% Purpose % opens an EPIC System file for reading. % % Synopsis % datafile = mexeps('openr',filename) % [dirname, datafile] = mexeps('openr',filename) % % Description % It opens an EPIC System file for reading and returns the name of % data file that is currently opened. % % The input argument, filename, is the EPIC System file name. The % EPIC System file can be a single netCDF data file, a single % Classis EPIC data file, or a pointer file contains a list of these % data files. The output argument, datafile, is the data file name % without directory path. When 2 output arguments are specified % both directory path name and data file name will be returned. % When input filename is a single netCDF data file or a single classic % EPIC file, the datafile returned is the input filename; when the % filename is a pointer file name, the datafile returned is the first % data file listed in the pointer file. If pointer file contains more % than one data files, you must use mexeps('setnextr') to open the % following data files. % % Examples % % infile = 'eps_to_plot.ptr'; % currentfile = mexeps('openr',infile); % % See Also % setnextr, epsclose, openw, opene %