Table of contents for German : an essential grammar / by Bruce Donaldson.

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1.0 	Pronunciation
	1.1 Vowels
	1.2 Diphthongs
	1.3 Consonants
	1.4 Stress
	1.5 Regional variants
2.0 	Spelling
	2.1 Indicating vowel length
	2.2 Use of the Umlaut 
	2.3 Use of capital letters
	2.4 Use of the hyphen
	2.5 The new spelling
	2.6 The alphabet
3.0	Punctuation
	3.1 Commas
	3.2 Colons with direct speech
		3.3 Inverted commas/quotation marks
		3.4 Exclamation marks
4.0	Case
	4.1 Case endings on nouns
	4.2 Other uses of the nominative case
	4.3 Other uses of the accusative case 
	4.4 The genitive case
	4.5 Other uses of the dative case
	4.6 Nouns in apposition
	4.7 Order of cases in paradigms
5.0 	Articles and other determiners
	5.1 The definite article
	5.2 Other determiners inflected like der/die /das
	5.3 The indefinite article
	5.4 Other determiners inflected like ein 
	5.5 Indefinite pronouns used as determiners
6.0 	Nouns
	6.1 Gender of nouns
	6.2 Pluralization of nouns
	6.3 Diminutization of nouns
	6.4 Names of towns
	6.5 Names of countries
	6.7 Feminizing agents
	6.8 Adjectival nouns
	6.9 Compound nouns
	6.10 Nouns in apposition (see 4.6)
7.0 	Pronouns
	7.1 Personal pronouns
	7.2 Possessives
	7.3 Reflexive pronouns
	7.4 Demonstrative pronouns
	7.5 Interrogative pronouns
	7.6 Relative pronouns
	7.7 Indefinite pronouns
8.0 	Adjectives
	8.1 Rules for inflection
		8.1.1 The der/die/das (weak) endings
		8.1.2 The ein/eine/ein (mixed) endings
		8.1.3 The unpreceded adjectival (strong) endings
		8.1.4 Adjectival endings after indefinite pronouns
		8.1.5 Indeclinable adjectives
	8.2 Comparative of adjectives and adverbs
	8.3 Superlative of the adjective
	8.4 Predicative adjectives followed by a prepositional object
9.0 	Adverbs
	9.1 Adverbs that are also adjectives
	9.2 Comparative and superlative of adverbs
	9.3 Intensifying adverbs
	9.4 Adverbs of time
	9.5 Adverbs of place and direction
	9.6 Adverbs of manner and degree
	9.7 Interrogative adverbs
10.0 	Verbs
	10.1 Formation of tenses 
		10.1.1 The present tense
		10.1.2 The future tense
		10.1.3 The imperative
		10.1.4 The imperfect tense
		10.1.5 The perfect tense
		10.1.6 The pluperfect tense
		10.1.7 The future perfect
		10.1.8 The conditional tense
		10.1.9 The conditional perfect tense 
	10.2 Modal auxiliary verbs
		10.2.1 Double infinitive constructions
		10.2.2 Modals used with perfective infinitives
	10.3 The subjunctive
		10.3.1 The subjunctive I
		10.3.2 The subjunctive II
	10.4 The passive
	10.5 The infinitive
		10.5.1 Characteristics of the infinitive
		10.5.2 Rules for the use of zu with infinitives
		10.5.3 Use of um... zu before infinitives
		10.5.4 Double infinitive constructions 
		10.5.5 The infinitive used as a noun
	10.6 Participles
		10.6.1 Present participles
		10.6.2 Past participles
		10.6.3 Use of present and past participles in extended adjectival phrases 
	10.7 Progressive tenses
	10.8 Reflexive verbs
	10.9 Verbal prefixes
		10.9.1 Verbs with separable prefixes (separable verbs)
		10.9.2 Verbs with inseparable prefixes (inseparable verbs)
		10.9.3 Verbs with variable prefixes (separable or inseparable verbs) 
	10.10 Verbs followed by prepositional objects
		10.10.1 Use of prepositional adverbs before subordinate clauses 
	10.11 Transitive and intransitive verbs
	10.12 List of irregular verbs
		10.12.1 Alphabetical list of irregular verbs
11.0 	Conjunctions
	11.1 Coordinating conjunctions
	11.2 Subordinating conjunctions
	11.3 Conjunctions introducing infinitive clauses
	11.4 Correlative conjunctions
	11.6 Interrogative adverbs and pronouns introducing indirect questions
12.0 	Prepositions
	12.1 Prepositions that take the accusative case
	12.2 Prepositions that take the dative case
	12.3 Prepositions that take both the accusative and dative case
	12.4 Prepositions that take the genitive case
	12.5 Contraction of prepositions with the definite article
	12.6 How to translate ?to? into German
13.0 	Numerals
	13.1 Cardinal numbers
	13.2 Ordinal numbers
	13.3 Fractions
	13.4 Arithmetic/calculation
	13.5 Age
	13.6 Money
	13.7 Telling the time
	13.8 Dates
	13.9 Weights
	13.10 Measurements
	13.11 School marks/grades
14.0 	Negation
15.0	Common German abbreviations
Appendix 1: List of countries, inhabitants and adjectives/languages

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

German language -- Grammar.
German language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English.