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001 package atlantis.event;
003 import;
004 import atlantis.parameters.APar;
005 import atlantis.parameters.AParameter;
006 import atlantis.utils.AHashMap;
007 import atlantis.utils.AMath;
010 /*
011  * The input array clusters is being used to contain two types of information
012  * for pixel clusters
013  *      clusters[i][0] = identifier
014  *      clusters[i][1] = -1
015  * for space points from 2 strip clusters it contains the identifiers of the
016  * individual strips
017  *      clusters[i][0] = identifier of first strip
018  *      clusters[i][1] = identifier of second strip
019  */
020 public class AS3DData extends A3DPointData
021 {
022     private int[][] clusters = null;
023     // read from the event file
024     protected int[] layer = null;
025     private int[] etaModule = null;
026     private int[] phiModule = null;
028     // for use by the filter loop, group[] is filled in by hit filter, other
029     // classes contain group functionality as well but currently (2006/08)
030     // hit filter takes into account only S3D (SiSpacePoint) data
031     protected int[] group = null;
032     private double[] eta = null;
034     private boolean[] pixel = null;
035     public static final int PIXEL = -1;
036     public static final int CUT_INDET_SCT_ALL = -1;
037     public static final int CUT_INDET_SCT_EC_NEG = 0;
038     public static final int CUT_INDET_SCT_BARREL = 1;
039     public static final int CUT_INDET_SCT_EC_POS = 2;
043     public String getParameterGroup()
044     {
045         return "S3D";
046     }
049     public String getName()
050     {
051         return "S3D";
052     }
055     public String getNameScreenName()
056     {
057         return "SpacePoint";
058     }
061     public String getHitInfo(int index)
062     {
063         String clId = clusters[index][0] + ", " + clusters[index][1];
064         String type = pixel[index]  ? " (Pixel hit)" : " (SCT hit)";
066         String temp = getNameScreenName() + " (id: " + id[index] + " index: " + index + ")" +
067                       type +
068                       "\n cluster identifiers: " + clId +
069                       "\n x = " + AMath.d2s(x[index], 3) + " cm" +
070                       "\n y = " + AMath.d2s(y[index], 3) + " cm" +
071                       "\n z = " + AMath.d2s(z[index], 3) + " cm" +
072                       "\n " + AMath.RHO + " = " + AMath.d2s(rho[index], 3) +
073                       " cm" +
074                       "\n " + AMath.PHI + " = " +
075                       AMath.d2s(phi[index] * AMath.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, 3) +
076                       AMath.DEGREES + "  (" + AMath.d2s(phi[index], 3) + " rad)" +
077                       "\n z = " + AMath.d2s(z[index], 3) + " cm" +
078                       "\n group = " + group[index];
079         temp += "\n " + AMath.ETA + " module = ";
080         temp += (etaModule != null) ? Integer.toString(etaModule[index]) : "n/a";
081         temp += "\n " + AMath.PHI + " module = ";
082         temp += (phiModule != null) ? Integer.toString(phiModule[index]) : "n/a";
083         temp += super.getHitInfo(index); // finds barcode information
085         return temp;
087     } // getHitInfo() ---------------------------------------------------------
091     public AS3DData(AHashMap p, AEvent e)
092     {
093         super(p,e);
095         etaModule = (p.get("etaModule") != null) ? p.getIntArray("etaModule") : null;
096         phiModule = (p.get("phiModule") != null) ? p.getIntArray("phiModule") : null;
098         // use this for now as pixel id have bug i.e. sometimes > 0
099         layer = p.getUnknownIntArray("layer");
100         if(p.get("layer") == null || p.get("sub") == null)
101         {
102             calculateLayerSubdetector();
103         }
104         group = new int[numData];
105         eta = new double[numData];
107         if(p.get("clusters") != null)
108         {
109             // can only distinguish between SCT and Pixel hits if clusters
110             // subtag is available
111             pixel = new boolean[numData];
112             // save IDs from event file to be availeble with pick info
113             clusters = new int[numData][];
114             int[][] assocClusters = new int[numData][];
115             int[] temp = p.getIntArray("clusters");
116             for(int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
117             {
118                 // save all clusters IDs
119                 clusters[i] = new int[] { temp[2 * i], temp[2 * i + 1] };
121                 // check if the second number, PIXEL (-1) designates pixel hit
122                 if(temp[2 * i + 1] != PIXEL)
123                 {
124                     // this is SCT spacepoint - has got two clusters
125                     assocClusters[i] = new int[] { temp[2 * i], temp[2 * i + 1] };
126                 }
127                 else
128                 {
129                     // this is a pixel spacepoint (second cluster number is -1)
130                     pixel[i] = true;
132                     // to ignore associtiation between pixel clusters and spacepoints:
133                     // assocClusters[i] = null;
135                     // taking pixel cluster into account (pixel spacepoint has got
136                     // only one cluster) (where as SCT spacepoint has got two clusters)
137                     assocClusters[i] = new int[] { temp[2 * i] };
138                 }
139             }
140             AAssociationManager.add(new AAssociation(getName(), "SiCluster",
141                 assocClusters,event));
142         }
143     }
147    protected void finalizeConstruction()
148    {
149        super.finalizeConstruction();
150        super.calculateAssociationViaClusters();
152    } // finalizeConstruction() ----------------------------------------------
156     protected int internalColor()
157     {
158         int numColorTypes = super.internalColor();
159         int colorFunction = APar.get(PARAMETER_GROUP, "ColorFunction").getI();
160         if(colorFunction == numColorTypes + 1)
161         {
162             colorByGroup();
163         }
164         else if(colorFunction == numColorTypes + 2)
165         {
166             colorBy(layer);
167         }
168         return numColorTypes + 2;
170     } // internalColor() ----------------------------------------------------
173     protected void colorByGroup()
174     {
175         byte ungroupedColor;
176         if(APar.get(PARAMETER_GROUP, "Ungrouped").getStatus())
177             ungroupedColor = (byte) APar.get(PARAMETER_GROUP, "Ungrouped").getI();
178         else
179             ungroupedColor = (byte) APar.get(PARAMETER_GROUP, "Unconnected").
