Conversation with at 2005-10-03 18:03:40 on (jabber)

(18:03:40) mgarrity [] entered the room.
(18:03:40) smeehan [] entered the room.
(18:03:40) efishman [] entered the room.
(18:03:40) sgatz [] entered the room.
(18:03:40) lhouf [] entered the room.
(18:03:40) smcnicho [] entered the room.
(18:03:40) aturkot [] entered the room.
(17:40:23) efishman: away
(17:43:55) efishman: back
(17:44:15) smeehan: Hello
(17:44:27) efishman: hi
(17:44:38) smeehan: Wow, you are early!
(17:44:53) efishman: my nature
(17:46:33) bfolan: I've been logged in for a while. I just wanted to make sure it worked.
(17:47:40) efishman: hi , this is ellen- who are you bfolan ?
(17:48:23) bfolan: I was in Stephen's class. I was with Megan, Rachel, and SUe
(17:49:41) bfolan: Were you in our class?
(17:49:44) efishman: So was I-you were from that school near the airport ?
(17:49:51) bfolan: Yes
(17:50:15) bfolan: We are doing the pollution unit
(17:50:41) efishman: I was by myself near the door to the eating area. I am doing the weather unit
(17:50:41) bfolan: What project was yours. It will be easier to remember you maybe. It's been a while
(17:54:22) aturkot: hello all
(17:54:27) bfolan: hello
(17:54:31) smeehan: Hello we seem to be the early room:)
(17:55:08) bfolan: Does that mean we get out early? hahaha
(17:55:27) efishman: Hello to all
(17:55:43) smeehan: Did you all check the chat schedule to see which room you are starting in today?
(17:55:53) bfolan: yes
(17:56:07) smeehan: Barb I think you are in room linc2 with sharon
(17:56:07) aturkot: yes... we are in 2 today correct?
(17:56:17) smeehan: that ia correct Amy
(17:56:21) bfolan: no we are in linc 4 right
(17:56:53) smeehan: Barb are you are in 4 during the second half with me.
(17:57:04) bfolan: ok
(17:57:15) bfolan: i looked at the schedule for last week
(17:57:17) smeehan: Ellen you start in linc3
(17:57:31) efishman: okay, bye
(17:57:41) smeehan: See you later Barb, don't forget to leave this room.
(17:57:46) smeehan: Bye Ellen
(17:57:58) bfolan: I'm going to 2
(17:58:03) efishman: I would leave if I knew how
(18:01:28) mgarrity: I am here. Hope everyone is well.
(18:02:16) smeehan: Hello everyone how are you all?
(18:02:40) mgarrity: good, but busy with the beginning of the year
(18:02:59) aturkot: going well busy with the new year also and it was really like a Monday today
(18:03:13) lhouf: hello everyone! It was a Monday today!
(18:04:08) smeehan: Well, it looks like everyone is here so lets get started.
(18:04:27) smeehan: Lets do a quick round of introductions...
(18:04:31) smeehan: I will start.
(18:04:42) smeehan: My name is Stephen Meehan...
(18:05:10) smeehan: I am a Tech. Integration Specialits in Naperville 203
(18:05:32) aturkot: My name is Amy Turkot...
(18:05:40) aturkot: I am a 1st grade teacher in Bartlett
(18:05:48) smcnicho: I am Sue McNichols, and I teach 8th grade Science in Burbank.
(18:05:50) smeehan: I work work with elementary schools primarily and taught with Sharon Gatz fo many years
(18:06:17) smeehan: Lets have Amy finish up
(18:06:30) smeehan: Then Sue
(18:06:54) aturkot: this is my 7th year teaching and all 7 years I have taught 1st grade
(18:07:05) aturkot: do you want us to mention our projects?
(18:07:07) smeehan: Amy tell us something about your project
(18:07:39) aturkot: it is abouty communites around the world and how they compare to the community of bartlett..
(18:08:06) aturkot: it has changed since this summer because of the dynamics of my class
(18:08:50) smeehan: okay, Sue
(18:09:47) smeehan: Sue do you want to go next
(18:09:51) smcnicho: I have been teaching 7 & 8th grades for 16 years and I thought this type of class would bring me up to date on new ideas...
(18:10:40) smcnicho: I am very concerned about the drought conditions this summer and I thought of a project theat would let the kids research the potential problems
(18:11:12) smeehan: Anything else Sue?
(18:11:30) smcnicho: Some might even come up with positives about having such a dry summer.
(18:11:52) smeehan: Okay, Lynn will you share next?
(18:12:22) lhouf: Ok, I teach 3rd grade in Schiller Park...
