FLS - 104 - 1939 Awil Zlst. Holiday. Tirade&es. The foibwin& five persons had iltncheon st the laboratory: Drb:. Kerr, Jacobs, Li&.res, &r. i&m-us and my-serf. April 22nc.i. Day at the office. April ZYrd. sway * April 24th. Left R&o bj Pamir plane at 8 AU arriviw in Buenos Aires about four iza thtr rifternoon, havine: made only 0~3 stop en route at Porte Ale&Ire. Am3.l 25th. Most of the m Tzith Dr. Sordelli at the Dacteriological Ustitute. LOOK over trte proposed ymrters for the virus laboratory uu finti theu highly satisfactory with the rPodificatiom which Sordelli has planned. Discuss felfowship candidates and fiad that tno suitable mm are available. Yet-at Dr. Alberta Ferzuxadez of Veneeuela who has been named Rit%c2'.r>r Of the hew IIIF3tftUte of ByjgieOe in CuTaCaS and is ww visiti&j Othl? South AWW~LJA countries in order to &et ideas. (Dr. ?h&mio Suarea of Chile ks recently be;eh fn Venezuela ti is apparently duplicati% there r&at he did in Lir;r some years ago. The end result of &ares qy Well be good altho%h his ir&tial interest is alwrry 9 the sue, mn~el, , the orociuction of biolodicalv hrivint: ii raar&et v&m). Luncheon at Sordelli's hoete, 01-a. Fzrn&ez, Soriaho beiw the other +ssts. i;?L at the Department of iiygiene but fim that Dr. Sussini, the President, hae trlf. --.y left. i'o the Brazilian Consulate only to fizm that sky old friend, DL*. Psixoto, htis r>cired oacause of a&3 clod is now in Rio. Meet the 10.30 train front Tucuplan at the Hetiro Station and find Dr. Barber without a~ overcoat although it ie uncomc"ort&blji colu. Dr. and drs. Del Ponte and Dr. b.r~er have beexa on a five c;2ay jaunt to the psetiopunctt~enn3.s country between Tucvac*a iind Jujuy. Aaril 26th. 1 AtttwPpt to secure gassatja for Dr. Barber oa the 26th but find the pLnne Euu. Arrange paeaade for Wiy 1st. lith Dr. Barber to the Hedth DepMaent u&d call on Dr. Mi#lel sussini.. Dr. Sussini says he has Laxen up +Lhe uattor oL' Foumation / uollaboration in the virus laboratom with tie Yinister of the Xnterior and hasi secured Covermeat approval. I FLS -&OS - 1959 Aari.1 26th. -continued- Dr. Sussini states that he is leaving the Iiealth Department on a permanent retirement basis early hext montn. He is unwillin& to m&&e a &ess as to ,$hiti probable successor. Dr. barber sees and hears, in Spani;jh, Ferciiwndo he1 Toro to fill in the long wait between tea anti dinner in duenos tires. Plaza Grill with Dr. anir Us. Sordelli, Dr. ~1 Z&s. aei Ponte, flarber arlci Dr. FdJ3I4ddQ pWY<. Dr. Sussini was undbie to De the wedding 0:` hi; on& son tc3iibi. (Joaephinc%cer nad &so di Grill but not at our trio&). April 27th. F.in;~~~ complete tire wori~ of &ettin& visas for 2jr. Bar:iier and ;ayYel? to sntes Draail. Club. Dinner wit!1 Drs. Sussini, BUDGE and l'ernande;: at the Jockey Durind the g&St two iiu;*s I have iiau an opportunity to uiscuss , t!lif guM.ae question c;ht even before Be cue to the field this time I had written for autftorisation to go to lew Yor& to discuss the needs of this Service with Dr. Sawyer. lvlay 13th. W g3t3 all set dnd the first dkssection of A.&:. was iude at 9.30 AU. (T&&e in custody W's pssport mu $800 of letters of credit for safe IceegsiR in Fortaleaa). I. Drs. MF, OC rind PA and I jgend uost of the daJr leairniwf techniyue from Dr. Burrjer and gdtin~ ready f-or to-morrowgs trip to C&F&r&. ~~ Q bte in the af'ternooa &ti 100~s f?or kk suitable place for field Observations m the e&g to adult periou for A.g. under natural coauitions. Those present for dinner Lit Chico teite's xere: Dr. Barber, Chico Leite, Manduco, Paula iintut~eu, W, Oliveira Castro, Gilmrto Freitas am Bilr~. Freitas. May Sumay . Up dt 4.1; in order to catch the tide out. Arrive at Cai.l;tir& at about '7 A& after two huuraf drive, party con;3isti~ of UE$.