FY2001 Bill Numbers

To:       jtthomas, phyllis smith, morgenstern, kratz, sandra page, distribution.ao
          Deborah L Colley/OPS/USGS/DOI@USGS, Eleonora S Alsop/DO/USGS/DOI@USGS, 
          Michele B Connolly/DO/USGS/DOI@USGS, Lawrence F Ferris/BRD/USGS/DOI@USGS, 
          Carla D Clark/BRD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Tammy C D'Elia/WRD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Terri 
          Boyd/BRD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Sharon K Baloch/NMD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Rita J 
          Raines/GD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Teresa A Jewell/GD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Dianne E 
          Putnam/NMD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Kelly L Bradley/WRD/USGS/DOI@USGS
cc:       Cathi L Carlson/OPS/USGS/DOI@USGS, Karen A Beaton/OPS/USGS/DOI@USGS, 
          Pamela A Meara/OPS/USGS/DOI@USGS, Susan R Smith/OPS/USGS/DOI@USGS, John J 

Subject:  FY2001 Bill Numbers

The standard bill number format for billing documents issued by USGS 
offices in FY2001 will continue to be:

x-yyyy-zzzzz (such as 1-2000-00010)

where "x" = FY2001
and yyyy = USGS cost center
and zzzzz = the assigned bill number.

Bills issued by offices as of October 1, 2000 which begin with "0" (such 
as 0-2000-00010) will be changed to "1" (1-2000-00010) in order to prevent 
duplicate bill numbers. 

Please notify billing offices within your division/region.  If there are 
questions, please contact the Accounts Receivable Branch.

Bruce Wood
Office of Financial Management
(O)  703.648.7665
(Fx) 703.648.7687