;+ ; NAME: ; hxisSTRLABEL ; PURPOSE: ; Return strings for plot title, quantity and cgs units ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; hxisSTRLABEL,BTYP,BLOW,BUP,CLAB,QUANT,CUNIT ; INPUTS: ; BTYP band settings as selected by SELECT ; BLOW (same meaning as INFO.BYP,INFO.BLOW,INFO.BUP) ; BUP ; OUTPUTS: ; CLAB title: energy bands used (keV) ; QUANT physical quantity (count rates, temp, etc.) ; CUNIT cgs units of QUANT ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; OCT-90, Paul Hick (ARC) ;- pro hxisSTRLABEL, BTYP,BLOW,BUP,CLAB,QUANT,CUNIT EBAND = ['3.5','5.5','8','11.5','16','22','30'] ; Nominal (gain=1.0) energy band boundaries in kev if BTYP eq 0 then begin CLAB = EBAND(BLOW-1)+'-'+EBAND(BUP)+' keV' ; Energy band label QUANT = 'C!I'+strcompress(BLOW, /remove_all) if BLOW ne BUP then QUANT = QUANT+'-'+strcompress(BUP, /remove_all) QUANT = QUANT+'!N' & CUNIT = 'cnts s!u-1' endif else if BTYP eq 1 then begin CLAB = EBAND(BUP-1)+'-'+EBAND(BUP)+' keV'+'/'+EBAND(BLOW-1)+'-'+EBAND(BLOW)+' keV' QUANT = 'T!I'+strcompress(BLOW, /remove_all)+'-'+strcompress(BUP,/remove_all)+'!N' CUNIT = '10!E6!N K' endif else if BTYP eq 2 then begin CLAB = EBAND(BUP-1)+'-'+EBAND(BUP)+' keV'+'/'+EBAND(BLOW-1)+'-'+EBAND(BLOW)+' keV' QUANT = 'E!I'+strcompress(BLOW, /remove_all)+'-'+strcompress(BUP,/remove_all)+'!N' CUNIT = '10!E48!N cm!E-3!N' endif else if BTYP eq 3 then begin CLAB = EBAND(BUP-1)+'-'+EBAND(BUP)+' keV'+'/'+EBAND(BLOW-1)+'-'+EBAND(BLOW)+' keV' A = strcompress(BLOW, /remove_all)+'-'+strcompress(BUP,/remove_all) QUANT = 'k!IB!N*T!I'+A+'!N*E!I'+A+'!N' CUNIT = '10!E38!N erg cm!E-3!N' endif else begin message, 'Invalid BTYP' endelse return & end