src/connect/ncbi_util.c File Reference

#include "ncbi_ansi_ext.h"
#include "ncbi_priv.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

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struct  SLogData


#define NCBI_USE_ERRCODE_X   Connect_Util
#define CRC32_POLY   0x04C11DB7UL


void CORE_SetLOCK (MT_LOCK lk)
 Set the MT critical section lock/unlock handler -- to be used by the core internals for protection of internal static variables and other MT-sensitive code from being accessed/changed by several threads simultaneously.
void CORE_SetLOG (LOG lg)
 Set the log handle (no logging if "lg" is passed zero) -- to be used by the core internals.
LOG CORE_GetLOG (void)
 Get the log handle which is be used by the core internals.
void CORE_SetLOGFILE_Ex (FILE *fp, ELOG_Level cut_off, int auto_close)
 Standard logging to the specified file stream.
void CORE_SetLOGFILE (FILE *fp, int auto_close)
 Same as CORE_SetLOGFILE_Ex() with last parameter passed as 0 (all messages pass).
int CORE_SetLOGFILE_NAME_Ex (const char *filename, ELOG_Level cut_off)
 Same as CORE_SetLOGFILE_Ex(fopen(filename, "a"), cut_off, TRUE).
int CORE_SetLOGFILE_NAME (const char *filename)
 Same as CORE_SetLOGFILE_NAME_Ex with last parameter passed as 0 (all messages pass).
TLOG_FormatFlags CORE_SetLOGFormatFlags (TLOG_FormatFlags flags)
static int s_IsQuoted (unsigned char c)
size_t UTIL_PrintableStringSize (const char *data, size_t size)
 Calculate size of buffer needed to store printable representation of the block of data of the specified size (or, if size is 0, strlen(data)).
char * UTIL_PrintableString (const char *data, size_t size, char *buf, int full_octal)
 Create printable representation of the block of data of the specified size (or, if size is 0, strlen(data), and return buffer pointer past the last stored character (non ''-terminated).
const char * NcbiMessagePlusError (int *dynamic, const char *message, int error, const char *descr)
 Add current "error" (and maybe its description) to the message: <message>[ {error=[[<error>][,]][<descr>]}].
char * LOG_ComposeMessage (const SLOG_Handler *call_data, TLOG_FormatFlags format_flags)
 Compose message using the "call_data" info.
static void s_LOG_FileHandler (void *user_data, SLOG_Handler *call_data)
static void s_LOG_FileCleanup (void *user_data)
void LOG_ToFILE_Ex (LOG lg, FILE *fp, ELOG_Level cut_off, int auto_close)
 LOG_Reset specialized to log to a "FILE*" stream using LOG_ComposeMessage.
void LOG_ToFILE (LOG lg, FILE *fp, int auto_close)
 Same as LOG_ToFILEx with "cut_off" parameter passed as 0 (all messages pass).
void CORE_SetREG (REG rg)
 Set the registry (no registry if "rg" is passed zero) -- to be used by the core internals.
REG CORE_GetREG (void)
 Get the registry previously set by CORE_SetREG().
const char * CORE_GetPlatform (void)
const char * CORE_GetUsername (char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Obtain and store current user's name in the buffer provided.
size_t CORE_GetVMPageSize (void)
 Obtain virtual memory page size.
unsigned int CRC32_Update (unsigned int checksum, const void *ptr, size_t count)
 Calculate/Update CRC32.
int UTIL_MatchesMaskEx (const char *name, const char *mask, int ignore_case)
int UTIL_MatchesMask (const char *name, const char *mask)
 Same as UTIL_MatchesMaskEx(name, mask, 1).
char * UTIL_NcbiLocalHostName (char *hostname)
 Cut off well-known NCBI domain suffix out of the passed "hostname".


static TLOG_FormatFlags s_LogFormatFlags = fLOG_Default
static const unsigned int s_CRC32Table [256]

Define Documentation

#define CRC32_POLY   0x04C11DB7UL

Definition at line 760 of file ncbi_util.c.

#define NCBI_USE_ERRCODE_X   Connect_Util

Definition at line 61 of file ncbi_util.c.


Definition at line 63 of file ncbi_util.c.

Function Documentation

static int s_IsQuoted unsigned char  c  )  [static]

Definition at line 179 of file ncbi_util.c.

Referenced by s_WritePrintable(), UTIL_PrintableString(), and UTIL_PrintableStringSize().

static void s_LOG_FileCleanup void *  user_data  )  [static]

Definition at line 516 of file ncbi_util.c.

References SLogData::auto_close, and SLogData::fp.

Referenced by LOG_ToFILE_Ex().

static void s_LOG_FileHandler void *  user_data,
SLOG_Handler call_data

Definition at line 498 of file ncbi_util.c.

References SLogData::cut_off, eLOG_Fatal, SLogData::fp, SLOG_Handler::level, LOG_ComposeMessage(), and s_LogFormatFlags.

Referenced by LOG_ToFILE_Ex().

Variable Documentation

const unsigned int s_CRC32Table[256] [static]

Definition at line 765 of file ncbi_util.c.

TLOG_FormatFlags s_LogFormatFlags = fLOG_Default [static]

Definition at line 165 of file ncbi_util.c.

Referenced by s_LOG_FileHandler().

Generated on Mon Feb 9 05:18:59 2009 for NCBI C++ ToolKit by  doxygen 1.4.6
Modified on Mon Feb 09 14:47:44 2009 by rev. 117643