(18:13:07) lhouf: This is my 4th year teaching, 2nd in 3rd grade and I wanted some new ideas for older kids since I was more familiar with the little ones
(18:13:27) lhouf: My project ties into a unit I'll be starting soon about animal behavior
(18:13:49) lhouf: The class will be researching habitats and then choosing a class pet so that we can observe living things
(18:14:21) smeehan: Thanks, Megan will you share now?
(18:14:28) mgarrity: I teach 5th grade in Schilller Park. I looped up with my kids, and it has been VERY beneficial. We will begin our project next week. The entire 5th grade will be studying pollution, and our project will be the catalyst.
(18:14:58) mgarrity: The teachers are pretty excited about the project!
(18:15:08) smeehan: You were working ahead:). Do you have anything else?
(18:15:37) mgarrity: I don't think so..... If I don't work ahead, I will SURELY fall behind!!!
(18:15:46) smeehan: Okay then...
(18:16:04) smeehan: First let me thank you all for remebering the... as our sign...
(18:16:16) smeehan: That we still have the floor....
(18:16:31) smeehan: I will try to remember that myself, sometimes I forget also...
(18:16:47) smeehan: In addition if you have a pressing question...
(18:17:25) smeehan: just go ahead and type in a single ? we will try to make room for it there and know you are waiting to get in on the conversation.
(18:17:35) smeehan: Any questions yet?
(18:17:43) smcnicho: no
(18:17:45) smeehan: Please type yes or no
(18:17:49) aturkot: no
(18:17:53) mgarrity: NO
(18:18:27) smeehan: This yes or no is compersome but it is a great way to keep us moving...
(18:18:40) lhouf: no
(18:19:06) smeehan: Lets take a quick look over the website. Do you all have a browser open?
(18:19:10) lhouf: yes
(18:19:15) mgarrity: yes
(18:19:20) smcnicho: yes
(18:19:23) smeehan: Open one so that you can see the chat window and the browser.
(18:19:50) smeehan: You guys are getting the hang of this.
(18:20:20) smcnicho: ?
(18:20:42) smeehan: Sue?
(18:21:10) smcnicho: How do I move the webpage over so I can see the whole thing?
(18:21:30) smeehan: You mean to see the entire webpage?
(18:21:38) smcnicho: yes
(18:22:07) smcnicho: right now it is behind the chat box
(18:22:24) smeehan: Okay the three buttons on the top...
(18:22:58) smeehan: of the browser, one minimizes to the task bar, the middle shrinks and lets you change the window size
(18:23:05) smeehan: Have you tried that?
(18:23:43) smcnicho: got it. thanks.
(18:23:55) smeehan: great:)
(18:24:02) smeehan: Now lets go here
(18:24:04) smeehan:
(18:24:37) smeehan: How can this page help you navigate the class?
(18:24:43) smeehan: anyone jump in
(18:24:54) aturkot: lists the assignments
(18:25:06) mgarrity: well, it offers us many resources to gain information
(18:25:22) aturkot: the chat schedule so we know where to go and at what time
(18:25:30) lhouf: it can answer lots of questions in between chats
(18:25:45) smeehan: Thanks everyone
(18:25:53) aturkot: offers resources for us to go to for help
(18:26:10) mgarrity: it will help to keep us organized.
(18:26:59) mgarrity: sorry, "thanks" must mean we are on a new topic
(18:27:06) smeehan: The two big areas as have already been mentioned are the chat and assignment pages
(18:27:21) smeehan: no Megan you are fine
(18:27:48) smeehan: We will send out emails but generally you can stay on top of what is
(18:27:58) smeehan: happening by going here.
(18:28:10) smeehan: Is anything missing that would help you?
(18:28:26) mgarrity: I don't think so
(18:28:44) aturkot: I don't think so either
(18:28:50) smcnicho: I'm not the most computer savvy person...How do I get the ...
(18:29:02) lhouf: I think it's good
(18:29:30) smcnicho: student pages that I worked on during the class that I saved?
(18:30:02) smeehan: That is a good question we can get to that soon, is that okay?
(18:30:22) smcnicho: Yes. I'm sorry, can you excuse me for 2 minutes?
(18:30:28) smeehan: yes
(18:30:46) spiltave [] entered the room.
(18:30:59) mgarrity: Hi Sue
(18:31:00) smeehan: Click on the chat schedule at the top of the page
(18:31:29) smeehan: Sue P hello
(18:31:45) smeehan: Sue M I tink is supposed to be in room linc3
(18:31:59) smeehan: No..
(18:32:05) smeehan: That is not right
(18:32:52) smeehan: Sue M is supposed to be here Sue P you are supposed to be in room 2 maybe.
