ISR11 Scientific Report No. ISR-11 Information Storage and Retrieval S0CCER - A Concordance Program chapter Guy E. Hochgesang Harvard University Gerard Salton Use, reproduction, or publication, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. 111-16 for a density of 800 bpi), the timing of the sort and merge passes, and the output tape unit. In the FAP calling sequence to S[OCRerr]CTR, all arguments must be symbolic (i.e., they must be the address of a location containing the actual argument). In addition, all actual arguments are F[OCRerr]RTRAN integers unless otherwise specified. The calling sequence is: TSX [OCRerr]SMERSH,[OCRerr] entry to sort a BCD tape; use SPECTR for a binary tape; TSX ITEM,O number of words per item + sign for core dump on - sign for suppress dump; TSX IREC,O number of words per input record; TSX [OCRerr] number of words per output record; TSX P,Q - 0 for no padding of short output records - 1 for padding of short output records TSX PAD,O 6 Hollerith padding characters (if P = 0, then PAD = 0); TSX [OCRerr]BDER,O order of merge; TSX SMRTAP,O logical number of input tape + sign to ignore input tape after use - sign to re[OCRerr].nd input tape after use; TSX FILES,O number of input files + sign for all files on same reel - sign for each file on separate reel; TSX Sll,O number of first tape in first set of scratch tapes; TSX .[OCRerr]l2,O number of second tape in first set of scratch tapes; etc. for remaining tapes in first set; TSX S21,O number of first tape in second set of scratch tapes; TSX S22,O number of second tape in second set of scratch tapes; etc. for remaining tapes in second set; TSX KEYS,O number of keys on which to sort; TSX PK[OCRerr][OCRerr]l,O position relative to beginning of item of leftmost character of first key; TSX LKEYl,O number of characters in first key; TSX FKEY2,O same as PKEYl for second key; TSX LKEY2,O same as LICEYl for second key; etc. for remaining keys; TSX [OCRerr]TAP,O output tape number (will equal 0 if an error occurs).