180                              getI();
181         int numColors = (byte) APar.get("HitColors", "Number").getI();
182         numColors = Math.min(7, numColors);
183         int[] col = APar.getArray("HitColors", "C1", numColors);
184         for(int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
185         {
186             if(group[i] == 0)
187                 color[i] = ungroupedColor;
188             else
189                 color[i] = (byte) col[(group[i] - 1) % numColors];
190         }
191     }
195     /**
196      * define noise and good hits type = 0 means noise
197      * noise hits - hits associated neither with Track not STr
198      * good hits - hits associated either with Track or with STr plus
199      *   group information - set by the AFilter (hit filter)
200      */
201     protected void setType()
202     {
203         int[][] assocSTr = AAssociationManager.get(getName(), "STr");
204         int[][] assocRTr = AAssociationManager.get(getName(), getReconstructedTracks());
205         for(int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
206         {
207             if((assocSTr != null && assocSTr[i] != null) ||
208                (assocRTr != null && assocRTr[i] != null) || group[i] > 0)
209             {
210                 type[i] = 1;
211             }
212             else
213             {
214                 type[i] = 0;
215             }
216         }
218     } // setType() ----------------------------------------------------------
222     protected void applyCuts()
223     {
224         AData.printCut("S3D", numDraw);
225         cutIndex();
226         cutSubdetector();
227         cut("CutsInDet", "Layer", " Layer", layer);
228         cutPhi(phi);
229         cutEta(rho, z);
230         cutSimulatedTracks();
231         cutReconstructedTracks();
232         cut("CutsInDet", "Group", " Group", group);
233         if(etaModule != null)
234         {
235             cut("CutsInDet", "EtaModule", " EtaModule", etaModule);
236         }
237         if(phiModule != null)
238         {
239             cut("CutsInDet", "PhiModule", " PhiModule", phiModule);
240         }
241     }
244     private void cutSubdetector()
245     {
246         AParameter subPar = APar.get("CutsInDet", "SCT");
247         if(subPar.getI() != -1)
248             cutArray(sub, subPar.getI(), "Barrel/Endcap");
249     }
252     public int getLayer(int id)
253     {
254         int layer;
255         if(id > -1)
256             layer = (id >> 21) & 0xF;
257         else
258             layer = (id >> 27) & 0x3;
259         int sub = getSub(id);
260         if(id > -1)
261         {
262             // strips
263             if(sub == ASiClusterData.BARREL)
264                 layer += 3;
265             else
266                 layer += 11;
267         }
268         else
269         {
270             // pixels
271             if(sub != ASiClusterData.BARREL)
272                 layer += 7;
273         }
274         return layer;
275     }
278     public int getSub(int id)
279     {
280         if(id > -1)
281             return(id >> 25) & 0x3;
282         else
283             return(id >> 29) & 0x3;
284     }
287     private void calculateLayerSubdetector()
288     {
289         final double rhoPixelMax = 24.;
290         final double zBarrelPixelMax = 41.;
291         final double zBarrelStripsMax = 78.;
292         final double[] zEndcapPixel =
293                                       {51., 64., 90.};
294         final double[] zEndcapStrips =
295                                        {88., 98., 116., 134., 156., 190., 233.,
296                                        263.};
297         final double[] rhoBarrel =
298                                    {6.74, 11.5, 23., 34., 40., 48.};
299         for(int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
300         {
301             double z = Math.abs(this.z[i]);
302             double r = rho[i];
303             if(r < rhoPixelMax)
304             {
305                 // .............................................. pixels
306                 if(z < zBarrelPixelMax)
307                 {
308                     // ............................................ barrel
309                     sub[i] = 1;
310                     for(int l = 0; l < rhoBarrel.length; l++)
311                         if(r < rhoBarrel[l])
312                         {
313                             layer[i] = l;
314                             break;
315                         }
316                 }
317                 else
318                 {
319                     // ............................................ end cap
320                     layer[i] = 10;
321                     for(int l = 0; l < zEndcapPixel.length; l++)
322                     {
323                         if(z < zEndcapPixel[l])
324                         {
325                             layer[i] = 7 + l;
326                             break;
327                         }
328                     }
329                     if(this.z[i] < 0)
330                         sub[i] = 0;
331                     else
332                         sub[i] = 2;
333                 }
