSI looks for a file named "convinfo" in the local working directory when run. Both regional and global gsi runs need the conventional observation information file. d) Related to item c) above, the variational quality control parameters b_* and pg_* for conventional data are no longer specified via namelist OBSQC. Instead, these parameters are now set in the conventional observation info file (convinfo). e) If running the gsi with level 2 radar wind data, the following line must be added to the script prior to executing the gsi ln -sf nexrad.bufr_d l2rwbufr where nexrad.bufr_d is a generic name representing the level 2 bufr radar file that is to be processed by GSI. The internal file name expected in GSI is l2rwbufr for the bufr file FIX FILE CHANGES ---------------- The following changes are made to fix files: a) regional_nmm_berror.f77 and regional_glb_berror.f77 - regional gsi background error statistics file containing error statistics for both moisture analysis variables (qoption=1 and =2). Note that the real words in this file are of size 4-bytes, as the code expects - "nmm" statistics computed from NCEP NMN "glb" statistics computed from NCEP GFS b) global_ozinfo.txt - an extra line is added to the file for OMI data - NOAA-15 sbuv is removed and NOAA-18 sbuv is added - NOAA-17 sbuv data is turned on c) global_satinfo.txt - update errors for all AMSU-A channels, AMSU-B channel 1, and all NOAA-18 MHS channels d) global_convinfo.txt - NEW file specifying information regarding conventional data e) gmao_global_convinfo.txt - NEW file specifying information regarding conventional data - identical with global_convinfo.txt for ncep-gsi-2005_08 tag e) gsi.rc.sample - add namelists JCOPTS and SUPEROB_RADAR - remove grossp from namelist OBSQC GLOBAL NCEP T254L64 TEST ------------------------ Old script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs.200506/ New script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs/ Maximum resident set size old : 694440 Kbytes new : 689400 Kbytes Wall clock (48 tasks, nodes=12) old : 1047.353012 seconds new : 1141.417613 seconds Output from the first iteration of the minimization old : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.767094534457785776E+06 0.462727283930157125E+08 0.802839791043856357E-03 0.000000000000000000E+00 new : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.779230727348954068E+06 0.474469199393988326E+08 0.828147169142438443E-03 0.000000000000000000E+00 Output from the final iteration of the minimization old penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 100 0.347582650222095952E+06 0.207601275195880764E+06 0.311500234722926733E-03 0.122005311644099446E+01 new penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 100 0.353320388167537807E+06 0.330057203126036155E+06 0.261886191806355703E-03 0.115706921885003200E+01 NOTES: a) initial differences in penalty and gradient between old and new runs are due to differences in brightness temperature (Tb) thinning algorithms. For old run the total Tb penalty is 522324.059346757538 -vs 534460.252237925190 for the new code (2.32% increase). This is not unexpected since the new code also assimilates more Tb observations (old=861529 obs -vs new=891468, an increase of 3.47%) REGIONAL NCEP NMM BINARY TEST ----------------------------- Old script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs.200506/ New script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs/ Maximum resident set size old : 396480 Kbytes new : 273640 Kbytes Wall clock (24 tasks, nodes=6) old : 427.099565 seconds new : 380.480221 seconds Output from the first iteration of the minimization old : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.299735286835050902E+05 0.228949868580084032E+06 0.146411611251866559E-01 0.000000000000000000E+00 new : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.299322442926179247E+05 0.227124496524172893E+06 0.147164347027354397E-01 0.000000000000000000E+00 Output from the final iteration of the minimization old penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 72 0.220752602287036643E+05 0.162264666309188722E-04 0.229467755059119573E-01 0.484184230925352677E+00 new penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 71 0.220698977934911200E+05 0.155715503933562918E-04 0.300816192879530299E-01 0.662943551604689207E+00 NOTES: a) initial differences in penalty and gradient between old and new runs are due to differences in brightness temperature (Tb) thinning algorithms. For old run the total Tb penalty is 11244.6928521646041 -vs- 11203.4084612774295 for the new code (0.37% decrease). At the same time, the new code assimilates slightly more Tb observations (old=8148 obs -vs new=8177, an increase of 0.36%) REGIONAL NCEP NMM NETCDF TEST ----------------------------- Old script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs.200506/ New script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs/ Maximum resident set size old : 378048 Kbytes new : 271428 Kbytes Wall clock (24 tasks, nodes=6) old : 434.266582 seconds new : 389.346874 seconds Output from the first iteration of the minimization old : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.311826441980267809E+05 0.339466315414264682E+06 0.717331176469610150E-02 0.000000000000000000E+00 new : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.311363690123548367E+05 0.332997199777763861E+06 0.731190776389914997E-02 0.000000000000000000E+00 Output from the final iteration of the minimization old penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 74 0.231127221868578417E+05 0.335125099890208966E-04 0.228618057114534645E-01 0.448455839113499455E+00 new penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 73 0.230990335010982599E+05 0.297720153556761208E-04 0.225105671632890858E-01 0.853399960623162479E+00 REGIONAL NCEP MASS BINARY TEST ------------------------------ Old script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs.200506/ New script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs/ Maximum resident set size old : 324420 Kbytes new : 313400 Kbytes Wall clock (24 tasks, nodes=6) old : 515.075642 seconds new : 501.351366 seconds Output from the first iteration of the minimization old : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.294107072070430768E+05 0.176065357926226743E+08 0.265114722954809512E-03 0.000000000000000000E+00 new : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.295708413395382267E+05 0.177693834072201662E+08 0.263374308856419365E-03 0.000000000000000000E+00 Output from the final iteration of the minimization old penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 100 0.148766969004308485E+05 0.280556368971887991E+03 0.996203283041633509E-03 0.103890253287999901E+01 new penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 100 0.148905451253869323E+05 0.135348209743035397E+03 0.245624754993448635E-02 0.471558652493639263E+00 REGIONAL NCEP MASS NETCDF TEST ------------------------------ Old script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs.200506/ New script : /nfsuser/g01.1/weather/wx20rt/gsi_anl/sorc/gsi_cvs/ Maximum resident set size old : 320560 Kbytes new : 322848 Kbytes Wall clock (24 tasks, nodes=6) old : 354.66538 seconds new : 358.976919 seconds Output from the first iteration of the minimization old : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.382161676051671893E+05 0.292220793719437264E+06 0.127935628241275037E-01 0.000000000000000000E+00 new : penalty,grad ,a,b= 1 0 0.381714300711230608E+05 0.292342854173447238E+06 0.127713591746008749E-01 0.000000000000000000E+00 Output from the final iteration of the minimization old : penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 65 0.279507657358856195E+05 0.225642562904738181E-04 0.215008394663727849E-01 0.645672639785446756E+00 new : penalty,grad ,a,b= 2 66 0.279185613218692088E+05 0.261406595128282237E-04 0.185420723119234035E-01 0.852641490116071932E+00