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Title Acid rain reduction credits
Creator/Author Tietenberg, T.H. (Colby College, Waterville, ME (USA))
Publication Date1989 Mar 01
OSTI IdentifierOSTI ID: 6710887
Other Number(s)ISSN0577-5132; CODEN: CHLGB
Resource TypeJournal Article
Resource RelationChallenge ; Vol/Issue: 32:2
Subject540120 -- Environment, Atmospheric-- Chemicals Monitoring & Transport-- (1990-) ;290300 -- Energy Planning & Policy-- Environment, Health, & Safety ;010900 -- Coal, Lignite, & Peat-- Environmental Aspects; ACID RAIN-- GOVERNMENT POLICIES;SULFUR DIOXIDE-- AIR POLLUTION CONTROL; AIR POLLUTION;COST;LEGISLATION;POLLUTION REGULATIONS
Description/Abstract Attempts by Congress to legislate an effective policy response to the acid rain problem have failed.^Though many factors lie behind this failure, one of them certainly is cost.^A less expensive, economically viable alternative for cutting sulfur dioxide emissions is needed.^As the level of pollution control has risen over time, the cost of controlling acid rain has risen more than proportionately, making the search for cost-effective policies more deliberate.^One innovative approach to regulation, which has proven its cost-effectiveness in other areas of pollution control, offers the possibility of a politically feasible, but environmentally and economically desirable, solution.
Country of PublicationUnited States
FormatPages: 25-29
System Entry Date2001 May 13