$&&, U, CMco, ~atiuco, OC and ., PA. Find Dr. i;ast&o Cezar in Cai;ar& as expected ud the dagts wary begins at OiAC%. First~'demonstrotion of Paris Green mixture uyinic; Acerozene with d little i FLS - lx2 - 3.9 SC3 M&f 14th. -eontinued- egg white to prevent aggloaturation of Paris Green particles. hCOndj deiWAStr&tiOA of preparation of Paris Green dust mixtures. Third; CielNAStIXtiOA iA the ?'ield of the we of Paris Greerl in kerosene and wita sand with a&&al foci of A.& Fourth; Search -iTOr iAtereStiAg POiAtS for study of the dist3%.&iOA of A.g. Fifth; capture of adult; in houses for tomorrow's dissection. sixthj demonstration of LURIJ~*~U~X method 0: findixg whether ii.&. are or DJ% not preseat in .i house. Seventh; COlL3CtiOIl 02 bloods fur parasite iadex. Eii;hth; spleen izdex on those giviq blood samples. Plinth; axamiacitiJn of pl&ce~ where PUQJ Green was used earlier in the da;. Tenth; sttaG.@s 3-f distriwtion of A,$. in two aoandoned houses 2irG in nCakIYbj7 i&i&ted bosses. Eleventh; return to Araca,ty late 111 sIl3 &:'hmloon a-t low ti-ie once inort3. All agrwd that they had never men anything ju;;t like t;ht: panoramti b&ore UE, as we cove over the wet sund towartis the settin& sus with tilt5 shallow beac& 3~1 our right MXI t& cliffs weathered by both the wind and the *aves on our left. The local collector of federal taxes reports thut he has riot been ill with fever clnd +&at three otLers had tl:e aae record up to yesterday nut one of these three took sic& to@,. It ia believed thizt all of the other p4m30m living in CaiGar& have had ruabrin this ~etlr. (Cai$ar$ htts 140 houses). T&k deaths during dur-in& 15. daya of 6.y 19 37 f and this in tile f treatraent against malnria carried out by our Servica. ~dsta~lx~~ afternoon 5580 aos~uitoes were ttixen from I had an opportunit,i, to demonstrate tile value 0Y the umbrella method to several of fYhe 'men. A house AOt previousl3; worKed was '.%lOS%A and four we Viaed ca men turned loose in it for five minutes du.riAg which With the umbrella od we ,@t 31 Plosyuitoakl iA four owe one squam neter of floor gave 3ti deaa A.g., Another gave 17 IAnd two square meters iu the lightest room of the house dave 14 more. There mudt have hen over 500 A.&. in the house when %e began work. in the morniq g:ave only payment to YAB 0E eXce8s living expenses While in it& 15th. The afternoon check on the are&s treated wita Paris Green 1 small. larvae a~c( this died later. Last evening rsceived telegram from VAS uthori%iLLg air passa&e over boat passage Tram B.A. to&her with Brazil ! h Much fun, sport a~d irinuaement kith i&F purchcLsiA$ 4 old umurellaa with rotten covers and arran&nd to ham . , covered with white cloth.(Mre eveqthi~ t&&e& a &seat amount of time tt;ld patience). - 113 - 1939 l&y lSt#:1. -COdAW?d- DBW says he has decided to taice tha frontier at Icb aww from Dr. Lessa and may even bring him kc& into thenon- infected district still Qrtiier 1 MEW 16th. Invitation received for W to give lecture on mdaria b&ore the commercial Ausoc!.stlon in Fortaleza. This invitation comes as a restit \3f EC's :faiLure to give his talis last week because uf affsirb 9n Bel&. Receiva from JAK paper -5 relktin;; to the spziirl credit of ViqEo for the airmappiw anu tFiso a letter e arrangements which imve Leen mde with the Ministry. Au a result of CGIta letter wire Jti as Pollows: Disc&s Ait& Dk# his su';iine of la9orator.y activities for the immediate fut..re which was arepred kg- ilirn after consultation witrl M.F, (3C and PA. Advise DbW to get UOo 34.gp3tions ati criticism of this plan. As& Dr, Hargettt to join :hu s.ta?Zf OS thti Yaluiti Sm?vice since this service ia now in the kh.:oea of organbation anti nruch ~ore experience can be had here than ay spendiw more time in the Yellow Fever Service. l&i agrees and sws he is ready for anything. l&i insists that there is no need of taking the matter up with hiti chief, Dr. Thonpson, since f&S was dsfmteij: assigned to work under