2008-11-10 01:37 George Irwin * setup/packages-R1.31: First commit 2008-11-10 01:20 George Irwin * setup/msrt: Add "branchtag" option, similar to "snapshot" but for frozen release branch 2008-11-09 21:47 tinti * Calibrator/CalDrift.h: Fix frontMedian and frontMedianErr Getters that were avoiding frontmedian quantities to be correctly inserted into the database 2008-11-09 21:39 tinti * Contrib/tinti/AutomaticCalib/ScintCal/: InfoChain.cxx, ScintCalDatabase.cxx, ScintCalEvent.cxx, ScintCalInfo.cxx, ScintCalModule.cxx, ScintCalPlane.cxx, ScintCalTimePeriod.cxx, ScintCalTrack.cxx, InfoChain.h, ScintCalDatabase.h, ScintCalTimePeriod.h: Automatic drift calibration code 2008-11-09 04:11 Robert Hatcher * NuMuBar/NuAnalysis.cxx, Plex/PlexSEIdAltL.cxx: Only way to make calls to TMath::Sort() compatible across versions v5.21/05, v5.20/00 _and_ v5.18/00c is to use #ifdef on ROOT_VERSION_CODE. Consecutive pairs can be compatible, but not all three. 2008-11-09 00:25 loiacono * PhysicsFit/FitModule.cxx: make change to be able to set DefErr to 0 2008-11-07 23:08 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/index.html, doc/proxy.html, scripts/proxyconfig: documentation updates 2008-11-07 22:06 jyuko * Contrib/rustem/ShortMuStudy/macros/study_short.C: [no log message] 2008-11-07 21:34 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/doc/INSTALL: update setup script paths in install instruction 2008-11-07 21:33 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/doc/index.html: updated serup script paths 2008-11-07 21:24 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/doc/INSTALL: installation instructions 2008-11-07 21:11 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: setup_minos_condor.csh, setup_minos_condor.csh_raw, setup_minos_condor.sh, setup_minos_condor.sh_raw: removed install-specific setup files 2008-11-07 20:58 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: Fit/ParticleRatios.cxx, Fit/ParticleRatios.h, Fit/PlotFit.cxx, Fit/PlotFit.h, macros/make_plot_fit.C: [no log message] 2008-11-07 20:51 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/minos_jobsub: patch to shadow exceptions problem; waiting for condor upgrade to fix it properly 2008-11-07 20:14 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/: AshRelease.html, BirchRelease.html, Calibration.html, CalibrationBirch.html, CalibrationCedar.html, CandChop.html, CandEventSS.html, CandFitTrackCam.html, CandTrackCam.html, CedarPhyBhcurvRelease.html, CedarPhyRelease.html, DataQuality.html, DogwoodRelease.html, FilterDigitList.html, Input.html, Output.html, PreCedarTest.html, Problems.html, Release1-18-4.html, Release1-18.html, Releases.html, ScriptDesign.html, ScriptTypes.html, Scripts.html, index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-07 19:13 boehm * NueAna/ANtpTruthInfoBeamAna.cxx: Changing the Truth branch to use the newer osc calc object 2008-11-07 18:56 boehm * NueAna/: NueStandard.cxx, NueStandard.h, NueAnaTools/OscCalc.cxx: Modifications to OscCalc and adding functions into the NueStandard to make oscillations uniform 2008-11-07 16:46 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/BDProfMon.cxx: Bug fix by Mary to remove too agressive beam quality checks. 2008-11-07 15:37 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/: reco_far_cosmic_daikon03_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_far_cosmic_data_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_far_spill_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest4.C, reco_far_spill_data_base_dogwoodtest4.C, reco_near_cosmic_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_near_cosmic_data_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_near_spill_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest3.C, reco_near_spill_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest4.C, reco_near_spill_data_base_dogwoodtest3.C, headers/aclic.h: Sanity check of input filename needs basename applied to it, else it doesn't work properly. 2008-11-07 15:35 asousa * WebDocs/BatchDocs/: AshRelease.html, BirchRelease.html, Calibration.html, CandChop.html, CandEventSS.html, CandFitTrackCam.html, CandTrackCam.html, CedarRelease.html, DataQuality.html, FilterDigitList.html, Input.html, Output.html, Problems.html, Releases.html, ScriptDesign.html, ScriptTypes.html, Scripts.html, index.html, styles.css, images/BatchLogo1.png: Taking the opportunity to improve the Batch info pages style before Masaki adds further changes. Adding new logo, changing title and making the text width auto-resize and line wrap when browser window is resized. Many thanks to Phil and Chris for advice. 2008-11-07 15:11 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/: reco_far_spill_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest4.C, reco_far_spill_data_base_dogwoodtest4.C: Promote the "cedar_phy" FD spill data and MC scripts to dogwoodtest4 (untested). Thus completing the set of reco scripts for dogwood. 2008-11-07 14:52 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/fnal_ups/genie/development.version: test commit 2008-11-07 14:08 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/headers/: far_mc/far_mc_configure.h, reroot/reroot_configure.h: Fix timing calibration to actually have a chance of working. 2008-11-07 12:02 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/headers/: atmo/atmo_configure_mc.h, atmo/atmo_set_calibrator.h, far/far_set_calibrator.h, far_mc/far_mc_configure.h, far_mc/far_mc_set_calibrator.h: Update timing calibration settings to match Andy's recent changes. 2008-11-06 23:39 rustem * Contrib/rustem/ShortMuStudy/: Config/PlotShortVar.xml, macros/study_short.C: Update histograms and macro. 2008-11-06 22:19 rustem * Contrib/rustem/ShortMuStudy/: FillShortVar.cxx, GNUmakefile, macros/study_short.C: [no log message] 2008-11-06 21:56 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-06 21:39 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/: CedarRelease.html, Releases.html, index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-06 21:01 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Fit/: ParticleRatios.cxx, ParticleRatios.h, PlotFit.cxx, PlotFit.h: [no log message] 2008-11-06 20:40 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: Fit/ParticleRatios.cxx, Fit/ParticleRatios.h, Fit/PlotFit.cxx, Fit/PlotFit.h, macros/make_plot_fit.C: [no log message] 2008-11-06 17:52 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCOscProb.h, Extrapolation/NCBeam.h, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h: Add a (currently nonfunctional) argument to extrapolations: beamsToUse - a list of beam indices to use when returning extrapolated spectra. Add a function GetIndex to NCBeam. Add IsSystematic functions to NCCoordinateConverter, and increase range of alpha variable. Make ExtrapolationPID respect fUseNC and fUseCC variables. 2008-11-06 17:00 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/setup_subbundle.sh: Fix SRT_SUBDIR setting and add PATH setting before calling srt 2008-11-06 16:48 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: run_putg.sh, setup_putg_bundle.sh: Purdue TeraGRID site setup and run script 2008-11-06 16:46 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/run_all.sh: Fix annoyance of ulimit setting. Not avaliable at all sites. Remove minossoft setup since it is done in setup_subbundle.(c)sh. Fix variable set for moving files. 2008-11-06 16:20 dap56 * Monitoring/: DigitAnalysis.cxx, DigitAnalysis.h, Producer_dispatcher.cc, SinglAnalysis.cxx, SinglAnalysis.h: Added warning messages to several FD singles rates and pre-trigger VARC/VMM canvases. These messages will appear only during runs in which the LI Gain Curve is active. Their purpose is warn the shifter that these plots will be distorted by the gain curve flashing sequence. 2008-11-06 16:15 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/fnal_ups/genie/development.version: testing purposes 2008-11-06 14:35 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Fit/: ParticleRatios.cxx, ParticleRatios.h: classes for computing particle ratios 2008-11-06 14:19 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/testsyntax.sh: In syntax-testing script - also test that the function name matches the file name, this is a common mistake when changing the version numbers. 2008-11-06 14:01 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/reco_near_spill_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest4.C: Copy forwards dogwoodtest3 near spill MC script to dogwoodtest4. There are still changes required due to the features new in R1.31 before these scripts will be ready for use in the upcoming tests. 2008-11-06 12:16 rearmstr * BeamMegaFit/: ZbeamWeight.cxx, ZbeamWeight.h: Had to move a function definition in ZbeamWeight from the header file to the source file because it involved a member variable that had not been defined. I don't know how I missed this before. 2008-11-05 23:01 pawloski * DataUtil/MasterGeVPerMip.cxx: Edit Dogwood ND GeVPerMip number for fix in linearity decalibration 2008-11-05 21:27 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, minos_q, remote_wrappers/generic_wrapper: added -ax to ssh for remote usage 2008-11-05 20:04 med * DataQualityMonitoring/: DataQualityModule.cxx, DirectCompareModule.cxx, EfficiencyPurityModule.cxx, RecoMonitoringCR.cxx, RecoMonitoringNC.cxx: Remove use of objects that no longer exist in NCUtils. 2008-11-05 17:45 rodriges * TruthHelperNtuple/: NtpTHEvent.cxx, NtpTHEvent.h, NtpTHShower.cxx, NtpTHShower.h, Module/NtpTHModule.cxx: Add NtpTHEvent and NtpTHShower members for completeness defined with no pe cut, and fill them in the module. completeall and completeslc now store the completeness defined *with* the pe cut. (As implemented in DataUtil/TruthHelper) 2008-11-05 17:42 rodriges * DataUtil/: TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h: With a pe cut, there are now two different ways to define event/shower completeness. In general, the completeness is defined as: (PE in reco shower strips) / (PE in true shower strips) The denominator can be formed from all true strips, or just true strips with PE above the PE cut. These two options are returned by TruthHelper::ShowerCompletenessAllStrips and TruthHelper::ShowerCompleteness, respectively. The same applies to events. With the additional option that the completeness may be defined over the whole snarl or just the current slice, there are now four possible completenesses: So move the actual implementation out into a private function to reduce code duplication. 2008-11-05 17:33 rodriges * RecoBase/: CandShower.cxx, CandShower.h, CandShowerHandle.cxx, CandShowerHandle.h: Add the position of the strip pe cut to CandShower (and accessors to CandShowerHandle). This is needed to allow the TruthHelper to calculate the completeness with the pe cut. TruthHelper uses CandShowers via CandShowerHandles, so to access the strip pe cut value, it has to be stored in the CandShower, not the CandShowerSR. But we *set* the strip cut via a CandShowerSRHandle, so also make that a friend class of CandShower. 2008-11-05 17:26 rodriges * CandEventSR/: AlgEventSRList.cxx, AlgEventSRList.h, AlgEventSSList.cxx, AlgEventSSList.h, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_FarBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_FarCosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearCosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_default.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_FarBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_NearBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_default.C: Implement a pe cut in the unassociated-strip finding in the event finding algorithm, configured via the MinUnassocStripPE algorithm parameter. Default is to cut at 2pe. 2008-11-05 17:24 rodriges * CandSubShowerSR/: AlgSubShowerSRList.cxx, AlgSubShowerSRList.h, CandSubShowerSR.cxx, CandSubShowerSR.h, CandSubShowerSRHandle.cxx, CandSubShowerSRHandle.h, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_Beam.C, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_Cosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_default.C: Implement a pe cut in the subshower finder, configurable via the MinStripPE algorithm parameter. The default is to cut at 2pe. 2008-11-05 17:23 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Giving Phil write permissions for one more package. 2008-11-05 16:53 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: Fit/MuFunc.cxx, Fit/MuFunc.h, Fit/PlotFit.cxx, Fit/PlotFit.h, Util/DrawHists.cxx, macros/make_plot_fit.C: [no log message] 2008-11-05 16:47 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx: Gridsearch theta14 for Delta43=0 model 2008-11-05 15:14 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/LinearityFit/FdNonLinFitter.cxx: Fix the link to 'index' 2008-11-05 14:34 loiacono * MuonPhysics/macros/make_plot_fit.C: [no log message] 2008-11-05 12:20 Nick West * GridTools/docs/ChangeLog: DCM updates for CASTOR. 2008-11-05 12:20 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/sei_init.pm: Add support for lcg-utils: get, put, list_dir and remove. 2008-11-05 12:20 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/replace_catalogue.pm: Make checks on suspiciously small catalogues much looser. The current massacre of RAL files keeps tripping the limit and aborting the catalogue replacement. 2008-11-05 12:20 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/: get_cmd_options.pm, docs/help_summary.txt: Add option --no_interim_report to disk_to_castor and dcache_to_castor commands. 2008-11-05 12:20 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/config/minos.site_oxford_t2_ui.se_access: Connect Oxford to RAL T1 CASTOR SE via the lcg-util service. 2008-11-05 12:20 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/config/minos.se_servers: Add an lcg-util service to our RAL T1 CASTOR SE. 2008-11-05 12:19 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_disk_to_castor.pm: Add option --no_interim_report and only print out interim reports if not specified. Make temporary file process specific to prevent collisions with other jobs. Skip soft links. Fail files that don"t have read access. Print the log file if the CASTOR copy fails. Put file names in quotes in case file name has spaces (yes, it has happened!) Print the approximate transfer rate after each successful copy. List failing files at the end of the job. 2008-11-05 12:19 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_dcache_to_castor.pm: Add option --no_interim_report and only print out interim reports if not specified. Make temporary file process specific to prevent collisions with other jobs. List failing files at the end of the job. 2008-11-05 12:09 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Giving Phil R. write permissions to several packages so that he can add the code implementing the 2 PE strip cut in shower reconstruction. 2008-11-05 09:29 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/DataUtil/: TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h: Provide *CompletenessAllStrips functions for Shower and Event, which give the completeness as defined in before, ie with the denominator taken over all strips. Also refactor the actual logic into a private implementation function to avoid duplicating code too much 2008-11-05 07:02 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, minos_q, remote_wrappers/generic_wrapper: more run-anywhere mods 2008-11-05 02:46 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, minos_q, setup_minos_condor.csh, remote_wrappers/build_links, remote_wrappers/generic_wrapper: remote Condor access via ssh implemented 2008-11-04 23:37 rustem * PhysicsFit/: Config/PlotSens.xml, Oscl/PlotMock.cxx, Oscl/PlotMock.h, Plot/HistArray.cxx, Plot/PlotArray.cxx, macros/draw_feynman.C, macros/fit_sens.C, macros/plot_cont.C, macros/plot_cont_sens.C, macros/plot_pretty_beams.C, macros/plot_pretty_fdprl.C, macros/plot_pretty_ndprl.C, macros/plot_pretty_senst.C, macros/plot_sens.C, macros/plot_surv_prob.C: Add new macros, update plotting code. 2008-11-04 23:34 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/Config/HistCCPRL.xml: Add histogram with PRL-style binning. 2008-11-04 23:33 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/Plot/PlotEvent.cxx: Change defaults for "special" energy histogram in PlotEvent. 2008-11-04 21:48 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: Util/DrawHists.h, Util/FillHists.h, Util/HistKey.cxx, macros/fit_flux.C, macros/make_plot_fit.C: [no log message] 2008-11-04 21:12 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, Fit/Key.cxx, Fit/MuData.cxx, Fit/MuonModule.cxx, Fit/PlotFit.cxx, Fit/PlotFit.h, macros/fit_flux.C: update MuonPhysics 2008-11-04 21:11 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Util/: DrawHists.cxx, DrawHists.h, FillHists.cxx, FillHists.h, HistKey.cxx, HistKey.h, MiscUtilities.cxx, MiscUtilities.h, MultiGraph.cxx, MultiGraph.h: commit Util classes 2008-11-04 21:10 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Data/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, NtpGNUMI.cxx, NtpGNUMI.h, NtpHornScan.cxx, NtpHornScan.h: commit Data/ 2008-11-04 21:08 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: NtpHornScan.cxx, NtpHornScan.h: [no log message] 2008-11-04 20:19 loiacono * MuonPhysics/: AlgScan.h, ComputeVar.cxx, ComputeVar.h, GNUmakefile, HadmmData.cxx, HadmmData.h, LinkDef.h, MonData.cxx, MonData.h, NtpHornScan.cxx, NtpHornScan.h, PlotScan.cxx, PlotScan.h, RunScan.cxx, RunScan.h, ScanPoint.cxx, ScanPoint.h, hadmmtuple_t.cxx, hadmmtuple_t.h: commit MuonPhysics 2008-11-04 20:16 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Fit/: GNUmakefile, Key.cxx, Key.h, LinkDef.h, MCEffError.cxx, MCEffError.h, MuData.cxx, MuData.h, MuFunc.cxx, MuFunc.h, MuonModule.cxx, MuonModule.h, PlotFit.cxx, PlotFit.h: commit Fit/ 2008-11-04 20:14 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Fit/Beam/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, MuonTune.cxx, MuonTune.h, ScaleKaons.cxx, ScaleKaons.h, ZBeamTune.cxx, ZBeamTune.h, ZFluxForm.cxx, ZFluxForm.h: commit Fit/Beam/ 2008-11-04 20:11 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Config/: NuFlux.xml, PlotScan.xml: commit Config 2008-11-04 20:10 loiacono * MuonPhysics/macros/: fit_flux.C, make_plot_fit.C, study_scan.C: commit macros 2008-11-04 20:10 loiacono * MuonPhysics/Util/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, Util.cxx, Util.h: commit Util directory 2008-11-04 19:50 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, minos_q: minor changes 2008-11-04 18:24 loiacono * PhysicsFit/Beam/: ZRatTune.cxx, ZRatTune.h: Classes to access Lfluk in MCReweight, which fix K/pi and pi+/pi- ratios. 2008-11-04 18:20 loiacono * MCReweight/LinkDef.h: [no log message] 2008-11-04 18:20 loiacono * MCReweight/: Lfluk.cxx, Lfluk.h: Added classes to fix K/pi and pi+/pi- ratios for muon fitting. 2008-11-04 17:57 asousa * CVSROOT/framework.list: Adding Masaki W. to the privileged few that receive minossoft CVS spam, per his request. 2008-11-04 17:03 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/Display/: ChainView.cxx, HoughView.cxx, Page.cxx, ViewParticle3D.cxx: fix newlines 2008-11-04 13:23 nwest * GridTools/Scripts/jobs/run_test_job.perl: Update 2008-11-04 12:30 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Disband the package-less Near_Detector group. 2008-11-04 11:45 dja25 * LISummary/LIRawNt.h: added outFile 2008-11-04 11:45 dja25 * LISummary/LIRawNt.cxx: To make it posible to output many files to one folder without having to recompile each time 2008-11-03 23:39 rustem * PhysicsFit/: AlgMini.h, FitModule.h, GridModule.cxx, GridModule.h, LinkDef.h, MockData.cxx, MockData.h, Oscl/PlotMock.cxx, Oscl/PlotMock.h, Plot/HistArray.cxx, Plot/PlotArray.cxx, macros/fit_oscl.C, macros/plot_pretty_msign.C: When making 2d C.L. contours, also compute the area of the contour using two methods. Add these areas to MockData for every call to GridModule::MakeContour. Some minor updates to the plotting algorithms. 2008-11-03 23:36 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/Plot/PlotEvent.cxx: Change histogram name. 2008-11-03 23:30 rustem * Contrib/rustem/ShortMuStudy/: Config/PlotShortVar.xml, macros/make_short.C, macros/study_short.C: Add histogram definitions and additonal macros. 2008-11-03 23:29 rustem * Contrib/rustem/ShortMuStudy/: FillShortVar.cxx, FillShortVar.h, FillShortkNN.cxx, FillShortkNN.h, GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h: Add some example/template code for study of short tracks. 2008-11-03 23:22 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/RunModule.cxx: Add an option for a separate Registry coonfiguration in RunModule. 2008-11-03 16:29 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-03 16:13 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-03 16:04 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/: index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-03 16:01 masaki * WebDocs/BatchDocs/index.html: [no log message] 2008-11-03 13:30 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/macros/README: README file for timing calibration macros 2008-11-03 13:19 nwest * GridTools/RemoteSoftwareDeployment/libs_and_builds/build_config_table.dat: Add S08-10-31-R1-30 2008-11-03 13:07 nwest * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: Add S08-10-31-R1-30 2008-11-02 20:58 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/: Track.cxx, Plot/PlotEvent.cxx, Plot/PlotEvent.h, macros/study.C: Add new energy histogram to PlotEvent. 2008-11-01 12:47 Robert Hatcher * NuMuBar/NuAnalysis.cxx: Adapt to a change in TMath::Sort() templating such that 1st and 3rd argument must exactly match type (previously was only that 1st must be transformable to Long64_t). Just changed 3rd to be an array of unsigned int's rather than simple int's. This should be backward compatible w/ older ROOT versions. 2008-11-01 12:39 Robert Hatcher * Plex/PlexSEIdAltL.cxx: Change in TMath::Sort() templating such that 1st and 3rd argument must exactly match type (was 1st must be transformable to Long64_t). 2008-10-31 23:26 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/minos_jobsub: changed working of cd warning 2008-10-31 21:26 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Giving Masaki W. write permissions to Production and WebDocs. 2008-10-31 19:00 Robert Hatcher * setup/packages-S08-10-31-R1-30: First commit 2008-10-31 18:34 Robert Hatcher * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/PackageMaintenanceSupport.py: Use $SRT_DIST/setup/packages-baserelease instead of $PMS_HOME/config/packages_base_release in determining which packages are support category level "3". This new file is also the definitive one used in creating new snapshot releases with msrt. 2008-10-31 18:30 Robert Hatcher * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/packages_base_release: $SRT_DIST/setup/packages-baserelease now plays the role of this file. The current only differs only in also removing CalDetPIDSR. 2008-10-31 18:28 Robert Hatcher * setup/msrt: Use packages-baserelease (rather than packages-development) for list of packages when creating a snapshot release. 2008-10-31 18:25 Robert Hatcher * setup/packages-baserelease: This is the template list of packages that are included into newly tagged snaphot and frozen releases. It differs from packages-development in that it only contains "supported" packages, while packages-development includes some packages that we build to ensure that they still build even if not actively maintained. New packages added to this file should also be added to packages-development (but not necessarily the reverse). 2008-10-31 17:45 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-10-31 16:09 Nick West * GridTools/docs/data_lfc_lcg.html: Clearly delineate the sections that assume LFC and advise people that we don"t use them and only to read them if wanting to know more. 2008-10-31 16:08 Nick West * GridTools/docs/: data_fts_rtf.html, data_gfal.html, data_gridftp.html, data_srm.html, data_tutorial.html: Replace link "The MINOS Strategy" -> "The MINOS UK Data Model" 2008-10-31 15:33 blake * AtNuOutput/: reco_MC.C, reco_data.C, reco_data_spill.C: updating reconstruction scripts with new calibrator and MC settings 2008-10-31 14:36 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/PulserTimeCalScheme.cxx: New patch by Andy Blake: Switch to using 'MuonTask' as the task number for time jumps, in place of having the 'JumpTask' number as a separate option. This because any set of the calibration constants is relevant only with the set of time jumps used to create them - in the offline database, they are always given matching task numbers. The task number must now be greater than zero for the time jump calibration to be applied (so that an early set of obsolete time jumps aren't loaded with Brian's calibration constants). The latest timing calibration is now incorporated as a muon task called 'Dogwood'. The list of possible settings is: 'Brians' : task number = 0 'Andys' : task number = 1 'Dogwood' : task number = 2 (up to date, now default) 'JumpTask' remains in the configuration, but is now obsolete. 