210 deceptive bait with its perfidious hook. Providence, who has so severely tried us this year, has given a proof of His pity in the unusual take of pike at Lake Winnipeg and Manitobah. The large kind make an excellent dish when there is seasoning to relieve its flavor, and to modify a peculiar taste, and even odor, probably unknown elsewhere, but unmistakable here. Carp-like, Pike are sought after only when all other supplies fail. There are pike in all our lakes, and in some of them magnificent fish. I have weighed some of thirty pounds, and I believe I have seen larger ones. Pike swallow very large fish without doing them the least damage. I have often seen as many as two White Fish in the stomachs of pike, and these, together, did not weigh less than five or six pounds. The numerous sharp teeth of the pike inflict a severe wound, not only when the animal bites, but when by accident, and after they have been detached, one pricks oneself. III. The family of Siluroideś supplies us with only one species : The Mathemeg—Silurus (Pimelodus) Borealis. Our brill (barbue) or Cat-fish is little likely to gain favor by its appearance ; some Indians call it " Ugly fish," but it is rich, plump and well-flavored. An ordinary Cat-fish weighs from five to twelve pounds. It is much sought after by those who are familiar with its good qualities. Like all of the same family this fish is devoid of scales. Its broad, flat, and nearly square head has earned for it the name cat, as its eight beard appendages (barbes) have procured it the name barbue. The Cat-fish is not found, I believe, to the north of the Saskatchewan. It swims in the lakes near Red River, and the affluents of that stream, and also in some of the tributaries of Lake Winnipeg. The Cat-fish (or Land Cod) is caught with set Unes. IV. The Salmonoideś is by far the most important family we have. It includes the foUowing species : The Common Salmon—Salrno Salar. Ross's Arctic Salmon—Salmo Rossii. The Copper-mine River Salmon—Salmo Hearnii. The Long-finned Char—Salmo Alipes. The Angmalook—Salmo Nitidus. The Masamacush—Salmo Hoodii.