(18:33:03) smeehan: Oh well it doesn't really matter
(18:33:13) smeehan: Okay, back on track
(18:33:21) smeehan: Look at the chat schedule
(18:33:33) smeehan: You can see the room and who you will be working with
(18:33:41) spiltave: I just got off the phone with Laura. If 4 is not right, I can leave. It is that kind of day.
(18:33:50) smeehan: As a general rule the facilitators will not change rooms but you will.
(18:34:03) smeehan: Stay here Sue P. Thanks
(18:34:42) smeehan: After the chats we will post the conversations on this page so that you can go back and re-read anything that you might have missed or forgotten.
(18:34:53) smeehan: Okay, any ?'s
(18:34:57) aturkot: no
(18:35:02) smcnicho: no
(18:35:06) mgarrity: not yet
(18:35:13) lhouf: no
(18:35:18) smeehan: Geat
(18:35:28) smeehan: lets go back to the home page.
(18:35:29) smeehan:
(18:35:50) smeehan: sorry for the poor typing:(
(18:36:04) smeehan: Is everyone back at the home page?
(18:36:08) spiltave: yes
(18:36:13) aturkot: yes
(18:36:18) smcnicho: yes
(18:36:21) mgarrity: yes
(18:36:25) lhouf: yes
(18:36:48) smeehan: When you get there scroll donw so that you can see the links under the Organization heading
(18:37:09) smeehan: Please click on end products
(18:37:41) smeehan: Take a minute to skim through this page, let me know when you have finished.
(18:38:12) mgarrity: where is the "organization" heading?
(18:38:38) spiltave: I'm done.
(18:38:41) aturkot: done
(18:39:19) smeehan: Megan it is on the home page
(18:39:26) smeehan: scroll down
(18:39:42) smeehan: Megan do you see it?
(18:40:02) mgarrity: Yes, thanks
(18:40:05) smcnicho: done
(18:40:10) lhouf: I'm finished
(18:40:14) smeehan: good;)
(18:40:51) mgarrity: done
(18:40:56) smeehan: This page does a good job of really laying out your responsibilities for the class.
(18:40:58) mgarrity: done
(18:41:23) smeehan: Can some one summarize?
(18:41:38) smcnicho: I can
(18:41:44) smeehan: Go ahead sue
(18:42:01) smcnicho: It seems to me that teachers do this sort of thing all the time...
(18:42:36) smcnicho: Coming up with ideas to keep kids interested and taking down notes for future use.
(18:43:03) smeehan: Okay, anyone else?
(18:43:08) spiltave: Reflective practice is big at our school.
(18:43:30) smeehan: That is cool, often people don't have that time.
(18:44:01) smeehan: You both are right on target...
(18:44:18) smeehan: This part of the class is all about deliveringing your project...
(18:44:30) smeehan: to students and being thoughtful and reflective...
(18:44:44) smeehan: In addition you play a role collaboratively...
(18:45:03) spiltave: I'm concerned about the form of the future action plan.
(18:45:04) smeehan: by reflecting coaching and encouraging the other participants in the course.
(18:45:27) smeehan: okay sue go ahead what is your question.
(18:46:11) spiltave: what are the expectations? What form will it be in? What should it look like?
(18:46:50) smeehan: I took this link from the homepage, but lets use it now to look over the expectations.
(18:47:06) smeehan: please click here to see the page. Let me know when you are there
(18:47:37) aturkot: I'm there
(18:47:43) lhouf: I'm looking
(18:47:44) smeehan: Thanks Amy
(18:48:16) spiltave: i'M THERE.
(18:48:30) smcnicho: I'm there
(18:48:32) smeehan: u have it?
(18:48:57) smeehan: That should read Lynn, Megan do you have it?
(18:49:18) lhouf: yep
(18:50:01) smeehan: Your future action plan is going to look very similar to the implementaion plan but of course with your revisions.
(18:50:11) smeehan: Sue does that help at all?
(18:50:38) mgarrity: for some reason, I can't access the web page from the bolded sites you've potsed. I'll take a minute to pull it up from the home page.
(18:51:00) spiltave: So using our relections, we will make changes and keep what worked.
(18:51:27) aturkot: so this would be a "work in progress" ...
(18:51:43) smeehan: Essetially that is correct. Some areas of you plan may see many changes and others maybe not so much.
(18:51:50) aturkot: and we could build on what worked and them modigy it for later use?
(18:51:57) smeehan: yep
(18:52:24) spiltave: That sounds doable.
(18:52:26) mgarrity: i'm clear. thank you.
(18:52:55) lhouf: got it
(18:52:57) smeehan: Okay. actually I would like a few more minues to discuss this but we will be changing rooms in just a minute....
(18:53:14) smeehan: I will let you know when you should move to the room for the second part...
(18:53:50) smeehan: don't go until I give you the word, because otherwise you will be dropping in on another conversation.
