#!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI qw(:all); use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/; chdir "/www/ozwv/cgi-bin" or die "Error 1: Couldn't \'chdir\'"; $htmldir = "/www/ozwv/dobson/adhoc/"; $index = param('file'); $thots = param('thoughts'); $name = param('name'); @files = ( "onlineforum.html", # 0 "committee.html", # 1 "homepages.html", # 2 "newsletter.html", # 3 "revisions.html", # 4 "zenithobs.html", # 5 "upgrades.html", # 6 "reduction.html", # 7 "calibration.html", # 8 "dataQ.html", # 9 "workshops.html" # 10 ); @title = ( "Online Ad Hoc Forum", # 0 "Role of the Adhoc Committee", # 1 "Committee Web Pages", # 2 "Dobson Newsletter", # 3 "Revisions to REPORT NO. 6", # 4 "Discussion of Zenith Obs", # 5 "Instrument Upgrades", # 6 "Reduction of Total Ozone", # 7 "Dobson Calibrations", # 8 "Data Quality", # 9 "Workshops" # 10 ); if ($index eq "") { print redirect('http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/ozwv/dobson') } $in = $htmldir . @files[$index]; $out = "../dobson/adhoc/temp.html"; open IN, "$in" or die "Error 2: open input file \'$in\' - $!.\n"; open OUT, ">$out" or die "Error 3: open output file \'$out\' - $!.\n"; print header, # " name $name \n thots $thots \n index $index", start_html( -title=> @title[$index], -author=> 'Mark.Clark@NOAA.gov', -meta=> {'generator'=>'CGI.pm, Perl 5.004, and BBEdit Lite 4.6'}, -bgcolor=> '#eeeeee'), "\n", basefont( { -size=>4 } ), p, font( { -size=>"+1" } ), center ( $line = ), # center the first line of the file font( { -size=>"+0" } ) , p, hr, "
\n"; print OUT $line or die "Error 4: print to $out failed - $!.\n"; while ($line = ) { if ($line eq "\n") { last } if ( $line ne "\n" ) { print $line } else { print p, "\n" } print OUT $line; } if ( $thots && $name ) { $subj = @files[$index]; $file = "/www/ozwv/dobson/adhoc/temp.mail"; open MAIL, ">$file" or die "Error 5: \"open $file\" - $!.\n"; print MAIL "$subj \n$name commented: \n $thots\n"; close MAIL; # system "/www/ozwv/dobson/adhoc/mail.pl >> /dev/null" or carp "System called failed - $!.\n"; system "/www/ozwv/dobson/adhoc/mail.pl >> carp.out" or carp "System called failed - $!.\n"; @m = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time); if (length($min) == 1) { $min = "0".$min } if (length($sec) == 1) { $sec = "0".$sec } print hr, p, "\n", "On ", @m[$mon], " ", $mday, ", ", $year+1900, " at ", $hour, ":", $min, ":", $sec, "UTC    ", $name, " commented

\n", $thots, "

\n"; print OUT hr, p, "\n", "On ", @m[$mon], " ", $mday, ", ", $year+1900, " at ", $hour, ":", $min, ":", $sec, "UTC    ", $name, " commented

\n", $thots, "

\n"; } print OUT "\n"; while ($line = ) { print $line; print OUT $line; } rename $out, $in or die "Error 6: coudn't rename $out to $in - $!.\n"; close IN; close OUT; chmod 0666, $in or die "Error 7: couldn't chmod \'$out\' - $!.\n"; param ( -name=>'thoughts', -value=>''); param ( -name=>'name', -value=>''); print hr, p, "\n", start_form( -method=>POST, -action=>"revs.cgi"), hidden ( -name=>'file', -value=>$index ), blockquote("Please enter any comments you have.
When you are finished, click the submit button to add your thoughts to this page.", p, "\n", textarea( -name=>'thoughts', -rows=>7, -cols=>72, -wrap=>physical ), p, "\nEnter your name here - no anonymous comments.", p, textfield( -name=>'name', -size=>30), p, "\n", center(submit( -value=>"Submit Comment" ), "   or   ", reset('Reset Form')), "\n"), end_form, p, hr, blockquote( "To view the list of topics again click \n", a({ -href=>'adhoc.cgi' }, "here." )), end_html, "\n";