2008-10-31 07:12 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Remove Masaki Ishitsuka 2008-10-31 06:35 Nick West * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/run_ral_lcg_do_mc.sh: Fix benign bug (broken initialisation of OUTPUT_FILE_LIST variable). 2008-10-31 06:31 Nick West * GridTools/docs/sites.html: Add another RAL T1 disk stats link 2008-10-30 18:33 mstrait * Mad/macros/EvDisplay.C: Ensure that user .rootstyle.C does not interfere with display 2008-10-30 18:11 Robert Hatcher * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_root.mk: Additional "rule" for compiling *Cint.cc files that _removes_ the -pedantic-errors flag from CXXFLAGS. This should eliminate the numerous "ISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object" messages that result from compiling root dictionaries w/ gcc 4.x. 2008-10-30 15:52 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/packages_base_release: Add CandMorgue back into base release list 2008-10-30 00:45 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperiment.cxx, NuFCExperiment.h: Fixed a const in NuFCExperiment. This class should be okay for now, now! 2008-10-30 00:32 nickd * NtupleUtils/NuFCExperiment.cxx: Temporarily disabled unneeded code in NuFCExperiment causing segfaults 2008-10-29 20:02 mstrait * Mad/MadEvDisplay.cxx: Fix seg fault caused by accessing paru/parv arrays when viewing MC 2008-10-29 19:04 arms * CVSROOT/check_access: Add Matt Strait to Mad package 2008-10-29 17:43 Nick West * GridTools/docs/data_castor.html: Bring up to date. Add section: Capacity 2008-10-29 17:42 Nick West * GridTools/docs/data_tutorial.html: Warn that we don't use the LFC 2008-10-29 14:45 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperiment.cxx, NuFCExperiment.h: Added a contructor to NuFCExperiment that lets you build one from existing histograms 2008-10-29 06:32 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update last_confirmation for Jim, Jon and Costas 2008-10-28 22:59 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCEvent.cxx, NuFCEvent.h, NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMRunNuBar.cxx, NuMMRunNuBar.h, doc/NuFCExperimentFactory.html: Updated a lot of documentation. Now every public method (and many of the private ones) have doxygen comments included. I've also replaced some const char *'s with TStrings. 2008-10-28 20:43 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h: Removed some vestigial code. Removed the first parameter from the constrctor, a UInt_t that didn't do anything. 2008-10-28 17:17 nwest * GridTools/docs/data_tutorial.html: Now that CASTOR has an SRM interface add subsection to CASTOR tutorial: Remote Access 2008-10-28 15:20 Nick West * GridTools/docs/data_tutorial.html: Add section: The MINOS UK Data Model 2008-10-28 14:36 mstrait * Contrib/strait/: analyze.mattgrid, matt_howie_condor_q: deletes tmp1 file as needed 2008-10-28 13:10 Robert Hatcher * Production/asciidb/set_tsql_override.C: search $SRT_PRIVATE_CONTEXT/Production/asciidb as well as $SRT_PUBLIC_CONTEXT 2008-10-28 08:50 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update Mark's last_confirmation 2008-10-27 20:27 rustem * PhysicsFit/Beam/: SKZPTune.cxx, SKZPTune.h: Implement base class function AlgAdapt::Set to change Zfluk parameters only when they are set. 2008-10-27 18:38 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRun.cxx, NuMMRun.h: Added function to constrain the maximum bin/energy of fit 2008-10-27 18:26 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticlePlotMaker/: DetailedParticle.cxx, PlotMaker.h: fix 2008-10-27 18:22 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/: ParticleAna/AnaTrim.cxx, ParticleAna/AnaTrim.h, ParticlePlotMaker/DetailedParticle.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/DetailedParticle.h: new files 2008-10-27 18:17 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/: ParticleAna/Event.cxx, ParticleAna/Event.h, ParticleAna/EventAna.cxx, ParticleAna/LinkDef.h, ParticleAna/MCTrue.cxx, ParticleAna/MCTrue.h, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecord.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecord.h, ParticleAna/Particles.cxx, ParticleAna/Particles.h, ParticleAna/ParticlesAna.cxx, ParticleFinder/Chain.cxx, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/Finder.cxx, ParticleFinder/Finder.h, ParticleFinder/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Particle3D.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleEvent.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleEvent.h, ParticleFinder/ShareHolder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ShareHolder.h, ParticleFinder/ShwFit.cxx, ParticleFinder/macros/alltest.C, ParticlePlotMaker/Category.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/Category.h, ParticlePlotMaker/Cut.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/LinkDef.h, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlot.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlotMaker.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlotMaker.h, ParticlePlotMaker/chisq.C, ParticlePlotMaker/far_mc_test.C: cleaning up? 2008-10-27 17:08 loiacono * PhysicsFit/Beam/SKZPTune.h: [no log message] 2008-10-27 17:08 loiacono * PhysicsFit/Beam/SKZPTune.cxx: Add class that uses ZFluk parameterization. 2008-10-27 16:39 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/: check_access, modules: creating new package MuonPhysics for Laura Loiacono. 2008-10-27 16:36 Robert Hatcher * MuonPhysics/.cvsignore: creating new package MuonPhysics for Laura Loiacono 2008-10-27 07:46 nwest * GridTools/docs/: admin_procedures.html, glossary.html: Update to the new SL4 UI at RAL 2008-10-26 00:14 boehm * NueAna/NueMiniAna.cxx: changing the use of the cosmic cut variable to the new var 2008-10-25 23:56 boehm * NueAna/: NueMini.cxx, NueMini.h, NueMiniAna.cxx, Extrapolation/NueData.cxx, Extrapolation/NueData.h: Updates to the NueMini and NueData objects to hold the current parameters 2008-10-25 22:56 boehm * NueAna/: Module/FixModule.cxx, Module/FixModule.h, Module/SetKNNModule.cxx, Module/SetKNNModule.h, macros/RepairAnaNueMREData.C: Modifications to allow for a rapid fix of the MRE Data issue 2008-10-25 16:40 rustem * PhysicsFit/: AdaptMany.cxx, AdaptMany.h, Beam/BeamTune.cxx, Beam/BeamTune.h, Beam/MakeFluxPlot.cxx, macros/make_flux.C: Move the code for fixing fit parameters from BeamTune to AdaptMany. Now any parameter can be fixed via Registry for any of algorithms managed by AdaptMany. 2008-10-25 08:58 tinti * Calibrator/CalDrift.cxx: inverting order of fbackMedian and ffrontMedian and respective errors in CalDrift::Fill(DbiResultSet& rs, const DbiValidityRec*) to respect CALDRIFT table structure 2008-10-24 19:19 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/doc/NuFCExperimentFactory.html: Instructions for using NuFCExperimentFactory 2008-10-24 19:18 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCEvent.cxx, NuFCEvent.h, NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMHelperCPT.cxx, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunNuBar.cxx, NuMMRunNuBar.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h, NuSystematic.cxx, NuSystematic.h: NuFCEvent: Added detector to the event. It is ok if the trees are generated with a previous version, NuFCExperimentFactory adds in the detector information when loading the events. NuFCExperimentFactory: Can now handle near and far detector systematics. NuMMHelperCPT: Updated the cross-section systematic formula. It is not used right now, but best it be correct if we decide to later. NuMMRunFC, NuMMRunTransition, NuMMRunNuBar: Added a reduced constructor that does not take the far detector spectra. This is for use in generating fake experiments with NuFCExperimentFactory. NuSystematic: Added a NuMuBarXSecSum that applies all appropriate systematic shifts for NuBars (both combined and ratio) using the parameterized formula that gives the sum in quadrature of all the systematic effects. 2008-10-24 19:11 boehm * NueAna/: Extrapolation/SysFileGen.cxx, NueAnaTools/OscWeight.cxx: Removing unused variables to get rid of warnings 2008-10-24 19:09 ahimmel * NuMuBar/macros/mm/SystematicsStudies/Transitions/: GenerateFCSyst.C, RunTransitionFC.C: Commiting scripts used to generate and test the Transitions FC surface. 2008-10-24 18:07 boehm * NueAna/Extrapolation/SysFileGen.h: adding pot functions 2008-10-24 17:07 boehm * NueAna/Extrapolation/: LinkDef.h, SysFileGen.cxx, SysFileGen.h, SysHists.cxx, SysHists.h: New code to make the standardized systematics files 2008-10-24 15:41 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Giving Gemma write permissions to Calibrator package at her request. 2008-10-24 14:46 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/SupportChecker.py: Remove handling of "obsolete_packages" list. Treat packages that appear in the "unsupported_packages" as if they had individual maintainers. 2008-10-24 14:46 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/PackageMaintenanceSupport.py: Use the temporary file $PMS_HOME/config/packages_base_release to define essential packages. 2008-10-24 14:46 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/HtmlPageBuilder.py: Remove handling of "obsolete_packages" list. 2008-10-24 14:46 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/packages_base_release: A file that lists essential packages i.e. those that have to appear in tagged releases. This should be temporary, eventually a file containing this information should find its way into $SRT_DIST/setup. 2008-10-24 14:45 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/packages.pms: Reintroduce obsolete packages now there isn"t a "obsolete_packages" to suppress warnings about packages missing from a development release. 2008-10-24 14:45 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/config.pms: In section support_checks Remove "obsolete_packages" - unsupported packages no longer generate a warning as long as they are not part of a tagged release Add "unsupported_packages" - for essential packages that I have failed to assign to maintainers. 2008-10-24 12:30 scavan * SpillTiming/: LinkDef.h, SpillTimeCalibration.cxx, SpillTimeCalibration.h: adding/updating files for backport to R1-24 to filx spilltimefinder hang 2008-10-24 12:01 blake * DetSim/: SimDetector.cxx, SimVaElectronics.cxx, SimVaElectronics.h: modifications to time smearing code: SimVaElectronics now has SimTimeSmearingMode class containing an ESimTimeSmearingModes enum of possible smearing functions (have copied SimVarcTriggerMode here...) - currently houses Uniform, Gaussian and Breit-Wigner functions, all available through TRandom classes. To smear timing, configure vaTimeSmearingMode using SimDetector, and set vaTimingWidth (characteristic width of above functions, uses as the input to the random number generator). By default, the width is set to zero so that no smearing occurs. 2008-10-24 11:17 blake * AtNuEvent/AtmosEvent.h: incrementing ClassDef for AtmosEvent class... 2008-10-24 11:09 blake * AtNuAna/: AtNuBeamTimes.cxx, AtNuBeamTimes.h, AtNuEventSelectionAB.cxx, AtNuEventSelectionAB.h, LinkDef.h: creating a new class AtNuBeamTimes to record times of beam running (in the atmospheric neutrino selection, data is rejected if there are gaps in the spill time database - but outside of beam running, this is benign so the data is fine). Theses times were previously hard-coded in the AtNuEventSelectionAB class and are now hard-coded in a separate AtNuBeamTimes class - this class can be used house a better system in the future. 2008-10-24 11:05 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCOscProb.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.cxx, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h, tests/decayoscprob.C: Fix remaining issues with decay model, and add a test to check that it is unitary and limits to standard oscillations. Add another special case into the fitter to mirror theta so that decay contours aren't broken. Improve the energy spectra plots in the output file, and add ratio plots. Extrapolations no longer return a chisq from GetChiSqrForPars. Instead they should fill vectors of spectra in GetSpectraForPars, and delete them if necessary in CleanupSpectra. 2008-10-24 10:56 blake * CandFitTrackCam/AlgFitTrackCam.cxx: adjusting parameterization of timing resolution to better centre the chi-squared returned by the far detector timing fit. resolution parameterized as: sigma = A + exp(B+C*q), with q in PEs. old parameterization: {A,B,C} = {0.56,0.50,-0.34} new parameterization: {A,B,C} = {0.58,0.69,-0.33} this is consistent with the timing fit in AlgTrackCam. 2008-10-24 10:55 blake * CandTrackCam/AlgTrackCam.cxx: adjusting parameterization of timing resolution to better centre the chi-squared returned by the far detector timing fit. resolution parameterized as: sigma = A + exp(B+C*q), with q in PEs. old parameterization: {A,B,C} = {0.56,0.50,-0.34} new parameterization: {A,B,C} = {0.58,0.69,-0.33} this is consistent with the timing fit in AlgFitTrackCam. 2008-10-23 19:46 scavan * SpillTiming/SpillTimeFinder.h: backport SpillTimeFinder.h to R1.24 2008-10-23 19:18 scavan * SpillTiming/SpillTimeFinder.cxx: backport of development SpillTimeFinder.cxx to R1.24 2008-10-23 18:16 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx: Include beam nu_e's in the total MC spectrum for the plots in the output root file. 2008-10-23 17:32 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: mc_fns.sh, run_all.sh, run_umn.sh: Beginning of a restructuring of the MC running scripts that control individual jobs at offsite farms to reduce code duplication. run_umn.sh should be a template, and everyone should use run_all.sh. mc_fns.sh contains useful general functions 2008-10-23 17:30 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/umn_list_cluster.sh: update umn utility script 2008-10-23 11:15 nwest * GridTools/docs/ChangeLog: DCM command updates: Extend "disk_to_castor" add "purge_replicas". 2008-10-23 11:15 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/sei_search_catalogue.pm: Cosmetic change to comments. 2008-10-23 11:15 nwest * GridTools/: DataCacheManager/init.pm, DataCacheManager/docs/dcm.html, Scripts/maintenance/version_number: Update to version V01-13-00 2008-10-23 11:15 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/: cmd_purge_replicas.pm, get_cmd_options.pm, main.pm, purge_replicas.pm, docs/help_summary.txt: Add command purge_replicas to clean out files that are replicas of those at FNAL. 2008-10-23 11:15 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_disk_to_castor.pm: Extend command disk_to_castor to support remote directories at FNAL (using kscp). Add --exclude pattern{,pattern..}} to exclude selected files. 2008-10-23 11:15 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_ads_to_castor.pm: Cosmetic change to interim report printout. 2008-10-22 20:52 Robert Hatcher * BField/BField.cxx: Bump message level for using GetDefaultMap/Scale from kInfo to kWarning. These should only happen if BfldCache can't get something reasonable from the DBI which is most likely a real mistake. 2008-10-22 20:51 Robert Hatcher * BField/BField.cxx: Bump message level for GetDefaultMap/Scale from kInfo to kWarning. These should only happen if BfldCache can't get something reasonable from the DBI which is most likely a real mistake. 2008-10-22 20:45 Robert Hatcher * BField/BfldDbiPlaneMap.cxx: Make sure default ctor fully initializes fScale[] (was only doing [0]). 2008-10-22 17:22 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/NuEvent.h: Bumping the ClassDef number. 2008-10-22 11:18 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, NCCoordinateConverter.h: Crasher fix: don't confuse ints and enums. 2008-10-22 11:12 bckhouse * NCUtils/macros/do_extrap.h: Need to escape string arguments to registry in case they have spaces in them. 2008-10-21 21:54 Robert Hatcher * BField/Viz/: BfldCanvas.cxx, BfldCanvas.h: Allow user to change "phase" histogram binning, arrow scale size. Tweak canvas layout and formatting. 2008-10-21 19:41 Robert Hatcher * BField/Viz/BfldCanvas.cxx: Add a bit of smarts about naming canvases uniquely. 2008-10-21 18:54 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCBeam.cxx: gcc4.1 fix 2008-10-21 18:48 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCEventInfo.cxx, NCEventInfo.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, NCType.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.h, Extraction/NCExtractionCuts.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.h, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.h, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h, Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.cxx, Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.h, tests/dqplots.C: Add combined oscillations/decay model, plus pure decoherence model for completeness. Include the best fit point in the output file in the form of a Registry. Remove FluctuateMCAsData and add NumFakeExperiments. Movement towards a FC analysis - not production quality. "forwardport" HistSmoothHelper speed improvements from R1.30 Add function to NCCoordinateConverter to get axes suitable for drawing contours or projections in. Tidying - use EventType not int, don't do "using namespace std" in headers, clarify code in ExtractionCuts so you can see that all the necessary variables are in the uDST. 2008-10-21 11:15 nwest * GridTools/RemoteSoftwareDeployment/libs_and_builds/build_config_table.dat: Add S08-10-16-R1-30 2008-10-21 10:55 nwest * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: Add S08-10-16-R1-30 2008-10-21 08:59 rodriges * NCUtils/macros/do_extrap.C: Alter some commented-out functions to not pass the JobCModule. Adjust explanatory comments to match 2008-10-20 23:05 kreymer * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: changed computing/dh/dh.html to dhmain.html 2008-10-20 21:26 boehm * NueAna/NueAnaTools/: LinkDef.h, OscCalc.cxx, OscCalc.h, OscWeight.cxx, OscWeight.h: Updating the osc engine to perform at higher order 2008-10-20 17:27 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Add near detector data and MC spectra, and use their ratio to do a simple far/near method 2008-10-20 14:51 scavan * Production/Cedar_phy/reco_MC_daikon_near_MRCC_cedar_phy_linfix.C: near mc cedar_phy daikon script for MRCC with linearity fix 2008-10-18 06:26 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/Factory.h: Commit a new preprocessor macro to Factory<> 2008-10-17 19:09 Robert Hatcher * setup/setup_minossoft_FNALU_parser.sh: Warn people at the time of login against using minos25 to run loon or root. Make it hard for users to do so by accident. 2008-10-17 14:05 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuMMRunCPTSyst.cxx: Rebins to binning scheme 3 to calculate the likelihood. 2008-10-17 11:47 evansj * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuShiftableUnbinnedSpectrum.cxx, NuShiftableUnbinnedSpectrum.h: A class for shifting a low-statistics spectrum. It holds a vector of events (containing only the minimum required information: a MiniEvent struct has been defined). When a spectrum is requested it loops over this vector and fills a histogram, applying the required shift. As an input it takes one of Alex's NuFCEvent trees (as this provides a sample of events that have had the full selection applied). At present this class just pulls out the positive events; but it's written to allow this to easily be made configurable so as a negative or no charge cut spectrum can be made. A method of slightly smearing the events will be added, so this can be used in a Minuit fit without producing discontinuities in the gradient of the likelihood surface. 2008-10-16 23:48 rustem * PhysicsFit/macros/plot_pretty_scans.C: Minor change in hist name composition. 2008-10-16 23:45 rustem * PhysicsFit/: Plot/HistArray.cxx, macros/plot_pretty_scans.C: Add a new macro. 2008-10-16 18:31 Robert Hatcher * setup/setup_minossoft_FNALU_parser.sh: when sending datagram setup info use X509 info to get real user if account is "minos" (as it is on the grid). 2008-10-16 16:34 Robert Hatcher * setup/packages-S08-10-16-R1-30: First commit 2008-10-16 08:00 annah1 * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-10-16 01:27 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h: Implemented the SKZP scaling to be done the same way as the DP scaling. Broke that process into a separate method -- it has been tested to give identical results. 2008-10-16 00:07 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/NuFCEvent.cxx, NtupleUtils/NuFCEvent.h, NtupleUtils/NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NtupleUtils/NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.cxx, NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.h: NuDSTAna: Added MakeFCTree(xmlFileName). This method creates a highly reduced tree of NuFCEvent objects that have a full selection already applied (including charge). This is now the preferred method of making the event libraries for the NuFCExperimentFactory. Since it creates a tree of NuFCevent objects rather than a tree of discrete variables, adding a variable to NuFCEvent is now much easier -- only NuFCEvent needs to know about the change and it will automatically propagate throughout. NuFCEvent: Added fluxErr to be able to apply SKZP systematic. Added a copy constructor and a constructor based on a NuEvent object (as well as Extract methods that just set the variables of the current object to those of the given object). NuFCExperimentFactory: NuFCEvent can now handle three different inputs for the event library (the mc_path and tau_path in the constructor). Those options are: 1) FCTree - a tree of NuFCEvent objects created using NuDSTAna::MakeFCTree (preferred) 2) NuDST - Full and MicroDSTs can be processed directly by NuFCExperiment factory (slow, but will definitely handle all systematics) 3) FilterTree - a tree containing discrete variables for each of the members of a NuFCEvent object, created using NuFarNear::PrepTrees from S. Coleman (may not be able to handle all systematics of fields are missing) 2008-10-15 21:05 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMHelperCPT.cxx, NuMMHelperCPT.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunNuBar.cxx, NuMMRunNuBar.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h: Several changes to allow the cross-section systematic to be included in the FC analysis. NuMMHelperCPT: Added in two methods, one to backup and then shift the NuBar cross-section graph, ShiftBarXSecGraph(double), and one to reset it back to the backup, ResetBarXSecGraph(). The backup method used is identical to that used in ModifyNDNuData in NuMMRunNuBar. Rather than returning the pointer, here a cross-section shift is applied, scaled by the input parameter. The shift applied is based on the one used by the SKZP fits, documented if doc-4166. For a shift of 1, the shift is at a maximum of 30% at 0 dropping to 0 by ~25 GeV. NuMMRunNuBar: Added a GetHelper method. This returns a pointer to the helper object (presumably for applying the systematic shfits). It also sets fCached to false so that the caching is redone to incorporate whatever changes are made. NuMMRunFC, NuMMRunTransition: Added a method ResetCache() that deletes all the cached spectra and sets the pointers to 0. This is required to prevent memory leaks when redoing the caching once per fake experiment. Redoing the cache once per fake experiment may slow down the FC method a little, but most of the time should still be spent in the evaluations performed during fitting (where the cache does not need to be redone). In any case, it is necessary if simultaneous Near and Far Detector changes are necessary. NuFCExperimentFactory: Add lines to use the xsec shifting functionality. 2008-10-15 19:27 rustem * PhysicsFit/: Plot/PlotMany.cxx, macros/plot_pretty_nd2fd.C: A snapshot of minor changes. 2008-10-15 17:46 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h: Added and updated several systematics. It now has nearly the full list of official systematics. Present (i.e. there are variables for them), but not yet implemented are the cross-section and SKZP errors. Everything else (normalization, decay pipe, nc/cc backgrounds, track energy range, curvature, shower energy) are in and working. 2008-10-15 17:36 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCEvent.cxx, NuFCEvent.h: Added containedTrk to differentiate between Range and Curvature systematics. 2008-10-15 17:34 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Added a multiply TF1*. 2008-10-15 17:24 whitehd * NueAna/NueStandard.cxx: removed IsGoodFarRun() cut from data quality 2008-10-15 17:03 loiacono * PhysicsFit/FitModule.cxx: Added option to FitModule to not set the cur pars equal to the def pars when reading inital pars from a file. 2008-10-15 16:46 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: SimQieElectronics.cxx, SimQiePerfectElectronics.cxx: Fix bad-seid decalibration warnings by checking seid.IsValid for Qie electronics types. 2008-10-15 15:19 asousa * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, NCExtrapolationJK_fit.h: Speed improvements for systematic shifts smoothing. 