(18:54:35) jschwarz [] entered the room.
(18:54:38) efishman left the room.
(18:54:40) smeehan: Whe you do leave please be sure to close the room linc4 by clicking on the littel x at the top.
(18:55:16) spiltave left the room.
(18:55:44) efishman [] entered the room.
(18:56:05) smeehan: Check which room you should be in for the second part. See you later, you may switch now.
(18:56:07) spiltave [] entered the room.
(18:56:11) mgarrity left the room.
(18:56:16) lhouf left the room.
(18:56:19) aturkot left the room.
(18:56:19) smcnicho left the room.
(18:56:20) jschwarz: hi
(18:56:26) smeehan: Justine hello
(18:57:08) efishman: back again
(18:57:10) smeehan: We will wait for megan to return
(18:57:17) smeehan: and Barb to join us
(18:58:28) mgarrity [] entered the room.
(18:58:37) bfolan [] entered the room.
(18:58:41) spiltave: hi, Megan
(19:00:49) smeehan: Thanks that took me a minute or two:-P
(19:01:12) smeehan: This is our core group from the summer. welcome back...
(19:01:32) smeehan: Any questions from the first session before we move on?
(19:01:34) bfolan: Thanks:)
(19:01:36) spiltave: It still feels like summer with these temps. I love it!
(19:01:49) efishman: no
(19:01:52) spiltave: no, i'm good
(19:01:54) jschwarz: no
(19:01:56) bfolan: no
(19:01:56) mgarrity: no
(19:02:02) smeehan: Super...
(19:02:28) smeehan: Lets hear from everyone, when do you plan to start your project?
(19:02:37) bfolan: Next week
(19:02:41) mgarrity: Next week
(19:02:45) efishman: Week of oCt-17th
(19:02:50) jschwarz: two weeks from today
(19:03:12) spiltave: Later this week or early next week. We are doing testing using the computers as well as 6 week common assessments which will put us back a bit.
(19:03:13) smeehan: Okay thanks,
(19:03:18) smeehan: As you saw...
(19:03:46) smeehan: a big part of this class is the revision and the other big part is the reflections you write...
(19:04:11) smeehan: lets go back to the home page in the browser.
(19:04:17) smeehan: Let me know when you are there
(19:04:29) jschwarz: there
(19:04:30) spiltave: ok
(19:04:35) efishman: there
(19:04:38) bfolan: there Megan will be right back
(19:05:19) smeehan: Next click on the assignments link and scroll down to Oct 3rd
(19:05:26) smeehan: are you there?
(19:05:38) spiltave: yes
(19:05:40) efishman: okay
(19:05:45) bfolan: yes
(19:05:48) jschwarz: yes
(19:06:15) mgarrity: yes
(19:06:34) smeehan: Click on the Project reflection journal link, Take the time to read it,
(19:06:44) smeehan: Let me know when you are doen.
(19:06:59) efishman: i read then before class
(19:07:04) bfolan: si did I
(19:07:13) bfolan: so did I
(19:07:13) smeehan: Great
(19:07:20) mgarrity: i read it before also
(19:07:29) spiltave: i'm good
(19:07:45) smeehan: Does anyone have any questions?
(19:07:45) jschwarz: i printed them out at school
(19:07:53) mgarrity: no
(19:08:07) bfolan: no we talked about it in the other session
(19:08:35) efishman: yes, I was surprised by the lack of revision. Did they do that after ?
(19:09:04) smeehan: Do you understand that we would like you to make an entry every day you work on the project with students?
(19:09:13) jschwarz: yes
(19:09:18) mgarrity: yes
(19:09:20) spiltave: yes
(19:09:29) bfolan: yes
(19:09:33) efishman: si
(19:10:08) smeehan: We list many questions for the beginnng days but your project will most likely go on for more days than we have listed.
(19:10:39) smeehan: The thing is we need to have thoughtful and descriptive journals...
(19:10:59) smeehan: These journals will be more helpful to you when you work to revise the project.
(19:11:12) mgarrity: true
(19:11:21) bfolan: yes
(19:11:30) efishman: got it
(19:11:36) jschwarz: ok
(19:11:38) smeehan: Lets click back to the examples found on the assignmnet page. Let me know when you are there.
(19:11:39) spiltave: okay
(19:11:54) bfolan: ok
(19:12:28) sgatz left the room.
(19:12:32) jschwarz: ok
(19:12:56) smeehan: Click on the candiate example
(19:13:17) sgatz [] entered the room.
(19:13:19) smeehan: have you seen this one already?
(19:13:29) bfolan: yes
(19:13:35) jschwarz: yes
(19:13:39) mgarrity: yes
(19:14:16) spiltave: yes
(19:14:19) smeehan: What are the strengths of this journal?