RF orders kitire. In WtS pzsence I a&ise LBW tilkt 2&i is in the gambiae army now cinct .tttlcs;J suggestion fro&t #iIB just t3s regu;ar skiff JWmxTY would,V umbrella. Get the first model of the tiarber Ferrsira Soper s+ure Further s~g:eati3n;s far mo&fication wer2 made anil a design msde for a &pare ureurelka with w. detaciisible htsndk which j-3 duo dattichuble for aor& under 3~5 roof or ut ri&t u@ss uder tables, beds etc. ot; also m'ggosts it have a spila;e at t&3 tip so i +, can be stuck in tie grolind inside tha houa;es to permit of one--ntlin operation. In the rlfternoorl to the !'ieia or raber to +Aa swamps to see a demonstration of tile Paris Green a&ication with I&~neco, DBWm Damasceno Costa, Pfinio a.1~2 ct number of inspectors tintier trttining. FLS - xl.4 - awa&" where ~&aria is norm raging. Al.1 hilve a good afternoon. Yay 17tA ?&orninc: at Aracat)r. Get ready to taiw over pa% of the atiinistrative raspoaviuility here Liuriw the ntixt week or tdn u&j;3 while DB% goes to Mat4.. We agree an aentiny; DC to Levras, ;rl. Hargett to worr( with Silvn trnii PACti to tha coastal zone &ttitien here riu;d the capital of the State. station at Crj5taas. iiaturn to Fortaie&a in t!x LZ%XXGO~ inqecting &+I 1.1 PI& The a&nod is still :'ar from perfect & the shed must- undergo severai?3iZQes before it will be ready to hanale the big trucics wed to bring in the season~s crop. At present the road traffic ia li&ht consisting most& of closed cam whim can be prop~rl;l hvudled aLPost without usin& the shed at all. Get duly iqwessed OKACB more sd the mount of v:attir there is In the region close i,o Fort&Letia ;~hich is not yet infested with &mbiae. Should IL de t into this r&on tha acGlti.oIiaIl coat of control will Ge enomous. Arrive Forttllsza at 19.30 anii go to WilsonBs hoLee for the ai&t. iWit a coat'ort to 08 all &&kin a house for one night after tile five dty-a in the free reg~klic of Chico Leite md lmduco I Yw 18th, Fortunately I did not ,o to the office last ni&t on arrivcll so bad a veri- good sleep ia a hmOcLE tit Dr. Wilson's home. Lai;lrrr that iessa has as&d leave to ~i;o to wla~oas to see his father and step-nother, 30th of whom as-, The situation in 1~6 is yuch that I cannot ti~&~ thi&t DM will. give le&va tit this tise. xa fhct it comes as a complete surgriue to me that LeJsa wouki a~& for lairvs under my eirCUmst&nCes xmdl css;pecinll.y after the visit made ly DM :md wself icast week 1 FLS MY 18th. -eontinued- - lls - 1939 Receive news that Dr. Burke and famiu arrived in Rio on the 12th of Mtiy- and are now in Bell.0 Horizonte. Prepare wire to Kerr reading as followat ;IDVISE; PIMTTI AND EMAN DETAILS SITUATIOI ST@ UIDBX W CIiiCU&STANCZS Pi%MIT SUBMISSIORI IJEN PROPOSAL DZFOKE m aHRIVAL STOP SIG0 ICb SAB~ SOP.&. . Discuss difficulties of construction of disinfection post at Crystaus with Inman and suggest, short,euih6 th< lan&h b$ about two meters and putting doors on both ends for the entr:, Oi' ecu';, ttliu a roll curtrjiin above the door which can be raised for the passage of trucks with high loads. Al+%Jugh todq is Ascension Day a& a federal holiday most of the SMUE is at wor&. Dr. Franca remains until after 10.30 PM, It rezainds one of the SFA duri;ng the hectic uhere I get a wonderful' b&Id uy Arrange we from jrirs. Stafford. clays of 1930 to 1933). (Lunch at Jangada Club gig). collection of very tras& nooks for Dr. harkrtj WY 19th. Purchase Chevrolet station wagon on a 12SW i$heel base for 25 cantos as an emergency measure. Yost of the day spent purchasin, y u~~brellas and other special items for the Sarvice. May 20th. Drive from Furtaleaa to Xc6 stopping for lunch at kssas with Drs. Da~asceno Costa , ,pv;lndro Chagas, Staff and GaatZo Ceoar. EC advises that ir case of leishmanioaia has been found at Agua Fria with the priurtiry infection in wild guinea pig. He also shows the results of rti.23 