2008-10-15 14:06 scavan * Calibrator/: QuadLinearityCalScheme.cxx: backport to fix fpe 2008-10-15 02:07 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/doc/index.html: more doc updates 2008-10-15 01:44 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/index.html, doc/minos_jobsub_help.html, scripts/minos_jobsub: doc updates, mostly 2008-10-15 00:04 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.csh, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.sh, to_enstore/enstore_hidden_inner_script, to_enstore/setup_aliases.sh: cd to submit dir automatic, and alias fixes 2008-10-14 21:04 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/QuadLinearityCalScheme.cxx: attempt to fix FPEs on decalibration sequence. I'm guessing that it's the same problem that plagued the calibration sequence. 2008-10-13 23:56 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/index.html, scripts/parrot_template.sh: parrot upgrades 2008-10-13 22:10 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: gminos_cfg_L010185_far_osc0002.py, gminos_cfg_L250200_far_osc0002.py: Finally add daikon_00 MDC set for run 0002 to the repository. Results were revealed for nubar group MDCs. 2008-10-13 21:15 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuUtilities.cxx, NuUtilities.h: Fixed a circular dependence issue with NuMatrixSpectrum. 2008-10-13 20:59 Brian Rebel * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx: a few more changes related to not using theta34 in the Delta43 = 0 model, and not fitting other angles in models where it doesnt make sense. 2008-10-13 20:23 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Added a number of methods to NuMatrixSpectrum to make working with them easier. This includes a number of methods that just pass through to the fSpectrum object (or implement convient funcitonality that TH1 does not have): Draw SetLineColor SetLineWidth SetTitle CenterTitles (centers both x and y titles) SetRangeUser (saves having to do mySpec->Spectrum()->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(...)) Integral IntegralVals (takes values along the x axis rather than bins) GetNbinsX GetEntries As well as these: Divide that takes a NuMatrixSpectrum GenerateErrors (set the error on each bin to the sqrt of its entries) RemoveErrors (set all errors to zero) BinWidithNomalize (divide each bin by its width, giving, for example, events/GeV) ScaleToPot (scale that uses the stored value of PoTs as the denominator) RebinToArray (takes Nbins, array of bin edges) RebinToScheme (takes a NuBinningScheme_t) 2008-10-13 19:29 whitehd * NueAna/Trimmer.cxx: small change to MRCC cut sequence 2008-10-13 17:47 asousa * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx: Remove Theta34 as parameter to be fit in Delta43is0 model. 2008-10-13 11:09 bckhouse * NCUtils/: LinkDef.h, NCEventInfo.cxx, NCOscProb.h, NCType.h, Extrapolation/NCBeam.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.h, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h, Extrapolation/NCParameter.h, Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.cxx, macros/do_extrap.C, macros/do_extrap.h, tests/extrapfit.C: Move the definition of the ND and FD binning schemes from NCType to NCBeam (where it is mostly used). Fix CoordinateConverter so that it actually knows about all the models and hopefully does the right thing for them. Add a function to do the analytic normalization calculation, but don't use it anywhere yet. Rename GetChiSqrForMap to FindChiSqrFromParams and pass it an OscPars and a SystPars instead of a CoordNDim. Convert PID & None extrapolations to follow suite. Remove FindTransitionProbability from NCExtrapolation Merge and rationalize the lists of parameters in NCType Systematic parameters' names, default values and sigmas in NCType are now contained in an array of structs instead of several arrays. 2008-10-12 15:16 blake * DataValidation/DataValidationFar.cxx: [no log message] 2008-10-12 12:13 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/macros/: timecal_loadconstants_I.C, timecal_loadconstants_II.C, timecal_loadconstants_III.C, timecal_loadconstants_IV.C, timecal_loadconstants_V.C, timecal_loadjumps.C, timing_calibration_check_I.C, timing_calibration_check_II.C, timing_calibration_check_III.C, timing_calibration_check_IV.C, timing_calibration_check_V.C, timing_calibration_eastwest_I.C, timing_calibration_eastwest_II.C, timing_calibration_eastwest_III.C, timing_calibration_eastwest_IV.C, timing_calibration_eastwest_V.C, timing_calibration_jumpfinder_I.C, timing_calibration_jumpfinder_II.C, timing_calibration_jumpfinder_III.C, timing_calibration_jumpfinder_IV.C, timing_calibration_jumpfinder_V.C, timing_calibration_stripconstants_I.C, timing_calibration_stripconstants_II.C, timing_calibration_stripconstants_III.C, timing_calibration_stripconstants_IV.C, timing_calibration_stripconstants_V.C, timing_calibration_timewalk_I.C, timing_calibration_timewalk_II.C, timing_calibration_timewalk_III.C, timing_calibration_timewalk_IV.C, timing_calibration_timewalk_V.C: macros used to run far detector timing calibration: timing_calibration_timewalk: calibrate time walk as function of adc. iming_calibration_eastwest: calculate east-west times for each run. timing_calibration_jumpfinder: find time jumps using east-west files. timing_calibration_stripconstants: strip-to-strip timing calibration. timing_calibration_check: validate the calibration. timecal_loadjumps: load timing jumps into database. timecal_loadconstants: load timing constants into database. 2008-10-12 12:07 blake * DataValidation/DataValidationFar.cxx: use ROOT Publication Style to make plots 2008-10-12 12:06 blake * DataValidation/autocheckindex.php: small php script to collate html files generated by data validation code. 2008-10-11 18:36 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: update my status 2008-10-11 14:55 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuMMRunCPTSyst.cxx: The numubar analysis now fits for a background scale systematic. (Use the NCBackgroundScale parameter in NuMMParameters.) The shift is entirely correlated between the NC and CC backgrounds in both the numu and numubar samples, in both detectors. 2008-10-11 14:03 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuMMRunCPTSyst.cxx: Added fitting for normalisation, and commented out an unused parameter. 2008-10-10 23:34 bckhouse * Configurable/CfgPromptConfigurable.cxx: Check for the type Registry without triggering a warning from Registry::Get 2008-10-09 22:38 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/index.html, scripts/minos_jobsub: minor mods 2008-10-09 20:22 rustem * PhysicsFit/macros/: make_fit.sh, make_study.sh, simple.C: remove old macros 2008-10-09 20:21 rustem * PhysicsFit/Beam/: ChangeLE.cxx, ChangeLE.h: Add an old weight function. 2008-10-09 20:20 rustem * PhysicsFit/macros/: plot_pretty_basic.C, plot_pretty_event.C, plot_pretty_fdfit.C, plot_pretty_fdvar.C, plot_pretty_kinem.C, plot_pretty_mocks.C, plot_pretty_msign.C, plot_pretty_muknn.C, plot_pretty_nd2fd.C, plot_pretty_ndcur.C, plot_pretty_ndfit.C, plot_pretty_seudo.C, plot_pretty_table.C, plot_pretty_truth.C: More macros. 2008-10-09 20:19 rustem * PhysicsFit/macros/: plot_flux_weight.C, plot_list.C: More new macros 2008-10-09 20:19 rustem * PhysicsFit/macros/: draw_feynman.C, make_flux.C, plot_cont.C, plot_flux.C, plot_matrix.C, plot_result.C, test_syst.C: Commit new macros. 2008-10-09 18:27 evansj * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuMMRunCPTSyst.cxx, NuMMRunCPTSyst.h: A version of the numubar extrapolation class that will, one day, fit for systematics. At present it just does the statistical fit. 2008-10-09 18:25 evansj * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuShiftableBinnedSpectrum.cxx, NuShiftableBinnedSpectrum.h: The binned version of a NuShiftableSpectrum. This is much the same is NuHistInterpolator, but now fits into a better inheritance structure. It takes a set of spectra at discrete values of a systematic and interpolates between them (quadratically), bin-by-bin, to produce spectra for a continuous set of systematic shifts. Useful for shifting spectra when you don't want to rerun over all the MC for each set of oscillation parameters in a fit. A parallel, NuShiftableUnbinnedSpectrum class will follow which you can switch to when running on low-statistics data (or when you want to run over all the MC every time and do the shift 'properly'). 2008-10-09 18:17 evansj * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuShiftableSpectrum.cxx, NuShiftableSpectrum.h: An abstract base class for a spectrum that can be shifted by some systematic. This means that a binned and unbinned spectrum can inherit from it, and can be swapped in and out of the extrapolation (NuMMRun...) object at the macro level, without having to recompile. 2008-10-09 17:53 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Making GetName() a const member function: there's no reason why it shouldn't be! 2008-10-09 17:50 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuUtilities.cxx, NuUtilities.h: A function to write a vector of NuMatrixSpectrum objects to a file. 2008-10-09 17:36 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Performance optimizations for PID extrapolation. 2008-10-09 16:27 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-10-09 14:10 bckhouse * NCUtils/macros/: do_extrap.C, do_extrap.h: Workaround for JobC crasher, create it on the stack in the main function. 2008-10-09 11:23 bckhouse * CandNtupleSR/Module/NtpSRModule.cxx: Remove redundant code that attempts to read PreTrigger and PostTrigger registry values as ints. Registry already special-cases reading of doubles so that keys set as int will work. 2008-10-09 02:10 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update Jeff deJong's last_confirmation 2008-10-09 01:58 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Add Matt as maintainer of RunSummary 2008-10-08 22:50 tjyang * NueAna/Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx: fix a typo in the title 2008-10-08 21:08 tjyang * NueAna/Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx: print one more canvas 2008-10-08 18:56 pawloski * NueAna/: NueStandard.cxx, NueAnaTools/NueConvention.cxx, NueAnaTools/NueConvention.h: Updated MRCC cut value. Added ANN2PE cut. Updated the data e-scale. Added fake e-scale function 2008-10-08 17:12 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunNuBar.cxx, NuMMRunNuBar.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h: Added a safe way to modify the ND spectrum in the extrapolation for the purpose of applying systematics. Calling ModifyNDNuData() or ModifyNDBarData() stores a backup to the currect spectrum and then returns a copy that can be edited. Modifying this spectrum will modify the ND Data inside the NuMMRun object. It also automatically tells NuMMRun that the prediction needs to be re-cached. To return the spectrum back to its unmodified form, you call ResetNDNuData() or ResetNDBarData(). After this has been called, the spectrum is restored from the backup and the editable copy no longer affects the NuMMRun object. If you try and modify the spectrum again without first resetting it, it is reset automatically and a warning is issued. 2008-10-08 14:36 asousa * Production/ProductionSummary.txt: Clarifying some tree-vegetable mappings. 2008-10-08 13:12 scavan * Production/Cedar_phy/reco_MC_daikon_far_MRCC_cedar_phy_linfix.C: linfix version of MRCC far MC script for cedar_phy daikon 00 2008-10-07 20:57 scavan * Production/Cedar_phy/reco_MC_daikon_far_cedar_phy_linfix.C: script for far mc daikon cedar_phy with linearity fix 2008-10-07 20:39 rustem * PhysicsFit/ScanModule.cxx: Remove spurious character. 2008-10-07 18:49 rustem * PhysicsFit/ScanModule.cxx: Fix a bug in ScanModule - minimum chi2 was substracted twice. 2008-10-07 16:23 rodriges * DetSim/SimVaElectronics.cxx: Only try to do linearity decalibration on valid stripends, otherwise we get errors when the stripend is harmlessly invalid 2008-10-07 12:32 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/DataUtil/: TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h: Define both shower completeness versions to only use >2pe strips in the denominator. Also do the same for event completeness. There's a complication here: we should be using the PE value used in the event reconstruction, but adding the necessary code to CandEvent looks too hard, so I just use the cut value from the primary shower. If there's no primary shower, then zero is used. 2008-10-07 08:53 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Use the OscPars object to do all the oscillation weighting in the PIDSpectrum class, where it should have been all along. This removes the need for holding a pointer to the extrapolation object, so makes everything nicer 2008-10-06 20:21 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: gminos_cfg_L010185_nccohbkg_bhcurv_near.py, gminos_cfg_L010185_nccohbkg_bhcurv_overlay.py, gminos_cfg_L010185_nccohbkg_bhcurv_rock.py: configuration files for NC COH Background generation and overlay. 2008-10-06 20:16 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/gminos_site_minos11.py: minor tweak to make minos11 config look like 12, 13 2008-10-06 20:15 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/gminos_ffr.py: Changes for NC COH Background generation/overlay. Define new smallfid fiducial region (planes 14-87, 90cm around z). When overlaying allow (force) mixing D04 det+rock even when "nccohbkg" is D06. 2008-10-06 17:38 rearmstr * MCReweight/SKZPWeightCalculator.cxx: Set optimization flag to true for the NeugenWeightCalculator. This recovers the former functionality of the SKZPWeightCalculator before the optimization flag was added. 2008-10-06 17:34 ahimmel * NuMuBar/macros/mm/SystematicsStudies/Transitions/: CombineHelpers.sh, FC.sh, FC_Combine.C, GenerateFC.C, Init.sh, MakeFakeData.sh, MakeMDC.sh, Prepare.sh, RunTransitionMDCFitter.C, RunTransitionSystFitter.C, TransitionsUtils.C: Commiting numerous changes made over the course of the last few weeks to the scripts that run the Transition analysis. To my knowledge, these scripts are used only by me, so this should not affect anyone else. 2008-10-06 13:54 bckhouse * NCUtils/NCType.cxx: cassert for gcc4.1 2008-10-06 13:41 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCEventInfo.cxx, NCEventInfo.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCType.cxx, NCType.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsCC.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNC.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.h, Extraction/NCExtraction.cxx, Extraction/NCExtraction.h, Extraction/NCExtractionANN.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionCuts.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionCuts.h, Extraction/NCExtractionMDA.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionMDA.h, Extraction/NCExtractionkNN.cxx, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.h, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h, Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCParameter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCParameter.h, Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.cxx, tests/contlist.C, tests/dqplots.C, tests/extrapfit.C, tests/libload.C, tests/oscprob.C, tests/run_tests: Templated LogLikelihood function that works on TH1F, TH1D, TH2F, TH2D Plug some fairly large memory leaks Drop various special cases for Birch/Carrot In fitter, find more accurate 1-sigma errors for 1D projections by linear interpolation. Make all the public variables in NCParameter protected, switch users to accessor functions Require explicit exit(42) for tests to be considered passed, otherwise get false positives from loon in some cases returning 0 after some failure Centralize parsing of beam list string to NCType. Remove some functions from NCType that are only used in one place. 2008-10-06 11:46 scavan * NueAna/Module/: LinkDef.h, SpillTypeFilter.cxx, SpillTypeFilter.h: Adding the SpillTypeFilter which is useful for processing cosmics before running NueAna 2008-10-06 10:37 asousa * Production/ProductionSummary.txt: Adding more specific information about DB, including sequence of rollback commands necessary to reproduce the farm's DB dor each release. 2008-10-06 09:23 asousa * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-10-05 17:29 blake * DataValidation/datavalidationfar.C: [no log message] 2008-10-05 09:04 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/admin/housekeeping: created CONDOR_TMP cleaning job, to be run by root under cron -- some parts disabled until installation 2008-10-04 23:59 tjyang * MiniBooNEAna/MNtpModule.cxx: fix a bug in calculating track momentum 2008-10-04 13:23 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, to_griddb/choose_db_server: a few tweaks to the db stuff 2008-10-04 13:07 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: etc/README, etc/db_servers.cfg, scripts/minos_jobsub, scripts/setup_minos_condor.csh, scripts/setup_minos_condor.sh, scripts/to_griddb/choose_db_server, scripts/to_griddb/publish: db choosing utils 2008-10-04 00:04 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx: Fixed a bug preventing compilation at FNAL. 2008-10-03 23:56 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunNuBar.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx: Updates to several NuMMRun classes in order to properly apply the Decay Pipe systematic. Specifically, kAppearedPQ and kAppearedNQ were added to the Sample enum. These get filled with the same events as kSignal, but they are drawn separately as a separate component of the prediction so that Appared events are not changed by the Decay pipe systematic. Also added the background systematics: NC and WS at 50%. These are very simple -- simply an additional normalization change that only affects certain components. 2008-10-03 23:10 tjyang * MiniBooNEAna/: MNtp.cxx, MNtp.h, MNtpModule.cxx, MNtpModule.h, macros/makemntp.C: add more MC truth variables for mc reweighting 2008-10-03 18:12 mstrait * Contrib/strait/analyze.mattgrid: fixed typo 2008-10-03 16:35 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuUtilities.cxx, NuUtilities.h: Added some functions to rebin histograms. 2008-10-03 13:31 rodriges * NCUtils/macros/: do_extrap.C, do_extrap.h: Refactored macro for running an NC extrapolation. Divided into a header file with the actual functions, and a driver macro that calls them 2008-10-03 11:27 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Switch from using CoordNDim to using NC::OscProb::OscPars 2008-10-03 10:24 Nick West * GridTools/docs/: data_castor.html, data_tutorial.html: Add warning about getting the right version of rf* 2008-10-03 09:59 blake * DataValidation/DataValidationFar.cxx: [no log message] 2008-10-03 09:49 Nick West * GridTools/docs/jobs_glite.html: Fix typo, the command is glite-wms-job-logging-info not glite-wms-job-get-logging-info 2008-10-03 06:49 Nick West * GridTools/docs/glossary.html: Method to look up Pool Account mapping no longer available 2008-10-02 17:48 dap56 * Monitoring/: Producer_dispatcher.cc, SinglAnalysis.cxx: Minor fixes, added debug histo ------------------------------ extended x axis binning for debug histograms (processor occupancy, time lag etc) from 5000 histogram exports to 25000 now a fixed range for TP singles rates vs time plots: 0-86400 timeframes OM "heartbeat" log info (written to Producer_dispatcher log every 1000 dispatcher reads) now includes timestamp new plot added to Monitoring/Debug - raw block type vs subrun number 2008-10-02 16:12 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/SimDetector.cxx: Fix the Nonlinearity bug, for posterity. 2008-10-01 23:32 George Irwin * NCUtils/NCOscProb.h: Add '#include ' 2008-10-01 17:33 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/: LinkDef.h, macros/makeCondensedNtupleNC.C: add ANtpNueInfo to LinkDef.h 2008-10-01 17:33 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/: ANtpNueInfo.cxx, ANtpNueInfo.h, LinkDef.h, Module/ANtpInfoObjectFillerNue.cxx, Module/ANtpInfoObjectFillerNue.h, Module/CondensedNtpModuleNC.cxx, Module/CondensedNtpModuleNC.h: add files for filling nue information for data quality monitoring 2008-10-01 17:24 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/: ANtpNueInfo.cxx, ANtpNueInfo.h, Module/ANtpInfoObjectFillerNue.cxx, Module/ANtpInfoObjectFillerNue.h, Module/CondensedNtpModuleNC.cxx, Module/CondensedNtpModuleNC.h, macros/makeCondensedNtupleNC.C: add objects to fill nue variables for data quality monitoring. 2008-10-01 17:02 bckhouse * NCUtils/NCOscProb.h: Give NC::OscProb::NoOscillations an implementation for its destructor, otherwise the linker never gives it a vtable. 2008-10-01 15:44 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCEventInfo.cxx, NCEventInfo.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, NCType.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsCC.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNC.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNCCCFid.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot2D.h, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.h, Extraction/NCAnalysisReader.h, Extraction/NCExtraction.h, Extraction/NCExtractionANN.h, Extraction/NCExtractionCuts.h, Extraction/NCExtractionMDA.h, Extraction/NCExtractionkNN.h, Extraction/RPfarTrackANN.h, Extraction/RPfarTrackLowEANN.h, Extraction/RPnearTrackANN.h, Extraction/RPnearTrackLowEANN.h, Extraction/farTrackANN.cxx, Extraction/farTrackANN.h, Extraction/farnoTrackANN.cxx, Extraction/farnoTrackANN.h, Extraction/nearNoTrackANNbirch.cxx, Extraction/nearNoTrackANNbirch.h, Extraction/nearTrackANN.cxx, Extraction/nearTrackANN.h, Extraction/nearTrackANNbirch.cxx, Extraction/nearTrackANNbirch.h, Extraction/nearnoTrackANN.cxx, Extraction/nearnoTrackANN.h, Extrapolation/LinkDef.h, Extrapolation/MCEvent.h, Extrapolation/NCBeam.h, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.h, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBinGradients.cxx, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBinGradients.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h, Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.h, Extrapolation/NCParameter.h, NumRec/MinosMinimization.cxx, NumRec/MinosMinimization.h, tests/extrapfit.C, tests/oscprob.C: Remove obsolete oscillation models, models that remain are: ThreeFlavor, NoOscillations, FourFlavorGeneral, FourFlavorDelta43IsBig, FourFlavorDelta41Is0, FourFlavorDelta43Is0, SterileFraction. Some of the new angles models aren't finished in CoordinateConverter. Remove some files that contained unused (I hope) code, it's harder than it should be to be sure because of the way SRT works. Add Doxygen-style brief descriptions for most of the classes. Minor changes to uDST making: IsCleanHighMultSnarl is always set true for FD events. If you don't set DataPath or MCPath then no attempt is made to create a uDST for that file type (previously, it would crash). 2008-10-01 15:23 koskinen * NCUtils/NCOscProb.cxx: sc Constrained all 3Flavor probabilites to be within the physical range 0-1. With the current model this creates some discontinuity in the roughly 1.5-2 GeV range as well as the low energy region, < 0.5 GeV. 2008-10-01 11:35 blake * DataValidation/DataValidationFar.cxx: [no log message] 2008-10-01 09:43 blake * DataValidation/: DataValidationFar.cxx, DataValidationFar.h, LinkDef.h, datavalidationfar.C: A new package for checking data quality. The DataValidationFar class analyses the DBUFARRUNQUALITY, DBUHVFROMSINGLES, BFLDDBICOILSTATE, SPILLSERVERMON, SPILLTIMEND, BEAMMONSPILL tables and integrates the PoT and live time between a given start and end time. It returns a root file, set of plots, and html file. 2008-10-01 06:44 nwest * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Add link to DB priming sets 2008-10-01 03:57 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/check_access: Add "loiacono" to PhysicsNtuple and PhysicsFit per Rustem's request. 2008-09-30 17:54 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Give Andy write permissions to his new package. 2008-09-30 17:53 asousa * CVSROOT/modules: Add DataValidation package. 2008-09-30 17:50 asousa * DataValidation/: .cvsignore, GNUmakefile: Adding DataValidation package at Andy's request. 2008-09-30 17:50 asousa * DataValidation/: .cvsignore, GNUmakefile: Initial revision 2008-09-30 14:03 koskinen * NCUtils/NCOscProb.cxx: Changed the numu->nue oscillation probability to prevent against negative values stemming from the 2nd order expansion of matter effects. 2008-09-30 13:15 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuMMHelperNoChargeCut.cxx: The helper class was pulling in the wrong beam matrix, and not initialising the purity histograms. 2008-09-30 12:24 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/: cmd_directory_ownership.pm, docs/help_summary.txt: Fix typo in comment: the directory_ownership mode is 'compress' not 'collapse' 2008-09-30 09:55 blake * CandFitTrackCam/AlgFitTrackCam.cxx: modifications to muon timing fit in AlgFitTrackCam: (1) switch from using strips in Kalman Filter array to directly using the strips contained in the final fitted track. (2) require the distance along the track to be greater than -1 to be used in the timing fit (when a distance fails to be assigned to a plane, the default distance returned is -1, these planes will no longer be used in the timing fit). (3) use parameterization of resolution as a function of pulse height for all timing fits (rather than linear weighting). 