!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WMO Code table 2 - Parameters version 2 ! ! This table contains all the GRIB ids for the parameters. It ! corresponds to Table 2 found in the NCEP unofficial GRIB (edition 1) ! document. This table is used to map the GRIB id to a parameter name. ! ! The columns represent each of the following parameters. ! ! - Center is the originating center (octet 5) ! ! - Subcenter is the sub center allocated by the originating center ! (octet 26) ! ! - Value is the number found in the GRIB Product Description Section ! Octet 9. ! ! - Name is a unique acronym for the parameter. ! ! - Units are the measuring unit type of each parameter. ! ! - Description is the full description of the parameter. ! ! 12.10.01 Paul Hamer v1.1 Original Version ! 04.03.02 Paul Hamer v1.2 Brent Shaw update see email ! 04.26.02 Paul Hamer v1.3 Brent Shaw update see email ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! !Code Name Unit Description !------|-------|---------------|----------------------------- #1 #P #Pa #Pressure #2 #PMSL #Pa #Pressure reduced to mean sea level #3 #PT #Pa/s #Pressure tendency #4 #PVORT #Km**2/kg/s #Potential vorticity #5 #ICAHT #m #ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height #6 #GP #m**2/s**2 #Geopotential #7 #GH #gpm #Geopotential Height #8 #GeH #m #Geometric Height #9 #HGHTSD #m #Standard deviation of height #10 #TOZO #Dobson #Total ozone #11 #T #K #Temperature #12 #VT #K #Virtual temperature #13 #PoT #K #Potential temperature #14 #EPOT #K #Equivalent potential temperature #15 #MxT #K #Maximum temperature #16 #MnT #K #Minimum temperature #17 #DpT #K #Dew point temperature #18 #DpD #K #Dew point depression #19 #LR #K/m #Lapse rate #20 #Vis #m #Visibility #21 #RSp1 #undef #Radar Spectra (1) #22 #RSp2 #undef #Radar Spectra (2) #23 #RSp3 #undef #Radar Spectra (3) #24 #PLI #K #Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) #25 #Ta #K #Temperature anomaly #26 #Pa #Pa #Pressure anomaly #27 #GHa #gpm #Geopotential height anomaly #28 #WSp1 #undef #Wave Spectra (1) #29 #WSp2 #undef #Wave Spectra (2) #30 #WSp3 #undef #Wave Spectra (3) #31 #WD #deg true #Wind direction (from which blowing) #32 #WS #m/s #Wind speed #33 #uW #m/s #u-component of wind #34 #vW #m/s #v-component of wind #35 #SF #m**2/s #Stream function #36 #VPOT #m**2/s #Velocity potential #37 #MSG #m**2/s**2 #Montgomery stream function #38 #SVV #/s #Sigma coordinate vertical velocity #39 #PVV #Pa/s #Pressure vertical velocity #40 #GVV #m/s #Geometric vertical velocity #41 #AV #/s #Absolute vorticity #42 #AD #/s #Absolute divergence #43 #RV #/s #Relative vorticity #44 #RD #/s #Relative divergence #45 #VUCSH #/s #Vertical u-component shear #46 #VVCSH #/s #Vertical v-component shear #47 #DIRC #deg true #Direction of current #48 #SPC #m/s #Speed of current #49 #UOGRD #m/s #u-component of current #50 #VOGRD #m/s #v-component of current #51 #SH #kg/kg #Specific humidity #52 #RH #% #Relative humidity #53 #MIXR #kg/kg #Humidity mixing ratio #54 #PW #kg/m**2 #Precipitable water #55 #VAPP #Pa #Vapor pressure #56 #SATD #Pa #Saturation deficit #57 #EVP #kg/m**2 #Evaporation #58 #CIce #kg/m**2 #Cloud Ice #59 #PR #kg/m**2/s #Precipitation rate #60 #ThP #% #Thunderstorm probability #61 #TP #kg/m**2 #Total precipitation #62 #LgSP #kg/m**2 #Large scale precipitation #63 #CP #kg/m**2 #Convective precipitation #64 #SRWEQ #kg/m**2/s #Snowfall rate water equivalent #65 #WEASD #kg/m**2 #Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth #66 #SnD #m #Snow depth #67 #MIXHT #m #Mixed layer depth #68 #TTHDP #m #Transient thermocline depth #69 #MTHD #m #Main thermocline depth #70 #MTHA #m #Main thermocline anomaly #71 #TCC #% #Total cloud cover #72 #CCC #% #Convective cloud cover #73 #LCC #% #Low cloud cover #74 #MCC #% #Medium cloud cover #75 #HCC #% #High cloud cover #76 #CWAT #kg/m**2 #Cloud water #77 #BLI #K #Best Lifted Index (to 500 hPa) #78 #SNOC #kg/m**2 #Convective snow #79 #SNOL #kg/m**2 #Large scale snow #80 #WT #K #Water temperature #81 #LAND #proportion #Land cover (land=1, sea=0) #82 #DSLM #m #Deviation of sea level from mean #83 #SFCR #m #Surface roughness #84 #ALBDO #% #Albedo #85 #ST #K #Soil temperature #86 #SMC #kg/m**2 #Soil moisture content #87 #VEG #% #Vegetation #88 #SALTY #kg/kg #Salinity #89 #DEN #kg/m**3 #Density #90 #WATR #kg/m**2 #Water runoff #91 #ICEC #proportion #Ice cover (ice=1, no ice=0) #92 #ICETK #m #Ice thickness #93 #DICED #deg true #Direction of ice drift #94 #SICED #m/s #Speed of ice drift #95 #UICE #m/s #u-component of ice drift #96 #VICE #m/s #v-component of ice drift #97 #ICEG #m/s #Ice growth rate #98 #ICED #/s #Ice divergence #99 #SNOM #kg/m**2 #Snow melt #100 #HTSGW #m #Significant height of combined wind waves & swell #101 #WVDIR #deg true #Direction of wind waves (from which) #102 #WVHGT #m #Significant height of wind waves #103 #WVPER #s #Mean period of wind waves #104 #SWDIR #deg true #Direction of swell waves #105 #SWELL #m #Significant height of swell waves #106 #SWPER #s #Mean period of swell waves #107 #DIRPW #deg true #Primary wave direction #108 #PERPW #s #Primary wave mean period #109 #DIRSW #deg true #Secondary wave direction #110 #PERSW #s #Secondary wave mean period #111 #NSWRS #W/m**2 #Net short-wave radiation (surface) #112 #NLRS #W/m**2 #Net long-wave radiation (surface) #113 #NSWRT #W/m**2 #Net short-wave radiation (top of atmosphere) #114 #NLWRT #W/m**2 #Net long-wave radiation (top of atmosphere) #115 #LWAVR #W/m**2 #Long wave radiation flux #116 #SWAVR #W/m**2 #Short wave radiation flux #117 #GRAD #W/m**2 #Global radiation flux #118 #BRTMP #K #Brightness temperature #119 #LWRAD #W/m/sr #Radiance (with respect to wave number) #120 #SWRAD #W/m**3/sr #Radiance (with respect to wave length) #121 #LHTFL #W/m**2 #Latent heat net flux #122 #SHTFL #W/m**2 #Sensible heat net flux #123 #BLYDP #W/m**2 #Boundary layer dissipation #124 #UFLX #N/m**2 #Momentum flux, u component #125 #VFLX #N/m**2 #Momentum flux, v component #126 #WMIXE #J #Wind mixing energy #127 #IMGD #undef #Image data !Val|Name |Units |Description !---|--------|-------------|------------------------------------------------- ! 0-127 Defined in gribParameters0-127.txt ! 128 - 255 Reserved for this originating center #128 #RR #dBZ #Radar Reflectivity #129 #CXR #dBZ #Column Max Radar Reflectivity #130 #MRET #m #Maximum Echo Tops #131 #SLIx #K #Surface lifted index #132 #BLIx #K #Best (4 layer) lifted index #133 #KI #K #K index #134 #SI #K #Sweat index #135 #MCONV #kg/kg/s #Horizontal moisture divergence #136 #PTyp #non-dim #LAPS Precip Type Code #137 #CCag #m #Cloud ceiling height AGL #138 #CB #m #Cloud base height #139 #CTop #m #Cloud top height #140 #S1Hr #m #Incremental snow depth accumulation #141 #STOT #m #Storm-total snow depth accumulation #142 #STPA #kg/m**2 #Total precipitation for model run #2002115120000000 #142 #PC #kg/m**2 #Incremental precipitation accumulation #144 #SOILW #fraction #Volumetric soil moisture content #153 #CW #Kg/kg #Cloud water #156 #CIn #J/kg #Convective inhibition #157 #CAPE #J/kg #Convective available potential energy #170 #RWMR #Kg/Kg #Rain water mixing ratio #171 #SNMR #Kg/Kg #Snow mixing ratio #176 #NLAT #deg #Latitude #177 #ELON #deg #East longitude #178 #ICMR #Kg/Kg #Ice mixing ratio #179 #GRMR #Kg/Kg #Graupel mixing ratio #190 #Heli #m**2/s**2 #Helicity #211 #USWRF #W/m**2 #Upward short wave radiation flux #212 #ULWRF #W/m**2 #Upward long wave radiation flux #221 #HPBL #m #Planetary boundary layer height