house-flitti u. he reports that simple flitting in all the houses of a district is sufficient to change the dwbiae nysorrhyncw larval ratio: in foci from 80/20 to ZO/aO. Arrive at Ic.: at 8 W. Max Zlst. Sunday at I&. xc6 and our0 lm%nco. Esmerino reports at sogle length on the m -de between He reports finding adults at Kilometer 426 in several houses about the aqude Martiinha. At Kilometer 429 gambiae larvae were found in the Riacho Urubu. Between Kilometer 429 and 430 a barreiro was found with larvae and was treated with Parid kxen. At Kilometer 430 one female &ambiae was found in house captures but no foci were found close to the a&de Maria 3onita. Between Kilometer 430 and Ouro Branco, at Kilometer 43d, no larvae nor adults were found. At Ouro Brsnco, where a sirgle foc-tis was found two weeks ago, '75 houses were investigated iI;-ith tfne umbrella technique with negative results. An additional 6 kilometers `beyond Ouro Dranco hdve oeen carefully investigated with searches for both luvae and adults with negative results. . May 21st. -continued- 1939 now withih 2 kilometers of .- .-- lorx is now being done Kithe anti Paris Green. Armando Albuquerque awing last week chief of the 6th .` dibt, kilometer 400 to 432, all of which is infected. When I ask about recent extmion Of A.g. here he rejdies that he does not know since he is new to the district. When asked whether he has worked before, he says in the 8th distriot, which is that of Iduat\i. bYhen askeci auout this advance he says that they worked during three wee&~ without materbit either petroleum or Paris Green ! (Ttib I presume 1s uue to the fact t&at Lessa did not want to uee Paris Green and diu not have oil). Gives, with help of Lessa, details; of his wor& of tne week. finding k.d. Reports ht irilometsr 423 &WA irt a point one league from tne road at the level of Yaria&ixtila, Snr. SebastiBo de Paula Madeira, Gu:it-da Chefs of the 9th di3trict which includes the ione;: next to Iduat6. a.bout 2 kilotiers fr goes fE;om Lima ctuapos td ;ilotlg Eia reportti finding getmabiae the road but 1 kilometer from the roa~i p9hic:i This last focus was less than 1 kilometer from the Jaguaribe River. This poinf, i.3 some 42 kilometers, frou Forquilhas &ere we found dsrpbiae last week just above the asucie Lima Caqos. The duestion then is whether this point, wae infected by the river or alon& the! road Wy some passirq~ car. (ptF Hfim) ?o??????? o Warred #ith Dr. Lessa. Does not know wilat he did duriq ttie week app~entl;) because of a lack of rscords which he saq-s were given to Dr. Lessa each &q a:id appiirentl,, because he aorlred with Lessa all week and is afraid to tell. all that happerled during the week. Esmerinfi r:egorts that ne has six men at or6 Brwcog that, nothing has been found in 3rd Branco aor six zilometers.beyond Orb Branco. It nouli appear that O.B. itself iu now clean ati tnat there is a cleeuz zone of 6 or 8 kilometers on this side ;mhd at least ti kilometers on the other side I Gave Esmerino the followinit;: instructions: 1) Rdxrn to O.Branco todq and be&n work this afternoon on the roads which tiverce from Casumbii towards 3rb ijranco, Alagoihhas and\ Lavras. If Bafnbiae are found by capture with uut9rellas they should continue 6 kilometera beyond the last focus. 2) If no yambiae are found ikvserino should return to fed with two man ieaving the guarda chefe and thee men with instructions to make a conplete capture in Pato8.3) If garabiae zire found they shoulci then work up the river to Lavras sear&in& for both larvae and adults and noting findings. 