334             }
335             else
336             {
337                 // .............................................. strips
339                 if(z < zBarrelStripsMax)
340                 {
341                     // ............................................ BARREL
342                     sub[i] = 1;
343                     layer[i] = 6;
344                     for(int l = 0; l < rhoBarrel.length; l++)
345                         if(r < rhoBarrel[l])
346                         {
347                             layer[i] = l;
348                             break;
349                         }
350                 }
351                 else
352                 {
353                     // ............................................ end cap
354                     layer[i] = 19;
355                     for(int l = 0; l < zEndcapStrips.length; l++)
356                     {
357                         if(z < zEndcapStrips[l])
358                         {
359                             layer[i] = 11 + l;
360                             break;
361                         }
362                     }
363                     if(this.z[i] < 0)
364                         sub[i] = 0;
365                     else
366                         sub[i] = 2;
367                 }
368             }
369         }
370     }
373     // drawlist to be used as input to the filter
374     public int makeFilterDrawList(double etaRange)
375     {
376         calculateRhoPhi();
378         // overwrite the input array to improve speed
379         numDraw = 0;
380         for(int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
381         {
382             double eta = AMath.eta(z[i], rho[i]);
383             this.eta[i] = eta;
384             if(eta > -etaRange && eta < etaRange)
385             {
386                 listdl[numDraw++] = i;
387             }
388         }
390         return numDraw;
391     }
394     public int[] getIntegerEta(int numBins, double etaRange, int[] integerEta)
395     {
396         // overwrite the input array to improve speed
397         double binWidth = 2 * etaRange / numBins;
398         double etaRangeOptimised = etaRange + binWidth;
399         for(int i = 0; i < numDraw; i++)
400             // implicit (int) conversion only does correct thing if positive
401             integerEta[i] = (int) ((eta[listdl[i]] + etaRangeOptimised) /
402                                    binWidth);
403         return integerEta;
404     }
407     public int[] getIntegerPhi(int numBins, double skew, int[] integerPhi)
408     {
409         calculateRhoPhi();
410         // overwrite the input array to improve speed
411         double binWidth = 2 * Math.PI / numBins;
412         for(int i = 0; i < numDraw; i++)
413         {
414             // can only be positive
415             // add one to treat wraparound efficiently
416             double p = phi[listdl[i]] - skew * rho[listdl[i]];
417             if(p < 0.)
418                 p += 2 * Math.PI;
419             else if(p > 2 * Math.PI)
420                 p -= 2 * Math.PI;
421             integerPhi[i] = (int) (p / binWidth) + 1;
422         }
423         return integerPhi;
424     }
427     public int[] getLayer(int[] layer)
428     {
429         for(int i = 0; i < numDraw; i++)
430             layer[i] = this.layer[listdl[i]];
431         return layer;
432     }
435     public void setGroup(int[] group)
436     {
437         for(int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
438   [i] = 0;
439         for(int i = 0; i < numDraw; i++)
440   [listdl[i]] = group[i];
441     }
444     protected ACoord getFRUser()
445     {
446         if(!APar.get("SiCluster", "Stereo").getStatus())return super.getFRUser();
447         makeDrawList();
448         double[] h = new double[numDraw];
449         double[] v = new double[numDraw];
450         int[] index = new int[numDraw];
451         for(int i = 0; i < numDraw; i++)
452         {
453             int list = listdl[i];
454             h[i] = rho[list];
455             v[i] = AMath.getPhiStereo(rho[list], phi[list], z[list]) *
456                    AMath.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
457             index[i] = list;
458         }
459         return new ACoord(h, v, index, this).includePhiWrapAround("FR");
460     }
463     protected ACoord getFZUser()
464     {
465         if(!APar.get("SiCluster", "Stereo").getStatus())return super.getFZUser();
466         makeDrawList();
467         double[] h = new double[numDraw];
468         double[] v = new double[numDraw];
469         int[] index = new int[numDraw];
470         for(int i = 0; i < numDraw; i++)
471         {
472             int list = listdl[i];
473             h[i] = z[list];
474             v[i] = AMath.getPhiStereo(rho[list], phi[list], z[list]) *
475                    AMath.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
476             index[i] = list;
477         }
478         return new ACoord(h, v, index, this).includePhiWrapAround("FZ");
479     }
481 } // class AS3DData =========================================================

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