FLS - 152 - 1939 June 12th Authorize the visit of Dr. Manoel Ferreira to Rio. One June 6 the laboratory here diagnosed A case ocuurring at Cawed yellow fevgtgen Capanema is on the main line, roughiy Belem and Braganza. A large number of people were vaccinated here a few months ago but neither this case nor any one else in the famiu had tar;en advantage of the opportunity. Zhie was, of course, a case of jungle yellow fever rind the only one diagnosed in this region since the time of Dr. &suer's visit with me two years ago. Authorize the uection of 800 bloods for an immunity survey of north-western Rio &%u& do Sul where caseeof jungle yellow fever &xost certainly occurred in January and February of this year. * : Dr. Lacerda 8 with the final authorization for the exporteLtion of ti cases of rsoologic~ material to New York. the famous cheeeecutter which I place in the safe. L.lj/ A.bOi.~/Le ii -----.%-v---l-- ---- _" .._ _ -.- - .- Mrs. Chagas calls to find out for $C *hen UB is to return to the USA and when I intend to go to New York. I report U's departure date has not 'been set &nd that I expect to reach New York Seytember I. (Learn that Leoberto has resigned from EC's service which, with the loss of Leonidara and Gladstone, leaves him almost without first-ciaes trained hela$. It seems Ieobtirti was in part responsible for Qliveira Caetro leaving EC's service and had 80~8 part in Dr. Mangabeira's decision to leave. To add to the confusion it seems that Konder has taken Leoberto's side of the discussion and has called off plans for cooperation with the IPN in the study and control of maiaria at Par6). June 13th. Letter from DBW reports that Barber and Antunes have -finished their preliraf of the region uetween i/" Aracaty and Fortaieza, biae alow the Pirangy , river from its mouth up stream some 25 kilometers. (A swarm of-men kith ?a%3 . Ci-$&heiire nc3w in this region). Gambiae we%notfound north and west of this river1 This is indeed good news since we d.reaQ Knew %hat the mouth of` the i'irangy river w&s infeated. i & Audience with Dr. Getulio Vaqas a':, the Catette Palace. Most of the available was and the need for fur te spent ex$&.dng Q-E seshousnt?ss of the g:anlbiae stituation er expansion of the work beyonct the liait provided by, the present -budget. I spoke of the need for spending at least 2,GGG cantos more tnan is available and before leaving received instructions to proceed with necessary developments with the expectation of receiving a supplementary budget before the end of the year. The President inquired regarding the collaboration of the IFOCS in e-d regarding the necessity of an addi.itG&&- - - -I--*;;;;i~&-&~ we &;x-;r;;TyijzgentQ w nothi% of the 2,000 conto requirement until after the request had been officially presented to the government by the IFOCS alleging that the funds were needed in ortier to collaborate with US. 1. explained that the equipment to be provided by these funds is undoubtedJ.y necessary to maise the type of map the IFGCS wishes to makce for itself but is not necesaarj for our work FLS - 163 - la39 June fbt& -continued- Attelapt to discuss the organimation of the YeUow Fever+ Service under goverment auepices beginnin~'next month, only to find the President has assmed that everytw has alma@ been arr&ni(ed for a mooth tranefer of the service to govermient Wl8piCW. I therefore drop the diacuclaion and decide to go to worr; in the corridors of Catette,. On qy way out of the Palace arrange for one-of the secretai*ies, Dr. Queiroa him, to advise the Bbinistry of Education that an early audience with the Uinister is neceeoary. At the ame time arrange for @ore direct action through the President's daughter, who prourisea to present to her father and discus with him A. ~mzmry I prepared in April of the condftions'cox&dmeL indispensabLe for the future organi ver i-&ssba These conditions are aa followar ia. - Ficar subordinado diretmente ao &Unisterio ua EducqBo e Saiide ou memo, ao Gabinete do Presidente da Republica, pelas seguintees rapBest a) 0 Servii;o ue F8bre Am&la abrange todo o territorio brasileiro e tern 8~ consequencia, neceseidade de efltabelecer no P&z, contact0 direto corn a8 autoridadss federais, esltaduais e xnunicip~is, be& COW COP a dire@0 de coqanhiaba, earpresaa e outras entidades particularee. b) l!! de toda a conveniencie reatrin& as forma&iades aUniutrutivau .iue, aceitaveis e~bo;'it., em Bervism :tienos extensos, in~o~;sibi..Lit~~ a aggo ae carater verdadeiramente nacionii~, corn0 8 0 de FQbn3 Arfkdla. 