11) If uo gambiae are fomd :it Patos they should descends the river Scskado towards Xc6 searching f'or 'both adult3 and i`oci. Until $iambiae is located S) the bgarda chefe should then return to 1~6 for instructions. Copy of written instructions to M~erinor sd- 1. Completar a estrada Our0 Bronco d divisa Q;;L eatrada. -117 - slay 21at. -continued- 2. Estrada k Ala~oinhau ~913 quilometros. b . Utra& k L;tvras seij quiloaetros. Si encontrtrr gcunbiae hoje ou z.uuanhg na estrada acima de Ouro Briinco, &vem continuer a ceiptura at6 seis quilometros sllern sic) achado. Esmerino corn doiv cagturadores deva voltar a Icb dieixaado o ,-da ehefe tz tre% ~NXY&M para f&Per (z captura completa em Pates. Si 16X0 encontrtu: emP&As dc~azi descer 0 Rio Sal&o em clire@o &o Ic6 procW&ndo .<6co3 e cu~tur&ndo 00~1 guarda-chuvas at6 encontrar ou f&o our &ulto de gankiae. The microscopic exermination confirms gamuiae close to Iauatb. Take 1)masceno Costa, Levlsa and the Gum&. Ckwfe of tne 9th district and 11 a'clock. Leave t'kbk&~&kfn&&osses the RH just 1 " outside of I,that is, about 3 i&lomoters from tht3 town. &Ye we tumed to the left and walked ttbout 1 Halometer before coming to a mud hole where some eleven or twelve larvae or" $amui.ae were fount yesterdw. L! T' 's focus was the only one found here and the people give no hidtory of recent malaria. bpid captures in two of the nearby houses failed ,to dive gzimLiae even tho*zgh &iziy were made with Flit and with an umbrella. On the return trip to the car the kda Chafe of the 9th district, ~110 w&s lvith us, admitted that he did not &now whether tnere was water in a rice :'ield we were ?assin;: or not. We went into the field md fDund glenty of water and some foci.of Anopheles cilthaugh there were fish in **he larder pools. Most of the larvae found ware blyesornynvus but one wlas thou@:, to be suspicious v DC. There seemed to 'be some douot in the mind of tile Cuarda Chefe as to whether tne focus _Cmnd oelonded to the Sth or 9th district. Leosa has no very clear idea of the &eography of tile river and town. First, he said that this focus (which ia at a sitio known as Cajaaeiras) was oo the 3-e side of the river as &r&r& where the SFA foaur& and delivered to the Cambiae Service three adults two dqys ago. Later, in Iguat6 I found that the ~&pa shows Arar~ cvcross the river from I&uat\i but that &ambi&e were found in lrone 71 of' the same side of the river as Iguatk IVe finally reached Iguat6 at about 3.30 after crossing the FL5 - ll.8 - 1989 May ast. -continued- river irr a boat and walking on Vito the town through the sand. Ho lunch tiv&ilrtble excagt eggs and rice and the canned food we brought with us. After the late lunch we visited the post and learned (9 mmber of facts. Proa the map little could be definitely determined but it is clear tnut the focus founci yesterdw is up- river from I&utii ilue to the fact that the river nuues a sharp bend here. Cm ths return trip we met the camionette and U's secretary who reports that irk impsctor at-Lavras says ho found a focus of ,$moiaa there three weeb ago am tuned it in to the chief i:~pector who failed to report it to tine office. (This may or up nat be true). Discum the !,ocal eituatlon ivith the Prefeito Dr. Oouvsia 3f the hOPpita and lFi%turn to ICC nt 7 PM. FLS - ll.9 - 1989 &mined the;, focus froBa the rice field of yesterday failing to find-. Likewise, exeuinaa seven larvae frm the sus;Ject focus at Cedro, all of which are PJvssorhpchus, (This is indeed goo$ news). -~ ._ Esmrino reports coqlete absence of in all houses 6 kilo~netera each way from Casumba junction. On the basis of this information decide to &ace disinfection 2mt=t this sub of the junction. Iire Inman Vlace for pst has been chosen". Send Esnrerino and two aen to iuvestidjcte the place close to Lavras where it was reported had been found thme wee& a&o but not turned in uarda Chefs, in the day and resorts finding only larvae of The rust of the afternoon %t-;m+rim and his two ~ptn work at the Lqoa das Correias about 21 kflomterri from Xc6 3U the rciati to Our0 Bramo finding only larvae of $&ss rm althotyh this lake is within the 9 kilometer range. The lake is in mmy pr& deeper