2008-09-30 09:47 blake * CandTrackCam/AlgTrackCam.cxx: modifications to muon timing fit in AlgTrackCam: (1) switch from hard-coded refractive index to values provided by PropagationVelocity class in RecoBase. (2) in WeightsForTimingFits() method, weighting of tracks hits as function of pulse height switched from straight linear weighting to the parameterization used in the track fitter. 2008-09-29 23:30 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx: Fixed a small bug causing compile errors ar FNAL. 2008-09-29 23:15 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunNuBar.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h: All: Updated the Sample enum to a more canonical form (Sample namespace, Sample_t type, etc.) NuFCExperimentFactory: DP Systematic is in but is still experimental, so it is still off by default. It required some rearrangement of the internal structure to make it work. Also added a debug mode (factory->DebugMode(true)). In this mode the systematics are not random but evaluated at the set size every time. NuMMRunTransition: Since the slow step now is in creating and deleting histograms, it has now been modified so that if only NuMuBars are evaluated, only those histograms are made and the NuMu histograms aren't even produced. 2008-09-29 18:51 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/: Config/PlotBasic.xml, Config/PlotVtx.xml, Hist/Plot.cxx, Plot/PlotVtx.cxx, Plot/PlotVtx.h, Select/SelectSpill.cxx, Select/SelectSpill.h, macros/study.C: A development snapshot. 2008-09-29 18:50 rustem * PhysicsFit/: Beam/PlotFluxW.cxx, Beam/PlotFluxW.h, Config/PlotFluxW.xml, Config/PlotMock.xml: Add more stuff... 2008-09-29 18:49 rustem * PhysicsFit/Plot/: GNUmakefile, HistArray.cxx, HistArray.h, HistList.cxx, HistList.h, LinkDef.h, MakeFitTable.cxx, MakeFitTable.h, PlotArray.cxx, PlotArray.h, PlotList.cxx, PlotList.h, PlotMany.cxx, PlotMany.h: Add a directory containg code for making plots. 2008-09-29 18:47 rustem * PhysicsFit/: AdaptMany.cxx, GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, ScanModule.cxx, ScanModule.h, Beam/BeamTune.cxx, Beam/FluxForm.cxx, Beam/FluxForm.h, Beam/LinkDef.h, Config/PlotParty.xml, Oscl/PlotMock.cxx, macros/plot_chi2.C, macros/plot_mock.C: A development snapshot. 2008-09-29 17:56 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCEventInfo.cxx, NCEventInfo.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, NCType.h, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.h, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h, tests/extrapfit.C, tests/oscprob.C: True oscillation parameters are no longer set by a big set of configuration parameters. Instead in the macro you should create an NC::OscProb and pass it in the parameter "OscPars", cast to an int. Macro must be run compiled for this to work. GetBestFitPoint is replaced by GetBestFitSysts and GetBestFitOscPars 3FlavorFs model is renamed to SterileFraction UseNC and UseCC are removed from NCExtrapolation constructors. Remove dead code. ContourFinder fix from R1.30 Move configuration parameters down to the relevant classes instead of doing it all in the module. Remove some that turn out to be unused. Test more oscillation models. Bustage in NCExtrapolationPID is marked "TODO - Phil" Last but not least, fix the spelling of "hierarchy" 2008-09-29 17:13 ahimmel * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry. 2008-09-29 17:11 asousa * Monitoring/: SinglAnalysis.cxx, SinglAnalysis.h: Updating second TRC-PPS canvas title to reflect connection to new GPS unit and avoid confusions. 2008-09-29 15:29 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx: Need to regenerate DataMC histograms before creating the best fit spectra, otherwise we may end up with incorrect systematic shifts. 2008-09-29 13:38 bckhouse * Production/Dogwood/: reco_far_cosmic_daikon03_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_far_cosmic_data_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_near_cosmic_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_near_cosmic_data_base_dogwoodtest2.C, reco_near_spill_daikon04_base_dogwoodtest3.C, reco_near_spill_data_base_dogwoodtest3.C: Rudimentary check for correct input files - test first letter of filename. 2008-09-29 13:02 asousa * Production/ProductionSummary.txt: First stab at compiling a summary file characterizing the releases used in major processings by the Batch Group. Information being made available includes software release, Database, B field maps used in each case as well as the location of the corresponding reconstruction scripts in the Production package. 2008-09-29 09:56 arms * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-27 22:58 George Irwin * TriD/: GNUmakefile, gltest/GNUmakefile, stat/GNUmakefile: Use "-L/usr/lib/ati" only if directory exists. 2008-09-27 19:44 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx: Minor tweak to calculation of contour-finder's initial scale. Avoids the empty bin warnings caused by very large hadronic shifts. 2008-09-27 11:13 bckhouse * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-26 17:23 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Fixed a memory leak in ResetSpectrum. Should make dramatic improvement where this function is called repeatedly. 2008-09-26 15:19 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/: Chain.cxx, ChainHelper.cxx, Finder.cxx, Display/ChainView.cxx: some updates 2008-09-26 11:10 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Giving Andy write permissions to CandTrackCam and CandFitTrackCam per his request. 2008-09-26 06:26 Nick West * GridTools/docs/sites.html: Discard all references to RAL T2. Warn that dCache will be phased out by end of December 2008 Add references to CASTOR and explain that is not visible on the web. 2008-09-26 06:26 Nick West * GridTools/docs/data_tutorial.html: Tone down warning about CASTOR service being new. Give more up to date example of vmgrlisttape output. 2008-09-26 06:26 Nick West * GridTools/docs/data_castor.html: Tone down warning about service being new. 2008-09-25 20:51 habig * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Updated my entry 2008-09-25 16:35 mstrait * Contrib/strait/analyze.mattgrid: hostname error reporting bug fix 2008-09-25 15:28 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Finally admit defeat with a couple of would-be stakeholder group members who cannot be bullied into playing with us. Fix Steven_Cavanaugh entry assuming that the last_confirmation was not meant to be a retrospective withdrawal of support back to Feb 2008. 2008-09-25 13:06 bckhouse * Registry/Registry.cxx: Print an error message when key is found but can't be converted to the requested type. 2008-09-25 10:42 rjn * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-25 10:30 nwest * GridTools/: DataCacheManager/cmd_disk_to_castor.pm, DataCacheManager/main.pm, DataCacheManager/docs/help_summary.txt, docs/ChangeLog: Add command to copy NFS directory tree to CASTOR. 2008-09-25 10:30 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_dcache_to_castor.pm: Bring example CASTOR directory up to date. Make all CASTOR files group writable so that DCM can be run on the RAL UI to write them using UI account names but can subsequently be managed from GRID WN accounts. 2008-09-25 10:19 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/: nearFarExtrapolationMC.C, runExtrap.C: Add runExtrap.C, which uses the functions in nearFarExtrapolationMC.C to actually run the whole thing Make the JobC and JobCModule global so they don't have to be passed around everywhere 2008-09-25 09:36 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Minor rearrangements 2008-09-25 06:59 nwest * GridTools/docs/ChangeLog: DCM get command: Fixes for CASTOR. 2008-09-25 06:59 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/sei_init.pm: Hardwire rfio commands to use version found in /usr/bin. At RAL the default version works for DPM (Data Pool Manager) a lightweight SE not used at RAL but is broken for CASTOR! 2008-09-25 06:59 nwest * GridTools/: DataCacheManager/init.pm, Scripts/maintenance/version_number: Update version number to V01-12-11 2008-09-25 06:59 nwest * GridTools/DataCacheManager/: frs_get_local_dest_dir.pm, docs/dcm.html: CASTOR Fix: Allow --preserve_rel_dir to be a directory within the SE instead of requiring it be at the top. This allows --preserve_rel_dir gnumi to work for both Dcache: ral_t1-dcache-disk/gnumi/v19/... CASTOR: ral_t1-castor-prod_d0t1/flux/gnumi/v19/... 2008-09-25 05:22 nwest * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/copy_flux_files_lcg.sh: Increase the maximum number of files to be copied 300 -> 500. 2008-09-25 05:05 Robert Hatcher * AtNuAna/SolarCycleRW/SolarCycleRW.cxx: Add #include . 2008-09-25 00:36 George Irwin * Mad/MadEvDisplay.cxx: Change to TMath::Sqrt for integer argument. 2008-09-25 00:22 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/index.html, doc/proxy.html, scripts/proxyconfig: documentation overhaul and update 2008-09-24 17:37 Brian Rebel * NCUtils/: NCAnalysisUtils.cxx, NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, NCType.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, macros/nearFarExtrapolationData.C, macros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: add code to find probabilities for using 4 flavors with the generic mixing matrix. change 3FlavorWithFs tag to Fs add statements to data and MC macros to handle new oscillation models 2008-09-24 16:53 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx: Reset the data histograms when getting the PIDSpectrum's from file. Check the SimFlag of events (and whether using fake data) to decide whether to add them to the data spectrum - makes things work for mock data 2008-09-24 14:01 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticlePlotMaker/chisq.C: chisq macro 2008-09-24 13:59 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticlePlotMaker/: RunIt.C, far_mc_test.C, test.C, test2.C: new scripts 2008-09-24 10:49 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/: TimeCalWalkCalibrator.cxx, TimeCalWalkCalibrator.h: write out time resolution data in addition to time walk data, after time walk calibration. 2008-09-24 10:41 blake * AtNuAna/GNUmakefile: add SolarCycleRW to the list of sub-directories 2008-09-24 09:52 blake * AtNuAna/SolarCycleRW/: SolarCycleRW.cxx, SolarCycleRW.h: SolarCycleRW class now has 'UseDFunction' method, which is given the period and phase of the solar cycle and used to perform solar cycle re-weighting at a specific time. This is in addition to the current 'UseDFactor' method, which is given an overall time averaged weight to be used in the solar cycle re-weighting. 2008-09-24 07:46 nwest * GridTools/docs/admin_group.html: Explain what 'Incomplete' request means. 2008-09-23 22:13 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, minos_q, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.sh, to_enstore/enstore_hidden_inner_script: more devel 2008-09-23 21:32 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, setup_minos_condor.csh, setup_minos_condor.sh: more devel 2008-09-23 21:18 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/to_enstore/: enstore_cleanup_hidden.csh, enstore_cleanup_hidden.sh, enstore_get_hidden.csh, enstore_get_hidden.sh, enstore_hidden_inner_script: still developing initial enstore scripts 2008-09-23 20:52 rahaman * ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms/OmCheckListNear.htm: Minor change of instruction for shifters 2008-09-23 20:39 Robert Hatcher * ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms/: DcsCheckListFar.htm, DcsCheckListNear.htm, End_Shift.htm, FarHardwareChange.htm, OmCheckListFar.htm, OmCheckListNear.htm, Start_Shift.htm: snapshot of the current state of all forms visible to the active CRL. 2008-09-23 20:14 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/modules: Define CVS module "crlwforms" as minossoft/ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms to allow CRL forms to be managed directly where needed. Hopefully to better keep what's being used and what's in CVS in synch. 2008-09-23 19:40 rahaman * ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms/OmCheckListNear.htm: Some instructions for shifter is added 2008-09-23 19:31 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/check_access: add "rahaman" to ControlRoomSoftware package. 2008-09-23 18:48 boehm * NueAna/: LinkDef.h, NueExpBuilder.cxx, NueExpBuilder.h: Adding a tool to produce experimental test sets 2008-09-23 18:19 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/Finder.cxx: some fixes to finder to prevent brehms on muons to making seperate muons and to fix some denegenerate use of paths 2008-09-23 17:57 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/minos_jobsub: few changes 2008-09-23 17:44 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/minos_jobsub_help.html, scripts/minos_jobsub, scripts/to_enstore/enstore_hidden_inner_script: made -y option (enstore) 2008-09-23 17:22 bckhouse * NCUtils/: Cuts/LinkDef.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsCC.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsCC.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNC.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNC.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNCCCFid.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsNCCCFid.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, macros/nearFarExtrapolationData.C, macros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C, macros/nearFarExtrapolationPrediction.C, macros/nearFarExtrapolationSystExtMC.C: Change UMu3Sqr and DeltaMSqr to UMu3SqrVal and DeltaMSqrVal for consistency. Create the subdirectories for different extrapolations' plots in ExtrapolationModule - no need to cd into them in the extrapolations anymore. Cuts: move logic used in only one place down into the correct class, and logic used everywhere up into the base class. Implement NCCCFid via multiple inheritance from NC and CC. 2008-09-23 17:02 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/to_enstore/enstore_hidden_inner_script: better error message 2008-09-23 16:50 annah1 * NueAna/NueStandard.cxx: correcting error in MR preselection cut (wrong pid was used previously) - Anna 2008-09-23 16:47 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/to_enstore/: bash/README, tcsh/README: a couple of tag files 2008-09-23 16:45 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/to_enstore/: bash/enstore_cleanup_hidden, bash/enstore_get_hidden, tcsh/enstore_cleanup_hidden, tcsh/enstore_get_hidden: removed old stuff 2008-09-23 16:43 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/to_enstore/choose_dcache_port: new web config area implemented 2008-09-23 16:42 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/etc/dcache_ports.cfg: new example 2008-09-23 16:33 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/to_enstore/: enstore_cleanup_hidden.csh, enstore_cleanup_hidden.sh, enstore_get_hidden.csh, enstore_get_hidden.sh, publish, setup_aliases.csh, setup_aliases.sh: removed false economy 2008-09-23 16:08 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/count_overlay_files.py: Add some more possible beams (M100200N,R) and special flags (invmudk, nccohbkg) 2008-09-23 15:30 boehm * NueAna/ShwfitAna.cxx: changing the fit configuration to be LL instead of L 2008-09-23 14:41 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/: Chain.cxx, ChainHelper.cxx, Cluster.cxx, ClusterHelper.cxx, Finder.cxx, Finder.h, GNUmakefile, Particle3D.cxx, ParticleObjectHolder.cxx, ParticleObjectHolder.h, Display/ParticleDisplay.cxx, Display/ParticleDisplay.h, Display/RunDisplay.C, Reporter/ParticleReportHelper.cxx, Truth/ParticleTruthHelper.cxx, macros/alltest.C, macros/chaintest.C: some fixes making poh work on tobjarray instead of tclonesarray that seems to fix a lot of jobc issues with running ana after maker 2008-09-23 13:45 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: LinkDef.h, NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Add functionality to save the MC spectra to file (and restore them), so we only need to run over files once. Will be useful for mock data soon, although won't quite work for that yet 2008-09-23 13:44 scavan * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: updating my last confirmation 2008-09-23 11:10 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCEnergyBin.cxx, NCEnergyBin.h, NCExtrapolationNone.cxx: Handle tau appearance and beam nues in ExtrapolationNone Necessary const-correctness fixes in NCEnergyBin 2008-09-23 10:22 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/minos_jobsub: and preserved the dollar sign 2008-09-23 10:21 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/minos_jobsub: added a . to source alias file 2008-09-23 10:18 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_jobsub, setup_minos_condor.csh, setup_minos_condor.sh, to_enstore/publish, to_enstore/setup_aliases.csh, to_enstore/setup_aliases.sh: moved dcache aliases into their own setup files 2008-09-23 09:55 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: setup_minos_condor.csh, setup_minos_condor.sh, to_enstore/enstore_cleanup_hidden.csh, to_enstore/enstore_cleanup_hidden.sh, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.csh, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.sh, to_enstore/enstore_hidden_inner_script, to_enstore/publish, to_enstore/bash/enstore_cleanup_hidden, to_enstore/bash/enstore_get_hidden, to_enstore/tcsh/enstore_cleanup_hidden, to_enstore/tcsh/enstore_get_hidden: a better way to deal with sourcing and different shells 2008-09-23 09:53 dap56 * Mad/MadEvDisplay.cxx: Minor tweaks to drawing of FD fidvol on reco track/shower x-y projection plot: 1) draw fidvol before drawing tracks/showers 2) fidvol now transparent 3) fidvol line width: 3->1 also changed radius of FV from old value of 3.5m to current value - sqrt(14)m 2008-09-23 09:08 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/etc/dcache_ports.cfg: dcache config file 2008-09-23 09:07 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/scripts/: minos_harvestfiles, setup_minos_condor.csh, setup_minos_condor.sh, to_enstore/README, to_enstore/choose_dcache_port, to_enstore/enstore_cleanup_hidden.csh, to_enstore/enstore_cleanup_hidden.sh, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.csh, to_enstore/enstore_get_hidden.sh, to_enstore/enstore_hidden_inner_script: wrote first pass of dccp wrapper framework - not done, though 2008-09-23 02:15 rbpatter * Contrib/condor/: doc/index.html, doc/minos_harvestfiles_help.html, doc/minos_jobsub_help.html, doc/proxy.html, scripts/minos_harvestfiles, scripts/minos_jobsub, scripts/minos_q, scripts/parrot_template.sh, scripts/proxyconfig, scripts/setup_minos_condor.csh, scripts/setup_minos_condor.sh, scripts/get-cert/CHANGELOG, scripts/get-cert/README, scripts/get-cert/REQUIREMENTS, scripts/get-cert/certutil, scripts/get-cert/get-cert.sh, scripts/get-cert/pk12util, scripts/realpath/Makefile, scripts/realpath/README, scripts/realpath/cleanpath.c, scripts/realpath/realpath.1, scripts/realpath/realpath.pl, scripts/realpath/realpath_mod.pl: initial import of Condor scripts and docs 2008-09-22 20:03 evansj * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuMMRunNoChargeCut.cxx, NuMMRunNoChargeCut.h: A new class to perform the CC extrapolation without a charge sign cut. 2008-09-22 19:07 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h: Fixes the script compiling problem with NuMMRunFC and NuMMRunTransition. All scripts should now work fine as is. 2008-09-22 18:26 scavan * VertexFinder/NtpVtxFinder/NtpVtxFinder.cxx: added protection for empty stpTimes vector 2008-09-22 16:55 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx: Replace NuMuToNuS with NuMuToNuMu in oscillation weighting, which removes the need for a hacked-up test release. Also move around some code that depends on Registry settings 2008-09-22 15:19 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/gminos_site_rhatcher03.py: comment out old index pattern / path settting. set workdir = "." 2008-09-22 14:52 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/ShwFit.cxx: minos machine fix 2008-09-22 14:22 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/Display/: HoughView.cxx, HoughView.h, ViewParticle3D.cxx: [no log message] 2008-09-22 14:19 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleAna/: POT.cxx, POT.h, ParticleBeamMon.cxx, ParticleBeamMon.h, ParticleBeamMonAna.cxx, ParticleBeamMonAna.h, ParticlesAna.cxx: files for pot counting 2008-09-22 14:07 bckhouse * NCUtils/Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx: Forward-port into development the change in R1.30 to not use reverse-field data. 2008-09-22 13:12 nwest * DatabaseMaintenance/doc/dbmauto_status.html: Soudan is now exporting SPILLSERVERMON. 2008-09-22 13:02 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-22 12:56 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Remove duplicated entry Katarzyna_Grzelak. Add Zeb_Krahn 2008-09-22 12:36 nwest * GridTools/Scripts/docs/Scripts.html: Minor updates to: Setting up a GBS based MC Production - There is a shared KERBEROS keytab file. - Give the location of the run_ral_lcg+*.sh at RAL - DCM does not used local cache copy of flux files. 2008-09-22 10:44 blake * RunQuality/: DbuFarRunQuality.cxx, RunQualityFinder.cxx: enabled searching of DBUFARRUNQUALITY table by run and subrun 2008-09-22 04:50 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Updating string to std::string, as otherwise I can't include the header it in a new class I'm writing. 2008-09-22 04:40 evansj * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuMMHelperNoChargeCut.cxx, NuMMHelperNoChargeCut.h: A helper class for performing the CC analysis without the charge sign cut. 2008-09-22 04:39 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuMMHelper.cxx, NuMMHelper.h: A base helper class which all the other helpers may, one day, inherit from. 2008-09-22 00:01 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuSystematic.cxx, NuSystematic.h: A systematic that shifts all backgrounds in the nubar sample (CC & NC) by a scale factor (recommended value: 50%). 2008-09-20 14:18 blake * SpillTiming/FillSpillServerMon.cxx: re-setting the start and end times on database entries in WriteToDatabase method of FillSpillServerMon class previously set to: begtime-1 -> endtime+1 now set to: begtime -> endtime+1 2008-09-20 12:34 blake * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-20 07:09 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Add Peter to Atmospheric 2008-09-19 20:08 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuReco.cxx: Checking all charm children for muons, not just the first and last. 2008-09-19 17:33 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/: ParticleFinder/Chain.cxx, ParticleFinder/Chain.h, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Finder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleFinder.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/ChainView.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/ChainView.h, ParticleFinder/Display/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Display/Page.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/Page.h, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleDisplay.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleDisplay.h, ParticleFinder/Display/RunDisplay.C, ParticleFinder/Display/ViewParticle3D.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/ViewParticle3D.h, ParticleFinder/macros/LoadLibs.C, ParticleFinder/macros/alltest.C, ParticleFinder/macros/anatest.C, ParticleAna/LinkDef.h, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.cxx, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.h, ParticleAna/PRecord.h, ParticleAna/PRecordAna.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecordAna.h, ParticleAna/ParticleAna.cxx, ParticleAna/ParticleAna.h, ParticleAna/ParticlesAna.cxx: [no log message] 2008-09-19 11:41 annah1 * NueAna/NueStandard.h: Updated the right MRCC ND Data Run1/2 proportions - Anna 2008-09-18 23:50 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h: Removed the inheritence from NuMMRunNuBar and restored it to NuMMRun. It removed (commented out) some new functionality that was never used with this class, so nothing pre-existing should break. Hopefully this will fix Justin's abstract class problem and thus isolate the scattered CINT problems we've been seeing. 2008-09-18 23:48 tjyang * NueAna/Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx: increase pad top margin a little bit 2008-09-18 23:15 tjyang * NueAna/Display/: NueDisplayModule.cxx, NueDisplayModule.h: add function to print canvas (only in eps format) 2008-09-18 19:08 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMParameters.cxx, NuMMParameters.h, NuMMRun.