;+ ; PROJECT: ; SDAC ; NAME: ; Aluminum ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure computes the correction factor for BATSE count rate attenuation due to an ; oblique angle through the Al entrance window. ; ; CATEGORY: ; BATSE ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ALUMINUM, Cos_zenang, Correction ; ; CALLS: ; none ; ; INPUTS: ; Cos_zenang: cosine of the angle between detector axis and Sun ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; none ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Correction: To compensate for decrease in rate with increasing angle ; due to increased absorption, the observed rate is divided by "Correction" ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; KEYWORDS: ; none ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Interpolates on a pre-determined table for a power-law of 4 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Version 1, ras, 1991 ; Version 2, ras, 1996, documentation added ; ;- pro aluminum, cos_zenang, correction ;return the aluminum correction factor as a function of angle ;the cosine of the zenith angle dependence has already been removed ;The correction factor is returned as a 4 element vector. ;These factors have been computed for a power-law of 4 with ;these edges: ; ; 23.0000 57.0000 ; 57.0000 115.000 ; 115.000 310.000 ; 310.000 2000.00 ; ang = [0.,18.19,25.84,31.79,36.87,41.41,45.57,49.46,53.13,56.63,60.] corr = reform([1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000, $ 0.980078, 1.00236, 1.01219, 1.04000, $ 0.959945, 1.00459, 1.02428, 1.07767, $ 0.918787, 0.994695, 1.02723, 1.11875, $ 0.859851, 0.970751, 1.01715, 1.15791, $ 0.791347, 0.942840, 1.00629, 1.20141, $ 0.715697, 0.907824, 0.988454, 1.24331, $ 0.636383, 0.866618, 0.964055, 1.27733, $ 0.560160, 0.830950, 0.947251, 1.31729, $ 0.491289, 0.791721, 0.922256, 1.37093, $ 0.435114, 0.755767, 0.896818, 1.41187], 4,11) correction = fltarr(4) for i=0,3 do correction(i)= interpol(corr(i,*),cos(ang/!radeg),cos_zenang) ; end