;+ ; NAME: ; PRTHDR ; PURPOSE: ; Interprets data in array a as an IPD file label. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; prthdr, ARRAY ; FUNCTIONS/PROCEDURES: ; FORSUB,I4VAL ; INPUTS: ; ARRAY byte array ; OUTPUTS: ; Output to terminal screen only ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ;- pro PRTHDR, A,dayn,year,msod,label=label,quiet=quiet TMDY = intarr(7) RECN = i2val(A(2:3)) ;calculate record number if A(1) eq 0 and RECN eq 0 then begin YEAR = i4val(A(4:7)) ;calculate year number DAYN = i4val(A(8:11)) ;calculate day number in year DECOM = i2val(A(60:61)) ;decom run number REEL = i2val(A(62:63)) ;reel number NMAJF = i4val(A(64:67)) ;number of major frames in current file N_IPD_F = i4val(A(116:119)) if not keyword_set(quiet) then $ print,"$(' LABEL: File # ',I2,' Data Type ',I2,' Rec # ',I5,' Year ',I4, ' Day ',I4,' NMajF ',I4)", $ A(0:1),RECN,YEAR,DAYN,NMAJF label=1 endif else begin DS79 = i2val(A(4:5)) ;calculate days since 1/1/79 MSOD = i4val(A(8:11)) ;calculate milliseconds of day MSOD = (DS79-1)*86400L+MSOD/1000L if not keyword_set(quiet) then $ print, "$(' DATA BLK: File # ',I2,' Data Type ',I2,' Rec # ',I5,' Time ',A)",A(0:1),RECN,atime(MSOD) label=0 endelse return & end