(19:14:32) smeehan: Please jump in
(19:14:44) jschwarz: there are positive and negative comments
(19:15:02) bfolan: She's honest about mistakes she has made and how she would revise
(19:15:10) mgarrity: It allows us to reflect honestly
(19:15:57) smeehan: What are the weaknesses ?
(19:16:40) bfolan: SHe says the second part is more creative...
(19:17:02) bfolan: she could go into more detail. Also, the hook should make it immediately interesting
(19:17:04) efishman: I would have liked the students to designthe rubric- too much teacher direction
(19:17:24) jschwarz: yes, lots of IIII
(19:17:39) mgarrity: getting the students involved would help
(19:18:10) smeehan: Okay so we have some observations both on the reflections posted and the project design itself.
(19:18:20) smeehan: Here is your task...
(19:18:40) smeehan: Since the reflections are scored as one part of your grade we need to develop a rubric to use to score them.  Here is a chance for you to work ina group to create the rubric that will be used to score the Journal Reflections.
(19:18:58) smeehan: Be sure we are not scoring the project...
(19:19:10) smeehan: Just the Journal reflections....
(19:19:33) smeehan: These are different from regular class reflections we might have you post...
(19:20:06) smeehan: So I need you as a group to consider what the rubric to score these journal entries might be....
(19:20:28) spiltave: how elaborate?
(19:20:32) smeehan: Then send them to me and we facilitators will combine the ideas to form the rubric we will use
(19:20:46) efishman: Now ?
(19:21:00) smeehan: I would not personally want something too elaborate just compelete..
(19:21:08) smeehan: Yes lets do it now...
(19:21:18) smeehan: but any other questions before you begin?
(19:21:30) spiltave: no
(19:21:38) mgarrity: no
(19:21:39) bfolan: No
(19:21:42) jschwarz: no
(19:21:47) efishman: not yet:-!
(19:21:49) smeehan: Will some one volunteer to be the recorder?
(19:21:56) bfolan: We should add being reflective on the day
(19:22:11) bfolan: I''l record
(19:22:18) smeehan: Okay...
(19:22:31) spiltave: thanks, barb
(19:22:53) bfolan: you're welcome
(19:23:10) smeehan: Barb you can record the ideas and then send them to me, I will let you begin, if you have any questions please ask.
(19:23:14) smeehan: Good Luck
(19:23:29) jschwarz: ok where do we start
(19:23:34) bfolan: what should we include
(19:23:41) bfolan: in the rubric
(19:23:44) spiltave: what we want to be graded on
(19:24:04) bfolan: what about depth of relection
(19:24:04) efishman: Possible idea ? Audience had a strong visual of what went on
(19:24:30) bfolan: good one
(19:24:50) jschwarz: that we include + and - and what changes we could make
(19:24:56) bfolan: what about reflecting in a timely manner
(19:25:09) jschwarz: what is in a timely manner
(19:25:18) bfolan: sorry...
(19:25:19) efishman: bfolan- what would be the grading criteria for depth of reflection ?
(19:25:23) mgarrity: yes. both are necessary for it to be authentic.
(19:25:33) bfolan: that we relect each week when we actually do our project
(19:25:43) bfolan: each day imean
(19:25:55) mgarrity: that will be most useful
(19:26:08) spiltave: KISS
(19:26:20) jschwarz: i agree
(19:26:31) mgarrity: Kiss??????
(19:26:34) efishman: what is KISS
(19:26:49) jschwarz: keep it simle students
(19:26:57) jschwarz: i mean simple
(19:27:02) spiltave: Keep It Short and Simple
(19:27:16) bfolan: Maybe the depth could be ties to the visual
(19:27:27) bfolan: what else
(19:28:35) bfolan: what about the scale
(19:28:36) jschwarz: it has been a long week and it is only mondat, what do you mean depth could be tied to the visuals
(19:28:48) spiltave: What have we said so far...?
(19:29:10) spiltave: ...depth, visual, + and-
(19:29:23) bfolan: The depth of the reflection could be seen by how the audience can visualize our project
(19:29:32) jschwarz: thank you
(19:29:33) spiltave: I agree Barb
(19:29:37) mgarrity: makes sense
(19:30:15) spiltave: depth and Visual
(19:30:17) jschwarz: do we want to add info about changes we may make at that point in the project
(19:31:22) bfolan: That is one of the choices I think A< B,C or D
(19:31:50) mgarrity: Yes, I think we need to make changes as soon as we think of them.
(19:31:56) bfolan: That would be good
(19:32:22) bfolan: Maybe clearly reflects on necessary changes
(19:32:23) efishman: The refelctions show effort/ thought ?