2a. - Tar urn comndo &&co e cvnsebluentemente, ~a 6nica orientqto para t&o o territdrio brasiioiro. 3a. - Considerar o Semigo de F+$bre Am&la co&o se fosse um exercito em cantpanha, permitindo-ihe, no iue resaeitrir C;s sum necessida- des IMFXATALU F, IUDIAVXIS, toda $o;jsivel li~berdade atinistra- tiva. 4a. - Ter o Diretor Geral do Serviso k sua disposi@Xo, aara livre movlrgentaq&o a !%uaLjuer moaento, nuclerario mficiente de modo a I>ossibi.Litar o +gamento do se8soal abaolutamente em dia e R obte@o imediuta de todo o mterial necess&fo Bea quiiiquer embarac;o para a res~~ectiva aquisi@o. ba. - Ter poseibilidade de admitir, (inclusive medico), di8p2nsar e rejiuover 0 pesaoal de acardo cou as necesvidades t&nicas do Servi$o. 6a. - Possuir UP psiueno n&Lo de pessoal technic0 parmanente, aendo o restante do pssoal variavel ae ac8rdo COU as coutingbncfas do Semiso. FLS - 154 - 1939 7a. - 8&l. - 9a, - lo&. - June 14th. Evitar que 8m.m ttkhnicos especiaLmcnte &dicoa sejam desviadoa p-a quaispuer outras atividades. EMtar tambem ~;ue a dire@30 do Servi$o eejh entregue a t\dministrado~cs ne[o esp2iaiizados. Continutir &I vigor o decreto 21.484 de ;?I5 de i&do de 192X. Continuar em vigor as normas estabekxidhs no Wanual ue Administra@o do Serviso de Febre &a&la do Brasil", mtinual esse que representa ti ex,:eriencia dos Qtimos de% as106 de campanha contra a fkbre amartjla u &ue cieve, corn0 at6 aqui se vem fammdo, receber mociifica@es ditadas &l&a expsiencia do Servigo," L"""`^`" Wire from pii388 reports thatsambiae kilometers above--Ipat on the Jalytlribe river. This ..____ : " ._ ^ . I .- ..,,". , is md news. Call on Dr. Libanio and discuss methad of.or@nization of yeLlor fever service for next year. Dr. Libanio report& that Dr. Barros Barr&o is fn tias Geraaa and left instructions eiith him to wor& out the details of the ~elloa Fever Service transfer with us. June 15th. V" Telegram feceived from DBW reporting ga&$..~e at A4ui.ra& and Eu~ebio~only 22 Kilometers from E'ortakaa. (These reprts pave to be false after field investigation). --.....-;. _--- -- -~ lilson 88X.9 for 700 wntos for the coming months. FortunataQ I am able to authorize basis *;f the President's pomise of June 13. June and mwe money during additfonal funds on the Y t Letter from Luis Vieira of the Obras- cqptra +sSeccils saya that,due to the failure ,-f the government to authvriae the%zaloratioti b?'-t&e XFOG~with the P'ounclotion in th of the Jsguaribe Vailey,th-:: $anee which he had prom&d to 88na to Gear he middle of June, are being ;3elrt to Pernazkuco to map the So Francisco river valley. (Illhut LV means to SW is tnat the government has not ;,ct autkmriwd him to spend tile Q 2,000 confos which he was asking for on the basis of our re+est for assistance in uapping the Jaguaribe Vadey. He further iqlied that the Jaguaribe job can wait until the governmtint decides to give hf;n t&e additional money for e&.paent which ia not needed for the actual. worK we require). Iith Dr. Luis Vieirats letter in my pocdet, I go with Dr. Sarniio Lima to see Cal. &duardo Gomee, the head of the-& service to whq *-.:- ./.., "..",~.~~m.l. we first a&Aied for%%&&&$%~~~ "&$ping the Jaguaribe river ant: who was responsible for '&eg~nninit: our negotiations with the Obras contra aa Seccas. Cal. Games is quit e surprised at LV's letter and immediately taires ste authorization to handle the work for us with the army air $.anea. Cal, Games gut e - 155 - 1959 June 15th us in contact with Cal, Ararigboia who promises to, and -continued- does, take the matter up with the Minister of War getting authorisration to coUahorate with us, Army officers speak plainly that the government should turn over to the army the two planes which were ordered for the Obrae contra as Seccaa since the amy fnust in any c:ise do the work. Fortunately the army has a l3ell;lnca plane being mounted this weeA ;: the magp- of the Jaguaribe valley, calls and states he expects to be sole to ;mcesd north within ti week or ten days at the latest. Dr. UUAUA~U.