US 7,347,562 B2
Two-panel liquid-crystal-on-silicon color management system
Michael R. Greenberg, Santa Rosa, Calif. (US); and Anthony D. McGettigan, Santa Rosa, Calif. (US)
Assigned to JDS Uniphase Corporation, Milpitas, Calif. (US)
Filed on May 18, 2005, as Appl. No. 11/131,635.
Claims priority of provisional application 60/573070, filed on May 21, 2004.
Prior Publication US 2005/0259225 A1, Nov. 24, 2005
Int. Cl. G03B 21/00 (2006.01)
U.S. Cl. 353—31  [353/82; 353/84; 353/94] 12 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A color management system comprising:
a light source for generating a source beam of polarized or unpolarized light;
a secondary color selector for selectively separating a first or a second secondary color beam from the polarized or unpolarized source beam of light, the first secondary color beam comprising first and second primary colored beams, and the second secondary colored beam comprising first and third primary colored beams;
a primary color separator for separating the first secondary colored beam into the first and second primary colored beams, and the second secondary colored beam into the first and third primary colored beams;
a first imager panel for imaging the first or the second primary colored beam;
a second imager panel for imaging the second or the third primary colored beam; and
a beam combiner for combining the first primary colored beam from the first imager panel with the second or the third primary colored beam from the second imager panel, or for combining the second colored beam from the first imager panel with the third colored beam from the second imager panel to form a projection beam.