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunNuBar.h, NuMMRunTransition.h: Changed some class declarations to includes so that macros would work better with CINT. 2008-09-18 18:32 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/run_umn.sh: Add md5checks to local file movements 2008-09-18 16:22 annah1 * NueAna/NueStandard.h: Changed the run1/run2 proportions for ND MRCC - Anna 2008-09-18 15:24 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuFCEvent.cxx, NuFCEvent.h, NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h: Updated the method to use Stephen's reduced tress. Stores reduced info in much smaller NuFCEvents rather than full NuEvents. Old code (run from DSTs) left in place commented -- will soon update so it can take either as input. 2008-09-18 15:22 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/NuCuts.cxx: Made the cut on QP error message a MAXMSG rather than a cout (now that there are cases where it is legitimate to cut on it). 2008-09-18 13:35 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRunNuBar.cxx, NuMMRunNuBar.h: Log file from the commit these were supposed to be in: Backed out changes made to NuMMRun and NuMMRunPRL. Now, there is a new intermediary, NuMMRunNuBar that implements those features needed for the shared FC analysis between CPT, FC, and Transition. There maybe some more things that can be moved from derived classes to the base class, but that was not done yet. Also, added QuietModeOff method wherever there was a QuietModeOn. 2008-09-18 06:45 Nick West * GridTools/docs/: contacts.html, status_reporting_problems.html: Add Matt Hodges as MINOS Tier 1 Contact 2008-09-18 06:45 Nick West * GridTools/docs/admin_group.html: Add checking of https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/eb/MailList.html 2008-09-17 18:22 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMRun.cxx, NuMMRun.h, NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunPRL.cxx, NuMMRunPRL.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h, NuSystFitter.cxx, NuSystFitter.h: Backed out changes made to NuMMRun and NuMMRunPRL. Now, there is a new intermediary, NuMMRunNuBar that implements those features needed for the shared FC analysis between CPT, FC, and Transition. There maybe some more things that can be moved from derived classes to the base class, but that was not done yet. Also, added QuietModeOff method wherever there was a QuietModeOn. 2008-09-17 18:15 ahimmel * NuMuBar/tools/: sam.pl, timeLine.pm: Updated to remove RevField from RunIII. 2008-09-17 18:15 ahimmel * NuMuBar/tools/: BatchSubMacro.sh, DstNoSam.sh: Sorts out some problems when directories have a very large number of files. 2008-09-17 17:15 rmehdi * NtupleUtils/NuReco.cxx: Removed test prints 2008-09-17 16:48 whitehd * NueAna/NueStandard.cxx: updated PassesMRCCPreSelection and PassesCCSelection to use roCCPID 2008-09-17 16:45 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticlePlotMaker/: Category.cxx, Category.h, Cut.cxx, Cut.h, Plot.cxx, Plot.h, PlotMaker.cxx, PlotMaker.h, Test.cxx, Test.h, Weight.cxx, Weight.h: updates 2008-09-17 16:39 rmehdi * NtupleUtils/: NuCuts.cxx, NuCuts.h, NuEvent.cxx, NuEvent.h, NuHistos.cxx, NuReco.cxx: Added SKZP 1-sigma shift option 2008-09-17 16:30 rmehdi * NuMuBar/: NuAnalysis.cxx, NuDSTAna.cxx, NuDSTAna.h, NuPlots.cxx, NuPlots.h, macros/FileListSpecial.C, macros/mXYZ.C, macros/sussex/TestCuts.C, tools/sam.pl: Added histograms with no weights case and for backgrounds, as well as some new histograms. 2008-09-17 10:05 djauty * NtupleUtils/NuXMLConfig.h: added selector cuts and fid volume cuts 2008-09-17 10:04 djauty * NtupleUtils/NuXMLConfig.cxx: added change in fid cuts and selector cuts 2008-09-17 08:41 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update Brett's, Mary's and Donna's confirmation dates 2008-09-17 02:56 tjyang * MuonRemoval/: AlgCosmicMuonRemoval.cxx, AlgCosmicMuonRemoval.h, AlgRmMu.cxx, AlgRmMu.h, CandRmMu.cxx, CandRmMu.h, CandRmMuHandle.cxx, CandRmMuHandle.h, DBtxt_AlgCosmicMuonRemoval_default.C, FiltCosmicModule.cxx, FiltCosmicModule.h, LinkDef.h, NtpMREvent.cxx, NtpMREvent.h, SelectEvent.cxx, SelectEvent.h, Module/NtpMRModule.cxx, macros/cosmic/reco_MC_daikon_far_cosmic_MRCC_cedar_phy.C, macros/cosmic/reco_MC_daikon_near_cosmic_MRCC_cedar_phy.C, macros/cosmic/reco_far_all_MRCC_cedar_phy.C, macros/cosmic/reco_near_cosmic_MRCC_cedar_phy.C: commit for Jiajie add cosmic ray muon removal algorithm 2008-09-17 01:22 George Irwin * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_doc.mk: Shorten a line somewhat so UserManualDoc builds to completion w/o error. 2008-09-16 20:43 Mayly Sanchez * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-16 17:49 pittam * NCUtils/Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx: Changing cut in is GoodBeamSnarlCC() so that the cut is done coilStatus < 1 rather than using the absolute value so we don't end up with reverse magnetic field data in the uDSTs. Must remember to get this updated in development as well. 2008-09-16 13:43 asousa * Production/Dogwood/reco_near_spill_daikon00_base_dogwoodtest3.C: Make script info and function call consistent with script name. 2008-09-16 13:41 asousa * Production/Dogwood/reco_near_spill_daikon00_base_dogwoodtest3.C: Script to be used in processing of enhanced nue sample for dogwood validation of cross-talk changes. 2008-09-15 13:37 evansj * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-15 10:47 nwest * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/copy_flux_files_lcg.sh: When running DCM to copy files, use --names_not_unique option to avid risk of picking up the wrong version 2008-09-15 10:42 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/Display/: ChainView.cxx, LinkDef.h, Page.cxx, Page.h, ParticleDisplay.cxx, ParticleDisplay.h, ViewParticle3D.cxx, ViewParticle3D.h: display updates 2008-09-15 10:28 Nick West * GridTools/docs/ChangeLog: Minor updates to RSD and DCM. 2008-09-15 10:28 Nick West * GridTools/: RemoteSoftwareDeployment/doc/rsd.html, RemoteSoftwareDeployment/driver/initialise_globals.pm, Scripts/maintenance/version_number: Update to version V01-12-10 2008-09-15 10:28 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/: copy_file_interlock.pm, frs_collect_file_list.pm, frs_retrieve_next_batch.pm, get_cmd_options.pm, init.pm, docs/dcm.html, docs/help_summary.txt: Add get command option --names_not_unique to deal with files, specifically flux files, where the names are not unique. In this case, having resolved the name DCM will not attempt to see if it can find a copy in the local cache, which could be from an alternative version. Also it will not add the name to the local disk catalogue. 2008-09-15 02:54 Sue Kasahara * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update maintenance date. 2008-09-12 23:59 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMRun.h, NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunPRL.cxx, NuMMRunPRL.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h: Now implemented to draw events from separate Samples based on separate predictions. 2008-09-12 21:54 mstrait * Contrib/strait/: analyze.mattgrid, batchvars: no longer a test 2008-09-12 21:18 mstrait * Contrib/strait/matt_howie_condor_q: cleanup 2008-09-12 19:01 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRun.h, NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunPRL.cxx, NuMMRunPRL.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h, NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Added a naming function to NuMatrixSpectrum to make keeping track of the various components of the prediction easier. Changed the way that TrueComponents works. Now, rather than getting back a container, you give it an index and get back the component you want. The correspondence is as follows, positive gives you antineutrinos (PQ) and negative gives you neutrinos (NQ): 1 - Signal 2 - Wrong Sign BG 3 - NC BG 4 - Taus 2008-09-12 17:11 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRun.cxx, NuMMRun.h, NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunPRL.cxx, NuMMRunPRL.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h: Added a method that returns a vector of NuMatrixSpectrum objects that containt the true-energy predictions for the various components of the extrapolation. In order: Nu Signal Nu Wrong Sign (true nubars) Nu NC Nu Taus NuBar Signal NuBar Wrong sign (true nus) NuBar NC NuBar Taus 2008-09-12 16:56 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx: Move the creation of the PIDSpectrum's out of the constructor, since the number of bins is configurable via the Registry, but we don't get registry settings (in the Prepare() method) until later. 2008-09-12 14:21 whitehd * NueAna/NueStandard.cxx: change to PassesSelection for MRCC 2008-09-12 14:20 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCGridPoint.cxx, NuFCGridPoint.h: Added function to change where the archive root file is 2008-09-12 14:20 whitehd * NueAna/Trimmer.cxx: changes in MRCC cut sequence 2008-09-12 14:19 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCFitter.cxx, NuFCFitter.h: Added a log search Fixed a few fringe negative delta chi2 cases 2008-09-12 12:56 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.cxx: More premature optimization: GetBinContent does bounds-checking, which takes time, so just access the bin contents directly via fArray. (This is safe, since the loop limits ensure that we're not accessing beyond the end of the array 2008-09-12 12:43 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Make the true energy and PID binning configurable via registry keys. Option to use nuEnergyNC or nuEnergyCC for reco energy. Change true energy binning default to 5 instead of 10 2008-09-12 10:35 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.cxx: When looping over histograms, calculate the 1D bin number manually, and then use the 1D versions of (Get|Set)BinContent. Ridiculously, this gives a factor of 2-3 improvement over having ROOT do the conversion. 2008-09-12 01:58 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: umn_cleanln.sh, umn_mkfluxln.sh: fix the link-making and breaking utility scripts for the umn farm 2008-09-11 19:27 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: run_umn.sh, umn_bulk_copy.sh, umn_copy_flux_nfs.sh: Update UMN farm scripts 2008-09-11 13:34 rodriges * AutoLibLoad/mkrootmaps.py: One more bogus dependency removed 2008-09-11 13:33 rodriges * AutoLibLoad/testClasses: Add NCBeam to replace MCEvent for testing NCUtils 2008-09-11 13:08 rodriges * AutoLibLoad/testClasses: MCEvent isn't in the NCUtils LinkDef any more, so it can't be used for testing the rootmap. Removing it as a stopgap until I find a suitable class for testing NCUtils 2008-09-11 11:00 mstrait * Contrib/strait/: analyze.mattgrid, matt_howie_condor_q: condor_q comments 2008-09-11 10:54 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/Display/: ChainView.cxx, ChainView.h, LinkDef.h, Page.cxx, Page.h, ParticleDisplay.cxx, ParticleDisplay.h, RunDisplay.C: Display now using midad 2008-09-11 10:50 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Added function to rebin to arbitrary binning Added function to rebin to new NuMuBar binning 2008-09-11 10:27 mstrait * Contrib/strait/: analyze.mattgrid, batchvars: [no log message] 2008-09-11 08:17 mstrait * Contrib/strait/matt_howie_condor_q: condor_q parser 2008-09-11 08:14 mstrait * Contrib/strait/: analyze.mattgrid, submit.mattgrid: [no log message] 2008-09-10 22:21 boehm * NueAna/NueStandard.cxx: The cosmic cut was being applied to near det 2008-09-10 17:15 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Replace the two nearly-identical functions drawEnergySlices and drawPIDSlices with a single implementation 2008-09-10 14:08 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Use NCUtils' energy binning for reco energy. This mitigates the effect of a bug where the overflow bin in energy isn't predicted correctly (previously the overflow bin had everything >30 GeV, now it has everything >120GeV, which is much less). The underlying bug isn't fixed, but it's now negligible Also make lots of functions "const", because I can. 2008-09-10 14:03 nwest * GridTools/RemoteSoftwareDeployment/libs_and_builds/install_minossoft.sh: Support data proxies. 2008-09-10 13:13 Robert Hatcher * NtupleUtils/NuMMRun.cxx: add #include for gcc 4.1 2008-09-10 12:37 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Treat beam nues and oscillated nues separately - this fixes a bug where the beam nues weren't appearing in the prediction because the nue appearance probability was zero 2008-09-10 10:19 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRHandle.cxx: Fix for stupid bug: when adding a new subshower, was checking whether it had the same pe cut position as previous subshowers - even when there wasn't a previous subshower. Now just do the check when there is already a subshower to check against. 2008-09-10 08:23 rodriges * AutoLibLoad/mkrootmaps.py: Some more bogus dependencies to remove 2008-09-10 02:04 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuFCExperimentFactory.cxx, NuFCExperimentFactory.h, NuMMRun.cxx, NuMMRun.h: A draft of a framework for applying systematics to the FC contours. It is still very preliminary. It compiles, but it has NOT been tested. Comments very welcome. 2008-09-09 21:56 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRun.cxx, NuMMRun.h, NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuMMRunPRL.cxx, NuMMRunPRL.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuMMRunTransition.h: Used the magic of inheritence to make a common way of getting predictions out of all the derived classes. Now these methods are in the base class: MakeFDPred MakeFDPredNuMu MakeFDPredNuBar MakeFDPredNoPair The first is pure virtual and the other three are based off of it. This means that only the first need be implemented in the derived classes and then all 4 methods work. And since the first is called by the other three but is pure virtual, there is no ambiguity about which version should be used -- it is implemented ONLY in the derived class. This was needed to make the new FC Systematics framework generic between oscillations and transitions. 2008-09-09 21:24 ishi * Contrib/ishi/EnergyTuning/: correction_chebyshev.C, correction_exp.C: Point to afs directory. 2008-09-09 21:22 ishi * Contrib/ishi/EnergyTuning/: correction_chebyshev.C, correction_exp.C, eshw_vs_resolution_corr.C, eshw_vs_resolution_corr_fd.C, resolution_shw6plots_corr.C, resolution_shw6plots_corr_fd.C: Macro for shower energy tuning. 2008-09-09 15:58 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx: The RPann output value extends to ~1.1 so use that as the maximum instead of 1 2008-09-09 13:27 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Add k3FlavorWithFs to possible oscillation models 2008-09-09 12:01 mstrait * Contrib/strait/analyze.mattgrid: uses new log writing method 2008-09-09 11:40 rodriges * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update my entry 2008-09-09 08:33 mstrait * Contrib/strait/submit.mattgrid: Now uses unique ID for each job 2008-09-09 05:46 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_dcache_to_castor.pm: Use -p with rfmkdir to ensure all parent directories are created 2008-09-09 05:34 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/main.pm: Load cmd_dcache_to_castor.pm 2008-09-09 05:23 Nick West * GridTools/DataCacheManager/cmd_dcache_to_castor.pm: Update CASTOR environment 2008-09-09 04:40 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update David's last_confirmation 2008-09-08 23:00 George Irwin * NCUtils/Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.cxx: Change sqrt(int) to TMath::Sqrt(int) to resolve ambiguity. 2008-09-08 22:33 George Irwin * NtupleUtils/NuSystematic.cxx: Change fabs(event.inu) to TMath::Abs(event.inu) to settle ambiguity. 2008-09-08 18:18 boehm * NueAna/: ShwfitAna.cxx, macros/MakeAnaNueTreePECutMRCC.C: adding a fix for Dan and a new processing script for MRCC 2008-09-08 18:04 boehm * NueAna/MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx: Last commit was accidental, this restores things to how it should be 2008-09-08 18:04 boehm * NueAna/: EventQualAna.cxx, MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx, Module/NueModule.cxx: [no log message] 2008-09-07 19:50 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: CINT doesn't understand the MCReweight headers, so #ifdef them out to avoid a bogus warning 2008-09-07 19:18 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Call set_opt_int instead of set_opt where necessary Use "TO" instead of "TOm" as the extraction name, since that works, and assert if an invalid extraction name is specified 2008-09-07 18:56 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: NCExtrapolation can take a list of parameter pairs to draw contours for, so use the feature Make some fitter parameters configurable (whether to draw 1d projections, what precision scale to use) 2008-09-07 18:41 boehm * NueAna/ShwfitAna.cxx: Fix for one of dan's variables 2008-09-07 18:21 boehm * NueAna/: AnalysisInfoAna.cxx, AnalysisInfoAna.h, AnalysisInfoNue.cxx, AnalysisInfoNue.h, MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx, MuonRemovalInfoAna.h, Module/LinkDef.h, Module/NueModule.cxx, Module/PETrimmer.cxx, Module/SetKNNModule.cxx, Module/SetKNNModule.h, NueAnaTools/SntpHelpers.cxx, macros/MakeAnaNueTreePECut.C: Changes to accomodate the roPID using its updated code and our new framework. There is a new module SetKNNModule which fills things and AnalysisInfo, MuonRemoval and the NueModule required small changes to play with it nicely. In addition there is an adjustment to the get primary shower code that hopefully finally corrects it. 2008-09-07 18:13 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/doc/xmlContents.html: Updated a few enums. 2008-09-07 17:09 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Add a function to do the output filename. The macro should now be useful. 2008-09-07 16:50 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Add includes so it will compile to find syntax errors. Fix errors so found. 2008-09-07 16:29 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Alter the way systematics are set, with the help of values from NCType - means we don't need to explicitly specify every single one in the macro. Adds the functionality from nearFarExtrapolationSystExt, so there's enough here to be able to do everything the old macros did, I think. Also regroup the functions into logical sections 2008-09-07 16:28 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update Tricia's entry 2008-09-07 16:01 whitehd * NueAna/Trimmer.cxx: change to accomodate new cut sequence 2008-09-07 15:20 ahimmel * NuMuBar/tools/BatchSubMacro.sh: Fixed a bug causing jobs to fail. 2008-09-07 15:04 ahimmel * NuMuBar/tools/: BatchSubMacro.sh, DstNoSam.sh, JJEMicro.sh, sam.pl: Updated these scripts to use condor instead of lsf. 2008-09-07 14:30 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Add in functions for FD prediction, choosing runs, and a couple more systematic parameters. This now has all the code from nearFarExtrapolationMC, Prediction and Data. Still to go is SystExtMC 2008-09-06 17:48 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/: CandShowerSR/CandShowerSR.cxx, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSR.h, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRHandle.cxx, RecoBase/CandShower.cxx, RecoBase/CandShower.h, RecoBase/CandShowerHandle.cxx, RecoBase/CandShowerHandle.h: Turns out this needs to be done a different way: TruthHelper uses CandShowers via CandShowerHandles, so to access the strip pe cut value, it has to be stored in the CandShower, not the CandShowerSR. But we *set* the strip cut via a CandShowerSRHandle, so (for now) make that a friend class of CandShower. 2008-09-06 17:13 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/RecoBase/: AlgReco.cxx, AlgReco.h, AlgTrack.cxx, AlgTrack.h, ArrivalTime.cxx, ArrivalTime.h, CandCluster.cxx, CandCluster.h, CandClusterHandle.cxx, CandClusterHandle.h, CandClusterList.cxx, CandClusterList.h, CandClusterListHandle.cxx, CandClusterListHandle.h, CandEvent.cxx, CandEvent.h, CandEventHandle.cxx, CandEventHandle.h, CandEventList.cxx, CandEventList.h, CandEventListHandle.cxx, CandEventListHandle.h, CandFitTrack.cxx, CandFitTrack.h, CandFitTrackHandle.cxx, CandFitTrackHandle.h, CandFitTrackList.cxx, CandFitTrackList.h, CandFitTrackListHandle.cxx, CandFitTrackListHandle.h, CandReco.cxx, CandReco.h, CandRecoHandle.cxx, CandRecoHandle.h, CandRecoList.cxx, CandRecoList.h, CandRecoListHandle.cxx, CandRecoListHandle.h, CandShower.cxx, CandShower.h, CandShowerHandle.cxx, CandShowerHandle.h, CandShowerList.cxx, CandShowerList.h, CandShowerListHandle.cxx, CandShowerListHandle.h, CandSlice.cxx, CandSlice.h, CandSliceHandle.cxx, CandSliceHandle.h, CandSliceList.cxx, CandSliceList.h, CandSliceListHandle.cxx, CandSliceListHandle.h, CandStrip.cxx, CandStrip.h, CandStripHandle.cxx, CandStripHandle.h, CandStripList.cxx, CandStripList.h, CandStripListHandle.cxx, CandStripListHandle.h, CandTrack.cxx, CandTrack.h, CandTrackHandle.cxx, CandTrackHandle.h, CandTrackList.cxx, CandTrackList.h, CandTrackListHandle.cxx, CandTrackListHandle.h, GNUmakefile, LinearFit.cxx, LinearFit.h, LinkDef.h, Makefile, PropagationVelocity.cxx, PropagationVelocity.h, Vertex.cxx, Vertex.h: Copy of RecoBase as a base for 2pe cut changes. Need this because the TruthHelper works on CandShowerHandles, which live here. 2008-09-06 17:07 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRHandle.cxx: Make it compile by getting the case of the variable name right 2008-09-06 16:50 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/DataUtil/TruthHelper.cxx: When calculating the shower completeness, only loop over strips that are greater than the minimum PE to qualify to be in a shower 2008-09-06 16:48 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/DataUtil/: CDL2STL.h, CalibratedShowerEnergy.cxx, CalibratedShowerEnergy.h, DataQualDB.cxx, DataQualDB.h, DatabaseToucher.cxx, DatabaseToucher.h, DumpMom.cxx, DumpMom.h, DumpMomModule.cxx, DumpMomModule.h, EnergyCorrections.cxx, EnergyCorrections.h, GNUmakefile, GetCandHeader.h, GetCandidate.h, GetDetector.cxx, GetDetector.h, GetDetectorBins.cxx, GetDetectorBins.h, GetDetectorType.cxx, GetDetectorType.h, GetMomFromRange.cxx, GetMomFromRange.h, GetRawBlock.h, GetRawHeader.h, GetRecords.h, GetRunSnarlEvent.h, GetTempTags.cxx, GetTempTags.h, GetUgliGeomHandle.h, GetVldContext.cxx, GetVldContext.h, HistManModule.cxx, HistManModule.h, LinkDef.h, MCInfo.cxx, MCInfo.h, MasterGeVPerMip.cxx, MasterGeVPerMip.h, PlaneOutline.cxx, PlaneOutline.h, PurgeCandidateModule.cxx, PurgeCandidateModule.h, RangeLookupTable.cxx, RangeLookupTable.h, RangeLookupTableRow.cxx, RangeLookupTableRow.h, RawRecCounts.cxx, RawRecCounts.h, SleepModule.cxx, SleepModule.h, TruthHelper.cxx, TruthHelper.h, Truthifier.cxx, Truthifier.h, ValidateRawChecksums.cxx, ValidateRawChecksums.h, infid.cxx, infid.h, infid_sets.C, init-cand-alg.README, init-cand-alg.example.cfg, init-cand-alg.pl, insert_csda.mysql, range_fe_csda.txt: Copy of DataUtil from R1.28 as a base for making the 2pe cut changes on 2008-09-06 16:44 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/CandShowerSR/: CandShowerSR.cxx, CandShowerSR.h, CandShowerSRHandle.cxx, CandShowerSRHandle.h: Add the minimum shower strip PE as a member variable, so it can be passed to the truth helper, so the truth helper can correctly(?) calculate the shower completeness. Set the member variable when a subshower is added to the shower. This isn't quite ideal, since many subshowers may be added, but it should work 2008-09-06 16:43 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/CandSubShowerSR/: AlgSubShowerSRList.cxx, CandSubShowerSR.cxx, CandSubShowerSR.h, CandSubShowerSRHandle.cxx, CandSubShowerSRHandle.h: Add the minimum shower strip PE as a member variable, so it can be passed through the shower to the truth helper, so the truth helper can correctly(?) calculate the shower completeness. Set the member variable in the Algorithm - I think this will work, although it's not ideal 2008-09-06 16:23 ahimmel * NuMuBar/tools/: sam.pl, timeLine.pm: Two updates. One, added submitJobsCondor for submitt condor (rather than lsf) jobs at fnal. Second, updated to get RunIII cedar_phy_bhcurv files processed. 2008-09-06 02:52 George Irwin * NueAna/Module/PETrimmer.cxx: #include for fabs. 2008-09-05 22:28 ahimmel * NuMuBar/NuTransition.cxx: Fixed Zeynep's bug with ignored xml files. It turns out, unsurprisingly, it was a bug in the NuTransitions class -- it was only applying oscillations if there were also transitions present. This is no longer the case. 2008-09-05 19:57 scavan * Calibrator/QuadLinearityCalScheme.cxx: backport to pick up development fix of a fpe 2008-09-05 19:38 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/QuadLinearityCalScheme.cxx: OK, add even more margin of protection on the output error. 2008-09-05 18:50 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/ParticleFinder/: ChainHelper.cxx, Finder.cxx, ParticleFinder.cxx, ShwFit.cxx: fixing CVSID hack 2008-09-05 16:23 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCType.h, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCCoordinateConverter.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, Extrapolation/NCParameter.h, tests/contlist.C, tests/extrapfit.C: The selection of which contours to make in the job macro is now done by passing in a list of pairs of EFitParam's as a string, like "(1,2) (3,4)". Added a test that the parsing for this works. The list of contours to make is now held internally as a list of EFitParam's instead of in fitter coordinates. The job of converting between fitter coordinates, oscillation parameters, systematic shifts, and NCParameter's is now handled by a new class NCCoordinateConverter. The integration of this isn't quite finished yet. Decentralize DefaultConfig so that the class that actually uses the configuration parameter also gets to set the default. Remove some unused functions and variables. A test that a simple extrapolation fit doesn't crash and writes reasonable output. 2008-09-05 15:42 rustem * PhysicsNtuple/: DataBlock.cxx, DataBlock.h, Config/PlotKinem.xml, Config/PlotSign.xml, Config/PlotVtx.xml, Draw/DrawUtil.cxx, Draw/DrawUtil.h, Draw/EventAdcTab.cxx, Draw/EventHitTab.cxx, Draw/SnarlAdcTab.cxx, Draw/SnarlAdcTab.h, Draw/StdHepTab.cxx, Draw/TabConfig.txt, Fill/FillTrackGeom.cxx, Hist/Plot.cxx, Plot/PlotData.cxx, Plot/PlotData.h, Plot/PlotEvent.cxx, Plot/PlotEvent.h, Plot/PlotKinem.cxx, Plot/PlotKinem.h, Plot/PlotPmt.cxx, Select/SelectNuMu.cxx, Select/SelectNuMu.h, Select/SelectSpill.cxx, Select/SelectTrue.cxx, Select/SelectTrue.h, Store/TestDataModule.cxx, Store/TestDataModule.h, macros/study.C: A development snapshot of PhysicsNtuple. Also, add an example to TestDataModule of using templated factory design to hold data. 2008-09-05 15:12 Robert Hatcher * WebDocs/release_data.html: fix two typos (used --r rather than -r). 2008-09-05 14:59 Robert Hatcher * NueAna/data/ann082608_11inp.root.proxy: r1.1 version was wrong, users should get r1.2 version referenced by this proxy. 2008-09-05 14:34 boehm * NueAna/Module/PETrimmer.cxx: Additional adjustments to selections of new primary shower and track 2008-09-05 13:22 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/: ParticleAna/Event.cxx, ParticleAna/Event.h, ParticleAna/EventAna.cxx, ParticleAna/EventAna.h, ParticleAna/GNUmakefile, ParticleAna/LinkDef.h, ParticleAna/MCTrue.cxx, ParticleAna/MCTrue.h, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.cxx, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.h, ParticleAna/PRecord.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecord.h, ParticleAna/PRecordAna.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecordAna.h, ParticleAna/ParticleAna.cxx, ParticleAna/ParticleAna.h, ParticleAna/Particles.cxx, ParticleAna/Particles.h, ParticleAna/ParticlesAna.cxx, ParticleAna/ParticlesAna.h, ParticleAna/untitled file, ParticleFinder/Chain.cxx, ParticleFinder/Chain.h, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Cluster.cxx, ParticleFinder/Cluster.h, ParticleFinder/ClusterHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/ClusterHelper.h, ParticleFinder/EMFitter.cxx, ParticleFinder/EMFitter.h, ParticleFinder/Finder.cxx, ParticleFinder/Finder.h, ParticleFinder/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Particle.h, ParticleFinder/Particle3D.cxx, ParticleFinder/Particle3D.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleEvent.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleEvent.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleFinder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleFinder.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleObject.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleObject.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleObjectHolder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleObjectHolder.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleType.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleType.h, ParticleFinder/ShareHolder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ShareHolder.h, ParticleFinder/ShwFit.cxx, ParticleFinder/ShwFit.h, ParticleFinder/planemap.txt, ParticleFinder/Display/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Display/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleDisplay.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleDisplay.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Reporter/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReport.cxx, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReport.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportObject.cxx, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportObject.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Truth/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthMaker.cxx, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthMaker.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthObject.cxx, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthObject.h, ParticleFinder/macros/LoadLibs.C, ParticleFinder/macros/alltest.C, ParticleFinder/macros/anatest.C, ParticleFinder/macros/display.C, ParticleFinder/macros/display_only.C, ParticleFinder/macros/testjob.C, ParticleFinder/macros/testjob_n.C, ParticlePlotMaker/Category.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/Category.h, ParticlePlotMaker/Cut.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/Cut.h, ParticlePlotMaker/GNUmakefile, ParticlePlotMaker/LinkDef.h, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlot.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlot.h, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlotMaker.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/MultiPlotMaker.h, ParticlePlotMaker/Plot.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/Plot.h, ParticlePlotMaker/PlotMaker.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/PlotMaker.h, ParticlePlotMaker/RunIt.C, ParticlePlotMaker/Test.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/Test.h, ParticlePlotMaker/TestType.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/TestType.h, ParticlePlotMaker/Weight.cxx, ParticlePlotMaker/Weight.h, ParticlePlotMaker/instructions.rtf, ParticlePlotMaker/standardplots.C, ParticlePlotMaker/test.C, ParticlePlotMaker/test2.C, ParticleTree/GNUmakefile, ParticleTree/LinkDef.h, ParticleTree/Tree.cxx, ParticleTree/Tree.h, ParticleTree/tree_commands.rtf: newest version 2008-09-05 13:18 scavan * Contrib/scavan/pid/: 88.jpg, GNUmakefile, NN.C, NN.h, NNPA.C, NNPA.h, NNPA1.C, NNPA1.h, NNPA1_C.rootmap, NNPA1_C.so, NNPA2.C, NNPA2.h, NNPA2_C.rootmap, NNPA2_C.so, NNPA3.C, NNPA3.h, NNPA3_C.rootmap, NNPA3_C.so, NNPA4.C, NNPA4.h, NNPA4_C.rootmap, NNPA4_C.so, NNPA5.C, NNPA5.h, NNPA5_C.rootmap, NNPA5_C.so, NNPA_C.rootmap, NNPA_C.so, NN_C.rootmap, NN_C.so, NtpSt.C, NtpSt.h, PETrimmer.C, PO.C, PO.h, PO_C.rootmap, PO_C.so, at, disp.C, disp2.C, n.C, n.h, near.C, p.C, pids.C, plots.C, plotter.C, plotter_C.rootmap, plotter_C.so, protontest.C, runit.csh, t.C, t.h, test.C, test.py, test_C.d, test_C.rootmap, test_C.so, ParticleAna/Event.cxx, ParticleAna/Event.h, ParticleAna/EventAna.cxx, ParticleAna/EventAna.h, ParticleAna/GNUmakefile, ParticleAna/LinkDef.h, ParticleAna/MCTrue.cxx, ParticleAna/MCTrue.h, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.cxx, ParticleAna/MCTrueAna.h, ParticleAna/PRecord.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecord.h, ParticleAna/PRecordAna.cxx, ParticleAna/PRecordAna.h, ParticleAna/ParticleAna.cxx, ParticleAna/ParticleAna.h, ParticleAna/Particles.cxx, ParticleAna/Particles.h, ParticleAna/ParticlesAna.cxx, ParticleAna/ParticlesAna.h, ParticleFinder/Chain.cxx, ParticleFinder/Chain.h, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/ChainHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Cluster.cxx, ParticleFinder/Cluster.h, ParticleFinder/EMFitter.cxx, ParticleFinder/EMFitter.h, ParticleFinder/Finder.cxx, ParticleFinder/Finder.h, ParticleFinder/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Particle.h, ParticleFinder/Particle3D.cxx, ParticleFinder/Particle3D.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleEvent.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleEvent.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleFinder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleFinder.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleObject.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleObject.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleObjectHolder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleObjectHolder.h, ParticleFinder/ParticleType.cxx, ParticleFinder/ParticleType.h, ParticleFinder/ShareHolder.cxx, ParticleFinder/ShareHolder.h, ParticleFinder/ShwFit.cxx, ParticleFinder/ShwFit.h, ParticleFinder/Display/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Display/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleDisplay.cxx, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleDisplay.h, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleFinderCint.cc, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleFinderCint.ccd, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleFinderCint.d, ParticleFinder/Display/ParticleFinderCint.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Reporter/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReport.cxx, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReport.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportObject.cxx, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReportObject.h, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReporterCint.cc, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReporterCint.ccd, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReporterCint.d, ParticleFinder/Reporter/ParticleReporterCint.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/GNUmakefile, ParticleFinder/Truth/LinkDef.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthHelper.cxx, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthHelper.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthMaker.cxx, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthMaker.h, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthObject.cxx, ParticleFinder/Truth/ParticleTruthObject.h, ParticleFinder/macros/LoadLibs.C, ParticleFinder/macros/alltest.C, ParticleFinder/macros/anatest.C, ParticleFinder/macros/display.C, ParticleFinder/macros/display_only.C, ParticleFinder/macros/testjob.C, ParticleFinder/macros/testjob_n.C, plots/ang_0_0.gif, plots/ang_0_1.gif, plots/ang_0_2.gif, plots/ang_0_3.gif, plots/ang_0_4.gif, plots/ang_1_0.gif, plots/ang_1_1.gif, plots/ang_1_2.gif, plots/ang_1_3.gif, plots/ang_1_4.gif, plots/ang_2_0.gif, plots/ang_2_1.gif, plots/ang_2_2.gif, plots/ang_2_3.gif, plots/ang_2_4.gif, plots/ang_3_0.gif, plots/ang_3_1.gif, plots/ang_3_2.gif, plots/ang_3_3.gif, plots/ang_3_4.gif, plots/eem.gif, plots/em.gif, plots/nuefilt.gif, plots/numem.gif, plots/numm.gif, plots/phi_0_0.gif, plots/phi_0_1.gif, plots/phi_0_2.gif, plots/phi_0_3.gif, plots/phi_0_4.gif, plots/phi_1_0.gif, plots/phi_1_1.gif, plots/phi_1_2.gif, plots/phi_1_3.gif, plots/phi_1_4.gif, plots/phi_2_0.gif, plots/phi_2_1.gif, plots/phi_2_2.gif, plots/phi_2_3.gif, plots/phi_2_4.gif, plots/phi_3_0.gif, plots/phi_3_1.gif, plots/phi_3_2.gif, plots/phi_3_3.gif, plots/phi_3_4.gif, plots/theta_0_0.gif, plots/theta_0_1.gif, plots/theta_0_2.gif, plots/theta_0_3.gif, plots/theta_0_4.gif, plots/theta_1_0.gif, plots/theta_1_1.gif, plots/theta_1_2.gif, plots/theta_1_3.gif, plots/theta_1_4.gif, plots/theta_2_0.gif, plots/theta_2_1.gif, plots/theta_2_2.gif, plots/theta_2_3.gif, plots/theta_2_4.gif, plots/theta_3_0.gif, plots/theta_3_1.gif, plots/theta_3_2.gif, plots/theta_3_3.gif, plots/theta_3_4.gif, plots2/88.gif, plots2/ang_0_0.gif, plots2/ang_0_1.gif, plots2/ang_0_2.gif, plots2/ang_0_3.gif, plots2/ang_0_4.gif, 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plots2/theta_1_4.gif, plots2/theta_2_0.gif, plots2/theta_2_1.gif, plots2/theta_2_2.gif, plots2/theta_2_3.gif, plots2/theta_2_4.gif, plots2/theta_3_0.gif, plots2/theta_3_1.gif, plots2/theta_3_2.gif, plots2/theta_3_3.gif, plots2/theta_3_4.gif, plots2/vertex.gif: [no log message] 2008-09-05 12:20 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/CandEventSR/: AlgEventSRList.cxx, AlgEventSRList.h, AlgEventSSList.cxx, AlgEventSSList.h, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_FarBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_FarCosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearCosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_default.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_FarBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_NearBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_default.C: Implement a pe cut configurable by the "MinUnassocStripPE" parameter in the algorithm config (name chosen to make it completely unambiguous from "MinShwStripPE"). Add a default of 2pe to the DBtxt files Implemented in both AlgEventSRList and AlgEventSSList. 2008-09-05 12:17 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/CandSubShowerSR/: AlgSubShowerSRList.cxx, AlgSubShowerSRList.h, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_Beam.C, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_Cosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_default.C: Implement a pe cut configurable by the "MinStripPE" parameter in the algorithm config. Add a default of 2pe to the DBtxt files 2008-09-05 12:16 boehm * NueAna/MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx: Updated the MuonRemoval Error to give more information whenthe events still didn't match 2008-09-05 12:12 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/reco_peCut/: CandEventSR/AlgEventSR.cxx, CandEventSR/AlgEventSR.h, CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.cxx, CandEventSR/AlgEventSRList.h, CandEventSR/AlgEventSSList.cxx, CandEventSR/AlgEventSSList.h, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_FarBeam.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_FarCosmic.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearBeam.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearCosmic.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_default.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSR_Beam.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSR_Cosmic.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSR_default.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_FarBeam.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_NearBeam.C, CandEventSR/DBtxt_AlgEventSSList_default.C, CandEventSR/EventSRCint.h, CandEventSR/EventSRListModule.cxx, CandEventSR/EventSRListModule.h, CandEventSR/GNUmakefile, CandEventSR/LinkDef.h, CandEventSR/Makefile, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSR.cxx, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSR.h, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSRList.cxx, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSRList.h, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSS.cxx, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSS.h, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSSList.cxx, CandShowerSR/AlgShowerSSList.h, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSR.cxx, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSR.h, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRHandle.cxx, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRHandle.h, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRList.cxx, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRList.h, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRListHandle.cxx, CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRListHandle.h, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSRList_FarBeam.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSRList_FarCosmic.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSRList_NearBeam.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSRList_NearCosmic.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSRList_default.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSR_Beam.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSR_Cosmic.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSR_default.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSSList_default.C, CandShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgShowerSS_default.C, CandShowerSR/GNUmakefile, CandShowerSR/LinkDef.h, CandShowerSR/Makefile, CandShowerSR/ShowerSRListModule.cxx, CandShowerSR/ShowerSRListModule.h, CandSubShowerSR/AlgSubShowerSR.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/AlgSubShowerSR.h, CandSubShowerSR/AlgSubShowerSRList.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/AlgSubShowerSRList.h, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSR.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSR.h, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRHandle.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRHandle.h, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRList.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRList.h, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRListHandle.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/CandSubShowerSRListHandle.h, CandSubShowerSR/ClusterType.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/ClusterType.h, CandSubShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_Beam.C, CandSubShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_Cosmic.C, CandSubShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSRList_default.C, CandSubShowerSR/DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSR_default.C, CandSubShowerSR/EMFluctuation.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/EMFluctuation.h, CandSubShowerSR/GNUmakefile, CandSubShowerSR/LinkDef.h, CandSubShowerSR/SubShowerSRListModule.cxx, CandSubShowerSR/SubShowerSRListModule.h: Copy from development so I have a base to make the 2pe cut changes on 2008-09-05 06:27 Nick West * GridTools/docs/admin_procedures.html: Fix some broken links that Chris spotted 2008-09-05 04:39 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpShowerInfoAna.cxx, MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx, Module/PETrimmer.cxx, NueAnaTools/SntpHelpers.cxx: Making the necessary modifications to get rid of the MOI errors redefining th eprimary shower and track of an event if the old one had been removed in PE trimming 2008-09-04 21:45 tjyang * NueAna/AnnAna.cxx: Fix a bug in calculating ann11 (previously ann30 root object was used to calculate ann11 pid) 2008-09-04 19:27 scavan * NueAna/Module/: PETrimmer.cxx, PETrimmer.h: now recalculating vertex for event after removing low pe showers / tracks before checking to see if we need to throw out the event because vtx finder can't make a good vertex 2008-09-04 16:56 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: Move some more code up into functions. Still won't work, because the method to set the output file name relies on variables that it no longer has 2008-09-04 13:42 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Add Alex to NC 2008-09-04 09:38 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update Niki's entry 2008-09-04 06:57 Nick West * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/SupportConfirmer.py: Personalise the subject line to hopefully reduce the inclination to hit the DELETE button without reading the email. It should now be possible simply to reply with a request for the changes to be made; no need to send a new email. 2008-09-03 22:42 boehm * NueAna/Module/NueModule.cxx: That last commit wasn't quite right 2008-09-03 22:39 boehm * NueAna/Module/NueModule.cxx: Changing the evt strip ph mip arrays to be dynamic to handle arbitrarily large numbre of strips 2008-09-03 22:11 boehm * NueAna/: NueStandard.cxx, Module/NueBeamMonModule.cxx, Module/NueModule.cxx: Changes to correct POT counting in MRCC files and to allow for smoother syncing between mismatched concatenated mrcc vs sntp files 2008-09-03 16:30 nickd * NuMuBar/macros/sussex/MakePrediction.C: Added a script to generate predictions 2008-09-03 10:41 bckhouse * AnalysisNtuples/ANtpAnalysisInfo.cxx: Remove a debugging printout in ANtpAnalysisInfo::~ANtpAnalysisInfo that was responsible for the message: "MsgService::Instance() creating the singleton a 2nd time first one must have been destructed prematurely" 2008-09-02 22:28 boehm * VertexFinder/: VertexFinder.cxx, NtpVtxFinder/NtpVtxFinder.cxx: putting in a catch for zero energy events 2008-09-02 22:08 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx, EventQualAna.cxx, NueStandard.cxx, NueStandard.h, Module/NueModule.cxx, NueAnaTools/Selection.cxx, NueAnaTools/Selection.h: Removing triggerTime from being filled to avoid a strange floating point overrun (thats the edit to EventQual and EventInfo) Adding new functions to NueStandard to handle new preselection cuts Changing selection to keep things smooth 2008-09-02 16:58 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/NCmacros/: GuessPaths.C, load_libs.C, nearFarExtrapolationMC.C: First shot at reorganizing the NC macros. Currently just nearFarExtrapolationMC with lots of functions. Definitely doesn't work in its current state 2008-09-02 16:58 boehm * NueAna/NueAnaTools/SntpHelpers.cxx: GetPrimaryShower wasn't correct as written, now looks in the event shw array then the snarl show array 2008-09-02 16:20 scavan * NueAna/Module/PETrimmer.cxx: PETrimming is now being done over all instances of NtpStRecord in Mom Previously it was just being done over "Primary" 2008-09-02 16:10 boehm * NueAna/FracVarAna.cxx: cosmetic change, removing unused variable 2008-09-02 14:41 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Remove erroneous comment and improve other comments on the histograms with different weights and energy shifts. 2008-09-02 14:24 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationPID.h: Add doxygen comments 2008-09-02 13:35 bckhouse * NCUtils/: Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationFarNear.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/PIDSpectrum.h: Collect the systematic shifts is NCExtrapolation together into a struct. Some more rationalization is possible here. Remove some old functions retained for compatibility with old extractrapolations which have since been removed. Give NCExtrapolation and its children their own DefaultConfig that gets merged with the one in NCExtrapolationModule, so that it isn't filled up with irrelevant options. Fix Phil's Doxygen syntax. 2008-09-02 13:33 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.cxx: Minor mods to MMRereco to enable plot filling to be turned on more easily 2008-09-02 11:26 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Doxygenate comments, and comment out a member variable that I think isn't used 2008-09-02 06:41 Nick West * GridTools/: Scripts/setup/glite_wms.conf, docs/ChangeLog: Update glite_wms.conf to new WMS server lcgwms02.gridpp.rl.ac.uk 2008-09-01 20:27 boehm * NueAna/: MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx, ShwfitAna.cxx: MuonRemoval: protecting against missing events in MuonRemoval Shwfit - plugging two memory leaks 2008-09-01 16:36 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Draw 1D slices through the 2D distribution, plus some minor cosmetic changes 2008-09-01 15:40 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, NCExtrapolationModule.h: Try and get the file-loading speedup to actually work. 2008-09-01 11:12 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx: Actually check the FluctateMCAsData flag. Improved printouts. 2008-09-01 07:59 nwest * GridTools/RemoteSoftwareDeployment/libs_and_builds/build_config_table.dat: Add R1.30 2008-09-01 06:47 nwest * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: Add R1.30 2008-08-31 19:18 bckhouse * NCUtils/NCOscProb.h: Virtual destructors for gcc4.1 2008-08-31 19:02 bckhouse * NCUtils/tests/: dqplots.C, libload.C, oscprob.C, run_tests: Some tests: run_tests runs all .C and .sh files it can find in the tests directory (.C are run compiled) and reports which ones suceeded (returned 0) and which failed. libload.C simply tries to load the necessary NCUtils libraries. dqplots.C runs the comine_dq_plots macro and checks that the number of plots in the output file is right (it currently doesn't make any fancier checks) oscprob.C tests the new angles model with random oscillation parameters, and checks that the resulting probalities are between 0 and 1, sum to 1 and that they agree with the original version of the code. Confirmed to pass at Oxford and Fermilab. 2008-08-31 18:57 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, Extraction/NCExtractionCuts.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionMDA.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, NumRec/nr.h, NumRec/nrutil_nr.h, macros/GuessPaths.C, macros/combine_dq_plots.C, macros/load_libs.C: Try for a 2x speedup in file loading in the UseMCAsData case by only loading the MC files once. The potential fallout here is accidentally loading the wrong files in some case I haven't thought about. Add new general angles oscillation model, early version, currently unused. New macro GuessPaths that works out who and where you are and guesses where to gt data files from and where to save outputs to. CINT complained about reference members in NumRec - comment out the classes using them as they don't appear to be used for anything themselves. 2008-08-28 20:02 Robert Hatcher * setup/packages-S08-08-28-R1-30: First commit 2008-08-28 17:48 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRunCPT.cxx, NuMMRunCPT.h: Added functions and code to turn off the neutrino contribution to the likelihood. 