than Iremb;iae ;;rrefers am has much vegetation both rtorisontal and vertical., ano. has many tiny&abinhas. I examineu some Q&t larvae collected by Lessa, DC and q-self' in this lase and confinned the aiapoais of wch\ag. The lake is 'being givi?n a good dose of AJaris Green but if thiv type of lake and the aSudes can be shown definitely not to be breading @s a great amount of labor end ma-&rid can be sevad. Rith Lessa end DC and Wilson, the brother of Deusdedite. spent pert of the morning and the afternoon working along the road to Ouro Bronco. The hotJksUariazinha2 where ere found with Dr. Barber, was today negative as was also another house near ird, however, which had a shady lean-to covered with straw ,gave rae3biaa, both in thmean-to and in the damened beuroom, Later fou* houses werr? saarcheci at Yalbsda Bonita (also aown in ply records as Yaria 3oIlita is is 1 kilometer 30 fron where Dr. Barber &ud I failed to fim all focus and three adults ih one house were foilnv a fuw uays ago. Drive to Casur& and decide on &acmg the Camella for uioinfection at a $olnt 3 LIkmete~side of the juncticn of ttie roam to Lavras and Wagoinhas, The owner of the house we gicked as heauquarturs was not too enthu;;iastic at firs% but finally agreed to rent two rooms in the front of the house and germit a wopruur to come in frown outside to gre+re thd ftiod for our mm @ho xill be worltihg l&e krrior, Tried out the spray-gun with flit i.n the houses worked today and believe it will be the best equipent to use where transportation of the tank is easy. See one of the impectors working with Paris Green, or rather see him bossing two laborers who were working with Paris Green. This was at the Lagos Gas Correiaa refsrred to above as giving foci of pkrssorhm~ The men were a&ying, as was to have been exgected at this stage, outirely too mcb'and were throwing it too close to the ground. At anothsr pint we found the mm $vor&iry: with hwini; the day and in the evening dfter &nner Lessa constantly refers to happening in the SFA with due ?phn~is on %U &' hio own dood gaaiitiea rind good work of the pst. Is it posalSla that Lessa io 3n the ciefensive? P Programe left for DC and ttr. Losss to carq out: naw division to be formed with DC in charge first tst IguaM bu*, later Fat Lavras. The aost impurtaat thilq,now is protection 0" I&uitti .inci the rfver HBOYB anti below together %ith t&s raikroclds r6d..tttiflg out oL' I&aatd, Lirdtv to mm z.xm dre to be: 4 river &Ad l?d.lTOilCi t0 580 I1theWj mikroad and rive ~Crlqu& to ,%o Jo&; rosd 1~6 to 0~0 iAmmo begimi~ at (u1ct inc1udin.i the &Ude at %~~S.&Zinhii kilonater 2Bj s&xLain prevent Limits of service at Lavras. d circle of 10 kilometers r&i.uc aimut Ii;uatlC1 as a center is to 'be thoroughly investigated am control measure5 orgmized to ZOlu3S of kilomzttar!3 lti -- last ?oint in which bwbiae is found. (This is a general order and means that uiork mst be carriea out for 16 kilo~ters of clean area in every &irect.ion beyond the last lurosn focus. The 2Arw.i raust be thoroughly covered w s~a.rc:i~ i'or foci and w house captures with Flit an;i 'abrella techniq-m): mgi0i, (1% fmtrciztioxm are given to det tim_mps of the SFA of this stems regrsttaole that Loasa, *faho wormd here with the MA a& knows these msps perfectQ well, has not airaacr; &otten the&). I agn3e to letrve &merino and the six capture men for survey work. Transgorta tion at present will conrsist of the now sttktion wagon puchased four days ago in Fort&ma for this job. Also agree ,to leave the railroad trolley if it can !x had from the SFA. I explain that, althou& the direct responsibility for the adminititration of the new division wiU be with A%, I consider&essa*s aost irPportant work in the neer future is to furnish the best postlible perumnui Qc's work. DC requests, aM I agree, that the paymmt of his personnel be aade by Lessa, thus