Note that definitions of many of the acronyms used in this document can be found in the Quantum Chemistry Acronyms Database (Northern Illinois Univ.).

Quantum Chemistry

Quantum theory is based on Schrodinger's equation:

in which electrons are considered as wave-like particles whose "waviness" is mathematically represented by a set of wavefunctions obtained by solving Schrodinger's equation.

Schrodinger's equation addresses the following questions:

Schrodinger's equation for molecular systems can only be solved approximately. The approximation methods can be categorized as either ab initio or semiempirical. Semiempirical methods use parameters that compensate for neglecting some of the time consuming mathematical terms in Schrodinger's equation, whereas ab initio methods include all such terms. The parameters used by semiempirical methods can be derived from experimental measurements or by performing ab initio calculations on model systems. The differences between these methods are described in more detail in the next section. Their practical differences are listed below:

Quantum mechanics methods are based on the following principles:

Note how these principles differ from those of molecular mechanics.

Theoretical Background

A basic understanding of how approximate molecular wave equations are constructed and solved is essential to the proper use of quantum chemical software. Quantum chemistry is highly mathematical in nature, and the language used to describe quantum chemical methods more often relates to equations than to chemical concepts. Non-specialists who are interested in using quantum chemical methods as molecular modeling tools can be faced with a considerable learning curve.

This section is designed to serve as a starting point for acquiring a working knowledge of the current generation of quantum chemical methods. The emphasis in this work is on the relationships between important quantum chemical concepts and their mathematical foundations. This presentation is loosely based on Lowe.

Standing Waves in a Clamped String

The properties of waves in a string clamped at both ends (clamped string) are analogous to some of the important basic quantum mechanical properties of atoms and molecules. Waves can be generated by plucking (adding energy to) such a string:

By observation, waves in a clamped string must adopt discrete wavelengths because the ends of the string cannot be displaced.

Such waves can be mathematically described by solving the wave equation for . The one-dimensional form of the wave equation is sufficient to describe the clamped string model:

The solutions to the wave equation, , are called the wavefunctions. is proportional to the energy density at any point along the wave (i.e. the amount of energy from the pluck that is stored in each part of the string).

All solutions to the wave equation must be symmetric. However, there are two possible kinds of wave symmetries. The first type of symmetry is such that the wave and its reflection about the wave coordinate axis are superimposable (symmetric):

The second type of symmetry is such that the wave and its reflection are not superimposable (antisymmetric):

An asymmetric waveform is shown below for comparison purposes:

Wave-Like Particles (the de Broglie Wavelength)

The idea that particles have wave-like properties was developed by de Broglie. Planck had shown in 1900 that electromagnetic radiation was emitted and absorbed in discrete quanta having energy proportional to the frequency of the radiation . Einstein showed in 1905 that the energy of a particle is , where m is the particle's relativistic mass.

Combining these two expressions yields the relationship between a photon's momentum and frequency (or wavelength):

That is, electromagnetic radiation has particle-like characteristics (momentum) in addition to its wave-like characteristics (wavelength, diffraction). In 1924 de Broglie suggested that matter also had this dual nature and proposed that a wavelength can be associated with the momentum of any particle, not just photons:

As a particle's momentum becomes large (i.e. due to its mass), becomes undetectably small.

It is useful to express in terms of energy:

Schrodinger's Equation for a One-Electron Atom

The connection between classical waves and de Broglie's particle waves was made by Schrodinger. The classical three-dimensional wave equation is:

where is the Laplacian operator () and is the wavefunction describing the displacement at any point along the wave.

Schrodinger substituted the de Broglie wavelength for to adapt the classical wave equation to particle waves. The Schrodinger equation is given by:

This equation can be rearranged in a series of algebraic steps to a more convenient form:

H is called the Hamiltonian operator.

Substituting H into Schrodinger's equation leads to:

is called an eigenfunction and E an eigenvalue.

Schrodinger's Equation for a Multi-Electron Atom

The Hamiltonian for an atom with k electrons is given by:

The Schrodinger equation for a multi-electron atom can be solved numerically, although Velectron-electron cannot be included as an explicit term in the Hamiltonian. Rather, its effect on can be accounted for by a mathematically simpler approach: that each electron interacts with an average of the nucleus + all other electrons (self-consistent field approximation).

The Schrodinger Equation for a Molecule

The Hamiltonian for a molecule with N atoms and k electrons is given by:

Note that Tnucleus is omitted. This (Born-Oppenheimer) approximation considers the nuclei to be stationary relative to the electron motions. Since the positions of the nuclei are fixed during the calculations, Vnucleus-nucleus is typically treated as a constant.

Just as for multi-electron atoms, approximate molecular wavefunctions (molecular spin orbitals) can be created using a set of one-electron wavefunctions.

The major differences between the various molecular orbital calculation methods pertains to their consideration (or lack of consideration) of electron correlation.

Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Methods

Semiempirical approximations involve the neglect of three- and four-center integrals arising in the J and K terms of the Hartree-Fock equation. For molecules with large numbers of electrons, evaluation of these integrals can be computationally impractical. Experimentally determined parameters (or in some cases, parameters determined from ab initio calculations on model systems) are used to compensate for the missing integrals. Such parameters are obtained from measured or calculated ionization potentials, electron affinities, and spectroscopic quantities.

A number of approximate (semiempirical) HF methods have been developed to simplify these integrals. Further information about the semiempirical methods can be obtained in reviews by Zerner and Stewart.

Useful Results From Molecular Orbital Calculations

A number of quantities are obtained from molecular orbital calculations, including:

  1. Molecular orbital energies, , and coefficients .

  2. Total electronic energy, Eelec, calculated from the sum of the Coulomb integrals () and the molecular orbital energies for all molecular orbitals in a molecule.

  3. Total nuclear repulsion energy Vnucleus-nucleus.

  4. Total energy, Etot, calculated from Eelec + Vnucleus-nucleus.

  5. Heat of Formation, calculated from Etot - Eisolated atoms. The heat of formation is used for evaluating conformational energies.

  6. Partial atomic charges, q, calculated from the molecular orbital coefficients using methods such as Mulliken population analysis, or using electrostatic potential fitting methods (Wendy Cornell, UCSF).

  7. Electrostatic potential.

  8. Dipole moment.