2008-08-27 20:43 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpShowerInfoAna.cxx, AnalysisInfoAna.cxx, MuonRemovalInfoAna.cxx, NueStandard.cxx, NueStandard.h, NueAnaTools/SntpHelpers.cxx, NueAnaTools/SntpHelpers.h: Standardizing the usage of Primary shower across all of the code 2008-08-27 16:35 tjyang * NueAna/AnnAna.cxx: fix a typo 2008-08-27 16:32 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/TimeCalWalkCalibrator.cxx: small modification to TimeCalWalkCalibrator: save the results of the fit to the time walk, and also the residuals of the fit. 2008-08-27 15:57 boehm * NueAna/FracVarAna.cxx: FracVarAna no longer has the cut for nshower before calculating the fracvars 2008-08-27 15:55 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpTruthInfoBeamAna.cxx, ANtpTruthInfoBeamNue.cxx: Adding in the oscillation parameters to do matter effect as well as no matter oscillations by default 2008-08-27 15:29 annah1 * NueAna/SubShowerVarAna.cxx: retrained sspid on 2pe cut files - used only nc and nue events 2008-08-27 15:28 annah1 * NueAna/: SubShowerNN_Ent.cxx, SubShowerNN_Ent.h: retrained the sspid on 2pe cut files - used only nc and nue events 2008-08-27 15:27 annah1 * NueAna/: HighHitVars.cxx, HighHitVars.h: corrected small error with a variable 2008-08-27 14:06 bckhouse * NCUtils/macros/ncccReader.C: Reinstate ncccReader.C since we remembered what it's for (creating training data for NCExtractionMDA) 2008-08-27 12:54 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuCuts.cxx, NuCuts.h: Updating to the new timing cuts. 2008-08-27 12:01 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuSystematic.cxx, NuSystematic.h: An uncertainty on the tau QEL & Res cross sections (simultaneaously, as a scale factor), the size configured from the xml files (recommended 15%). 2008-08-27 09:04 rodriges * NCUtils/Extraction/: NCAnalysisModule.cxx, NCAnalysisModule.h, NCAnalysisReader.cxx, NCExtraction.h, NCExtractionANN.cxx, NCExtractionCuts.cxx, NCExtractionMDA.cxx: remove references to things that got deleted yesterday, so that it builds 2008-08-27 09:00 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h: Use spectra.size() for the number of beams, instead of a member variable 2008-08-27 08:52 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h: Use the "useMCAsData" variable to decide whether a given event is data or fake data. I think this is correct. 2008-08-26 19:47 pawloski * NueAna/NueAnaTools/NueConvention.cxx: Updated slopes and offsets for NueEnergyCorrection based on docDB5001-v1 2008-08-26 19:00 bckhouse * NCUtils/: Extraction/NCExtractionAS.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionAS.h, Extraction/NCExtractionRO.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionRO.h, Extraction/NCExtractionRPann.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionRPann.h, Extraction/NCExtractionResultsADM.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionResultsADM.h, Extraction/NCExtractionTOm.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionTOm.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.h, macros/ncccSeparation.C: Files that should have been removed previously but were missed. 2008-08-26 18:54 bckhouse * NCUtils/macros/: ncccReader.C, ncccSeparationAS.C, ncccSeparationTO.C, ncccSeparationTR.C, nearFarExtrapolation.C, nearFarExtrapolationJK.C, nearFarExtrapolationSyst.C, nearFarExtrapolationSystExt.C, nearFarExtrapolationTO.C: Remove unused and unneeded macros: ncccReader.C ncccSeparationAS.C ncccSeparationTO.C ncccSeparationTR.C nearFarExtrapolation.C nearFarExtrapolationJK.C nearFarExtrapolationSyst.C nearFarExtrapolationSystExt.C nearFarExtrapolationTO.C Remainder are likely to be renamed and consolidated in the near future. 2008-08-26 18:50 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: LinkDef.h, NCExtrapolationDP.cxx, NCExtrapolationDP.h, NCExtrapolationFarNear.cxx, NCExtrapolationFarNear.h, NCExtrapolationJK.cxx, NCExtrapolationJK.h, NCExtrapolationMQ.cxx, NCExtrapolationMQ.h, NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, NCExtrapolationModule.h, NCExtrapolationNS.cxx, NCExtrapolationNS.h, NCExtrapolationPID.h, NCExtrapolationRS.cxx, NCExtrapolationRS.h: Remove unmaintained and unused extrapolations: NCExtrapolation MQ, NS, DP, RS, JK removed NCExtrapolation JK_fit renamed to FarNear 2008-08-26 18:46 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extraction/: LinkDef.h, NCExtraction.cxx, NCExtraction.h, NCExtractionADM.cxx, NCExtractionADM.h, NCExtractionANN.cxx, NCExtractionANN.h, NCExtractionCuts.cxx, NCExtractionCuts.h, NCExtractionDP.cxx, NCExtractionDP.h, NCExtractionKA.cxx, NCExtractionKA.h, NCExtractionKAD.cxx, NCExtractionKAD.h, NCExtractionMDA.cxx, NCExtractionMDA.h, NCExtractionNS.cxx, NCExtractionNS.h, NCExtractionPL.cxx, NCExtractionPL.h, NCExtractionTO.cxx, NCExtractionTO.h, NCExtractionTR.cxx, NCExtractionTR.h, NCExtractionTRann.cxx, NCExtractionTRann.h, NCExtractionkNN.cxx, NCExtractionkNN.h: Remove unused and unmaintained extractions. Rename remainder after what they are not who wrote them. Removed: NCExtraction TRann, TO, NS, KA, KAD, DP, ADM, TR, PL Renamed: NCExtraction AS->MDA, RO->kNN, RPann->ANN, TOm->Cuts 2008-08-26 18:36 bckhouse * NCUtils/Cuts/: LinkDef.h, NCAnalysisCuts.cxx, NCAnalysisCuts.h, NCAnalysisCutsCR.cxx, NCAnalysisCutsCR.h, NCAnalysisCutsOx.cxx, NCAnalysisCutsOx.h, NCAnalysisCutsTO.cxx, NCAnalysisCutsTO.h: Clean out unused and unmaintained code. If needed the old versions are still in CVS or in the R1.30 tag. Remove AnalysisCuts CR, Ox and TO Also, remove requirement of NCAnalysisCuts to tell Extractions what value to place their cut at. 2008-08-26 18:35 tjyang * NueAna/data/ann082608_11inp.root.proxy: add proxy file for ann11 2008-08-26 18:16 tjyang * NueAna/: Ann.cxx, Ann.h, AnnAna.cxx, AnnAna.h: add ann11 2008-08-26 17:41 scavan * VertexFinder/NtpVtxFinder/NtpVtxFinder.cxx: backport to R1-28 now computing vertex for <40 pe events now checking vector length when computing timing to avoid segfault 2008-08-26 14:21 rodriges * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationPID.cxx, NCExtrapolationPID.h, PIDSpectrum.cxx, PIDSpectrum.h: Classes to implement a 2D PID vs energy NC fitting method. Some rough edges in its interaction with NCUtils need to be sorted out. 2008-08-26 14:12 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, NCExtrapolationModule.h: A new feature: if you are using "UseMCAsData" then setting "FluctuateMCAsData" in the macro will Poisson-fluctuate the events to simulate a mock data trial. Warning - may require some testing before it is ready. 2008-08-26 12:57 annah1 * NueAna/: HighHitVars.cxx, HighHitVars.h, HighHitVarsAna.cxx: Adding shower beg_plane variable 2008-08-26 08:33 dja25 * NuMuBar/macros/sussex/StarPlot.C: taken Track Energy Both 2008-08-25 19:20 Robert Hatcher * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/gminos_ffr.py: To keep glob pattern length of the flux file path reasonable (<80 char for FFREAD) remove duplication and redundancy of 'subdir' in path and file name and hope no one puts the wrong file in a subdirectory. 2008-08-25 16:23 bckhouse * NCUtils/: LinkDef.h, NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCEventInfo.cxx, NCEventInfo.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsCR.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsTO.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extraction/NCReaderHelper.cxx, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.cxx, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationMQ.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationMQ.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNS.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, macros/load_libs.C: Fix NCExtrapolationNone so it gives sensible contours (although there is still some fit bias, presumably because I don't consider electrons and taus). Lessons learned - without the CC spectrum our sensitivity is lousy, don't need to do our own scaling of MC based on POTs, NCEnergyBin handles that. Add new classes for dealing with oscillation probabilities - NCOscPars. Migrate some of the old callers. Change TMath::Power(x, 2) and pow(x, 2) to SQR(x). Also one instance of TMath::Power(2.71828, x) to TMath::Exp(x) Don't pass coordNames to GetChiSqrForMap anymore, noone uses it. Changes to NCEnergyBin: some names, and don't store energies as 1.27L/E anymore, we never do anything with this except convert back. 2008-08-25 15:00 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/TimeCalStripConstants.cxx: modification to TimeCalStripConstants: store the timing calibration constants to diagnostic root file, change pulse height thresholds for strips used in calibration. 2008-08-25 14:54 blake * AtNuOutput/: NtpMaker.cxx, reco_MC.C, reco_data.C, reco_data_spill.C: Modified reconstruction scripts for data and Monte Carlo - these should now load the required libraries. 2008-08-25 13:09 blake * Filtration/: DataQualityFilter.cxx, DataQualityFilter.h, DataQualityInterface.cxx, DataQualityInterface.h: incorporate a check on the GPS error into data quality checks + fix code to handle the far detector timing skew in May 2008. 2008-08-25 13:03 blake * AtNuOutput/: AlgFarDetSlice.cxx, AlgFarDetSliceList.cxx, DBtxt_AlgFarDetSliceList_default.C, DBtxt_AlgFarDetSlice_default.C, FarDetSliceListModule.cxx, NtpMaker.cxx: added a "CheckInstall" flag to AlgFarDetSlice and AlgFarDetSliceList - requires flag to be set for status of far detector installation to be checked and maximum plane number to be set accordingly. 2008-08-25 11:23 annah1 * NueAna/: HighHitVars.h, HighHitVarsAna.cxx: Modified HighHitVars for to use MIP for ranking instead of sigcor 2008-08-25 10:48 annah1 * NueAna/HighHitVarsAna.cxx: Added MIP to the HighHitVars package 2008-08-25 10:47 annah1 * NueAna/HighHitVars.h: Added MIP energies to the HighHitVars package 2008-08-25 10:47 annah1 * NueAna/HighHitVars.cxx: Added MIP energies to the highhitvars package 2008-08-22 16:39 zisvan * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Added the reweighting to histograms hntrkNQ, hntrkLikeNQ, htrknplaneNQ, hplaneTrkNuNQ, hplaneTrkNvNQ, hknn10TrkMeanPhEvtNQ, hknn40TrkPhFracEvtNQ, hnshwNQ hnstripShwNQ, hntrkPQ, hntrkLikePQ, htrknplanePQ, hplaneTrkNuPQ, hplaneTrkNvPQ, hknn10TrkMeanPhEvtPQ, hknn40TrkPhFracEvtPQ, hnshwPQ, hnstripShwPQ 2008-08-22 16:19 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/SupportConfirmer.py: Rewrite the support confirmation request email in a possibly doomed attempt to make the pill a little less bitter. 2008-08-22 16:19 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/SupportChecker.py: Instead of checking the packages-development file check for all packages that are category 2 or above. 2008-08-22 16:19 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/PackageMaintenanceSupport.py: Assign every package a category:- 3 Essential Package is part of Development, Frozen and Snapshot Releases 2 Important Package is part of Development Release to check that it builds 1 Optional Package is not part of any current release Until we have a template for Frozen and Snapshot releases it isn"t possible to differentiate between 2 and 3 so all are assigned 3. 2008-08-22 16:19 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/HtmlPageBuilder.py: Record package category. 2008-08-22 14:33 blake * AtNuOutput/NtpMaker.cxx: fixing accessing of the time to the nearest spill to account for recent far detector clock skew (May 2008) 2008-08-22 11:37 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/: TimeCalJumpFinder.cxx, TimeCalJumpFinder.h, TimeCalStripConstants.cxx: main modification is to TimeCalJumpFinder - can now specify start and end times between which jumps are identified. 2008-08-22 10:37 nwest * UserManualDoc/src/database_interface.tex: Document config. parameter extension MakeConnectionsPermanent = -1 2008-08-22 10:28 nwest * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Add ability to make ASCII DB connections temporary. Ensure connection is allowed to close after setting up new DbiTableProxys, 2008-08-22 10:27 nwest * DatabaseInterface/DbiTableProxyRegistry.cxx: Extend config "MakeConnectionsPermanent" parameter to add ability to make ASCII DB connections temporary. 2008-08-22 10:27 nwest * DatabaseInterface/: DbiServices.cxx, DbiServices.h: Add ability to make ASCII DB connections temporary. API Change Add: bool DbiServices::fAsciiDBConectionsTemporary bool AsciiDBConectionsTemporary() 2008-08-22 10:27 nwest * DatabaseInterface/DbiDBProxy.cxx: Ensure connection is allowed to close after setting up table meta-data. Internal Change DbiDBProxy::StoreMetaData(DbiTableMetaData& metaData) const wrapper use of TSQLServer in Connect()/DisConnect(). 2008-08-22 10:27 nwest * DatabaseInterface/: DbiConnection.cxx, DbiConnection.h: Allow connection to be temporary as well as permanent. Add warning to TSQLServer* DbiConnection::GetServer() explaining that should wrapper use in Connect()/DisConnect(). API Change Add: void Connect() void DisConnect() Mod: SetPermanent(UInt_t dbNo) - add arg: Bool_t permanent = true Internal Change Open() - Only make ASCII DB connection permanent if required. 2008-08-22 10:27 nwest * DatabaseInterface/: DbiCascader.cxx, DbiCascader.h: Allow connection to be temporary as well as permanent. API Change Mod: SetPermanent(UInt_t dbNo) - add arg: Bool_t permanent = true 2008-08-21 23:46 ahimmel * NuMuBar/: NuDSTAna.cxx, NuTransition.cxx, NuTransition.h: Updated NuTransition to have a single void Reweight(NuEvent &nu) function that takes a nu event and does the systematic shifts, oscillations, and transitions as described in the xmlConfig object that the NuTransition object was constructed with. All these functions need to be combined into one function in order to have the systematics applied properly while still modifying the original NuEvent and not branching out. This method has been checked event-by-event to give identical results with the original, more complicated, method. MMTransition and StdNMBAna have all been modified to use this new function. 2008-08-21 15:47 nickd * NuMuBar/NuTransition.cxx: Fixed a SEGV when you didn't have an XML file, but NuTransition assumed you did. 2008-08-21 13:51 rearmstr * BeamMegaFit/ZbeamWeight.h: Added a line to reconfigure zbeam for different versions 2008-08-21 13:03 Robert Hatcher * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: push last_confirmation date for rhatcher forward. 2008-08-21 00:24 Robert Hatcher * NueAna/Extrapolation/NueExpGenerator.cxx: rint() function needs an explicit #include 2008-08-20 21:33 boehm * NueAna/Module/: NueModule.cxx, PETrimmer.cxx: Updating the software to ensure that when events are removed do to PE trimming the truth helper information is still valid - this was previously not working andcaused the truth to sheer when events were removed 2008-08-20 18:08 Robert Hatcher * EventKinematics/Module/: GNUmakefile, HepevtModule.cxx, HepevtModule.h: Change the name of the PACKAGE, not just the formation of the LIB, so that the dictionary routines don't clash thus letting us use CINT to call HepevtModule static functions. 2008-08-20 16:35 mtavera * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Add some histograms to be able to look at variables such as number of showers, number of strips, number of V/U like planes, track fraction of ph, mean ph, number of track like planes, Number of planes... 2008-08-20 14:15 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update Hugh Gallagher entry 2008-08-19 22:57 Robert Hatcher * Production/asciidb/dogwood/bhend/BFLDDBIPLANEMAPVLD.csv: make the table valid for MC as well as Data so we can use it in an "eggplant" or "fava" fashion. Leave it up to the user to not use this for ASCII_DB_SET if it isn't appropriate. 2008-08-19 19:02 George Irwin * MessageService/: MsgService.cxx, MsgService.h, MsgStream.cxx, MsgStream.h: kFatal MSG prints user's msg and sets flag to abort job with MSGException at next MsgService::Instance() call. 2008-08-19 18:49 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCEnergyBin.cxx, NCExtrapolationNone.cxx: Couple of fixes, one for gcc 4.1, one to correct a mismerge. 2008-08-19 18:29 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCType.cxx, NCType.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.h, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.h, Extraction/NCExtractionAS.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionDP.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionKA.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionKAD.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionNS.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionPL.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionRO.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionRPann.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionTOm.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionTR.cxx, Extraction/NCExtractionTRann.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.h, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.cxx, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationDP.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationDP.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationMQ.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationMQ.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNS.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNS.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationRS.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationRS.h, Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.h: Lots of files touched here, but this is mostly just churn from the changes to use enumeration names. - Index beams by BeamType, not the Zarko values, so don't have to call FromZarko() everywhere. - Introduce REGISTER_NCEXTRACTION macro in the same manner as for extrapolations. The macro variable to set is ExtractionsList (defaults to TOm). - In AnalysisModule centralize the checking of filesizes against 1.8gig - Use NCType::EFileType and NCType::ERunType consistently instead of using ints - Some const-correctness in NCEnergyBin - Remove fExtrapolationType and the list of extrapolation names. Instead use a new function GetShortName(), and change GetLongName() so that it returns a TString. - Remove the requirement to convert a CoordNDim to a vector via SetParametersForOscillation fit before you can determine the survival probability. At present this is achieved simply by calling it for ourselves in GetSurvivalProbability. 2008-08-19 18:19 nickd * NuMuBar/: NuDSTAna.cxx, NuDSTAna.h, NuTransition.cxx, NuTransition.h: Added new function to NuTransitions for Jeff: TransitionEvent, that takes a nuevent and then reweights it to account for transitions. I've had to make a copy of the NuDSTAna::Oscillate function. This is a bad thing, but It works this way and I don't have the time/energy to put into making it more general. I also update NuDSTAna's OscillateorTransition function to use this new function. 2008-08-19 12:49 rodriges * AutoLibLoad/testClasses: Replace NCExtrapolationJK with MCEvent for testing NCUtils, due to recent changes in NCUtils (can't create an extrapolation with default constructor) 2008-08-19 12:39 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/rootmap/mkrootmaps.py: Remove code that was only used for the make-rootmaps-for-loon case. Also lose some irrelevant comments 2008-08-19 09:44 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuSystematic.cxx: Bug fix for the target hole systematic (the hole was always being given a non-zero width). 2008-08-19 08:21 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/HtmlPageBuilder.py: List obsolete (not in Development Release) packages. In maintainers table, give time since last confirmation. 2008-08-19 06:45 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Remove Liz. 2008-08-18 18:08 boehm * NueAna/: EventQualAna.cxx, Extrapolation/LinkDef.h, Extrapolation/NueExpGenerator.cxx, Extrapolation/NueExpGenerator.h, Extrapolation/NueFitter.cxx, Extrapolation/NueFitter.h, Extrapolation/NueGenConfig.cxx, Extrapolation/NueGenConfig.h, macros/InputSet1.inp, macros/MakeGrid.C, macros/RunBigFitter.C: Modification to fix the timing bug for the nc cleaning cuts, also adding in all necessary code so anyone can do the Feldman cousins fitting for the nue analysis 2008-08-18 18:07 nickd * NuMuBar/NuTransition.h: Removed erroneously introduced classdef structure. 2008-08-18 17:49 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/rootmap/mkrootmaps.py: A gigantic load of experimental changes that I really should have committed earlier. Foremost among them is to include the MINOS default libraries in the dependency search so that this should work with plain old root. Plus a bunch of workarounds that that entails 2008-08-18 17:48 blake * RunQuality/: DbuFarRunQuality.cxx, RunQualityFinder.cxx, RunQualityFinder.h, runqualityfinder.C: adding access to run and subrun number from RunQualityFinder 2008-08-18 16:01 nickd * NuMuBar/: NuTransition.cxx, NuTransition.h: Set CVSID, updated contact information and updated a function argument to const 2008-08-18 15:11 evansj * NtupleUtils/: NuSystematic.cxx, NuSystematic.h: Adding a 'target hole' systematic which chops out any events in a segment of the target of length defined (in cm) in the xml files. The hole starts at z=20 cm, and is defined in terms of ppvz (which isn't quite correct, but my DSTs don't have tvz in them at the moment). The hole start of 20 cm is also a guess. 2008-08-18 14:21 Brian Rebel * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: edit my entry 2008-08-18 13:48 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCType.h, Extrapolation/LinkDef.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNone.h: Add a new extrapolation: NCExtrapolationNone the intention is that this just uses the FD MC without attempting any extrapolation. This may be a useful comparison for analysis purposes, allows testing with a fast "extrapolation" and serves as an example. Unfortunately this part doesn't work properly yet. The other feature of this class is to write out a root file of all the NC and CC events used in the analysis. The filename is set by a macro parameter "SelectedEventsFilename". Bugfix: destroy Extrapolation objects in module destructor instead of leaking them. 2008-08-18 13:44 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/: TimeCalJumpFinder.cxx, TimeCalJumpFinder.h, TimeCalStripConstants.cxx, TimeCalStripConstants.h, TimeCalWalkCalibrator.cxx: write out diagnostic root files after generation of strip constants, plus a few cosmetic changes. 2008-08-18 11:40 hartnell * NuMuBar/: NuDSTAna.cxx, NuDSTAna.h: Added a new function that does either oscillations or oscillations+transitions: void NuDSTAna::OscillateOrTransition(NuEvent& nu,const NuXMLConfig* xmlConfig, const NuTransition* transition) const Alex's new NuTransition class has to provide a method that just changes nu.rw of the existing NuEvent rather than creating a clone. There is a complication in that when doing event by event reweighting for the transitions each antineutrino has both the original weight associated with the antineutrino from the beam and also the weight from the neutrino that has turned into an anti-neutrino. Rather than filling the histograms twice with two separate weights it is possible to fill just once. This is achieved by having the new weight be the "original weight" *plus* the weight associated with the transitioned neutrino. This is a work in progress and doesn't work properly yet... 2008-08-18 11:31 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuTransition.h: Added a function to allow the transitions object to be asked: Bool_t IsSetToDoTransitions() const {return !doNothing;}; 2008-08-18 11:00 blake * RunQuality/: LinkDef.h, RunQualityFinder.cxx, RunQualityFinder.h, RunQualityUtil.cxx, RunQualityUtil.h, makegoodrunlist.C, runqualityfinder.C: modify RunQualityFinder to return run status using RunStatus enumeration, plus cache the result of the most recent db query. addition of a RunQualityUtil namespace to contain some helper methods - that first is a method to write out a list of good and bad runs. 2008-08-18 10:55 blake * RunQuality/: RunStatus.cxx, RunStatus.h: addition of a 'RunStatus' enumeration to flag the run status 2008-08-18 10:53 blake * RunQuality/: DbuFarRunQuality.cxx, DbuFarRunQuality.h: re-organise selection criteria for good runs by inserting internal methods that check different aspects of run status: GoodRunType(), GoodReadout(), Short(), LowRate(), HighRate() 2008-08-18 10:24 evansj * NtupleUtils/NuSystematic.cxx: Updating the cross section systematics so they shift all three types of neutrino (and antineutrino) together: not just the numus. 2008-08-18 09:28 nickd * NtupleUtils/NuFCFitter.cxx: Removed frivolous output line 2008-08-18 00:24 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCFitter.cxx, NuFCFitter.h, NuFCGridPoint.cxx, NuMMParameters.h: - Slightly changed a new function in NuMMParameters to be backwards compatible - Fixed a nasty bug in NuFCGridPoint where sn2 was being initialised with dm2 and vice-versa - Moved NuFCFitter over to storing the true histogram, rather than passing it around. It remains to be seen if this is better or not, but I changed it whilst trying to fix the above-mentioned bug. 2008-08-17 23:33 nickd * NtupleUtils/NuMMParameters.h: Fixed bug returning lower limit 2008-08-17 16:46 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCFitter.cxx, NuFCGridPoint.cxx: Added some debugging output to the fitter. 