(19:33:00) bfolan: is that depth?
(19:33:10) bfolan: What about doing assignements on time
(19:33:20) spiltave: I think many of these ideas are covered under depth
(19:33:58) efishman: Assignments on time are hard to gauge when we are all on a different time sequence- no ?
(19:34:19) spiltave: That is what I was forgetting before. We have so far depth/visual, +-, on time
(19:34:39) mgarrity: yes, that is all so far
(19:34:41) smeehan: Can I jump in, I think depth is also detail. What I mean is that examples of what works and why lends clarity. If the write is specific and clear, I think they demonstrate depth.
(19:34:42) bfolan: YEs but Something about reflecting each day...
(19:34:54) bfolan: that we use the project .
(19:35:49) jschwarz: so we have depth. what kind of scale
(19:35:58) bfolan: any thoughts
(19:36:30) bfolan: Do we want 4 or 5
(19:36:35) smeehan: 3
(19:36:38) bfolan: ok
(19:36:44) mgarrity: why 3?
(19:36:57) bfolan: Demonstartes no depth
(19:37:08) smeehan: I think this might be subjective so I want big targets to hit.
(19:37:11) bfolan: Demonstrates little depth in refelction
(19:37:18) bfolan: ok
(19:37:43) efishman: How about reflections show an understanding of engaged learning ?
(19:37:46) smeehan: Sorry, for sticking my nose in.:-[
(19:37:54) bfolan: don't be
(19:37:59) mgarrity: no. it's helpful
(19:38:07) smeehan: I like that statement Ellen.
(19:38:11) bfolan: I like that ellen
(19:39:09) bfolan: What about a scale...
(19:39:25) bfolan: No evidence, little evidence, evident
(19:39:25) spiltave: so Stephan are you saying not use depth, but detail?
(19:39:38) spiltave: I think the scale shoul be small 2 or 3
(19:39:45) mgarrity: that scale would work
(19:39:54) efishman: 3- works best for me
(19:39:56) jschwarz: i l;ike either
(19:40:01) bfolan: me too
(19:40:29) smeehan: Thinking of Ellens statement do you look for the writer to reflect on the various indicators of EL. For instance they explain what studenst task and role is, versus the teachers task and role. Or maybe how these roles have changed in the EL lesson design.
(19:41:02) bfolan: sure
(19:41:12) spiltave: sounds good
(19:41:13) efishman: Anything that shows they are reflecting- EL is a fluid process
(19:41:20) mgarrity: I agree
(19:41:21) smeehan: I am saying that I think I need something concrete to point to. I can underline each different detail in read but it might be hard to say this depth is deeper than this depth.
(19:41:50) mgarrity: is there a better way to do this?
(19:41:53) spiltave: oakay. I get it
(19:42:32) jschwarz: any ideas
(19:42:56) smeehan: I think you guys are doing a great job. I don't have a secret agenda, I am just throwing my two sents in. If Sharon sees me she will let me have it for interupting you all.:'(
(19:43:05) spiltave: I think what we have is okay they are going to refine
(19:43:13) bfolan: we won't tell
(19:43:23) efishman: If you look at candiddate's reflections she is off the mark about EL from the start - shouldn't she be told that - instead of more detail ?
(19:43:29) mgarrity: i will:-$
(19:43:57) smeehan: ellen, explain
(19:44:02) bfolan: you're right...
(19:44:18) bfolan: the refelctions don't need to be pages long just reflective
(19:44:42) spiltave: i agree barb
(19:44:52) jschwarz: what makes it reflective
(19:44:59) mgarrity: Yes, sometimes longer reflections lose their focus.
(19:45:16) bfolan: like Ellen said you have thought about...
(19:45:37) bfolan: engaged learning and tried to address it in the journals.
(19:46:00) spiltave: i think there has to be some "I's" or we are reflecting on our practice
(19:46:15) jschwarz: you guys are so good
(19:46:29) efishman: Some of her comments express exasperation at the students - that the students should do things without being taught. That is the role of a guide- a EL guide. We just don't sit back
(19:46:41) bfolan: amen
(19:47:26) smeehan: I agree you don't want to write for the sake of filling the plone. But it is 30% of the class grade so don't skimp either. I will as others will be commenting on your journals so you will get plenty of feedback. I think the bulk of which you will find helpful.;)
(19:47:46) bfolan: thank you
(19:48:17) smeehan: Barb, you are doing the write up of this rubric...
(19:48:32) smeehan: Are you clear in what you will put together?...
(19:48:40) smeehan: Any questions fo rthe group?
(19:48:43) bfolan: not really...
(19:48:48) spiltave: no
(19:48:53) bfolan: I thought i would include everyone's ideas
(19:49:00) smeehan: Great...
