COMBATE A UNCINARIOSE COMMlSS&O ROCKEFELLER PORT0 ALEGRE CAIXA POSTAL 343 RUA DAS FLORES 25 ESTADO W RIO GR. DO SUL -rc-- DIRECTORIA DE HYGIENE END. TE!,EGR.: "INTERCOM" Dearest Ma : like handwriting: it is sa cold here I cant rwke srly headway with a pen and have to w3r!c nst to hit the wroric key with i~iy two riunb index fingers. Yothing do these fcllrs Amow of warmth that ccl;ieE from mans effort, hostas they lesve with the gales suckiriL thrcugh then sn the coldest days and they sit still and shudder and grcttn U at the barbaridade sf the cc;ld, I have sriljr tleeri om stove fcr heat giving, or rather fireplace it was, since I have ccme to Prazil and that was in Wlllianfion's hGUSe in Flcrianspolis, 8 It isnt that I dcnt like the cold ! It is exactly the saae sort of self-heating as WE: had at #S General Eosp. with clear sky-blue weather instead. of overcast, and a zest for getting a mxe cn thats a delightful change frclii the eteriial ea,e sf the warmer climates. I h. ve done more wcrk with pleasure and satisfaction here thah ever in Florianopolis. But cold it certainly is, and the dawns and duskd are ncticeably ionyer than in Sta C . or the Korth (Bra-il) . Yhe Serihora acrcss the way has Just stepped out intc the norning sunlight, her bare feet arid calves lcclr blue arid per- sonally I would have learned to knit in these 3p cdd brim years she has been in Torres--- but 8he hbsnt. Her baby of I, months who was flying of overdo& zf lauoanurn last sumner when I was asked ts see him, is n3w with sore eyes arid. brcncho-pneumcriia follcwinE measles, She weeps and I visit tihree times a day but the baby is g3ing strong &rifl getting no gray hairs from the general lact that he's got..five older brothers and will men havc. aysuriger one, that he% given dirty csws midk from an Ayer's Cherry Pectoral br,ttle with a nipple as big as a newel1 post. I d4nt Bee vihy I am burdening y=u with all these details: perscnally I arn glad I dont have just tnis phase sf practice to attend to. r:lleanor cculd be a patron saint in this village in b'rlout twc weeks: but she already 2mows ah !That Fun it is t; be a District Saint, an8 I duubt if the idea thrillE her, i 'It is queer thgt in all the time here in BraLil I d; nct think I hve ever been iisKed in letters a ccricrete question by any 3116. nh yes,';'riti: Tctlbct,a baby specialist tzsked ne socle, but n3 cne else. Isrit that Queer? I wculd hL'vt; thousht you mu12 have asked about flowers ZL-~ lace aid my health ( I lauch - deli- ate suhjects yxre interested ill), that Father would. have aek d about 7rotestantisn arid the Eiraxilian Scctch-Irish and the HLr- vard Club of Xio, that XtirjDrie might have asmd about the greet spera of Guarany arid the local cnstmes sf the reGions arid the traditions =f the Jesuits and Gregcriari ch:ats, Lhat Jim would hcLve asked about Brazilian csons and tht race question here etc but ns airevt out and cut questlous hitve there be.t3iA. 50 bb it-- I VI;LL:?W *bv!,l~r, I a3 ri3t very g~d ut dogiru sut what you are all interested in-- biaing 011 the questisiis Ltn there be "ny. excellent health, capable of rininf: three successive mrLiiiigs at three to half past (three), Fatness and baldness are acre difficult t9 be scjrnful about but have riot actually arrive6. Zorty I no .longer conaifler the eve of old age am? twcilty one COMBATE A UNCINARIOSE COMMISSA0 ROCKEFELLER PORT0 ALEGRE CAIXA POSTAL 343 ESTADO DO RIO OR. DO SUL RUA DAS FLORES 25 END. TELEGR.: "INTERCOM" -- DIRECTORIA DE HYGIENE in 3tht;r po7le 1.ooks 1.t~~: LII Ci less like the davm of uaturity, HE tr, sLzc::%~-pc~ ai? ihi~y stcries, but %s b~ shce le:* zrid interesting expriences am still presentable in the 1.Iissouri sense r;f the word. I have bo?x,%+ ;.:u sene lace arid have wished time arid c_ angain ycu cculd see bhe Ilowers here, ~hc cx=t;r zf vedctd'oie life in Lhe trcpics would deprdyou though: the virles writhe cver and' cften kill the ;iroud.eeC trees anc? everywhere is parasit- id-eals of fair play wmng vegetables, iIy inveteratie Dbjection to weeding proves n~y i'air-rriiriiledriess towards all plants; you will be witnesi? to the fact. Sc perhaps ycu wsuldnt mi,,a aeeingar a big bree rlaning with scarlt t 3rchid.s or lsoking like EL wraith cf shioke with the hanging L~SSS called here barba c?e veihs,old rmn ' 8 beard- . I niss letters I'I'GLI you, but really unaei.starid ..hjj you aont write arid. probably wcrit write ziy cff-spring wheu they go sut tc :iar;ischa.tkh in 1967 to teach the mtives riot to pt f roat - bi t ten. Cheer50 arid the Tith [%'K besc of s