2008-08-17 16:40 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/QuadLinearityCalScheme.cxx: Add protection against overflow fpe. 2008-08-17 16:31 Nathaniel Tagg * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Yes, I'm still alive. 2008-08-17 15:07 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperiment.h, NuFCFitter.h: Added classdefs, made destructor virtual to compensate. 2008-08-17 14:45 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCFitter.cxx, NuFCFitter.h, NuFCGridPoint.cxx, NuFCGridPoint.h, NuMMParameters.h, NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx: - Fixed a SEGV in NuMatrixSpectrum - bug fixes and a couple of changes in NuMMParameters - More development of FC fitting - basis is done now, just debugging to go 2008-08-17 12:15 nickd * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuFCExperiment.cxx, NuFCExperiment.h, NuFCFitter.cxx, NuFCFitter.h, NuFCGridPoint.cxx, NuFCGridPoint.h, NuMMParameters.h, NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuSystFitter.cxx, NuSystFitter.h: - Added a new class for the FC procedure, NuFCFitter - Added functions to NuMMParameters to retrieve the limits - More work on FC procedure classes - Added a function to NuSystFitter that you pass a 2D histogram, and it fills it with likelihoods - Changed NuMatrixSpectrum::RebinTo4GeV so that it doesn't use roots stupid built in Rebin function, that doesn't seem to work properly. 2008-08-16 22:07 nickd * NtupleUtils/NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Header referenced TH1D directly, but only predeclared. 2008-08-16 21:59 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuFCExperiment.h, NuFCGridPoint.cxx, NuFCGridPoint.h: Fixed a couple of compiler warnings (no newline at end of file) and added a missing cvsid line to NuFCGridPoint.cxx 2008-08-16 21:36 nickd * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuFCExperiment.cxx, NuFCExperiment.h, NuFCGridPoint.cxx, NuFCGridPoint.h, NuMMRunFC.cxx, NuMMRunFC.h, NuSystFitter.h: - Added a copy constructor to NuMMRunFC. - Added a function (currently commented out) to NuSystFitter - Added the basis of two classes to do the FC analysis 2008-08-16 17:00 boehm * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: updateing my information 2008-08-16 16:57 boehm * NueAna/Extrapolation/: Comparator.cxx, JBComparator.cxx: adjustments for a mac compiler difficulty with double->int 2008-08-16 15:13 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuMMRunFC.h, NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: Added a constructor to NuMatrixSpectrum that reads directly out of a file. Fixed a pre-declaration omission in NuMMRunFC.h 2008-08-15 22:25 Robert Hatcher * NCUtils/DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.cxx: use Detector:: rather than synonym DetectorType:: in hopes of some day dropping the latter. 2008-08-15 22:22 Robert Hatcher * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx: needs an #include "Validity/VldTimeStamp.h" to resolve class (only had forward declarations in this particular usage pattern). 2008-08-15 22:18 Robert Hatcher * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx: Use of fabs() (vs. TMath::Abs()) requires #include on gcc 4.0.1 2008-08-15 19:01 loiacono * BeamDataDbi/BMCutsFiller.cxx: Removed SetOverlayCreationDate() from BMCutsFiller.cxx 2008-08-15 18:28 loiacono * BeamDataUtil/BMSpillAna.cxx: The pot spill cut was being made on TORTGT. This was changed to cut on TRTGTD. Also code was added to cut out spills when the target is not in. 2008-08-15 15:58 jpaley * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: [no log message] 2008-08-15 15:24 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: gminos_cfg_M100-200_far_beam_helium_bhcurv.py, gminos_cfg_M100-200_far_invert_helium_bhcurv.py, gminos_cfg_M100-200_far_nutau_helium_bhcurv.py, gminos_cfg_M100200_far_beam_helium_bhcurv.py, gminos_cfg_M100200_far_invert_helium_bhcurv.py, gminos_cfg_M100200_far_nutau_helium_bhcurv.py: Add preliminary FD ME helium cfg scripts 2008-08-15 10:51 rodriges * AutoLibLoad/testClasses: Use Moments to test Mad instead of MadPIDAnalysis - it's a much simpler class 2008-08-15 07:27 tjyang * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: update tjyang 2008-08-15 05:38 nwest * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/dbi_query_mysql.pm: Commit change that has been loitering on the farm since last March:- # March 2008. Remove --quick after investigations show that running # with any client version and server both on fnpcsrv1 with output # going to any NFS disk leads to truncated results. Removing --quick # forces server to buffer output which fixes the problem. 2008-08-14 17:56 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, NCExtrapolationModule.h, NCParameter.cxx: Looks like I was falling foul of some variant of the "static initialization order fiasco". Apply the workaround from http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/ctors.html#faq-10.13 Also add NCParameter.cxx missed from previous checkins. 2008-08-14 14:13 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.cxx: Fix undefined symbol in NCPOTCounter. 2008-08-14 13:33 scavan * VertexFinder/NtpVtxFinder/NtpVtxFinder.cxx: ntp vtx finder has 2 changes 1) now calculating vertex for events with < 40 pe total energy 2) when using track vertex as event vertex, first verify that there will be hits between vertex plane and vertex plane+5 to protect against empty vector when calculating event time 2008-08-14 09:46 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/: TimeCalEastWestMaker.cxx, TimeCalJumpFinder.cxx, TimeCalStripConstants.cxx, TimeCalWalkCalibrator.cxx: tweaks to calibration code + protections against floating point errors 2008-08-13 23:18 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCOscProb.cxx, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.h: Missing #include 's for gcc 4.1 2008-08-13 22:09 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: gminos_cfg_M100-200_helium_bhcurv_near.py, gminos_cfg_M100-200_helium_bhcurv_rock.py, gminos_cfg_M100200_helium_bhcurv_near.py, gminos_cfg_M100200_helium_bhcurv_rock.py: Preliminary cfg scripts for ME beam ND MC with helium 0.9atm, fwd and rev horn current. Output intended for overlay with 2.80e13 POTs/snarl and 500 snarls per overlay file. 2008-08-13 21:32 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/: gminos_cfg_L010185_helium_bhcurv_near.py, gminos_cfg_L010185_helium_bhcurv_rock.py: Update L010185 helium bhcurv rock and near cfg to use 0.9atm flux files not 1.0 atm 2008-08-13 21:31 arms * Contrib/rhatcher/gminos_jobs/umn_bulk_copy.sh: Add setting to remove transferred files locally to command-line options 2008-08-13 21:14 ahimmel * NuMuBar/: NuTransition.cxx, NuTransition.h: NuTransition now checks in the beginning of the constructor whether or not there are transitions and stores this in a bool, doNothing. If doNothing is true, then the Nutransition class's public methods now just check 1 boolean and return, meaning they should have a trivial impact on speed if transitions are not happening. It also no longer tries to read the xsec file in the constructor if there are no transitions. This should make the inclusion of a NuTransitions object relatively invisible if there are no transitions happening. 2008-08-13 17:02 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, NCExtrapolationModule.cxx: Fix warning in JK_fit and a few lines of code that should have been removed from ExtrapolationModule and weren't 2008-08-13 16:50 bckhouse * NCUtils/: NCAnalysisUtils.cxx, NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCEventInfo.cxx, NCEventInfo.h, NCOscProb.cxx, NCOscProb.h, NCType.h, Cuts/NCAnalysisCuts.cxx, Cuts/NCAnalysisCutsCR.cxx, DataQuality/LinkDef.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityModule.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot2D.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot2D.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlotter.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlotter.h, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCBeam.h, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.cxx, Extrapolation/NCContourFinder.h, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationMQ.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationNS.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationRS.cxx, Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.cxx, Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.h, Extrapolation/NCParameter.h, NumRec/MinosMinimization.h, macros/combine_dq_plots.C, macros/load_libs.C: Multiple changes: - Hopefully fix data quality plots so they are written out to the root file as plain old TH1's - Rename NCDataQualityPlotter to NCDataQualityModule - Remove "using namespace NCType" from header files, there is an enum that clashes with TCanvas - Merge NCContourFinder changes from Contrib. There was quite a lot of bitrot, so it's likely something got mismerged and broken. - Add a LogLikelihood function into NCExtrapolation and wire JK_fit up to use it. Possibility to have broken this too, with underflow and overflow bins and off-by-one counting in JK_fit - Use GetConfig() instead of holding onto a personal copy of Registry. - Refactoring of NCPOTCounter - First stab at a macro combine_dq_plots for running the data quality module - load_libs macro - Move almost everything out of NCAnalysisUtils into either NCOscProb, where all the oscillation formula stuff now lives, or a new class NCEventInfo. NCAnalysisUtils still lives as a forwarded to NCEventInfo since the changover isn't complete yet. - Make most of the lists of constants in NCType into enums. 2008-08-13 16:36 ahimmel * NuMuBar/: NuDSTAna.cxx, NuDSTAna.h, NuTransition.cxx, NuTransition.h: Transitions code has been broken out into its own object so it can be added to other methods more easily. It has been tested in the MMTransitions method to give event-for-event identical results. It has also been implemented into StdNMBAna(), but I have not tested it in situ. It should require no special additions other than defining transitions in the xml file that is fed in. 2008-08-12 21:18 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx: Possible fix for build failure. 2008-08-12 19:12 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: blah 2008-08-12 16:52 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMHelperCPT.cxx, NuMMHelperCPT.h: The constructor is now overloaded to take strings and char *'s (and also TStrings). The functino of the constructors is now broken out into a separat Construct function that is called by the actual constructors. 2008-08-12 16:10 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/SimpleAcnetMonitor.java: Comment out import java applets 2008-08-12 16:06 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/NuMISummaryPlotter.java: Comment out import java applets 2008-08-12 16:01 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/AcnetPlotter.java: comment out sounds 2008-08-12 12:56 asousa * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Updating last_confirmation. 2008-08-12 05:25 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/SupportConfirmer.py: Always report furthest future date in email to supporter. 2008-08-12 05:25 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/PackageMaintenanceSupport.py: Fix help: support_confirmation does not have --send_email option. 2008-08-12 05:25 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Remove Peter Shanahan. 2008-08-11 21:24 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/GeoGeometry.cxx: Bug fix to this morning's revision. 2008-08-11 19:08 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/: NuMMHelperCPT.cxx, NuMMHelperCPT.h, NuMMRunTransition.cxx, NuSystFitter.cxx, NuSystFitter.h: Several updates. NuMMHelperCPT: Updated constructor to use const char *'s rather than strings to improve usability since the functionality of the latter was not required. NuMMRunTransition: Got rid of a little bit of useless output. NuSystFitter: Created a Likelihood function that returns the likelihood given a NuMMParameters object. This function is identical to the functionality that was in operator (), but that now calls Likelihood. This also allows this function to be called easily from a pointer to the object. 2008-08-11 19:04 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/NuSystematic.cxx, NtupleUtils/NuSystematic.h, NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.cxx: Set up so now there is a static method in NuSystemtic called FluxSyst that returns true for flux-related systematic errors and false for detector-related ones. This is important for the transitions analysis where the transitioned events have the detector-related systematics applied but not the flux errors. 2008-08-11 19:02 ahimmel * NtupleUtils/macros/make_xmls.pl: Updating some default values. Numbering now automatically adjusts to not clobber. 2008-08-11 19:00 ahimmel * NuMuBar/macros/alex/BRev/bRevAna.C: Commiting some old changes. 2008-08-11 18:58 ahimmel * NuMuBar/macros/mm/LoadLibs.C: Adde libMinuit2. 2008-08-11 16:04 webera * VADynodeScan/DynodeScan.C: fixed the total number of VFBs in printout 2008-08-11 15:29 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx: Initialization of fWeightNearClean somehow got lost. 2008-08-11 14:30 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: GeoGeometry.cxx, GeoGeometry.h: Move code to model lead stacks in far detector geometry to new private method: virtual void BuildFarLeadStacks(TGeoVolume* hallVol); 2008-08-11 12:47 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCExtrapolation.cxx, NCExtrapolation.h, NCExtrapolationModule.cxx: Add configuration option EnergyThreshold (GeV). Events with reco.nuEnergy < EnergyThreshold are not considered in the fit. 2008-08-11 12:33 nwest * GridTools/Ganga/GBS/python/LogAnalyser.py: Only include GRID related failures in 'Robustness' 2008-08-11 12:13 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Forward date hartnell's confirmation by the allowed 150 days. 2008-08-11 11:00 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update hartnell for the second time 2008-08-11 10:57 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/SupportConfirmer.py: When scolding user for exceeding the latest valid last_confirmation value tell them what that value is. 2008-08-11 10:57 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/src/HtmlPageBuilder.py: Record the currently latest valid last_confirmation value. 2008-08-11 10:57 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Give link to currently latest valid last_confirmation value. 2008-08-11 09:21 nwest * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/import_export_lock.pm: Extend lock to checksum jobs. 2008-08-11 09:21 nwest * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/: auto_distribute.perl, create_checksum.pm, cs_table_collision.pm: Implement two levels of checksum collision detection:- Global: If another checksum job has set a lock, wait for it to be released, but eventually give up and run anyway. Local: If current table is being checksummed by another job skip it. 2008-08-11 01:16 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuTH2Interpolator.cxx, NuTH2Interpolator.h: Fixed a small bug in TH2Interpolator that meant it only worked with square histograms. Added a function FillHistogram that generates an interpolated histogram. 2008-08-10 21:51 nickd * NtupleUtils/: LinkDef.h, NuTH2Interpolator.cxx, NuTH2Interpolator.h: Added a basic class to interpolate a 2D histogram. Not sure if this is the place for it, but don't know where else to put it for now. 2008-08-10 21:51 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuMMParameters.cxx, NuMMParameters.h: Added ability to set the sin constraints explicitly, and a flag that means that dm2bar will have a one-sided instead of two-sided limit. 2008-08-09 20:03 George Irwin * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Try for 150 days again. 2008-08-09 07:02 jpochoa * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Updated last confirmation for Pedro Ochoa 2008-08-08 20:43 George Irwin * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Advance date entry 2008-08-08 20:25 zisvan * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Added R^2 Trk Vtx and End Cuts, changed majC to smoothMajC 2008-08-08 18:14 rodriges * Contrib/rodriges/HistPainter/mypainter.cxx: Less bad colour selection for autocolor option, and cycle through them 2008-08-08 17:08 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/: AcnetDevice.java, AcnetXmlRpcListener.java, NuMISummaryPlotter.java, SimpleBPMDevice.java, SimpleDeviceGUI.java: Add estimate of readout failure rate to error checking for all devices. For BPMs only check for errors if some intensity was recorded in the toroids (>0.1E12). 2008-08-08 17:06 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/SimpleAcnetMonitor.java: Simplfy job controls. Only 1 job runs at a time 2008-08-08 17:05 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/AcnetXmlRpcPlugin.java: Set device file name after instantiating AcnetPlotter 2008-08-08 17:02 bishai * BeamData/java/ACNETpackage/AcnetPlotter.java: Simplfy job controls. Only 1 job runs at a time 2008-08-08 16:41 Robert Hatcher * NCUtils/DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlotter.cxx: Another case of needing an explicit #include for gcc 4.1 2008-08-08 15:38 Robert Hatcher * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h: NCExtrapolationFactory declares two virtual methods (=0) but no dtor which causes a warning. Add simple "virtual ~NCExtrapolationFactory() { }" line to make warning go away. 2008-08-08 15:35 Robert Hatcher * NCUtils/Extrapolation/NCPOTCounter.cxx: gcc 4.1 needs an explicit #include . 2008-08-08 11:16 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.cxx: Removed these lines: //create a NuEvent pointer to pass around config information NuEvent* pnuGeneral=0; from lots of places. Must be a legacy piece of code. 2008-08-08 11:01 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.cxx: Tidied up and commented the Oscillate function. Now much more readable and you can see what it's doing. Changed: nu.rw*=0; to nu.rw=0; Simpler and one less operation... 2008-08-08 09:32 hartnell * NtupleUtils/NuHistos.cxx: Strip out a load of legacy commented out code 2008-08-08 09:29 hartnell * NtupleUtils/NuHistos.cxx: Do indent-region here also 2008-08-08 09:23 hartnell * NtupleUtils/NuHistos.cxx: Removed these: static TH1D* poKinPQ = 0; static TH1D* roIdPQ = 0; static TH1D* dpIdPQ = 0; static TH1D* trkLPQ = 0; static TH1D* relAPQ = 0; static TH1D* qp_sigmaqpPQ = 0; static TH1D* majCPQ = 0; static TH1D* probPQ = 0; from NuHistos::FillMatrixMethodHistos since they aren't very appropriate here. These histograms already exist in NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx so were duplicated here. Also, they weren't being filled with nu.rw as the weight. 2008-08-08 09:09 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Decided to add weight the spill timing plots with nu.rw as well just for consistency. Shouldn't make any difference though. 2008-08-08 09:00 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Did "indent-region" on all 25000 lines to get rid of tabs, etc. 2008-08-08 08:50 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: A few plots were not being reweighted properly. The nu.rw was missing from the second argument of the fill command. Thanks to Zeynep for finding the problem. 2008-08-07 22:52 ahimmel * NuMuBar/macros/mm/SystematicsStudies/Transitions/: FC.run, FC_Combine.C, GenerateFC.C, RunTransitionMDCFitter.C, RunTransitionSystFitter.C, TransitionsUtils.C: Update the FC, Fitter methods. 2008-08-07 17:50 bckhouse * NCUtils/Extrapolation/: NCPOTCounter.cxx, NCPOTCounter.h: The inevitable forgotten files: seperates POT counting out from the rest of the logic, to some extent. 2008-08-07 17:49 bckhouse * NCUtils/: GNUmakefile, NCAnalysisUtils.cxx, NCAnalysisUtils.h, NCType.cxx, NCType.h, DataQuality/GNUmakefile, DataQuality/LinkDef.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot2D.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlot2D.h, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlotter.cxx, DataQuality/NCDataQualityPlotter.h, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.cxx, Extraction/NCAnalysisModule.h, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.cxx, Extrapolation/NCEnergyBin.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolation.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationJK_fit.h, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.cxx, Extrapolation/NCExtrapolationModule.h, macros/nearFarExtrapolationData.C: Development on main NCUtils branch. Major change is that data quality stuff is split out into its own module, contained in the DataQuality/ directory. This is now run seperately to the extrapolation code, except Alex's "special" plots. The objects written out to the ROOT file are NCDataQualityPlot's not TH1's, this shouldn't cause any trouble worse than some error messages, although it's not optimal. Don't have a presentable macro for running this yet. Speed improvement in JK_fit for the no-systematics case - don't reevaluate the oscillation probability if we already did the same parameters last time round. Minor cleanup all over the place - change lists of const ints to enums, remove code already commented out, etc. In theory this doesn't break anything and should be OK to use, in fact some testing would be appreciated (even if it is unlikely). 2008-08-07 13:52 nickd * NtupleUtils/NuMMRunFC.cxx: Fixed a bug whereby the wrong sign was being oscillated twice 2008-08-07 11:52 blake * TimeCalibratorCam/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, TimeCalEastWestMaker.cxx, TimeCalEastWestMaker.h, TimeCalJumpFinder.cxx, TimeCalJumpFinder.h, TimeCalStripConstants.cxx, TimeCalStripConstants.h, TimeCalWalkCalibrator.cxx, TimeCalWalkCalibrator.h, TimeCalibratorCam.cxx, TimeCalibratorCam.h, strip_to_chip.cxx, strip_to_chip.h, timing_calibration.C: some code to calibrate the far detector timing system: (1) TimeCalEastWestMaker - calculates the east-west time differences between opposite channels. (2) TimeCalJumpFinder - uses east-west differences to find jumps. (3) TimeCalStripConstants - performs strip-to-strip timing calibration. (4) TimeCalWalkCalibrator - time walk as function of pulse height. still under test, so will probably require several further commits! 2008-08-07 10:06 hartnell * NuMuBar/NuDSTAna.cxx: Move the Oscillate call before the IsGoodStdCuts call since there are plots made inside the IsGoodStdCuts function. 2008-08-07 08:47 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Forward date Giles' confirmation to 2009-01-01 2008-08-07 08:47 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/packages.pms: Add description to VALinCalibration 2008-08-07 07:51 jdejong * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: [no log message] 2008-08-06 19:28 webera * VADynodeScan/: .cvsignore, runDS.C: minor changes - propagate debug level 2008-08-06 18:41 zisvan * NuMuBar/NuPlots.cxx: Updated Aug 6 Zeynep Isvan Removed nothing, Added: N_1 histograms Z Vtx/End histograms with supermodules separately binned 2008-08-06 17:59 hartnell * Contrib/Documents/NuMuBarPaper/: minos-collab-may08.tex, nmb.tex, revsymb.sty.txt, revtex4.cls.txt: First commit of a framework for a NuMuBar paper... just scraped together an abstract with very little thought at this stage. 2008-08-06 17:58 hartnell * Contrib/Documents/NuMuBarPaper/.cvsignore: # 2008-08-06 17:00 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/check_access: Zeynep Isvan might also be "zisvan" or even "zei1" so put those in as well. 2008-08-06 16:48 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/check_access: Add "zeynep" to NuMuBar, NtupleUtils, NuBarPID packages. 2008-08-06 16:28 nickd * NuMuBar/: NuDSTAna.cxx, NuDSTAna.h, macros/dstAnaNMB.C: Added an xml file setting to StdNmbAna for zeynep 2008-08-06 09:09 annah1 * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: [no log message] 2008-08-05 21:34 Robert Hatcher * setup/proxy_resolver.py: Allow "bmap" or "bmaps" for special case. 2008-08-05 16:08 ahimmel * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update date. 2008-08-05 15:31 arms * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Update last_confirmation date 2008-08-05 14:52 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: updated my entry. 2008-08-05 13:45 kreymer * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: updated kreymer 2008-08-05 12:04 nickd * NtupleUtils/: NuMatrixSpectrum.cxx, NuMatrixSpectrum.h: ADded a bebinning function to numatrixspectrum, but it needs to be 2008-08-05 11:40 bckhouse * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Bump last_confirmation 2008-08-05 08:19 nwest * PackageMaintenanceSupport/config/maintainers.pms: Forward date Rustem's confirmation until 2009-01-01