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20. Geometry Optimization with DRIVER

The DRIVER module is one of two drivers (see Section 21 for documentation on STEPPER) to perform a geometry optimization function on the molecule defined by input using the GEOMETRY directive (see Section 6). Geometry optimization is either an energy minimization or a transition state optimization. The algorithm programmed in DRIVER is a quasi-newton optimization with line searches and approximate energy Hessian updates.

DRIVER is selected by default out of the two available modules to perform geometry optimization. In order to force use of DRIVER (e.g., because a previous optimization used STEPPER) provide a DRIVER input block (below) -- even an empty block will force use of DRIVER.

Optional input for this module is specified within the compound directive,

    GMAX <real value>
    GRMS <real value>
    XMAX <real value>
    XRMS <real value>

    EPREC <real eprec default 1e-7>

    TRUST <real trust default 0.3>
    SADSTP <real sadstp default 0.1>


    INHESS <integer inhess default 0>

    (MODDIR || VARDIR) <integer dir default 0>

    MAXITER <integer maxiter default 20>

    BSCALE <real BSCALE default 1.0>
    ASCALE <real ASCALE default 0.25>
    TSCALE <real TSCALE default 0.1>
    HSCALE <real HSCALE default 1.0>
    PRINT ...

    XYZ [<string xyz default $file_prefix$>]


On each optimization step a line search is performed. To speed up calculations (up to two times), it may be beneficial to turn off the line search using following directive:

set driver:linopt 0

20.1 Convergence criteria

    GMAX <real value>
    GRMS <real value>
    XMAX <real value>
    XRMS <real value>

In version 3.3 Gaussian-style convergence criteria have been adopted. The defaults may be used, or the directives LOOSE, DEFAULT, or TIGHT specified to use standard sets of values, or the individual criteria adjusted. All criteria are in atomic units. GMAX and GRMS control the maximum and root mean square gradient in the coordinates being used (Z-matrix, redundant internals, or Cartesian). XMAX and XRMS control the maximum and root mean square of the Cartesian step.

                  LOOSE    DEFAULT    TIGHT
         GMAX   0.0045d0   0.00045   0.000015   
         GRMS   0.0030d0   0.00030   0.00001
         XMAX   0.0054d0   0.00180   0.00006
         XRMS   0.0036d0   0.00120   0.00004

Note that GMAX and GRMS used for convergence of geometry may significantly vary in different coordinate systems such as Z-matrix, redundant internals, or Cartesian. The coordinate system is defined in the input file (default is Z-matrix). Therefore the choice of coordinate system may slightly affect converged energy. Although in most cases XMAX and XRMS are last to converge which are always done in Cartesian coordinates, which insures convergence to the same geometry in different coordinate systems.

The old criterion may be recovered with the input

   gmax 0.0008; grms 1; xrms 1; xmax 1

20.2 Available precision

    EPREC <real eprec default 1e-7>

In performing a line search the optimizer must know the precision of the energy (this has nothing to do with convergence criteria). The default value of 1e-7 should be adjusted if less, or more, precision is available. Note that the default EPREC for DFT calculations is 5e-6 instead of 1e-7.

20.3 Controlling the step length

    TRUST <real trust default 0.3>
    SADSTP <real sadstp default 0.1>

A fixed trust radius (trust) is used to control the step during minimizations, and is also used for modes being minimized during saddle-point searches. It defaults to 0.3 for minimizations and 0.1 for saddle-point searches. The parameter sadstp is the trust radius used for the mode being maximized during a saddle-point search and defaults to 0.1.

20.4 Maximum number of steps

    MAXITER <integer maxiter default 20>

By default at most 20 geometry optimization steps will be taken, but this may be modified with this directive.

20.5 Discard restart information


By default Driver reuses Hessian information from a previous optimization, and, to facilitate a restart also stores which mode is being followed for a saddle-point search. This option deletes all restart data.

20.6 Regenerate internal coordinates


Deletes Hessian data and regenerates internal coordinates at the current geometry. Useful if there has been a large change in the geometry that has rendered the current set of coordinates invalid or non-optimal.

20.7 Initial Hessian

    INHESS <integer inhess default 0>

In addition, the diagonal elements of the initial Hessian for internal coordinates may be scaled using separate factors for bonds, angles and torsions with the following

    BSCALE <real bscale default 1.0>
    ASCALE <real ascale default 0.25>
    TSCALE <real tscale default 0.1>
These values typically give a two-fold speedup over unit values, based on about 100 test cases up to 15 atoms using 3-21g and 6-31g* SCF. However, if doing many optimizations on physically similar systems it may be worth fine tuning these parameters.

Finally, the entire Hessian from any source may be scaled by a factor using the directive

    HSCALE <real hscale default 1.0>
It might be of utility, for instance, when computing an initial Hessian using SCF to start a large MP2 optimization. The SCF vibrational modes are expected to be stiffer than the MP2, so scaling the initial Hessian by a number less than one might be beneficial.

20.8 Mode or variable to follow to saddle point

    (MODDIR || VARDIR) <integer dir default 0>

When searching for a transition state the program, by default, will take an initial step uphill and then do mode following using a fuzzy maximum overlap (the lowest eigen-mode with an overlap with the previous search direction of 0.7 times the maximum overlap is selected). Once a negative eigen-value is found, that mode is followed regardless of overlap.

The initial uphill step is appropriate if the gradient points roughly in the direction of the saddle point, such as might be the case if a constrained optimization was performed at the starting geometry. Alternatively, the initial search direction may be chosen to be along a specific internal variable (using the directive VARDIR) or along a specific eigen-mode (using MODDIR). Following a variable might be valuable if the initial gradient is either very small or very large. Note that the eigen-modes in the optimizer have next-to-nothing to do with the output from a frequency calculation. You can examine the eigen-modes used by the optimizer with

         driver; print hvecs; end

The selection of the first negative mode is usually a good choice if the search is started in the vicinity of the transition state and the initial search direction is satisfactory. However, sometimes the first negative mode might not be the one of interest (e.g., transverse to the reaction direction). If NOFIRSTNEG is specified, the code will not take the first negative direction and will continue doing mode-following until that mode goes negative.

20.9 Optimization history as XYZ files

    XYZ [<string xyz default $fileprefix>]

The XYZ directive causes the geometry at each step (but not intermediate points of a line search) to be output into separate files in the permanent directory in XYZ format. The optional string will prefix the filename. The NOXYZ directive turns this off.

For example, the input

    driver; xyz test; end
will cause files,, ... to be created in the permanent directory.

The script rasmolmovie in the NWChem contrib directory can be used to turn these into an animated GIF movie.

20.10 Print options

The UNIX command "egrep '^@' < output" will extract a pretty table summarizing the optimization.

If you specify the NWChem input

      scf; print none; end
      driver; print low; end
      task scf optimize
you'll obtain a pleasantly terse output.

For more control, these options for the standard print directive are recognized

and these specific print options

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Dunyou Wang 2008-06-23