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List of Appendices

Appendix E
NSDUH Guide to Pronunciations

Brands of Tobacco:
Antonio y Cleopatraan-toe-nee-o ee clee-o-pah-tra
Capri ca-pree
Casa Silva kah-sah sil-vah
Copenhagen kope-en-hay-gun
Cuesta-Rey kwes-ta ray
Doral door-al
El Producto ell pro-duck-to
Garcia y Vega gar-see-ah ee vay-gah
Havatampa hav-ah-tam-pah
La Corona la kah-rone-ah
Macanudos mack-a-noo-doze
Partagas par-tay-gahs
Rigoletto rig-o-let-o
Tijuana Smalls tee-ya-wan-ah smalls
Viceroy vice-a-roy
Alcoholic Beverages:
Cassis kah-sees
Cognac kon-yak
Creme de menthe krem-duh-menth
Drambuie dram-boo-ee
Grand Marnier grand marn-nee-ay
Kahlua kah-loo-ah
Lager lah-gur
Liqueurs li-koors
Muscadine mus-ka-dine
Schnapps shnops
Scuppernong skupp-er-nong
Vermouth ver-mooth
Illicit Drugs:
Hallucinogen ha-loo-sin-oh-jin
Hashish hash-eesh
Heroin hair-roh-in
Marijuana mare-ah-wan-ah
Mescaline mess-ka-lin
Peyote pay-yo-tee
Phencyclidine fen-sigh-kluh-deen
Psilocybin sill-oh-sigh-bin
Aerosol spray air-uh-sol spray
Amyl Nitrite am-mill nigh-trite
Anesthetic an-ness-thet-ick
Ether ee-thur
Halothane hal-oh-thane
Inhalant in-hay-lunt
Lacquer thinner lack-er thin-ner
Nitrous oxide nigh-truss ock-side
Toluene tall-yoo-een
Whippets whip-ets
Prescription Pain Relievers:
Analgesic an-nul-jee-zick
Darvocet-N dar-voh-set-n
Darvon dar-von
Demerol dem-er-all
Dilaudid dye-law-did
Fioricet fee-or-i-set
Fiorinal fee-or-i-nall
Hydrocodone high-dro-koh-done
Lorcet lore-set
Lortab lore-tab
Methadone meth-uh-done
Morphine more-feen
Opiates oh-pee-yuts
OxyContin ock-see-con-tin
Percocet per-koh-set
Percodan per-koh-dan
Phenaphen with Codeine fen-a-fen with koh-deen
Propoxyphene pro-pocks-i-feen
Stadol stay-doll
Talacen tal-uh-sin
Talwin tall-win
Talwin NX tall-win-n-x
Tramadol tram-uh-doll
Tylenol with Codeine tie-luh-nall with koh-deen
Tylox tie-locks
Ultram ul-trum
Vicodin vigh-kuh-din
Prescription Tranquilizers:
Alprazolam al-pra-zoe-lam
Atarax at-uh-racks
Ativan at-uh-van
BuSpar byoo-spar
Clonazepam kluh-na-zuh-pam
Diazepam die-az-uh-pam
Equanil eh-kwuh-nill
Flexeril fleck-suh-rill
Klonopin klaw-nuh-pin
Librium lib-ree-um
Limbitrol lim-bi-trall
Lorazepam luh-raz-uh-pam
Meprobamate meh-pro-bam-ate
Rohypnol roh-hip-nall
Serax seer-racks
Soma so-muh
Tranquilizer trang-kwuh-lie-zer
Tranxene tran-zeen
Valium val-ee-um
Vistaril vis-tah-rill
Xanax zan-acks
Prescription Stimulants:
Amphetamines am-fet-uh-meens
Benzedrine ben-zah-dreen
Biphetamine bye-fet-uh-meen
Cylert sigh-lert
Desoxyn deh-zocks-in
Dexamyl decks-uh-mill
Dexedrine decks-uh-dreen
Dextroamphetamine decks-tro-am-fet-uh-meen
Didrex die-drecks
Eskatrol ess-kah-troll
Fastin fass-tin
Ionamin eye-own-uh-min
Mazanor maz-uh-nor
Methamphetamine meth-am-fet-uh-meen
Methedrine meth-uh-dreen
Methylphenidate meth-ill-fen-i-date
Obedrin - L.A. o-bed-rin - L.A.
Phentermine fen-ter-meen
Plegine pleh-zjeen
Preludin pray-loo-din
Ritalin rit-uh-lin
Sanorex san-uh-recks
Stimulant stim-yoo-lunt
Tenuate ten-you-ate
Prescription Sedatives:
Amytal am-ih-tall
Barbiturates bar-bit-chyoo-ruts or bar-bi-choo-its
Butalbital byoo-tal-bi-tall
Butisol byoo-ti-zall
Chloral Hydrate klor-al high-drate
Dalmane doll-main
Halcion hal-see-on
Methaqualone meth-ack-wuh-lone
Nembutal Sodium nem-byoo-tall-so-dee-um
Pentobarbital pen-toe-bar-bi-tall
Phenobarbital fee-noh-bar-bi-tall
Placidyl pla-si-dill
Quaalude kway-lood
Restoril res-toh-rill
Secobarbital seh-koh-bar-bi-tall
Seconal seh-kuh-nall
Sedative seh-duh-tiv
Sopor so-pore
Temazepam tuh-maz-i-pam
Tuinal two-in-all
Other Words:
CHAMPUS champ-us
CHAMPVA champ-vuh or champ-V.A.

