function lidar_plot_narsto(fname) % Language: MatLab 6.5 (version 13) and 5.3 (version 12) % This code has been tested on PCs running Windows XP, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. % Point of Contact: If there are questions about using the JHU_LIDAR_MATLab_plot.m program, please contact: % Mariana Adam % The Johns Hopkins University % Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering % Baltimore, MD 21218 % U.S.A % phone: 410-516-4483 % email: % Important Data Quality Note: % Due to an error in the LIDAR system’s telemetry data acquisition software (discovered later on) the range values as % written in the TDA files (line 13) are wrong. % After corrections to the software and calculations, we found out that in order to get the right range we need a % correction factor (linear multiplication). This correction factor is 1.25. So, in order to properly use the TDA data (to % make profile color plots or other computations desired by the user), the actual range is multiplied with the factor % of 1.25. For example, instead of 0, 3, 6, 9 ...4490.89 m we have actually 0, 3.75, 7.5, 11.25 ...5613.6 m. % This correction is supplied in this Matlab script. See below. % We mention that that correction was done in the case of the Mixing Height data file % (NARSTO_EPA_SS_BALTIMORE_LIDAR_MIX_HGT_20010522_20020814_V1.csv). We specify that all the existing plots have the wrong range % (vertical axis). When looking at the plots remember to multiply the vertical axis by a factor of 1.25. To use the right % Mixing Height plots, please use the data file supplied for the Mixing Height (which has correction applied already) and % do the plots again. In order to use the right profile color plots of the aerosol backscatter, please run the Matlab % script supplied to plot them again. We apologize for inconvenience, but it was not our fault. The lidar was delivered % with the software when we bought it. Unfortunately it contained this error which effected the telemetry. % e.g. fname: write in Command Window: fname='c:\lidar\LIDARPON020704018.TDA' % then write: lidar_plot_narsto(fname) % 'lidar_plot_narsto' lidar plotting routine % % 'lidar_plot_narsto(fname)' reads input file designated by fname and plots data om appropriate axis % % 'fname' is a file name string. This file comes directly from the lidar computer and had not been transformed % in any way % % 'lidar_plot_narsto' does the following % -read data from file designated by 'fname' % -subtract the backgroung radiation % -perform range correction % -perform some data smoothing with a binning level % -plots the data % -creates a .jpg image from the plot % % no output arguments are defined % read the data fid = fopen(fname,'r'); % open the file specified by fname scantype=fgets(fid); % read the comment line for the type of scan (Ist line) z=length(scantype); ftype=scantype(3:z); % take off the * in the line header crap = fgets(fid); % blind read (IInd line) crap = fgets(fid); % blind read (IIIrd line) datetime=fgets(fid) ; % read line containing the date and time (IVth line) z=length(datetime); ftime=datetime(z-9:z-2); % get the time string hh:mm:ss fdate=datetime(z-20:z-16); % get the date string mm/dd fdate=[fdate '/2002']; % get the date string in mm/dd/yyyy site=fgets(fid); % reads Vth line fsite = site(19:length(site)); % get the experiment site string for i=6:13 crap=fgets(fid); % reads lines 6-13 end range=str2num(crap(11:length(crap))); % delete the place holder (-9999.99) at the beg. of 13th line % APPLY CORRECTION: MULTIPLY WITH CORRECTION FACTOR 1.25 range=range*1.25; nsteps = length(range); % find the # of range increments (in vertical) all=fscanf(fid, '%f'); % read the rest of the data file fclose(fid); % close the input file ntimes = length(all)/(nsteps+1); % find the # of time increments hold = reshape(all,nsteps+1,ntimes); % rewrite the lidar file in a matrix form times = hold(1,:); % pull out the time-step info lidardat = hold(2:nsteps+1,1:ntimes); % pull out the back scatter info clear hold all crap; % clear memory of large unused variables fprintf(' file read \n'); % % PLOT ROW SIGNAL P % figure % plot(range,lidardat) denoise=1 % note: in order to get better results, we have changed the initial % de-noising procedure, replacing sym8 level 1 with db10 level 3 if denoise == 1 [thr,sorh,keepapp] = ddencmp('den','wv',lidardat); % de-noise all LOS at once with db10 at level 3 (see Wavelets) xd = wdencmp('gbl',lidardat,'db10',3,thr,sorh,keepapp); lidardat=xd; end % determine the index of incomplete overlap overlap = 300; % for now hard set it at 450m [c,place] = min(abs(range-overlap)); fprintf(' incomplete overlap determined \n'); % perform the background subtraction % this background subtraction portion calculates the mean of the last 50 data points % in each line of sight, then finds mean and standard deviation of this quantity. % Lines of sight that have a mean 1.5*stddev away from the grand mean have the grand mean % subtracted. Otherwise, the line of sight has it's own background radiation subtracted. % note: for better results, we replaced the initial background range % (nsteps-50:nsteps) with (nsteps-60:nsteps-10) to avoid the last bins % which sometimes show large values backrad = mean(lidardat(nsteps-60:nsteps-10,:));% the background rad for each line of sight % backrad=mean(lidardat(1499-50:1499,:)); % this is used when another background substraction is specified % other then the last 50 steps (eg when we have clouds across the last 50 steps) back = ones(nsteps,ntimes)*spdiags(backrad',0,ntimes,ntimes); %matrix of bacgrounnd % radiation that will be subtracted from each point lidardat = lidardat-back; % subtract the background radiation clear back backrad test mu % clear unused variables fprintf(' background subtracted \n'); % Perform the range correction lidardat = ((lidardat')*spdiags(range.^2',0,nsteps,nsteps))'; % range correction fprintf(' range correction complete \n'); hour=str2num(ftime(1:2)); minute=str2num(ftime(4:5)); second=str2num(ftime(7:8)); hrs_mins_secs=hour*60*60+minute*60+second; % writting the x axis corresponding to the time for i=1:length(times) ax_t(i)=datenum(0,0,0,0,0,hrs_mins_secs+times(i)); end ax_t; length(ax_t); length(times); % plot the results fprintf(' starting to plot this might take a couple of minutes \n'); figure pcolor(ax_t,range,lidardat); % make the pcolor plot datetick('x',15)%,'keepticks','keeplimits') shading interp; % attractive shading axis([ax_t(1) ax_t(end) 375 range(end)]) % initial was 400 instead of 375 ylabel('z [m]'); % plot annotation xlabel('time (EST)'); caxis([1E7 3E8]); % change the color scale when necesary colorbar z=length(fname); title_str = strcat(fname(z-20:z-4),' - starttime:',ftime); title(title_str); webname=[fname(1:z-21) fname(z-20:z-4)]; print(gco, '-djpeg85', '-r75', webname); % saveas(gcf,webname,'fig') % this is for saving as .fig file (matlab plot) fprintf(' web image created \n');