Relevant characteristics of the 1553 bipolar devices are summarized in the following table:

Part Number   Manufacturer       Date/Lot    Part    Comment
                                 Code        Type

63125         UTMC               9250/9315   15V    Hi-rel
63125         ILC-DDC            ???         15V
CT1487D       Marconi/CTI        9316        15V    Samples 
                                                    arrived late
3411          Aeroflex Labs      A6762S      15V
1500          National Hybrids   9328        15V
FC1553621     STC                            15V    Device Not
                                                    for Testing
CT2521        Marconi/CTI        9249        5V
63147         Microrel (UTMC)    ???         5V     Hi-rel
63147/63148   ILC-DDC            9301        5V     Device did
                                                    not work in
                                                    test setup
                                                    due to
ARX3453       Aeroflex Labs      ???         5V
1529          National Hybrids   9329        5V
FC1553921     STC                ???         5V

Relevant characteristics of the other devices under test (DUTs) are summarized in the following table:

Part Number   Manufacturer       Date/Lot    Part    Comment
                                 Code        Type

22V10         Atmel              ???         CMOS
IDA07318      HP                 ???         ECL     SEL only

The following table summarizes the ions used for testing.

ION  ATOMIC #  ENERGY, MeV    LET, MeV*cm2/mg at 0 deg.

F    19        142            3.35
Cl   35        208            11.5
Ni   58        270            26.5
I    197       321            59.7

1553 Transceiver Test Results

DEVICE        LETth (+ if     Max. Error   Comments
              threshold not   Cross 
              reached, cross  Section,  
              section at      cm2 (LET=80)
              lowest LET)     

Aeroflex      < 11.5 (2E-6)   3E-4         LETth and Sat. Cross Section 
AX3411                                     NOT reached during test

Aeroflex      < 11.5 (1E-6)   5E-5         LETth and Sat. Cross Section
AX3453                                     NOT reached during test

Marconi       11.5            5.5E-5

ILC DDC       14.0            3E-4

Nat Hybrids   < 11.5 (4E-6)   6E-6         Cross Sections are sketchy 
NH1500                                     due to beam being unable to 
                                           cover all dies in hybrid

Nat Hybrids   < 11.5 (2.5E-6) 1.5E-5

UTMC          < 11.5 (8E-6)   1.5E-4       Previous test (6/93) had shown 
UT63M125                                   destructive SEL. This is being 
                                           investigated further.

UTMC          < 11.5 (3E-6)   1E-4

Marconi       < 26.5 (2.5E-4) 4.5E-4       Both samples of DUT "failed"
CT2521                                     before Ion was changed to Cl.
                                           Failure is being investigated 

STC           < 26.5 (1E-5)   1E-5         Both samples of DUT "failed"
FC1553921                                  before Ion was changed to Cl.
                                           Failure is being investigated 