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BMJ. 2005 October 22; 331(7522): 968.
PMCID: PMC1261205
Abdul Ghafoor Baloch
Khalid Baloch
Former consultant geriatrician Victoria Hospital, Blackpool (b 1935; q Punjab University, Pakistan, 1958; FRCP), died from metastatic upper gastrointestinal cancer on 28 November 2004.

Ghafoor came to England in 1965 and was appointed consultant in geriatric medicine in Blackpool in 1975, where he worked until his retirement in 1999. He developed an interest in hypertension in elderly people and was invited to give lectures nationally and internationally. It was his lifelong ambition to raise money and build the first mosque in the Blackpool area. His ambition was fulfilled a few months before his death. He leaves a wife, Sabira; three children; and seven grandchildren

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