(19:49:01) mgarrity: thanks barb
(19:49:01) efishman: thanks barb:)
(19:49:08) spiltave: thanks
(19:49:08) jschwarz: thank you
(19:49:20) smeehan: Barb will you email that to us all through the class listserv/
(19:49:25) smeehan: okay?
(19:49:44) bfolan: everyone right not just in this room
(19:49:56) smeehan: That is correct.
(19:50:22) smeehan: Thanks Barb, we all appreciate you doing this.
(19:50:41) mgarrity: yes, we really do.
(19:50:58) smeehan: Okay, lets talk about your upcoming projects...
(19:51:04) smeehan: · Is everything in place and ready to go with your project?  Is there anything that you are concerned about or feel isn’t quite ready?  
(19:51:13) smeehan: Jump in
(19:51:17) bfolan: Should it be in rubric form or just be the details of what we talked about?
(19:51:19) spiltave: how do the kids acess the project?
(19:51:34) spiltave: access sorry
(19:51:38) smeehan: Okay, good question...
(19:51:51) mgarrity: we just need to make sure we have enough background info. to get them started
(19:52:15) smeehan: First just to be clear, your work can be given them online or in any fashion that makes sense.
(19:52:30) smeehan: Sue remind me did we post your to the server?
(19:53:09) spiltave: I thought so
(19:53:22) spiltave: I thought they all were
(19:53:28) bfolan: so did I
(19:53:57) smeehan: go back to the homepage and click on the web projects link
(19:54:17) smeehan: It is in the navigation bar towards the top of the page
(19:54:33) smeehan: Can you see your project title listed?
(19:54:47) spiltave: yes
(19:54:50) mgarrity: yes
(19:54:58) bfolan: Yes
(19:55:11) spiltave: Will I be able to access the homepage for the kids at school?
(19:55:17) smeehan: You can use the link or URL from any page that works best for yuo.
(19:55:25) smeehan: Yes you can...
(19:55:41) smeehan: do you have a district homepage that they will let you add links too?
(19:55:51) mgarrity: yes
(19:55:57) spiltave: oaky - Barb and Megan we'll be good to go
(19:56:02) bfolan: Good
(19:56:07) smeehan: It might be best, you decide if you want to add this link.
(19:56:22) bfolan: Goo I thought we'd have to retype
(19:56:27) efishman: no, my project is not there Stephen
(19:56:39) smeehan: :-X
(19:56:45) mgarrity: it would help other teachers at your school access the prject easily.
(19:57:17) spiltave: I'll put up the homepage site on our web page at school
(19:57:18) smeehan: Ellen I don't think you had pages for me to post there, did we place them somewhere else, were your word documents?
(19:57:29) bfolan: Can we make changes and then repost
(19:57:34) mgarrity: thanks sue
(19:57:34) efishman: I'm confused
(19:58:01) spiltave: Barb right now that question is for Stephan
(19:58:01) smeehan: Yes you can make changes, do you have the originals

(19:58:22) bfolan: original hard copy?
(19:58:27) bfolan: yes
(19:58:30) smeehan: Ellen, did you construct word or web pages during the summer?
(19:58:40) efishman: word
(19:58:50) spiltave: no barb electronic copy like an e-mail or a disc
(19:58:59) smeehan: Okay, Ellen, do you still have digital versions of these?
(19:59:17) bfolan: I can't remember
(19:59:41) efishman: I'm confused and tired I get back to you and let the rest of them offf the hook
(19:59:50) spiltave: i sent everything here, but that computer died on me. I don't know if I have stuff in e-mail
(19:59:54) smeehan: Barb, lets see how we can get you digital copies to edit.
(20:00:07) bfolan: If we don;t have Dreamweaver...
(20:00:15) bfolan: can we still edit it...
(20:00:16) smeehan: Okay ellen lets carry on this conversation via email.
(20:00:23) bfolan: Sue we can eit it at Lincoln
(20:00:29) efishman: :)-thanks
(20:00:36) smeehan: You don't need to have dreamweaver to make changes.
(20:00:49) bfolan: rock on:-D
(20:00:53) spiltave: Stephan, can't we use any Html program like home page or composer?
(20:00:58) smeehan: yep
(20:01:15) bfolan: can we get back to my other question about the rubric...
(20:01:22) spiltave: what
(20:01:26) bfolan: does it have to look like a rubric...
(20:01:38) bfolan: or just be a list of ideas we wish to include
(20:01:45) smeehan: but the big question is does anyone have the digital version, and if not who should I send these pages to?