~ to give me the latest news regarding the &luria Service. He says that the presence of gmuiae hatr llot men established beyond all. doubt in the region close to Fortaleaa. OLlvoira Castro went to Aquirar after learning that 4: mosquitoes,diagnosed as g-bias, Atid been brought %ntQ the post at Crfstaes by a man who said he had caught them in his nouse at EusebiQ close to Aquiras. OC found one adult and severa.! larvae at Aquirae which he thought to be gambias and so :qorted `Su t which proved on closer examfnrrtim tp be NysQrrhYnchu8* This l+vas then or* the 4 adults brought into Cristaas to be explained. How did it happen that a mn living outaicie the &one of operations and hence not faailiar with capture methods, brought in i?W5quito@S for identification and brought them so far? (The only logical explmation I think of it is that these mosquitoes were found not in his house but in his car which had been ciisinfected at OUT station in Cristaes. The finding of dead mos#.toes in the car after flitting has oeen resorted by various car omers and this may be a similar case in which the, mosquitoes were collected nr`lo left at the disinfection post when the car returned up &suntry . (In any case a large number of trained men are now in the region checking on the presence or absence of gambiae and the worst should be known soon}. Wilson advises hiring the two Dean brothers and Dr. Baumgarten. ail;F gives more of the det&ils of the trouble between EC and his men and how Konder qot mixed up in the discussion. MF reports that the situation of the service of EC $is more or less that which was reported by Dr. Leooerto with the additional opinion that Konder made an attempt to bring order out of chaos by getting EC clnd all of his personnel together for a full discussioa of aU. points of difference. EL' took advantage of tho gathering to confront Leoberto with solme of the others and aismiss him publicly without any attempt of b conciliation of interests. iionder felt that EC's action was not justified snd has cut off all relations with EC. As a result of the dismissal of Leoberto, the two Dean brothers and Dr. Saumgarten resigned from ECfs service and applied for wor& with our service in Cear&. (So my attectaf, to get EG to transmit spy offer to Leonidas Dean fail.ed,untti after the Dears were &ready QUt Of bG's Service). FLS - 157 - 1959 $aTae 17%. MF' reports that G. Freitas is settling down to a busy -continued- and useful. life in Ar4at.y and thtit hti has iwm a&e to convince MAD that, dried oloods can be examined eatisfactorily at lea&t up to one mnth a:'ter taking. At the request oA c WA I in.;uire 0:" the Panair people what they are going to do in relation to the loss of 'baggage suffered by Drs. BSA and Acquer in the plane accident at 3:mtareu on the 8th of Y&y. Pmair advises that the settlement is being aade by the I:muxnce Cofiiapny. Dr. Dirceu Euialiofa ji;urnal of April 22 carrieti a note regardiw the three uases of junbtle yellow fever at ndewmiencia fn the Stats of Rio Gi - , which were recognized @ the people o the region aa a result tit' the Vsate doa Buy;iostff (the ~laxue of the horier arom~.x~s). These three CMUS hrid all died in March, At-the timi of Dr. k&.Lalio~s visii &q low teqxratures dowrl to freW&ing were oecurrw eveq4 night. Jim% ;;LQth* Day at the office. Jwre 20th. $L says thtit he htis ueen told that the contract for the tmumfer of the p of the Federal District to the Yunizisaiity has been sidnea mci that Dr. Libanio has so advised JBB who has bsen seen in t,k interior (Poqos das Cttldars). Since JBB wae definiteu opposed to the trana:~er. 0; these services, the signing of- this oontract during his absance my well result in his withdrawaL from the Zealth Department. Talk with the Eliniater of &&cation. Hear him tel.L Bsiggs that he will not be willlinc: to takce over~ilit~ of the S.F.A. unJ.ests our ouggeeatione can be observed. The L3nister says that it has been suggested that-the Governmmt ask the Rockefelkr Foundatim to continua with the Yellow Fever Services, a solution of the case which he would welcorue but he real&&es that this would not be a reaeonablo re:iuest to &~s sinee the RF is ww carrying on the service beyond the period agxeed upon by special request r;iade last 3;ear. The Unister fully reaLizea that ~cllow fever hae iqxoved and I beiieve will inrsist on having a servi,ce free of bureaucratic doaation 'by the DASIJ. The Uhiister's idea now is to organise a yellow f'etel' service ciirectLy depuniient on the XifU.stq anli is to see Dr. Sim%ea Lopes on the 22nd to word out final details. The Yinietsr asks if it r3.U be possible for us to -. c with tht! res>onsibiiiti{ 3 the Sorvfce c;oma aays&er the first of Juiy ----- until the Governmnt has its plan ready. I assure hiat that rre wish to help inBvery way possible to get the Govcrment service off on the right foot. o ?