avoiding tile mcessity of organii;ing a mw offiae forae tr&ined in this *woriC. Point Out t0 L86@& that he is to consider those prts 0-C his district which lie in contact with DC's district ira Barrier aoaes and is to worli thonr most intensively anci with his beat persomel. Lass? is to be in charge of aU necessary treatraent work in the region rend DC is to do nothing but ati-nosquito work. Leave Icb about 2 Pius mi because of loug de&- in crousbg Jagwrioe river decide to the night irt Limoeiro. At Liaoeiro find one of the capture men frora the Yellow Fever Stirvice. He reports fiaciing 60 hou iro with ganbiae, This does not look hopeful. Find Dr. Gebert~ztrguing thht ~iatv people must oe taking mxU.cine useslesely since a rather high pGrcentage of his cases am 40 years old and over, (G ha read some glttce that mal.aritx in eademiu regions is Xmited to children under 12 years of age 1) and this is the ;pan .who is chargea with thti troatmikt wax in this area. )Vknen I aiecussed the fact that treirt&ent is not bsing given at Peix- Gordo but Gnat the local store there is seU.i&xg ertebrin tit 700 reis a b&i&, G mtilizt the guarda there hrrd been ,Counti~,OOO taUets short even accord- to hirs own records. It is clear that a careful system of checding treat&mat similar to th:Lt used marqy years ago in the hook WOFH; caiusaig~ mdt oe inm&gratea, 24th. raaV Drive front j&weir0 to &ncbty ~2x2 sgem a coupA of hours there resriioing !;or lunch at the Hepkmlbc. Learn without surprise t&at Dr. tijtzr>er is not happ21_ovzr the s-peed with which imediate Wailts can 'be sktisfiea ih this out.A.yiz&& point. Start prophylactic atebrfn at 18Wrta.y toiiay instesrd of waiting until tomorrow its scheduled. AI-I hour later,en mute to Fortaleza, L realize af I wa8 havbg mtk her bttacr; of mlaria. I stop en route at Htlssa~ aM hav -_... .-- Dr. SC% mise ~1. smear which uhowecl the ,presence of vivax. Contfnuerr trip to Fortaleza, arriving 6.30 W right side up &th c=ae. , lJsry 23th. D&N arrives fro& Rio Crtlnae do riorto ma or&@ a rather hopeful. report of tne situation there. FLS ?&w 26th. received` 38,000 after riiscuvaion of What wrouiti be a reatspouable basis of closing out our contributions of' atebrin tj the studies at Tirabadbas, I agree to authorize Aore w&&g a tutal of !SJ,OOO. After discussion of 0erSOKlmd 8ftUatiol3 With wfl8On. MX'ee to request the YFS to trclnsfer Drs. Acquer cind jefferson, wci tile two office e&pl&ees Caa tanhsfra and Beeicel. _..-__ --- &,f: *j., 4s`. J' Hecife to Hi0 by 2aaair pl:ilne. lUtsy 50th. Missa for Dr. and jilrs. Servulo Lima's siJver wedding Li I promote Princeza to Duqueza copyi% the precedent set .by Edward, Prince of Wales who beciupe the Du&e of WmYor. Learn uetails or the accimmt to trld Panair &me at -- Santaren in whictl PI'. S;, Antunes was a gassei1&er, Jus.t at the tam off We hull strucir a log hmi bG& sdven minutes LA*=er. By &mbit gooci lucir a small canoe '~88 close hy and was able to have all the ~assangers. (t;SA mver learned to swim). Letter from Dr. Torres rs2or-M failure of' present gcnr~~apybt in Bolfvia to pw tiiehr .,uotu for new tolit.FiG-W~GGent cipil ttje Yellow Fever Stirvice. (There is a some one from t&is office ahoulu have &one over there before now to get things lined up proper&-. However, there flas been no pOssible opportunity for w one to get away frola Braail). Dr. Geortres Clarewut id here for study on uehdf of the _-_-- Medical Service in the A&&in Cowo. I first mt Dr. Clare'mut at Johanneskq iA 1935. Y&Y 313t. Dr. PiAOtti ;IriAgs iA Dr. CancSj4au who is tiixen on for wora in the pamiae region. Dr. Cand+u is coaing to the gubiae service wit& tile iciea of showing d&ring the period of om ;it:ar that tie is the typ of' inciiviiiual who shoula be considered for a fellowship iu the Utitad States. Ditscuss witk Dra. Servulo r*nu bldancrr the possibility of