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ED256165 - Les attentes des parents des comites d'ecole de la region de Montreal quant au role et a la place des langues non maternelles a l'ecole polyvalente (The Expectations of the Parents on the School Committees in the Montreal Region as to the Role and Place of Non-Native Languages in the Multipurpose Secondary Schools).

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ERIC #:ED256165
Title:Les attentes des parents des comites d'ecole de la region de Montreal quant au role et a la place des langues non maternelles a l'ecole polyvalente (The Expectations of the Parents on the School Committees in the Montreal Region as to the Role and Place of Non-Native Languages in the Multipurpose Secondary Schools).
Authors:Boucher, Anne-Marie
Descriptors:Educational Attitudes; Educational Demand; Educational Objectives; Foreign Countries; Language Attitudes; Parent Attitudes; Parent School Relationship; Second Language Instruction; Secondary Education; Secondary Schools
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Publication Date:1985-00-00
Pub Types:Reports - Research
Abstract:A study of parental expectations and attitudes toward non-native language instruction in the public schools in the Montreal (Quebec) region focused specifically on the parents involved in parent-school liaison organizations related to the "polyvalentes", or nontraditional, broad-spectrum secondary schools. Two objectives were to learn (1) whether the parents were up to date on the issues, decisions, and directions taken by the administration with regard to language instruction, and (2) whether the parents' ideas were the same across subregions, age, sex, educational levels, and native language groups. A survey of the parent committee members revealed that they preferred instruction in English as a second language to be mandatory and undertaken at the secondary level, with instruction in other languages elective and with only one other language offered. Classical languages were not desired. Variation in responses was found to be linked first to educational level attained, second to sex, and third, although weakly, to age. In general, parental agreement with the administration about the role of second language instruction was found, but less agreement was found on specific languages to be taught. (MSE)
Reference Count:0

Identifiers:Quebec (Montreal)
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Bilingualism.
Education Level:Secondary Education