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buoy2epic BUOY2EPIC: Takes list of buoy netcdf files, converts them into epic format. cdf2epic CDF2EPIC: list of netcdf ==> epic files get_epic_key_data get_valid_range_data7: sea level anomaly mat2prof Stuff everything we need into this. match_varname msql_prof MSQL_PROF: Query the msql database for profile data. prof_interp PROF_INTERP: Interpolates a variable along depth_vector from a pointer file. prof_xsect PROF_XSECT: computes cross section of profiles. single_cdf2epicSINGLE_CDF2EPIC: Takes a netcdf file that is in quasi-epic format ==> epic. test_epic write_epic WRITE_EPIC: writes epic file msql_ts MSQL_TS: Query the msql database for time series data. ts_interp TS_INTERP: Interpolates a variable along time_vector from a pointer file. read_ptr READ_PTR read each line of EPIC pointer file into a cell array write_ptr write_PTR write each line of EPIC pointer file from cell array a ecohab2epic Stuff everything we need into this. ts_meta TS_INTERP: Interpolates a variable along time_vector from a pointer file.