Complete alphabetical listing

Aerosol spray air-uh-sol spray
Alprazolam al-pra-zoe-lam
Amphetamines am-fet-uh-meens
Amyl Nitrite am-mill nigh-trite
Amytal am-ih-tall
Analgesic an-nul-jee-zick
Anesthetic an-ness-thet-ick
Antonio y Cleopatra an-toe-nee-o ee clee-o-pah-tra
Atarax at-uh-racks
Ativan at-uh-van
Barbiturates bar-bit-chyoo-ruts or bar-bi-choo-its
Benzedrine ben-zah-dreen
Biphetamine bye-fet-uh-meen
BuSpar byoo-spar
Butalbital byoo-tal-bi-tall
Butisol byoo-ti-zall
Capri ca-pree
Casa Silva kah-sah sil-vah
Cassis kah-sees
CHAMPUS champ-us
CHAMPVA champ-vuh or champ-V.A.
Chloral Hydrate klor-al high-drate
Clonazepam kluh-na-zuh-pam
Cognac kon-yak
Copenhagen kope-en-hay-gun
Creme de menthe krem-duh-menth
Cuesta-Rey kwes-ta ray
Cylert sigh-lert
Dalmane doll-main
Darvocet-N dar-voh-set-n
Darvon dar-von
Demerol dem-er-all
Desoxyn deh-zocks-in
Dexamyl decks-uh-mill
Dexedrine decks-uh-dreen
Dextroamphetamine decks-tro-am-fet-uh-meen
Diazepam die-az-uh-pam
Didrex die-drecks
Dilaudid dye-law-did
Doral door-al
Drambuie dram-boo-ee
El Producto ell pro-duck-to
Equanil eh-kwuh-nill
Eskatrol ess-kah-troll
Ether ee-thur
Fastin fass-tin
Fioricet fee-or-i-set
Fiorinal fee-or-i-nall
Flexeril fleck-suh-rill
Garcia y Vega gar-see-ah ee vay-gah
Grand Marnier grand marn-nee-ay
Halcion hal-see-on
Hallucinogen ha-loo-sin-oh-jin
Halothane hal-oh-thane
Hashish hash-eesh
Havatampa hav-ah-tam-pah
Heroin hair-roh-in
Hydrocodone high-dro-koh-done
Inhalant in-hay-lunt
Ionamin eye-own-uh-min
Kahlua kah-loo-ah
Klonopin klaw-nuh-pin
La Corona la kah-rone-ah
Lacquer thinner lack-er thin-ner
Lager lah-gur
Librium lib-ree-um
Limbitrol lim-bi-trall
Liqueurs li-koors
Lorazepam luh-raz-uh-pam
Lorcet lore-set
Lortab lore-tab
Macanudos mack-a-noo-doze
Marijuana mare-ah-wan-ah
Mazanor maz-uh-nor
Meprobamate meh-pro-bam-ate
Mescaline mess-ka-lin
Methadone meth-uh-done
Methamphetamine meth-am-fet-uh-meen
Methaqualone meth-ack-wuh-lone
Methedrine meth-uh-dreen
Methylphenidate meth-ill-fen-i-date
Morphine more-feen
Muscadine mus-ka-dine
Nembutal Sodium nem-byoo-tall-so-dee-um
Nitrous oxide nigh-truss ock-side
Obedrin - L.A. o-bed-rin - L.A.
Opiates oh-pee-yuts
OxyContin ock-see-con-tin
Partagas par-tay-gahs
Pentobarbital pen-toe-bar-bi-tall
Percocet per-koh-set
Percodan per-koh-dan
Peyote pay-yo-tee
Phenaphen with Codeine fen-a-fen with koh-deen
Phencyclidine fen-sigh-kluh-deen
Phenobarbital fee-noh-bar-bi-tall
Phentermine fen-ter-meen
Placidyl pla-si-dill
Plegine pleh-zjeen
Preludin pray-loo-din
Propoxyphene pro-pocks-i-feen
Psilocybin sill-oh-sigh-bin
Quaalude kway-lood
Restoril res-toh-rill
Rigoletto rig-o-let-o
Ritalin rit-uh-lin
Rohypnol roh-hip-nall
Sanorex san-uh-recks
Schnapps shnops
Scuppernong skupp-er-nong
Secobarbital seh-koh-bar-bi-tall
Seconal seh-kuh-nall
Sedative seh-duh-tiv
Serax seer-racks
Soma so-muh
Sopor so-pore
Stadol stay-doll
Stimulant stim-yoo-lunt
Talacen tal-uh-sin
Talwin tall-win
Talwin NX tall-win-n-x
Temazepam tuh-maz-i-pam
Tenuate ten-you-ate
Tijuana Smalls tee-ya-wan-ah smalls
Toluene tall-yoo-een
Tramadol tram-uh-doll
Tranquilizer trang-kwuh-lie-zer
Tranxene tran-zeen
Tuinal two-in-all
Tylenol with Codeine tie-luh-nall with koh-deen
Tylox tie-locks
Ultram ul-trum
Valium val-ee-um
Vermouth ver-mooth
Viceroy vice-a-roy
Vicodin vigh-kuh-din
Vistaril vis-tah-rill
Whippets whip-ets
Xanax zan-acks

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