Welcome to E-Filing at STB

E-filings (electronic filings) can be made in lieu of certain paper filings. E-filing is a file attachment process. The document(s) you submit must include the name and address of the person responsible for the filing. E-filing may not be used to file:
  • initial filings in a proceeding;
  • filings requiring a fee (with the exception of recordations, which may be e-filed);or
  • large evidentiary filings (over 10MB).

E-filing is not mandatory. You may continue to submit paper filings by submitting an original and ten copies to:

Surface Transportation Board
395 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20423-0001

NOTE: For express company and private courier deliveries, use ZIP CODE 20024. Use of incorrect ZIP Code may result in additional express company delivery charges.

Some of our e-filing systems will require you to log in, others will not. If you are prompted for a user name and password, you must first request a login account. Your user name will be your e-mail address and you will choose your password during registration. Once we grant you an account, you can continue with your e-filing.

Please note that e-filed documents received after 5pm EST will be processed the next business day.

If you forgot your password,
please click here

Processes that require a Login Account: 

Processes that do not require a Login Account:
NOTE: When an individual chooses to submit a Formal Filing, a Recordation, an Environmental Comment, or some Other Submissions, his or her personal contact information is considered public information and is shared within and outside of STB without additional authorization.