(20:01:52) bfolan: when I e-mail it to you Stephen
(20:02:09) bfolan: Sue
(20:02:13) spiltave: staphan - email to Barb the digital versions
(20:02:28) efishman: Since we set no true standards- I say a list
(20:02:34) smeehan: Barb are you referring to the rubric we just worked on?
(20:02:38) bfolan: yes
(20:02:47) smeehan: Whatever is easiest.
(20:03:00) bfolan: thanks
(20:03:02) smeehan: it will be revised anyway
(20:03:07) bfolan: i figures
(20:03:11) bfolan: figured
(20:03:11) smeehan: when we combine them all
(20:03:24) smeehan: no offense:)
(20:03:44) bfolan: none taken:-P
(20:03:46) smeehan: It is great to work with a comfortable group.
(20:03:48) spiltave: Stephan you can email barb digital version of her prject
(20:04:08) bfolan: I want to start making some changes ...
(20:04:18) smeehan: Okay barb I will send the pages to you in email, I will send all of the content
(20:04:26) bfolan: because we just got our new science materials ...
(20:04:44) bfolan: remember we didn't know what the series would look like
(20:04:56) smeehan: I do remember!
(20:05:00) bfolan: thank you stephen
(20:05:11) smeehan: Okay,...
(20:05:14) mgarrity: it looks like things match up well, regardless
(20:05:35) bfolan: yes and the other teachers seem to like the idea\
(20:05:37) smeehan: Other than web pages what still needs to be done, have you spoken to critical people in your buildings?
(20:05:50) bfolan: yes, Kitch is getting us ...
(20:06:05) bfolan: a letter from the Mayor which will be used as the hook
(20:06:21) bfolan: Our principal is also very supportive...
(20:06:24) efishman: just started to
(20:07:01) jschwarz: am working on setting up times for the last month
(20:07:23) bfolan: Like sue said we are done testing...
(20:07:34) bfolan: in the computer lab so we can start next week.
(20:07:54) spiltave: i think we are all set
(20:08:10) smeehan: In your implementation plan you made a list of people and times to get tasks completed. If your like me you haven't looked this over in a while. But this would be a good time to do so.
(20:08:25) mgarrity: we will this week
(20:08:36) spiltave: yeas
(20:08:37) bfolan: good idea8-)
(20:08:43) efishman: si
(20:08:57) mgarrity: :-P
(20:09:04) jschwarz: made a copy of all materials for all involved just working on setting up times to get feedback
(20:09:12) spiltave: i'm beat
(20:09:14) smeehan: Homework:  Read the articles about assessment:  · The Absence Of Assessment For Learning afl/Stiggins-AssessmentCrisis.pdf ·

(20:09:28) smeehan: Sorry that got away from me
(20:09:56) smeehan: We do have homework which is to read two articles, and post some reflections on them in the plone.
(20:10:14) smeehan: The articles are very good, although not that new.
(20:10:15) jschwarz: ok
(20:10:15) jschwarz: ok
(20:10:22) mgarrity: okay:-$:-X:-D
(20:10:26) spiltave: ok
(20:10:49) smeehan: Also, one fature of the class is to have you help direct the conversations...
(20:10:50) bfolan: ok
(20:11:09) mgarrity: i need to work on that
(20:11:13) smeehan: So we need you to let us know what topics you would like us to plan and prepare for.
(20:11:35) spiltave: i'll have more ideas once we start implementation
(20:11:35) mgarrity: ok
(20:11:36) smeehan: It might be tech -webpage stuff or EL topics like hooks and rubrics
(20:11:47) bfolan: ok
(20:11:56) efishman: yes captain:-D
(20:12:08) smeehan: Okay. Please look at the hompage and assignment schedule to stay on top of everything.
(20:12:18) smeehan: and thank you all for a great first class.
(20:12:29) spiltave: talk to you next week THANKS
(20:12:34) bfolan: :-Pon my birthday
(20:12:39) mgarrity: thank you. you are easy to work with
(20:12:51) smeehan: Thanks and have a good evening;)
(20:12:52) spiltave left the room.
(20:12:54) mgarrity left the room.
(20:12:57) jschwarz: thanks. you are all great to work with
(20:13:02) smeehan: bye justine
(20:13:03) jschwarz: bye
(20:13:07) bfolan: see you all
(20:13:08) jschwarz left the room.
(20:13:10) bfolan left the room.
(20:13:14) efishman: ;) -your enthusiasm is nice to work with Stephen
(20:13:18) smeehan: bye barb thanks for doing the rubric
(20:13:33) smeehan: Great comment Ellen thank you
(20:13:39) smeehan: Cooments
(20:13:46) efishman left the room.
(20:13:55) smeehan: I hope you know what I am trying to say:)
(20:43:17) smeehan left the room.
(20:43:18) sgatz left the room.